Trust Once Broken | SGA John...

By ssjmsjm

172K 7.9K 3.3K

Kai Zian's life was ruined by the Wraith. With nothing left she had given up hope of ever finding a life beyo... More

Author's Note


1.8K 72 16
By ssjmsjm

Happy Reading!


The next month was fairly quiet for Kai. Elizabeth had granted her permission to stay with a few stipulations. They were inconvenient, but Kai would have been willing to endure much worse to stay. She wasn't allowed into restricted areas without a senior staff member escorting her. She was to provide Doctor Beckett with samples so he could continue research on the evolution of the Lanteans. She wasn't allowed to be armed beyond her single knife. And perhaps her least favorite was that had to meet with their psychiatrist Doctor Heightmeyer once a week. The woman was nice, but she kept pushing Kai to discuss her past and her feelings. Neither were things Kai wanted to get into.

Kai was working down in the lab with Zelenka when his radio sounded. Kai was on the far side of the room and was making an effort not to listen in. She was finding the humans considered it rude when she answered questions before they asked her directly. She didn't try to eavesdrop it was just something she couldn't control. More than anything it was becoming an exercise in patience for her.

Zelenka walked across the lab to her, even though she would have heard him fine from where he was. "McKay requires some assistance on the current project he and AR-1 are working on," Zelenka told her.

Kai looked up from her laptop. "With what?"

"I'm not clear on all the details but it appears he has found a power source viable enough to dial home. He needs a hand modifying the DHD on the planet."

A small smirk crossed Kai's face. Zelenka was terrified to go off word but the Czech scientist would never admit it. "I would be happy to go off World," she said, closing down the program she was working on.

"I would go, but with McKay already off world-" Radek started to make excuses, but Kai stopped him.

"It would be nice to have a change of scenery," she said with a smile. "I'll be back soon!" she called over her shoulder as she headed down to the locker room to gear up.

McKay was waiting for her at the gate. There was a large pile of equipment resting near his feet and he was tapping his foot impatiently. He looked a little surprised when she stepped out of the hallway. "I thought Zelenka was coming," he said.

Kai glanced over her shoulder and shook her head. "He was in the middle of the project. I volunteered."

McKay sniffed in irritation but didn't argue the point. "Are you ready?" he asked impatiently.

Kai nodded, not letting the man's bluntness bother her. She found him to be arrogant, rude and incredibly insensitive. He bullied people and half the scientists in the lab were afraid of him while the other half loathed him. But he was the best at what he did. The man was a literal genius and she could recognize his social failings for what they were; insecurities.

Major Sheppard was standing off to the side of the gate. He wore his Atlantis uniform shirt casually, it was untucked and the sleeves were rolled up his forearms. Kai always found it interesting that he did that while everyone else adhered to a strict dress code. It was a small thing, but he worked to set himself apart from the other members of the military despite being the commanding officer. Part of her wondered if it was simply a force of habit.

"Excellent," McKay said sharply. "Did Zelenka give you a run down of the mission?"

Kai shook her head. "No, just that you were making changes to a gate that might enable you to contact your home world."

McKay sighed heavily. He never failed to show his disdain for Doctor Zelenka. Kai had often wondered if it was because he felt threatened by him.

"We are going to M5S-224. There is energy being generated in the atmosphere. Consistent energy readings around the gate are powering the wormholes. I believe there's enough to allow for a connection to earth. We are going to disassemble the DHD and reconfigure it for an eight chevron lock."

Kai nodded briskly and picked up three of the cases sitting beside the gate.

"Eight hundred and four years," Major Sheppard drawled lazily. He ran his eyes over Kai. She was dressed in black combat gear including the flak vest, though she had on her own black knee high boots. She wore her scarf wrapped around her head with a single loop coming down to hang loosely around her neck. She looked ready to fight except the only weapon she had was her own knife in her spine sheath. John scowled. McKay had his sidearm but he didn't like the idea of sending the two of them offworld with only one gun between them.

"What?" McKay asked in confusion.

John snapped himself from his train of thought and flashed a teasing smile. "Eight hundred and four years, that's how long it will take for me to come and rescue you both by puddle jumper if you break the gate."

It had occurred to Kai that there was a chance they could become stuck on the planet and she watched the moment of hesitation flash through Rodney's eyes. "Are there ah, extra power bars in there?" he asked gesturing towards the gear Kai was holding.

Sheppard smirked. "There's four days of rations in there, beyond that, you better hope there's something hiding in all that fog that Kai can kill for you both to eat."

"It isn't fog," McKay snapped impatiently, then he hesitated as though thinking over Sheppard's words. "You would come though right?" he asked weakly.

Sheppard snorted. "Of course," he promised sarcastically. Then he hesitated. "Hey Kai, how long do your people live again?"

Kai smiled. "Not that long."

"No rush then," he replied with a teasing smirk. "All right, you two kids have fun, no fighting," he said pointing a stern finger between the two of them. "Remember you manners and-"

"Got it," McKay snapped impatiently, turning away and heading towards the gate with Kai trailing behind.

John strode up the steps to where Elizabeth had been watching their playful exchange.

"Sending her offworld without a gun? I thought you liked her," John said sardonically as he leaned his hands against the top rail.

Elizabeth glanced over her shoulder at him. "It's not a question of liking John, it was the agreement."

"It's a dumb rule. You can't ask the girl to go offworld and then not give her a gun."

Elizabeth bristled. "I didn't ask her, Zelenka did. She agreed knowing the rules. And I will remind you, that girl, as you have pointed out, is a ninety year old 'Intergalactic Super Assassin'. And you personally cleared the planet as safe."

"So I did," John replied acerbically. He didn't like this one bit. It was an unnecessary risk and it put both McKay and Zian's lives on the line.

"She needs to earn our trust before I'm willing to give her back a gun," Elizabeth said calmly.

"What about us earning hers?" John challenged. "Sending her into a potentially dangerous situation unarmed is not a way to make friends," he said and he turned and stalked away.


Kai and McKay stepped through the gate. She began depositing the cases he needed to work near the DHD and immediately began setting up the work station. The DHD was on a raised stone platform flanked by rough stone pillars. The planet itself was dark, covered in thick mist. The only lights were from the gate and the flashlights each of them had. The light didn't reach far, and was muted by fog. There was no sound, only the hum of the energy passing into the gate. It was eerie for Kai to not be able to hear anything.

"Atlantis this is McKay, we're going to begin work on the DHD."

"You're sure about this Rodney?" Elizabeth asked, her voice fuzzy through the comm.

"Positive, the next time we contact you we'll be delivering the good news," he replied confidently.

"Good luck," Elizabeth said genuinely, though Kai could hear the waver of uncertainty in her voice.

"Back in time for supper," McKay promised and the connection closed, cutting them off from Atlantis.

"Right," McKay said, moving towards the control panel.

He looked over the stuff Kai had already prepared and though he didn't say it, she could tell he was impressed. "Let's get started."

Kai adjusted the lantern they had brought so McKay's light wasn't interrupted.

"Th-thank you," McKay said in confusion, as though he hadn't expected her to be able to anticipate what he needed.

Kai nodded and when he pried open the control panel she was right there reaching to take it from him. Kai's eyes were on the horizon and she was tense. Strange that something as simple as the absence of sound could make her uneasy.

"There's nothing out there," McKay assured her, pulling out the crystals. He handed them to her and she placed them in a padded protective case.

"I hear nothing," she agreed.

"Is that...I mean must be strange," McKay said briskly. "For you, I mean. Carson said your hearing was conservatively ten percent better than ours."

Kai shrugged. "I don't know the difference. It's how all my people are, but I can normally hear so much, it's odd not to hear anything."

"I always wondered. Why didn't you just go home?" he asked.

"You could have asked in the interview," Kai pointed out.

"Everyone else would have thought it was insensitive," he said grunting as he pulled the control panel down where he could access it better.

Kai smiled and chuckled once. This was the part of McKay that Kai actually appreciated. He was completely unapologetic and there was no deceit in him. He wasn't trying to be insulting he just wanted an answer to his question.

"They would have killed me," she said simply even knowing her answer would make him uncomfortable. "Will you want to go home if given the opportunity?"

"Well, what I want is irrelevant," he continued to work as he spoke. "Atlantis can't afford to lose me. I'm their foremost expert in gate theory, wormhole physics and a myriad of other sciences too numerous to mention, but too important to ignore. On the otherhand if anyone is going it should be someone who commands the respect of the SGC and yet has the patience, knowledge and determination to bring them up to speed and find a way to bring the cavalry back here."

"So you're invaluable everywhere?" Kai deadpanned.

McKay froze for a moment, his head cocked to the side as he tried to figure out if Kai had really made a joke. She could literally see the moment when he disregarded the thought and snapped back to work and talking. "Of course it will create a void if I go. But you could all rest assured to know that I'll be on the other side, spearheading the return with reinforcements, fresh supplies and Big Macs for all."

"What's a Big Mac?" Kai asked curiously.

"It's a-" McKay stopped. "Never mind," he said turning back to his work.


It took them several hours to make the modifications. When they were done they called Atlantis and Major Sheppard and Weir appeared half an hour later both in full gear. Kai and Rodney were sitting on one of the pillars eating power bars.

"Rodney," Weir said with a smile. "Congratulations."

"Let's just see if it works first," he said with a confident smile as he made his way to the DHD.

Kai rolled her eyes and shoved herself to her feet.

Major Sheppard stepped towards her, his eyes on the mist. "Everything good here?" he asked.

She nodded dusting her hands off on her pants. "No problems."

"So," McKay asked. "Are we ready?"

"What's there to be ready for?" Sheppard asked frowning at McKay.

"Well, this is sort of a big moment and I thought we haven't been in contact for some time-" McKay started rambling.

"We're ready," Sheppard interrupted his tirade.

"Go ahead," Weir agreed.

The hum of power was almost overwhelming in Kai's ears after so much silence. She frowned and reached up flinching as a sharp pain exploded across her temples and she staggered sideways. Sheppard reached out, catching her arm so she wouldn't fall. When they touched there was what felt like a hard nudge in Kai's mind. Just like all those weeks ago in the cafeteria.

"You okay?" John asked, frowning down at her in confusion.

In the next second the pain was gone and Kai was standing straight once more facing the gate as it connected.

"I'm-I'm fine," Kai said shaking her head. "I don't know what that was."

John was still scowling as he slowly let go of her arm.

The others hadn't seemed to notice the moment and Kai glanced self consciously towards the Major. That was the second time since coming to Atlantis she had felt a push. She reached up and cupped her forehead. Away from her people it shouldn't be possible.

"Stargate Command, this is Doctor Elizabeth Weir of the Atlantis Expedition. Do you read?" There was no response. "I repeat, this is Doctor Weir. Come in, please."

The voice that came through their radios was warbled and staticy. "This is Sergeant Harriman of Stargate Command. Whoever you are, this better not be a joke."

McKay was chuckling behind them and Elizabeth smiled. "No joke Sergeant. I'm sending my personal IDC for confirmation."

There was a pause as the information was relayed. "Sorry about that Doctor Weir," the same voice came back, more respectful this time. "We are just a little surprised to be hearing from you."

"Understandable," Weir agreed.

"The Iris is open, you're clear to come through."

"Thanks, but we're not ready to risk a one-way trip."

"You don't understand Doctor. Things have changed around here. The Asgard in the process of fitting the Prometheus with engines capable of reaching other galaxies. We were manning a mission to find out what happened to you."

"Is he serious?" McKay asked frowning.

"Are you serious?" Weir repeated.

"Yes ma'am. Come through now, and you could be back in Pegasus inside a month."

"Well," McKay said, making it clear the new information changed everything. "Who's going?"


It was the fastest military briefing John had ever given, especially given how much information he and Kai ended up covering. He was glad she had come through. He had been hesitant, considering the potential details of her past and the militaries response to that. But as they had discussed on the planet, Kai knew more about the Wraith and Pegasus Galaxy than anyone.

Halfway through the briefing Kai was dismissed to be looked over in the med labs here so she could be cleared to leave the compound. John finished the briefing alone and when it was done General Hammond was out of the door before he had even gotten up out of his chair.

"Ah, General Sir!" Sheppard called, jogging after General Hammond before he could get on the elevator.

Hammond reached out and held the doors for the elevator.

"Thank you sir," Sheppard said, nodding respectfully.

"Major Sheppard," he replied curtly.

"I'm surprised the briefing went as quickly as it did," John said.

"You were very thorough Major."

"Thank you, sir," John said nodding proudly. He was not always used to receiving compliments from his superior officers and there was something strange about it.

"I thought by now you'd be enjoying some well-deserved R and R," Hammond said conversationally.

John frowned. "I was just going to arrange some transportation, sir."

"Consider it taken care of Major, anywhere you'd like."

John was blown away. "That's...very generous."

"You've done your country a great service, son. You deserve it."

John nodded slowly. "Thank you sir," he said feeling a little uncomfortable with the Generals overt display of approval.

The elevator doors opened and John walked towards the infirmary. He pushed open the door and saw Kai sitting on a table with her back to him. She had removed the flak vest and had her scarf draped over her shoulders.

"Well Doc, how's our patient doing?" Sheppard asked in a low voice, knowing Kai would be able to hear him.

"We're all done Major," the Doctor replied looking down at her clipboard. "She's free to go."

"Excellent," John said. He stepped up to the bed. "Ready to get out of this place?"

"They are letting me leave the base?" Kai asked in surprise, glancing back towards the two doctors who had been examining her in confusion.

"That's the word," John said with a pleased smirk, then he hesitated thoughtfully for a moment. Kai had only been in the infirmary for less than an hour. Even Beckett's exam on Atlantis had taken longer and he had access to the Ancient's more advanced scanners.

He shrugged, shaking it off. He wasn't a doctor. "I was just setting up our ride. Ready to see earth?" he asked, excitedly.

Kai stood and reached for the vest.

John reached out to stop her and his hand closed over her wrist. Kai looked down at the contact in surprise and he quickly pulled back. "Ah, you won't need that," he assured her. "Let's go." He paused and cocked his head to the side as he regarded her outfit. It wasn't necessarily wrong, but she wouldn't completely fit in either.

"So where are we going?"

"Well, if we're going to be here a while we should start by getting you a new outfit."

"So we're going to a market?" Kai asked in confusion as the two of them walked through the base together.

"Something like that," John replied with a smirk.

They climbed into the car together and headed off towards a mall. The two of them got out and moved through the crowds of people. Kai was tense, seeming unhappy to be surrounded by so many strangers. John however scowled as he stared at them. There was something off about the crowd, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Maybe it had just been too long since he was in a group of this size. It had happened to him before when he came back from two consecutive tours in Afghanistan. It was sort of reverse culture shock.

He took Kai into the first women's clothing store available. Kai looked over the items and picked out a pair of black leather pants, and a blue button up shirt that was unbuttoned at the neck, hugged her curves and made her normally grey colored eyes look ice blue. Seeing Kai dressed like a human was a shock, he tore his gaze away from her to watch the crowds.

John led her towards the food court. "Here," he said. "You gotta try this." He bought them both Chili dogs and soda and the two of them sat together at a table and ate.

"Thank you Major, for sharing this with me," she said formally. "I didn't anticipate leaving the base."

John nodded. "Well, since you agreed to come along, the least I can do is show you the sights."

The two ate in comfortable silence as Kai watched the other shoppers pass them curiously, but the Major seemed to grow more agitated with each passing minute. When she was finished Kai wiped her mouth clean with a napkin and laid her hands down on the table.

"Is there something wrong Major?" she asked curiously. She wondered briefly if she had committed some kind of societal faux pas that made him uncomfortable. She straightened her shirt self-consciously. The woman in the store had assured her the clothing choices were good ones.

John shook his head. Trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. "Let's get out of here," he said and the two of them walked easily through the crowds back to the front door of the mall where their driver was waiting for them in the black lincoln towncar.

"You seem uneasy," Kai observed as the two of them climbed into the car.

"Eh, its nothing," John promised. "Have you ever heard of Culture Shock?" he asked after a few more minutes.

"Yes, it's a phrase Doctor Heightmeyer is fond of."

"Well, it's common for soldiers returning from the front. I just haven't felt it since my first tour." He shook his head. "Guess it's to be expected after living in another galaxy..."

Kai nodded slowly as she stared out of the window at all the cars going by. "Do you think-" she started to ask but stopped herself.

"What?" John asked.

"If the Wraith had never come to the Pegasus Galaxy, I wonder if more civilizations like this would have grown."

John nodded. "I'm starting to wonder about a few things myself."

"Like what?" Kai asked her tension rising to match the uneasiness she was picking up from the Major.

"Nothing feels wrong to you?" he asked curiously.

Kai went very still, straining her senses. She could hear nothing beyond the inside of the car.

"I don't mean one thing...I mean everything."

"I don't understand," Kai said looking back out the window. "But," she conceded. "This isn't my world."

"You mean country," John said meaningfully jerking his chin towards the driver.

"Right, country," Kai agreed.

John nodded thoughtfully. "Excuse me," he called to the driver. "Ah, could you take us to the Green Moss Park area?"

"Sure thing," the driver agreed automatically.

Kai turned a questioning look to the Major.

John's face was grim. "I think I'll have a better idea of what's bothering me once we get there..."


Hope you're enjoying the story!

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