Chapter 14

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Levy P.O.V

I looked around the guild grounds, trying to pinpoint the scent that made my stomach turn. It wasn't hard to find, seeing as he was right inside the gates. I quietly back to the bed with the sleeping exceeds and shook them awake. " Theo, Lily. I need you guys to go get help." Theo groaned sleepily while Lily jumped to attention. " What is it Levy?" He asked worried. " Zeref is here. I can't fight him alone, but I can hold him off." Now Theo was on his feet.

" Levy you can't face home alone!" I smiled at my exceed and pat his head. " I can't just let him be. With him here, all of Magnolia is in danger. I won't do anything too stupid while your gone. I'm not him." I giggled as I pointed to Gajeels bed without looking. " Heard that..." my head snapped up at his voice and I hurried to his bed. Theo and Lily flew beside me as I gently took his hand. He cracked open his crimson eyes and smirked slightly at me. " Hey Shrimp..." I pouted slightly. " Rude first thing when you wake up..." I shook my head and he chuckled weakly. " Now what was that about me being stupid?" He asked as he tried to sit up but I pushed him back down.

" Zeref is outside and I'm gonna hold him off. The boys are going for help." I gave them a pointed look and they flew off. Gajeel gripped my hand, "Shrimp dont, it's too dangerous." I snorted. " I'm a Fairy Tail dragon slayer, dangerous is kinda my thing." I said with a smirk but his face was serious and he ignored my pushing hand as he sat up. " I'm serious Levy. I can't fight by you... I cant lose you." He croaked out and my smirk softened into a smile and I kissed his forehead. " You won't lose me. Now, be a good dragon and wait for me." I said as I stood up.

I ignored his calls as I hurried to the window and jumped out. While I had talked to Gajeel, Zeref had made his way across the yard and I landed directly in front of him. " Your the one who took out Neve and Cain." He said, looking slightly bored. " I am. And your the one trying to take out our family. Nothing new though." I said with a shrug. I wanted to stall him as long as possible but he didn't seem to want to cooperate. " I was hoping it would be Natsu here, but you will do." I frowned as he held out his hands. I lashed out with my hand, sending a whip of water towards him. He lept back, just out of reach and began chanting quickly and quietly.

I could feel a large amount of magic coming from him, and I knew I couldn't let him cast his spell. " Water Dragons Roar!" The tunnel of water spiraled towards him but he didn't budge. He took one hand and simply split the water. I growled and cased my fists in water as I ran at him. He finished chanting and a powerful wave of magic hit me and i skidded to a halt. A large black magic circle formed under me and I gasped. " Levy!" I looked up at the sound of my name and my eyes landed on Tsundera as well as the others from Fairy Hills. The look on my mother's face was one I had never seen before, pure and utter terror.

I tried to move but my feet were glued to the magic circle. I growled and pulled out my light pen, hoping to break the magic. That was when I felt it. I felt like every nerve ending was slowly catching on fire. When I thought the burning couldn't get worse a new pain entered my body. I clutched my head as it felt like it was splitting and I couldn't help the scream that ripped through my throat. I fell to my knees, my body quaking as pain coursed through me. My skin felt like it was shifting and I pulled my hands away from my head to look at them, gasping wide eyed at what I saw. My hands were slowly shifting to claws, blue scales replacing my pale skin. I could feel my bones begin to crack, and as I screamed again, everything went black.

Tsundera P.O.V

As I ran towards the guild with the other women I couldn't help but feel fear build in my heart. Levy was a strong girl, but Zeref was a deadly adversary and she couldn't fight him alone. As we entered the gates and saw them, my heart plummeted. Levy was trapped in a black magic circle and I knew what was coming. " Levy!" I screamed and her eyes shot towards me. And then she screamed.

I broke into another run, trying to get to her as fast as I could, even though I knew it was too late. I could see her body shifting, her skin slowly becoming scales as another scream ripped from her throat. Her eyes glazed over as her bones cracked and her body grew, slowly but surely. Her face shifted and elongated into a muzzle, wings slowly forming out of her shoulder blades and a tail growing out of her back.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I screamed for my daughter, water forming in my hands as I launched at Zeref. Before I could reach him, a large blue tail flicked out and threw me across the ground. I flipped back up to my feet and stared in fear at the dragon, scales as blue as the sky, that now stood where once my Levy did. " Levy!" The girls behind me cried, I had almost forgotten about them. I bit down on my lip hard as I stared up at her, her hazel eyes glazed and glaring at us. She reared up and roared, her voice piercing the air before she let loose a tunnel of water.

I lifted my hands into the air and formed a wall of water to block the attack. " Snap out of it child!" I shouted but it was no use. I jumped back as her jaws snapped at me and I growled. "I'll hold her off." I shouted at the others as my formed shifted to match hers, towering over her slightly. We stared at each other for a long time before she roared in anger and charged at me. As i braced for the attack, there was one thing in the back of my mind. Metalicanna,  where are you?!

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