By bts_thelovesofmylife

1.9K 90 24

BtsXreader She knows she's different she can feel it in her blood and veins coursing through her body like a... More

Disturbance pt2
Double trouble
Make up
Pain pt2
Catch up
Home pt2
Leaving one man behind


10 1 0
By bts_thelovesofmylife

It hurt really bad. The stitches you felt all four of them. "Okay done" Namjoon wrapped you up "finally" you breathe out  he chuckles. "Can you get up your yourself?" Namjoon held you by your elbow "I'll try" he helped you up "yep I got this" you walked slowly but you walked "I'm gonna go tot the living room thanks you Joon" "Okay,your welcome" he smiles at you and his dimples show "cute" you poked them and he blushed hard.

"Okay move over or I'll sit in you" you where Infront on the couch waiting for yoongi and Jimin to make some room "ugh crippled people think they-" "you little rat move over" you threaten Jimin with your hand he laughed "thanks you" you lean skittle on yoongi shoulder "how are you?" He asked as he watched the tv,you turn to face him and his gaze was diverted on the tv "I-I'll live" you stare at him,he turns his face toward you liking his bottom lip slowly "that's good" he stares at into your eyes "y-yeah Namjoon did a good job" you pat your stomach softly he put his hand on your lower thigh "I-" "I'm coming in hot blowing out snot,WATCH OUT" Jungkook was running toward the couch and jumping "DUCK!" He yelled, and we did well I could barely  "I beat you!" He was panting and Teahyung was beside him "shut up juts by a little" "wel atleats I'm not making dinner" Jungkook walks to the couch "what the hell is wrong with you!?" Yoongi got up "what?" "Useless I'm telling you" yoongi walked away bumping into Jungkook a shoulder "what his problem?" Jungkook shrugged and sat next to you his arm around your neck "hey!" He was full of energy his eyes where glowing his aura was everywhere "hey someone's a little hyper today huh?" He looked at you and cocked his eyebrow "what do you mean" he stared at you scanning your face "well I-I uhh,well firstly I just got stitches and your doing parkour in the living room it's 5 in the morning we haven't slept at all I mean why-" he puts his hand over your mouth "you talk to much,I got the point kitten" he smirks at you.

You move his hand and don't say anything and face the tv "hey!that doesn't mean you don't talk to me" he puts his face on your cheek,you do t say anything and keep watching the tv "I'll kid you right here right know don't test me kitten" he grabs your chin, you still didn't budge even with Jimin sitting next to you with headphones on Teahyung trying to cook something to eat. "Really y/n? You want to go their ?" He grabs your face and turns it toward him "fine be that way" he leans in softly with his lips attached to yours.

"I-never mind" you heard Teahyung in the back and you just smiled you could feel Jungkooks smile too. He pulled back laughing his forehead on mine. "That was funny" "she speaks!" You roll your eyes at him "I'm gonna speak with yoongi I'll be back" you pat his thigh and left.

"Yoongi?" You went I to his room no one, "yoongi?" You said louder " I'm in the studio" you heard from a dour that had ast that had a cat with middle fingers on it "can I come in?" You stood at the door "yeah" you opened it "what are you doing" you held you hands together swinging your body slowly "nothing it's a hobby I do" he points at his computer "nice" he turns to you "do you need anything?" He puts his Honda in his chin "nope" you climb into his lap sitting on top of him "y/n are you okay" he wraps his hand around you waist "peachy,I just missed you a lot" you start to kiss his neck "really couldn't tell" he said in a deep tone, you start to move your hips over him. "Don't start something you can't finish princess". All of a sudden a weird feeling in your gut "wait something not right" you stopped and closed your eyes and listened "what is it?" You opened your eyes "outside.  A lot of people outside" you got up and he followed you.

You cane into the living room and went towards the window. "Oh my god" you pulled yoongi "holy shit, JUNGKOOK LOCK DOWN right know don't ask,Jimin weapons tea.....what the hell, get hyung up here" everyone does as they're told.

"What is it?" Namjoon walks in followers Jin and Hoseok "look" you moved over "what the hell.whio are they? DUCKK!" Namjoon grabbed me and pulled me to the ground a loud bang sounded in the room. A bullet pierced through the window "so they're not friendly" "Jungkook did you lock down the damm house!" Jungkook was no where "IT WONT BUDGE I THINK THE THEY CUT THE POWER TO THE PROTECTION LINE!" He yelled from down stairs "shit,now what do we do?" Yoongi paced around the kitchen. It was silent.

"Hold on" Namjoon ran to who knows where "Okay we need a plan to wither fight or escape" he places blue prints of the house and some pieces of paper,pencils. "How many of them do you think they're outside?" Namjoon looked over to you,closing your eyes trying to focus on the bodies outside, "they're all over,maybe about 25-30" you opens them "oh man holy shit!" Jungkook came from downstairs hearing your words "yeah what he said" Jimin points to jungkook "we are doomed" you sat in a stool with your bread on the table "we have an underground tunnel leads to the school" Namjoon was sliding his finger on the blue prints "what if they know where it goes to?" Yoongi easier "that a risk we are going to have to take a-" "we have another one here it leads to park" Jungkook cut off Joon "true but it the same we don't know" "we should spilt up" Hoseok said "that's dangerous" Namjoon said "yes but they would think we left as one group it would trick them" Hoseok was right "Yeah that's smart" you added "how would we spilt up?" Yoongi asked " there's 8 so four and four" Hoseok pointed at me,Namjoon,yoongi and Jungkook and him,Jin,Jimin and Teahyung "that good,okay we should att take a backpack with stuff in it just Incase we don't come back here. Ever" "ever.?" You repeated "y/n, we don't know if they gonna blow this joint up any second or after we might never come back here so yes ever" yoongi held your hand.  

We gonna have to leave? Forever? This is my home they are my home.

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