Babysitter to the God of Misc...

By asavagejoy

267K 9.9K 4.5K

BOOK ONE OF THE PROPHECY SERIES Dahlia is used to not being noticed, enjoying being invisible to those aroun... More

Little Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
* Sequel *

Chapter Eight

7.9K 310 83
By asavagejoy

~Loki's POV~

I'd spent the afternoon training some of the new guards, and by the time I finished I was dirty, sweat sticking my clothing to my skin, my hair plastered across my forehead. Dahlia was scrubbing the floors of my chambers when I returned, and I'd decided to wait for her to finish before asking to prepare my bath.

"Is it nearly ready?" I asked Dahlia, leaning around the door to watch as she continued to add oils to the water.

"In a moment, your highness." Her voice rung out, her head looking down to make sure it wouldn't be too full.

I was used to having maids. I'd been surrounded by them since I was a young boy, and I saw some of the older ones who'd helped raised me as extended family. Dahlia was different to the others, but I couldn't quite place how or why.

She was interesting, her Midgardian blood making her stick out compared to all other company at the palace. I found her stories captured my attention, though she rarely went into detail. After my brief time on Midgard I vowed I didn't want any connection to the realm, hoping to cut off ties to anything that associated with the terrors that plagued my nights. But instead of relieving those dark days when I was with Dahlia, I felt happier, my life a bit fuller.

A short, quick knock made me look up, and casting a look back to Dahlia who was perched on the edge of the bath, I walked over and opened the door. Fandral stood on the other side, and I watched as his hopeful smile faded into a line.

"Oh, Loki."

"Am I not who you were looking for?" I leant against the wall, arms crossed. Fandral blinked, then shook his head, although I did manage to catch his brief look over my shoulder.

"Actually, no. I was hoping I could see Dahlia." I straightened up, my jaw twitching involuntarily as I stared down at Fandral.


"I told you the other day, I was hoping to-"

"She's my maid." I spat. I could hear a faint noise coming from behind me, but I flicked my wrist, locking Dahlia in the room with a silencing spell on both sides of the door. I would rather she not hear this particular conversation.

"Loki, just let me see her." Fandral argued, kicking his heel against the floor in a tantrum as I stood my ground.

"She is tending to my needs, Fandral. Bed your own maid for all I care."

Fandral shook his head, trying to push against my shoulder. I don't know why he bothered, he must have known he wouldn't be able to get past me. "You know for a fact I don't want to just bed her Loki. I plan to-"

I shook my head. "I do not want to hear about what your wants, Fandral."

He stopped, sighing in resignation. As he stepped back he raised his hands, head bowed. "Loki, why are you so attached to her?"

I cocked an eyebrow, tilting my head. "Who said I was attached?"

Fandral eyed me, standing straighter as if to challenge me. "You are so... possessive. She's a maid, Loki, you said it yourself."

His words hit a nerve, a pain tightening in my chest as I looked down at him. Biting back what I knew would be guilt at what I was about to say, I opened my mouth. "She's my maid, therefore my possession. And what is it you see in her that makes you want to marry her? She's Midgardian, you do realise?"

His look of shock gave me enough time to turn around and slam the door in his face.

Pausing outside the door to Dahlia, I let my mind wander over Fandral's words. She was my maid, of course I was possessive of her. But it wasn't an attachment. I wasn't attached.

I flicked my wrist, removing the silencing spell and unlocking the door so I could have my bath.


~Dahlia's POV~

I heard Loki's voice rise, as if he were arguing with someone, before it fell silent. I stood up, approaching the door cautiously. I had seen Loki in moods before; the evening of my day off he had been angry, talking about Fandral at the market, but he'd been fine in the following days.

My hand reached the handle, but I hesitated. I couldn't hear anything through the door, though I took it as a warning to not enter what could be the middle of an argument.

Before I could decided whether to open the door or hide away and ignore the situation, the door swung open, and Loki marched straight into me. I stumbled back, my foot slipping on the damp floor.

I waited for the impact of hitting the ground, but a cold hand gripped my waist, another holding onto my upper arm. I blinked, staring up at Loki as he gently pulled me towards him, setting me back on my feet. "Are you okay, Dahlia?"

I nodded quickly, my hair flicking down to hide my face, and growing blush. "Yes, thank you, your highness."

He nodded, but his hands stayed on me. I felt a warmth through the material of the dress, but there was a chill in the air, and even though I didn't feel cold, I knew I could sense it.

I stayed still, not wanting to ruin whatever this moment was. I was his maid, I'm sure this was inappropriate behaviour, but I didn't want to step away. A part of me felt myself wanting to stay in his hold. My hands had found their way onto him, lightly resting against his armour. I could feel his breath across the top of my head, though I kept my eyes fixed on his chest.

After what felt like minutes, but was probably only a few seconds, his hands dropped back to his sides, his body stepping away from mine. I looked up at him, but his eyes were now focused on the bath to the side of the room. I bowed my head, moving to step around him, towards his chambers. He let me go, the door closing softly behind me.

I thought quickly through my list of tasks for the day. I'd cleaned Loki's floors before I made his bath, leaving only a small handful of jobs left to be done. I gathered the dishes he'd eaten his dinner from, and left them on the table next to the door ready to take down to the kitchens, when I heard footsteps pacing the corridor outside.

I paused, then took a few soft steps closer to the door, trying to hear what was happening. As much as I had tried to act as a good maid, I couldn't help myself from trying to figure out who it was. Whilst on Earth I was quiet, trying to draw little attention to myself, but I had a tendency to be nosey, watching events from afar.

I shook my head, trying to push thoughts of home out of my head. There was no point in worrying over it now, and it wasn't like I had anybody there missing me anyway.

But as I made to walk back towards Loki's main chambers, and neaten his bed before he was ready to sleep, a sound at the door stopped me. Three knocks, then silence.

I stopped, twisting back as I considered opening it. Pulling a face, I decided it was probably in my interest to do so - when Loki was in the rooms with me I would have to answer it.

I made back towards the door, pulling it open. Loki had taught me to only open it halfway, in case there were 'unsavoury' guests on the other side, so I made sure to follow his instruction, and stood in the gap between the door and wall.

To my surprise, Fandral was on the other side, his blonde hair looking ruffled, his long fingers tapping anxiously against his leg.

"My lord?" My voice pulled his eyes out of a faraway look, and he flicked them down to me, a smile on his face as he studied me.

"Dahlia, I was hoping to speak with you."

"Oh?" I stared at him as I tried to imagine what he could possibly want to discuss with me.

"I have spoken to the Allfather, and he has accepted my proposal!" Fandral beamed, his happiness clearly evident as his eyes shone.

I smiled politely, feeling happy for him. I know we hadn't gotten of to a good start, when he'd drunkenly flirted, followed by sober flirting, but he seemed smitten with this woman. And as long as he was happy with her, then I could be happy for him. "That's great news, my lord."

Fandral nodded, surprising me by clasping my hand and raising it to his lips. As they brushed over my knuckles, he spoke. "He is to announce it in the next few days. I'm so pleased."

"It is wonderful, my lord. I am -"

"Dahlia?" I heard a door open from inside Loki's chambers, followed by his voice. When I turned to look back at him, I was met with a darkening glare, his gaze flicking over my head to Fandral.

"Your highness, Fandral was-"

"Just leaving." I turned back as Fandral threaded his fingers through mine, squeezing them gently before he stepped away, bowing his head to me.

I stood, confused, as I watched him walk down the corridor. Why was he so intent on sharing his love life with me? Maybe Thor and Loki hadn't shown him much support in his pursuit of this woman, and he'd chosen me to confide in.

I was dragged out of my thoughts as Loki's hand pushed the door shut, his body dangerously close behind me. I twisted around, and pulled my eyes up, trying to stop them from lingering on his bare chest, which was covered in small drops of water that he had missed when drying himself.

"What did he want?" He hadn't moved from his position, but I couldn't move any further away, my back pushed against the door.

I shook my head. "More news about the woman he wanted to marry, your highness."

I watched as Loki rolled his eyes, lifting his hand that was still planted behind me, to his side as he walked away. "He needs to forget about her."

I stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved any more than I was already. Hopefully Odin will announce this engagement soon, so I wouldn't have to worry about any more potential surprise visits from Fandral.

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