Secret Team Undercover: Origi...

By ChristopherCapersJon

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Here are the origins of the two main characters along with new enemies and how it all came to be. More

The Preparations For The Final Battle
The Final Fight With The Dark Side
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 1
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 2
The Aftermath of the Battle
The Final Showdown For Freedom
The Return of Adam Part 1
The Return of Adam Part 2
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 1
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 1
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 3
Adam Strikes Back!
The Ultimate Enemy's Revelation!
Working Together, Part 1
Working Together, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 1
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 3

The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 2

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By ChristopherCapersJon

The fight continues with Christopher and E engaging in combat against Roudos who quickly gets back up onto his feet after they knocked him down with a sweep kick.

"I guess this is where these two little bugs will be dead before even they know it." Roudos said.

"The only thing I have to say in response is that you're just a giant if E and I are bugs," Christopher said, "therefore you will have an easy time crushing our bones."

"You're right so where should I start?" Roudos asked with an evil smile on his face.

"I have an idea on where you can start," Christopher said with an evil smile, "just start by surrendering to The Federal Organization."

"I think it's time to teach you two some manners." Roudos said.

Roudos charges angrily while slashing his sword at Christopher and E who both block the blade with ease before Christopher kicks Roudos in the stomach knocking him backwards before he starts charging angrily at him while Adam and Tara watch the fight from the sidelines while Tara sheathes her swords before walking behind Adam as they both sit down in the front row while Roudos starts punching and kicking at Christopher and E who both block the attacks easily with their blades.

"I know that you're going to be paying for that." Roudos said angrily.

"We'll see about that now won't we, Roudos?" Christopher asked with an evil smile on his face.

"Indeed we will and you two won't be leaving without a scratch." Roudos warned while drawing out his sword and charging angrily at the two spies while Christopher and E start punching and kicking Roudos in the face and stomach slowly weakening him in the fight.

"We can still win this fight and go after the next enemy mastermind if we're not fighting Adam and Tara again." Christopher said.

"I agree with that so if they try to fight us we can just have your teammates stop them." E said.

Christopher and E kick Roudos in the stomach while walking toward the enemy agent.

Christopher and E walk toward Roudos who smiles evilly at them while walking toward them without a single care in the world.

"I guess this is where we finally stop Roudos." Christopher said.

"I'll stop him at close range so you'll need your gun." E said.

"I've got this shit just keep punching and kicking while I attack from behind." Christopher said while Christopher runs and makes it to the windowsill from the room while E taunts Roudos and runs away from him causing him to give chase after her in anger.

"Come back here you piece of shit!" Roudos demanded while chasing after her as music plays in the background while Christopher shoots at Roudos above head while he looks behind him and gets the chance to block the attack with his weapon in sword form with the song "Mess With Roudos" finally beginning as Christopher blocks an incoming attack from Roudos' sword.

"Tall man of darkness,

a heart of stone,

needs no friends,

he'll work alone,

injurious badass in just one look you can tell,

this crazy man is a demon from Hell,

you can try to fight,

but you'll be in pain,

he'll leave your dead corpse in a puddle made from the rain,

you can beat him down until his power is no more,

but if you mess with Roudos you're on your knees for sure."

Christopher starts shooting at Roudos from behind while E kicks Roudos in the stomach and starts punching him in the stomach and the chest only for those attacks to do nothing to him before he kicks E in the stomach knocking her onto the floor on her back as she gets back up onto her feet and charges at Roudos who smiles evilly and starts kicking at E only for Christopher to distract him with a shot to his back.

"I'll be sure to shoot you down for that in a literal sense, Christopher Jones!" Roudos said angrily.

"Then why don't you fucking try, you ugly son of a bitch!" Christopher said while converting his weapon into sword form and blocking Roudos' sword.

"Here I fucking come for you two!" Roudos declared while charging against Christopher and E who both sidestep him before they kick him in the back knocking him onto the floor as he gets back up onto his feet and turns around to walk after them.

"In a minute this fight will be over." E said while Christopher holds his sword out in front of him.

Christopher shoots Roudos in the back as he lands on his feet as he uses his sword to soften his landing from the window.

While Roudos gets defeated again Adam and Tara show up at the scene preparing to fight the main protagonists as Adam realizes that he'll need weapons and calls for backup.

"Now you have to deal with us again." Tara declared while drawing out her swords.

"No problem." Christopher said while holding his sword out in front of him.

Tara starts slashing her swords at Christopher and E who both block the blades with ease while Adam gets up from the seats in the front row and walks out to join in the fight as he kicks Christopher in the stomach knocking him backwards as he slashes his sword at Adam who sends backup with guns trained on him.

"Seriously, Adam, you couldn't fight me yourself?" Christopher asked, annoyed.

"I only sent backup to help me kick your ass as they have weapons and you destroyed mine in our fight." Adam said coldly.

"Then I'll kick all of your asses in a rematch if that's what you wish." Christopher said with an evil smile on his face.

Adam charges at Christopher while punching at him only for his punches to be blocked with Christopher's sword blade as he slashes his sword at Adam who loses his balance and falls on his ass on the floor while seven Eclipse Cult agents out of the group charge forward and start shooting violently at him while he blocks all of the gunfire at him and slashes his sword at the first seven enemy agents while Tara kicks E in the stomach sending her flying into the wall getting his attention as he runs over to his injured teammate as he blocks Tara's swords with his own and manages to disarm her with a single swing after sparks are sent between the blades.

"How's that for a real fight against your past, Tara Ris?" Christopher asked while retaining an evil smile on his face which only infuriates Tara.

"I'll be the one to teach you and your friend some fucking manners!" Tara declared angrily while slashing her remaining sword at Christopher while she grabs her remaining weapon off of the floor and starts slashing them both at the pair who start kicking at Tara's swords blocking every single attack.

"I guess since Adam's too much of a fucking coward to fight the same person who had destroyed his weapons I guess that means I win." Christopher said with an evil smile flashing on his face.

"Not so fast, Christopher Jones." Adam said with an evil smile on his face.

"Well, look what Ravager's remains had dragged in." Christopher teased.

"Don't you fucking dare mention her name again you son of a bitch!" Adam demanded angrily.

"What's wrong, Adam," Christopher teased, "did your relationship end with her?"

"She's my next target after I kill you two during this fight!" Adam declared angrily.

As Adam says this he charges angrily at Christopher and punches at him only to be blocked by Christopher's forearms blocking all five of his punches much to his shock and anger as he starts kicking at Christopher while The Eclipse Cult shoots their guns at Christopher who smiles evilly and kicks three of the enemy agents in the stomach knocking them onto the floor which forces them to drop their weapons in the process while Tara converts her weapons into guns and shoots at E who evades all of the bullets before she kicks Tara in the stomach while punching her in the face knocking onto the floor temporarily as she gets back up and backflips in the air while kicking E in the face knocking her onto the floor while she gets back up onto her feet and starts punching Tara in the face while shooting her in the arm only to realize that she's wearing a bulletproof jacket before she starts laughing evilly.

"What the fuck is so funny?!" E asked angrily.

"Just the fact that I am trained to kill in several ways with knowledge of every move a fellow assassin will make." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" E asked in annoyance and anger.

"I'm saying that if you really thought that I'd be easily defeated by a puny assassin like yourself then you've still got a lot left to learn." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

"I strongly disagree with you overall, Tara." E said while running away from Tara's gunfire.

"Well, get used to my opinion as it is the only one aside from Adam's opinion that actually matters." Tara said.

"That's not what matters at all as your opinion doesn't matter to anyone at all!" E snapped angrily.

"I'll just have to teach you to respect those rightfully in charge of the other assassins in the world!" Tara declared angrily while slashing her swords at E who blocks the attacks as well.

E kicks Tara in the stomach while punching her in the face as Adam charges at E only to be stopped by Christopher who slashes his sword at him causing him to lose his balance while he kicks Adam in the stomach while he backflips away from Christopher's gunfire while he starts kicking at Christopher's gun only to have it block his kicks while The Eclipse Cult's agents are charging into the fight and Christopher starts shooting at all of them while he starts shooting angrily at them as the agents start shooting back at him while Cam and Rose continue their fight against Sakyo as Cam kicks Sakyo in the stomach while Rose punches him in the face knocking him onto the floor.

"I guess this is where the legend of Sakyo burns and fades into nonexistence like we said before." Rose said while slashing her sword at Sakyo before kicking Sakyo in the stomach while Cam flips Sakyo onto the floor.

"I guess this is where Adam and Tara are finally weakening even more." E said.

"I will be sure to put an end to Adam's team by the end of this fight!" Christopher declared while holding his sword up in front of himself in a defensive stance.

"I know that we can still work with this shit and win the fight to save The Federal Organization!" Christopher declared with an evil smile on his face.

Adam and Tara glare at the protagonists who smile evilly at them.

Meanwhile Donatello continues his influence on the other combatants with several agents shooting violently at him while the enemy mastermind walks toward them with his bo staff.

"I guess this is the team that was sent to turn me into The Federal Organization's custody." Donatello said calmly yet coldly.

"Yeah, so what?" an agent asked in annoyance.

"I'm not the one who should be worried about my life after this." Donatello said calmly yet coldly.

"Why's that," an agent asked angrily, "and who the fuck are you really?!"

"The reason is because of a fight that's about to take place and the second answer is that I'm the one who will be the last person you ever see in the next few moments before the end of your life." Donatello said.

Donatello unsheathes his weapon in sword form while spinning it around expertly while slashing his sword at the agents while the first agent that was talking to him gets stabbed through the heart swiftly causing his body to fall limp while he is left in a puddle of his own blood.

"Anyone else want to give fighting me a shot?" Donatello asked calmly.

"Fuck yes!" another agent said while taking out a gun from his holster while pointing it directly at Donatello.

Donatello sighs in annoyance and kicks the agents all onto the floor before they get back up onto their feet while he slashes his sword at them and converts it into its bo staff form before spinning his staff around to blocks gunfire while he charges at the agents and starts striking the weapons out of the agents' hands.

"I guess you really aren't aware of the fight that you and your teammates have gotten into with me." Donatello said.

"I know that our leader died due to his stupidity," an agent said annoyed, "so how the fuck do you think I feel?"

"Then I guess it was good for both of us that I killed him." Donatello said.

"What's going to happen now?" an agent asked.

"You're next." Donatello said calmly.

Donatello spins his bo staff around to block the agent's gunfire before he kicks the agent in the stomach while he kicks another agent in the stomach knocking him onto the floor as Donatello stabs the agent in the heart leaving him to die of blood loss as he is left in a puddle of his own blood while the other agents continue shooting at him only to miss every time as he then throws his sword at the leading agent's heart killing him instantly as he drops dead on the floor while Donatello walks calmly toward his weapon and removes the blade from the dead agent's heart as he then shakes the blood off causing it to slide off as if the sword was made of leather before he walks toward the next agent opposing him.

"Now, who the fuck is next to die?!" Donatello asked angrily while his voice is now filled with annoyance.

"I guess you haven't dealt with a commander or two, Donatello?!" a commander asked over a megaphone as Donatello starts to show no emotion.

"I guess you lot are commanders under Agent Whitman?!" Donatello asked.

"You guessed right then as our mission is to take you into custody." an agent said.

"Then you all will die alongside your friends in the afterlife." Donatello declared calmly.

"Then so fucking be it, but if I go down then I'm taking your ass to hell first!" the commander said.

"That remains to be seen, commander." Donatello said calmly while seeming unfazed.

"I will be sure to become a valued legendary spy in the fucking history books." the commander said.

Donatello unsheathes his weapon and converts it into its bo staff form while he spins it around and strikes the commander in the head knocking him out while stabbing the commander in the stomach with his weapon in sword form killing him immediately.

"I guess you're kind is always underestimating me." Donatello said while stabbing his sword into the floor as he pushes the button on his sword creating a sonic boom powerful enough to kill every single living agent in the room while he spins around three times and stabs all of the barely living agents in the room killing them in the process and ending the fight.

"That was so pathetic from The Federal Organization." Donatello said calmly while sounding irate as he says this.

Donatello starts walking away from the room after sheathing his sword into the sheath as he laughs evilly.

With Verdant and Ohnyxx engaging in combat against two agents who start shooting at the assassins.

"I can't get a shot on these pansies!" Verdant said angrily.

"Calm down and focus on one spot in the room onto aim an attack." Ohnyxx said while shooting at the agents while they block the bullets with ease before the agents shoot Ohnyxx in the shoulder causing her to slow her movements just enough to get her ass kicked by an agent who kicks Ohnyxx in the stomach knocking her onto the floor.

"I guess I have to help you out before these pansies fucking kill you." Verdant said.

Verdant leaps into action with her weapon in pugil stick form as she starts spinning her pugil stick around three times blocking bullets left and right as music plays in the background for the next song called "Time Frame".

"I guess you can say that I'm getting a partner,

I'm not tired of going solo,

I know that my partner gets injured now and then,

so it's time that I let you all know,

I'm done with this,

I'm going to run with this,

I know that with me in charge that you won't have fun with this,

I guess you will all call me crazy,

but honestly I don't even care,

I'm just in it for a good scare,

I honestly couldn't care at all if people stare,

I'm always there,

I'm everywhere,

I guess you can say that you all are now snared,

I'm stuck in the future in a time frame,

and there's no shame,

I'm glad you finally came I'm still trapped inside this time frame!"

Verdant starts kicking three agents in the stomach while backflipping away from them as she then lands in her feet and starts shooting them all dead on the spot as Verdant then rushes over to Ohnyxx's side while she helps her teammate up onto her feet.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" Verdant said while shooting at the agents killing them all in the process.

"I agree to that idea, Verdant." Ohnyxx said while clutching her shoulder.

"Stop them before they can escape!" an agent shouted angrily.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" Verdant shouted angrily.

"I know where we should go now." Ohnyxx said.

Verdant and Ohnyxx start walking away from the scene leaving the corpses behind in their own blood on the floor.

Back with Cam and Rose fighting against Belmondo, Kurenai and the rebels nearby while they start shooting at Belmondo.

"Where the fuck are you two cowardly girls?!" Belmondo asked angrily.

"We can't let him know where we are, Rose." Cam said angrily as Rose nods and converts her weapon into gun form as the pair both convert their weapons as music plays in the background for the song "Legalized".

"Time to now come out and play,

time to fight for life,

Get the team all ready because you're all going to fight and die,

I know what must be done and I can't ever lie,"

"You were saying something, Cam?" Rose asked as she starts shooting at Belmondo who laughs evilly before sending Kurenai in the fight against Cam and Rose.

"All the fighters are coming forth and trying to destroy us,

We better fight back and never make a fuss,

Ready to just drop down from the highest point,

it's too bad that your new recruits will no longer have their joints,

gotta think fast while you're all about to die,

gotta find away to get out of there in time,

When you get away never look back at them,

as you make your way out chaos will never be condemned!"

"And you said this would be hard to accomplish as Belmondo was coming after us specifically." Rose said.

"Get back here you fucking cowards!" Kurenai demanded angrily.

"Gotta come around and we better fight hard,

We better focus now and we'd better take charge,

We've gotta go let's run away from the yard,

Gotta turn around and put your family's lives on the line,

better watch out now as you're running out of time,

You better report the case if you're being terrorized,

I know that you'd better be the one to defeat these spies,

Gun and sword in hand, send them to the skies,

I know that you're all waiting for it as it's legalized."

Cam and Rose start kicking Kurenai in the stomach knocking him onto the floor as they then go after Belmondo who looks unfazed.

"Is that really all you've got, young ladies?" Belmondo asked with an evil smile on his face as he holds his sword out in front of himself.

"I guess you're going to go down after this fight to the finish." Cam said with a dark glare aimed at Belmondo.

Cam shoots Belmondo in the stomach while Rose knife-hands him in the back of the head while several rebels had appeared to shoot at them as the girls duck underneath the gunfire while kicking at the enemy agents' guns as Cam kicks three enemy agents in the stomach knocking them onto the floor while Rose starts kicking at Belmondo and several rebels in the room while the rebels start shooting at her only for her to use a spinning back kick at their stomachs knocking them onto the floor and defeating them while Belmomdo walks toward Rose and kicks her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor while Cam starts shooting at Belmondo who blocks the attacks before he charges at the girls who evade sword swings and kicks while kicking Belmondo in the stomach as Cam kicks Kurenai in the stomach while decking Kurenai in the face knocking him onto the floor.

"Are you guys done yet?" Cam asked in annoyance.

"Not even close, you little brats!" Belmondo snapped angrily.

"Then you had better start training more if you and your teammates ever survive prison." Cam said coolly.

Cam and Rose kick Belmondo and Kurenai in the stomach knocking them onto the floor defeating them as the girls attempt to arrest them both only to be blinded by a smoke bomb thrown by Belmondo as the opposing sides run away from the scene.

Viper walks into the scene with Ruby as a new agent for The Federal Organization walks toward them while swiftly rushing past Viper so fast that he has no time to react until he is kicked in the stomach and flipped onto the floor before he can react.

"Who the fuck did that?!" Viper asked angrily with his fists in front of himself.

"I did that just to keep my cover as an enemy agent working against The Dark Side." Ruby said.

"I guess we're supposed to fight now, huh?" Viper asked.

"Damn right." Ruby said as she gets into a fighting stance with Viper doing the same.

Guns are heard cocking as they are pointed directly at the pair who are both wide-eyed and afraid.

"Or not." Viper said.

"Freeze both of you and put your hands in the air!" an agent shouted angrily.

Viper and Ruby put their hands in the air.

"I guess we have to fight all of these motherfuckers." Viper said while unsheathing a sword from its sheath.

Viper kicks three agents in the stomach knocking them onto the floor as Ruby kicks three agents onto the floor as she smiles evilly and shoots at them with her weapon in gun form as she starts shooting at the agents while the first ten agents drop the floor dead from Ruby's gunfire.

"That's definitely ten down, but a lot more agents are arriving armed with stronger guns." Ruby said.

"Then let's fuck their shit up!" Viper said angrily while holding a gun in his hand, "Get ready to fucking die, you scumbags!"

"That's what you fucking think!" an agent said while shooting at them as Ruby gets shot twice in the chest and Viper rushes to her aid and shoots all of the agents dead while Ruby falls into Viper's arms.

"Ruby! Ruby! Can you hear me, Rubes?!" Viper asked, panicked.

"I'm going to be okay, do you have a first aid kit on you?" Ruby asked faintly.

"Yes I do and we need to get you out of here to get your injuries treated." Viper said "and we've already got company."

Viper and the bleeding Ruby escape from the scene as Viper runs away from the agents giving chase after them with Ruby on his arms.

Christopher and E engage in combat against Roudos while fending off Adam and Tara's attack on them both.

"I guess you can say that working with The Federal Organization has its kickbacks" Christopher said with laughter in between as he kicks Roudos in the stomach twice and punches him in the face.

"You really need to focus on the fight."

"I hear you, but just so you know I'm armed and dangerous."

"Goddamn it, Christopher!"


"What's with the puns?"

"I'm just not giving a bloody fuck about who gets injured on the opposing side, what's wrong with that." Christopher said.

"But are the puns really necessary?" E asked.

"It helps distract the enemy, so yes." Christopher said.

Christopher punches Roudos in the face while E slashes his arm with her weapon in sword form causing blood to flow from his wound as Christopher converts his weapon into a bo staff before strikes against Adam's broken sword as he struggles to use it in the fight.

"You're weapon's broken from our last fight, remember?" Christopher asked which only infuriates Adam to the point where he attempts to kick Christopher only to miss and get kicked in the stomach knocking him onto the floor as Tara charges at him only for E to swoop in and slash her weapon at the assassin who block the attack with both of her swords before converting them into guns while shooting at the pair.

"Freeze and out your hands in the air!" Christopher demanded angrily.

"I really don't think so, Christopher Jones!" Adam said with an evil sneer on his face.

"Then we'll just strike them down with another attack and end this shit!" Christopher said angrily.

Christopher and E kick Adam in the stomach while punching Tara in the face and then in the stomach defeating them both.

Cam and Rose engage in combat against rebels charging at them while Fremont and Orla show up to fight them.

"You shouldn't underestimate a rebel leader with more experience than you had ever thought possible." Fremont said.

"Syrah Brine had ratted your ass out and said that you were her boss before her arrest." Cam said irately.

"That stupid little bitch!" Fremont shouted angrily.

"You are both under arrest!" Rose exclaimed angrily.

"Then you will have to fight us of you want us to go to jail!" Orla said

"Then so fucking be it" Rose exclaimed angrily.

Cam and Rose engage in combat against Orla first while kicking Fremont in the stomach knocking him away temporarily while Orla lashes her whip at the girls only for Rose to catch the tail end of the chain whip before she and Cam pull it toward them sending Orla toward them as the girls then kick her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before she gets back up onto her feet and starts running toward them before they tie her up and kick her in the stomach knocking her back onto the floor as they then glare angrily at Fremont who throws a grenade at them only for Cam to send it back with her weapon of choice in sword form before Fremont catches it in his hands and it explodes by a single bullet shot by Cam.

"What the fuck was that?!" Rose asked in shock.

"That was a little thing called revenge for your concussion." Cam said with a smile on her face.

"Thanks and let's go beat their asses!" Rose said with a smile on her face.

"Gladly." Cam said as she and Rose glare at Fremont who glare at them back while charging angrily at them at top speed as he starts slashing his sword at the girls who evade the attacks and start shooting at him.

"I should've crushed you both when we last met during my beginning days as a criminal." Fremont said darkly.

"Then so fucking be it while you're going after revenge we will forever be going after you." Cam said darkly.

"I guess this is where you two will die and my top agents will be freed from prison." Fremont said.

Cam kicks Fremont in the stomach before Rose throws Orla out of the way of the fight as she then kicks Fremont in the stomach knocking him onto the floor while the two girls start kicking Fremont in the stomach before he gets kicked in the stomach as Fremont kicks Cam and Rose in the stomach knocking the girls onto the floor.

"I guess this is where the legend of Fremont Vienna becomes the truth." Fremont said.

"You're nothing more than delusional as fuck!" Cam snapped angrily while slashing her sword at Fremont who starts charging at them before he shoots Cam in the shoulder injuring her in the process as the mysterious rescuer sees this go down and swoops into fight Fremont in their place while she kicks him in the stomach before unsheathing a sword from her sheath as she then slashes her weapon at a rope holding up a spotlight in the room.

"Let's get out of here she can deal with them." Cam ordered.

"Got it." Rose said with a smile.

Cam and Rose sheath their weapons before running away from the scene.

Christopher and E engage in combat with The Eclipse Cult as a whole with several agents walking toward the pair until Christopher punches one in the face knocking a group of them down like dominoes while E kicks another in the stomach knocking them down the same way.

"Okay where the fuck is Adam if this is his group here to oppose us?" Christopher asked.

"I know he's here," E said, "just use your veneer and find him first." E said.

"I don't take orders from you or anyone for that matter!" Christopher snapped angrily.

"Sorry about that, it wasn't supposed to sound like an order, but rather a suggestion to help us find Adam." E said calmly.

"I guess you really haven't figured out where we were have you?" Tara asked, "I'm not that surprised by this at all."

"What the fuck are you doing here and where the fuck is Adam?!" Christopher asked annoyed.

"I believe you were looking for me?" Adam asked calmly as he kicks a distracted Christopher in the back knocking him onto the floor before he gets back up onto his feet and starts shooting at him.

"I guess you were hoping to finish the fight we had at the very beginning of this battle for The Federal Organization?" Adam asked with an evil smile on his face.

Christopher and Adam punch and kick at each other while Adam punches Christopher in the face only for him to feel nothing before he kicks Adam in the stomach while Adam attempts to punch him in the face again only to be left shocked by how fast Christopher catches his fist in his hand while glaring darkly at the enemy agent.

"You probably shouldn't have done that." Christopher declared darkly.

Christopher kicks Adam in the stomach before grabbing him by his wrist before pinning it behind his back while kicking him in the back knocking Adam onto the floor while E kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her onto the floor while Tara starts slashing her swords at E twenty times before converting them into the swords into guns while unleashing gunfire at E who blocks the gunfire before backflipping away from Tara who continues shooting at her before she blocks the gunfire while E shoots at Tara who in turn backflips away from the gunfire headed towards her as she charges at E who kicks her in the stomach.

"I wouldn't try shooting me from that long of a distance if I were you, Tara." E warned.

"And why not?" "I have a much better aim with gunfire than even you."

"No the fuck you don't!"

"Oh really," "did your instructor teach you everything you need to know about gun ranges before you killed him?" Tara asked.

"How the fuck would you ever know whether or not I learned about gun ranges in an assassin academy?!" E asked in shock and anger.

"I was there in the same class as you yet you were chosen to kill our former instructor even though you had very little training under your belt!" Tara snapped while slashing her swords at E who immediately blocks them.

"I doubt that I had very little training under my belt as it is more than likely that you were just too weak to kill someone like the instructor." E said while kicking Tara in the stomach until she gets back up onto her feet and glares at E herself.

"Then if I can't kill the instructor due to you killing him before the end of that final class then I will kill you!" Tara threatened while shooting at E who dodges the gunfire and she kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her onto her ass.

"We can't stop fighting now, but for right now we will face them once again before this battle's conclusion." Adam said calmly.

"Got it, Adam, let's get the fuck out of this room." Tara said as she and Adam run away from the scene.

Christopher and E start walking away before they take off running in a panic away from The Eclipse Cult with the remaining enemy agents start giving chase after the pair until E throws a smoke bomb at the enemy agents which blinds their vision before Christopher shoots at them all incapacitating them, but still leaving them all alive.

Verdant and Ohnyxx engage in combat against Donatello who remains calm as ever.

"I guess this is where we start working on how to get rid of all of this pent up aggression." Ohnyxx said.

"Then let me start by killing you two in a fight against a stronger adversary." Donatello said calmly.

"Then I guess this will be some very intense training against someone who almost nobody can see." Verdant said.

"I can guarantee that you still have to thank for my cloaking ability." Donatello said while kicking Ohnyxx in the stomach knocking her hard onto the floor.

"Anyone else want to give it a try?" Donatello asked.

"We're not done just yet!" Ohnyxx said.

"Then show me what you've got if you want me to spare your lives a bit longer than normal." Donatello said calmly.

Donatello kicks Ohnyxx in the stomach while using a spinning kick to knock down Verdant as the girls get back up onto their feet while shooting at Donatello who evades all of the gunfire before kicking their guns out of their hands while they start kicking at Donatello who blocks the attacks with ease before kicking them onto the floor while Donatello unsheathes his weapon and starts slashing his sword at them while the girls pick up their guns and start shooting at him only for the bullets to be blocked by the sword blade before he converts it into its bo staff form.

"Is that all you've got," Donatello said, "I thought you two were fully trained killers."

"We are fully trained killers and we're not done yet!" Ohnyxx snapped angrily.

"Well then," Donatello said calmly, "come and get me if you dare!"

As the assassins attempt to finish the job they are defeated by a push kick to the stomach knocking them onto the floor as Donatello sheathes his weapon before walking toward the exit leading into the next room.

The mysterious girl engages in combat against Qrow Medina who struggles to engage in armed combat before shooting at Sapphire.

"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing here?!" Qrow asked while shooting at the girl who backflips away from the gunfire on the floor before the young girl charges at Qrow and kicks him in the stomach before taking out a pistol and she immediately shoots at him until he blocks the gunfire with his sword.

"You must be a pretty bad spy if you can get your ass beat by a little girl." the girl said.

"I am an exceptional leader little blue, but since I'm moving up to murder I strongly suggest that you don't piss me off if you want to survive." Qrow threatened while the girl kicks him in the stomach sending him onto the floor.

"Is that all you've got for an alleged high and mighty leader?" she asked.

"I'm not fucking done fighting you just yet little bitch!" Qrow declared angrily.

"Then why don't you come and get me if you want me so badly?" the girl asked with a sly smile.

Qrow gives chase after the girl who laughs to herself as she runs over to a wall before she seems to have teleported behind Qrow who is completely shocked by this move as she kicks him in the back knocking him onto the floor.

"Very impressive moves young lady," Qrow said with an evil smile on his face, "but I'm afraid that your tricks are useless here now."

"That's what you think, Qrow." the girl said while smiling evilly at the enemy mastermind who only grows angrier.

"I will be the one to finish you once and for all you little brat!" Qrow declared angrily.

"You can spout off all the bullshit you want," the devious girl said, "but nothing will keep me from saving my friends working for The Federal Organization."

"Then you too will die by my hands since Selina and I had murdered several agents from The Federal Organization on our way here and you can't do anything about it!" Qrow declared evilly.

"I can do something about their deaths." the girl said while smiling evilly.

"And tell me what that is." Qrow demanded.

"Placing you under arrest for murder and going after Selina to arrest her as well." the girl said coldly.

"I don't think so!" Qrow declared angrily while they kick at each other before the girl sweep-kicks Qrow onto the floor defeating him and ending the fight while unsheathing her sword while pointing it at the enemy mastermind.

"Fuck this, I'll deal with you later." the girl said in frustration.

The mysterious girl escapes from the scene after sheathing her sword leaving the injured Qrow behind.

Meanwhile with Syrah, Dover, and Douglas devising a plan in their jail cell as they create an explosion getting the attention of the agents who had just arrived to fight.

"I guess we are now going after those brats who had gotten us arrested in the first place," Syrah said coldly, "what do you guys think about arson?"

"I know that we have to fight these motherfuckers first before we burn this place to the ground!" Dover declared angrily.

"We still have a fight to win," Syrah declared, "and this is where we'll start."

Syrah kicks an agent in the stomach knocking him onto the floor before the agent gets back up onto his feet and starts shooting at Syrah who glares at him and backflips away from the gunfire as she uses a spinning back kick at the agents who are still shooting at her until she kicks them onto the floor.

"I guess this is where we end this fight once and for all." Douglas said.

"I'll start with the leader and you two are capable of dealing with more enemies at one time." Syrah said.

"Freeze and put your hands in the air all three of you," an agent demanded, "then go back to your prison cell."

"Did you just tell us what to fucking do?!" Syrah asked angrily.

"Let's kill these fuckers!" Dover shouted angrily.

"Then bring it on you piece of shit!" the agent demanded angrily while he shoots at Syrah who evades the gunfire with Dover and Douglas in tow for safety as the trio starts to shoot at him killing him in a total of thirty rounds of gunfire to kill him as he drops to the floor dead in his own puddle of blood.

"Who's next up to die?!" Syrah asked angrily.

"Nobody else is dying today." another agent said darkly.

"I guess that's debatable as all hell." Dover said.

"Then I guess this is where we finally change everything by killing each other!" the agent started, "I think I'll start by killing you all."

"Not if we can kill all of you first!" Syrah declared angrily.

"Then fucking try it if you dare!" the agent demanded as he attempts to shoot Syrah only to be shot in the head by a bullet from Syrah's gun while she angrily glares at the agents who start shooting violently at her only to be shot one by one by her and her agents.

"We can't let anyone else die!" Agent Ross said as he arrives at the scene and shoots violently at Syrah and her agents while he teleports over to the evil girl and punches her in the face.

"What do we do, Ross?"

"Just shoot these motherfuckers down and dig their soon-to-be bloody asses a grave outside." Agent Ross ordered as he starts shooting angrily at Syrah who starts shooting at Agent Ross who is joined by Agent Cooper who kicks Dover and Douglas in the stomach knocking them both onto the floor while Ross kicks Syrah in the stomach knocking her onto the floor while Agent Cooper shoots at the three enemy agents only for Syrah to shoot three agents in the chest killing all of them.

"It's time to go, boys." Syrah said.

Syrah takes out a small gadgets from her pocket as they kick the last agent arriving onto the floor and she throws a smoke bomb at them which has added chemicals in it to knock out the agents allowing them to make their escape therefore ending the big fight.

Meanwhile at The Federal Organization's infirmary with Agent Whitman unconscious in a hospital bed in the room while Agent Hansen walks into the scene out of concern.

"Hey, boss," Agent Hansen greeted, "how are you holding up?"

"Hey, Agent Hansen," Agent Whitman responded, "I'm lucky to have survived for now from that fight."

"It's a shame that they injured you this severely during that fight and if it wasn't for Agent Reed rescuing you, you would've been dead." Agent Hansen said while bawling her eyes out.

"Hey, it's going to be okay since there will always be someone to lead the team in my place." Agent Whitman said reassuringly.

"I hope to God that you'll be okay by the end of this!" Agent Hansen said while still crying.

Agent Hansen and Agent Whitman smile at each other.

Christopher sees Donatello looking at him in the room and starts walking toward him while he remains just as calm as he was against the assassins he fought earlier.

"You're under arrest, Donatello Obscurité." Christopher said darkly.

"I guess you're the leader in charge of defending The Federal Organization, is that right?" Donatello asked calmly.

"Yes and a total of twenty-six of my agents sent to apprehend you have gone missing and you were the one they were pursuing so I'm placing you under arrest for murder in the first degree you get the point that you are entitled to an attorney and if you can't afford one then one will be appointed to you." Christopher said.

"I really don't think your boss will appreciate you arresting me without proof of such a heinous act being committed at most I'm just a suspect as I'm sure that you know that the famous saying is innocent until proven guilty." Donatello said.

"I'm the boss of this team!" Christopher snapped angrily.

"Then I'm not going to prison without a trial and I'm not going to trial without a fight!" Donatello declared.

Donatello kicks at Christopher who blocks the attack with a sword swing as he converts it into a bo staff while Donatello does the same in an attempt to fight with an even playing field as he swings and spins his bo staff at Christopher who evades the attack and blocks the next incoming attack with a strike against Donatello's head knocking him onto the floor.

"Is that all you've got against a man who has nothing yet to lose?" Donatello asked while getting back up onto his feet.

"I'm not done with you just yet." Christopher said while striking Donatello in the head and converts his weapon into its gun form while shooting violently at Donatello.

"Is this what you really want?" Donatello asked calmly.

"I'm not going to ever listen to a criminal lowlife like yourself, Donatello!" Christopher snapped angrily while shooting at Donatello more which results in him blocking the gunfire with his weapon in sword form creating sparks between the blades.

"I suggest showing a bit of gratitude for getting to keep your life." Donatello said.

"I'll add assault and terrorism threats to your long list of crimes." Christopher said irately.

Christopher kicks Donatello in the stomach knocking him into the wall before he and Donatello glare at each other.

E is busy fighting against the added threat of Adam, Adara, Tara, and The Eclipse Cult by herself before she looks over at Christopher and sees that he's fighting a threat as she then defeats The Eclipse Cult and Tara temporarily while running toward her teammate.

"I suggest that you all start running or freeze and put your hands in the fucking air!" E demanded angrily.

"I can't let you guys win, E," Adam said calmly, "even if we were at one point acquainted with each other I cannot let you and your leader get away with the fates of my people."

"I suggest you stand the fuck down and leave peacefully." E said calmly.

"I can never let you get away with betraying The Eclipse Cult, your family, your home of all places." Adam said.

"The Eclipse Cult was never truly my home, nor was it ever my family." E said calmly while shooting at Adam who dodges the gunfire while backflipping away from the gunfire with ease before kicking E's weapon out of her hands before kicking her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor.

"Fuck this I can't let you all win this fight at any cost!" E said irritated, "plus I have a leader to save at the moment so we will definitely be continuing this later, Adam."

E sees that Christopher and Donatello are fighting each other and she immediately converts her gun into its sword form and sheathes her weapon while rushing into the fight to help Christopher by blocking Donatello's sword creating sparks between the blades.

Christopher and E engage in combat together against Donatello who easily holds his own in the fight by himself.

"So, you've actually found the suspect in the disappearances of our agents who we had sent to track his every move?" E asked.

"Yeah, how do you think we ended up getting into a fight with the perp in the first place?" Christopher asked.

"I suggest that you both drop your weapons and give up." Donatello said calmly.

"I suggest you tell me what happened to my agents and where they are if you want a lenient prison sentence." Christopher said annoyed.

"I think you already know what I did to them as this is the moment where you now want to avenge your fallen comrades who are all dead." Donatello said calmly.

"What the fuck is he talking about, Christopher?!" E asked in pure shock and horror.

"He is in fact the suspect that we were looking for all this time." Christopher said in a horrified tone of voice.

"What?!" E asked in pure shock and horror.

"He's right and you definitely heard that right as I am the one who caused the disappearances of your comrades," Donatello said calmly, "and I have absolutely no reason to be remorseful as it was either their lives or my own life."

"You're very unbelievable!" E snapped angrily while tears are now welling in her eyes.

"I know and I was going to spare my son's life and he still needs a father in his life."

"So you fucking killed them to try and spare your own life and keep the active crime groups around for your own selfishness." Christopher said in shock and horror.

Christopher, E, and Donatello glare at each other as the scene fades away.

A flashback reveals the fates of the previously living agents that were sent after Donatello with Donatello himself fighting hard against the agents that were tracking his every move.

"I was the one who had got the jump on your team who you had sent to capture me." Donatello said in a voice over.

Three agents were last seen with their corpses slashed and their blood splattered everywhere on the ground in the forest.

"Then there was the fight in the forest which was rather tragic." Donatello said once again in a narration.

Donatello's battle with twenty agents at one time temporarily incapacitates them until the leader kicks Donatello in the stomach as he knife-hands him in the back of the head knocking him onto the floor as he stabs the agent in the stomach causing blood to flow from his body as the other agents are left to fight without their leader as they attempt to kill him in a desperate attempt at victory only for Donatello to kick them in the face resulting in their corpses being badly disfigured and in a bloody heap on the ground ending the fight.

Donatello calmly walks away from the scene into the trees where he runs from treetop to treetop.

The flashback fades back to the present with Christopher now in tears over the fates of his former comrades.

"So you were the one who killed all of them," Christopher started with tears now welling in his eyes, "every last agent we couldn't find were killed by someone as heartless as you and your own son won't be happy when he finds out about this."

"Which is exactly why he won't be finding out about this." Donatello said calmly.

"Like hell he won't, I'm telling him that his father is a murderer who is in prison when this is over."

"I don't think so, Christopher," Donatello said, "but of course this is only because of the fact that you and your friend won't survive this fight."

Christopher strikes Donatello in the face with his bo staff while he attempts to strike back at him with his own bo staff only to miss and get struck in the head again while E kicks Donatello in the stomach three times while he kicks her in the stomach knocking her into the wall as he walks toward her with an evil laugh before he starts swinging and spinning his bo staff around attempting to strike them both while Christopher blocks an incoming attack from Donatello's bo staff as he kicks the enemy mastermind in the stomach knocking him onto the floor as he gets back up onto his feet and starts swinging and spinning his bo staff at Christopher again only for E to block the attack with her weapon in sword form.

"You've actually become more predictable with your attacks as our fight continues on from here." Christopher said.

"How are my attacks predictable," Donatello asked calmly, "nobody knows my regular attack pattern unless they had a veneer that could...let them see the future."

"That's right, Foresight is a bitch according to my enemies, Donnie." Christopher said with an evil smile on his face.

"I guess this is where things get very interesting," Donatello said calmly, "I'm excited for what's to come with this battle and victory is upon me right now."

Donatello jumps up in the air and swings his bo staff overhead before the attack gets blocked by Christopher's bo staff as E kicks Donatello in the stomach knocking him onto the floor.

"I guess this is where you finally give up and come with us, Donatello." Christopher said.

"I will never give up since I have a goal in mind," Donatello said calmly, "I'm not going to let the likes if you two kids get in my way."

Christopher and E continue walking toward Donatello who laughs evilly and holds his bo staff out in front of him.

Agent Hansen sees that her teammate Agent Whitman is trying to talk to her as he slowly opens his eyes to look her in the eye as he speaks.

"What's the plan for winning the battle against all of these enemy organizations?" Agent Hansen asked.

"Just relax and no matter what happens don't you ever give up the fight to them." Agent Whitman said.

"I'll try my best to win in your place against those scumbags and by the end of the battle you will be avenged." Agent Hansen said.

"That is a nice thought, but there's already been countless deaths on our team compared to the enemy's team." Agent Whitman said.

"They won't be so lucky by the end of the battle since The Federal Organization has already arrested three enemy agents from an enemy organization as of late." Agent Hansen said.

"I just heard from Ross that they had escaped during the battle while everyone was distracted and everyone who was guarding the prisoners was later found dead at the scene and their prison cell was destroyed." Agent Whitman explained.

"Okay now that is fucking shocking as opposed to other events including deaths that had taken place." Agent Hansen said.

"You know what must be done, right?" Agent Whitman asked.

"Yes I do and I will be sure to stop the enemy organizations at any cost." Agent Hansen responded.

"Good, and I'll have Reed join you in your efforts later just please try to stop this battle and save the surviving agents on our side." Agent Whitman said.

"I completely understand that," Agent Hansen said, "and I know for a fact that they won't get away with this."

"Good luck, Agent Hansen." Agent Whitman said.

"Thank you." Agent Hansen said with a smile on her face.

Agent Hansen smiles at her comrade who struggles to smile back, but smiles to the best of his ability due to his injuries.

Christopher and E continue their fight with Donatello in a two on one fight as Donatello himself takes out a bo staff and starts spinning it around to block E's gunfire and Christopher's own bo staff.

"I guess you've still gotten just as predictable compared to when you and I had fought before." Christopher said.

"I'm not going to be that predictable for long." Donatello said calmly.

Christopher strikes Donatello in the face as he attempts to strike him in the face while missing his mark as he starts swinging and spinning his bo staff at Christopher and E who both block the attacks aimed at them as he kicks E in the stomach before kicking Christopher in the stomach while spinning his bo staff around while he walks toward the pair.

"You two really need to train more than you already have if you want to take me down." Donatello said.

"You are clearly outmatched by a couple of kids so that is pathetic on its own." Christopher said.

"I think I've heard enough." Donatello said calmly as he swings his bo staff around and spins it around again.

"I would suggest getting a new fighting style if you want to win." Christopher said with an evil smile on his face.

"I will do whatever the fuck I want in order to win." Donatello said while swinging his bo staff at the two combatants who evade the attacks before E starts kicking Donatello in the stomach while he spins his bo staff around to block incoming gunfire.

"Is gunfire the only thing that can be mustered up from the youngest assassin in the world," Donatello said, "I'm very surprised by this effort of yours, E."

E is now shocked that Donatello knows her name as she is left wide-eyed before she starts slashing her sword at him only for him to block the attacks with his bo staff before kicking him in the stomach.

"I suggest you give up and come with us," Christopher said, "you've got one last chance to comply."

"I suggest that you two put your weapons away and let me go if you two want to keep your lives." Donatello said.

"Yeah, I'm definitely recording your words as verbal threats and you're definitely going away for a very, very long time." Christopher said.

"I would suggest keeping your mouth shut if you know what's good for you, Donatello!" E warned angrily.

Christopher kicks Donatello's weapon out of his hands before kicking him in the stomach as E flips him onto the floor on his back.

Sakyo starts fighting Fremont and Orla while evading Orla's chain whip and blades while kicking them both in the stomach.

"I wouldn't try to kill me if I were you." Sakyo said.

"Thankfully we're not you and even you know that." Fremont said.

"Then I guess if I'm supposed to move on and go after the leader of The Federal Organization then I'll have to get past you two first." Sakyo said as he unsheathes his sword and starts slashing it at Orla who attempts to block the blade with her chain whip.

"I suggest you give up now and start leaving before we kill you in this fight." Orla said while pulling her whip back before she lashes it at Sakyo again as he backflips away from the attack.

"I suggest you start by expecting the unexpected Orla and Fremont," Sakyo said while smiling evilly, "unless of course you two have plans to lose anyway."

"I will never lose to you and neither will Fremont!" Orla declared angrily.

"Oh yeah," Sakyo said, "prove it if you fucking dare."

Sakyo kicks Orla in the stomach while grabbing the tail end of her chain whip while tying her up in it while he kicks Orla in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before he flips Fremont onto the floor defeating them both.

"Why does this keep happening to me?!" Orla asked angrily.

"Maybe you need to get a better weapon to fight with that nobody can really use against you." Fremont said as Sakyo throws four smoke bombs at the pair of enemy agents while escaping past them as Sakyo escapes from the scene leaving behind the blinded rebels at the scene.

Christopher and E continue fighting hard against Donatello who runs at them and punches E in the back of the head.

"You can never defeat me as long as you can't fight back." Donatello said calmly.

"I will never let you get away with killing all of my friends who were trying to apprehend you." Christopher declared angrily with tears still in his eyes.

"Then if you want to defeat me and avenge your fallen teammates I respect that," Donatello said calmly, "the reason why is that I would've done the same."

"Good to know even if you are a psycho you are somewhat fair." Christopher said as he converts his bo staff into a sword and Donatello does the same before they block each other's blades as E kicks Donatello in the stomach and slashes her sword at him only to have her next attack is blocked by Donatello's sword.

"I know that you two are the best fighters in the world and only one of you are a private eye that was sent after me," Donatello said calmly, "I know that you'll never get me placed under arrest before the end of the fight."

"That still remains to be seen, Donnie." Christopher said irately.

"I guess this is where either my nickname sticks to me," Donatello said calmly, "or you all die before my new nickname sticks to me."

"Then so be it, Donatello." E said irately while kicking him in the stomach while Donatello keeps his balance on his feet while he charges at E and she gets kicked in the stomach knocking her onto the floor as Christopher kicks Donatello in the stomach before he slashes his sword at him.

"I know that you two are definitely not giving up anytime soon so I'll be sure to still give it my all." Donatello said calmly while swinging his sword at the pair while they block the attacks effortlessly much to his shock.

"You've finally lost the battle, Donatello." Christopher said calmly.

"I guess that's where you definitely are wrong about my loss or my defeat." Donatello said calmly.

Christopher and E angrily start slashing their swords at Donatello who starts blocking the blades with his bo staff before converting it back into sword form to block the attacks again as both sides are glaring at each other.

Meanwhile back with Agent Hansen and the very weak and barely conscious Agent Whitman having a conversation in the hospital.

"So what you're saying is that I'll need help from Agent Reed to win against the assailants who injured you?" Agent Hansen asked.

"Yes, but it won't be very easy to accomplish." Agent Whitman said.

"Which is why I'm here to help you with avenging Agent Whitman." Agent Reed said as he opens the door to the room.

"Agent Reed?!" Agent Hansen asked in shock.

"Who else did you think was going to show up?" Agent Reed asked.

"It's so good to see you." Agent Hansen said while hugging her teammate which is reciprocated.

"We should get ready for the battle's climax and we have to be sure to start with a battle plan." Agent Reed said.

"I know this already, Reed," Agent Hansen said, "it's just a shame what happened to him."

"Then we should just check on Agent Ross and Agent Hart before we leave to go after those assailants." Agent Reed said.

"I'll call Ross while you try to call, Agent Hart." Agent Hansen said.

"I've got this." Agent Reed said as he and Agent Hansen attempt to dial their friends while holding their phones up to their ears.

"Ross, it's Hansen, please pick up the phone?" Agent Hansen asked into the phone in a message before hanging up afterward.

"Agent Hart, it's Reed, please call me back when you get this and we need help." Agent Reed said in a message before hanging up the phone immediately afterward.

"Any luck with Agent Hart?" Agent Hansen asked.

"No, what about Agent Ross?" Agent Reed asked.

"Not even close, Reed." Agent Hansen said.

"Then we should just get going with or without those two." Agent Reed said.

"Got it," Agent Hansen said, "let's go."

Agent Hansen smiles and gently kisses her leader's forehead as he falls asleep and she and Agent Reed leave the scene.

Cam and Rose finally take off running to find Sakyo and continue their fight from before as they see him standing before them with an evil smile on his face.

"I guess this is where we finally take down Sakyo Kurayami at almost any cost," Cam said, "but the question is where to begin."

"I'd suggest beginning with putting your hands in the air!" Sakyo said with an evil smile on his face and a pistol in his hands.

"Sakyo Kurayami, again?!" Rose and Cam asked in pure shock simultaneously.

"I thought I'd never catch up to you two again." Sakyo said while unsheathing his sword and bringing it back behind him.

"Were you fucking following us?!" Cam asked in shock and anger.

"I was in fact following you both from further distances that allowed me to pass by undetected." Sakyo said.

"Then I guess this fight will never truly be over." Rose said while unsheathing her weapon before pointing it at the enemy as Cam does the same.

"I know that you will never win as long as I'm here to stop you two and The Federal Organization as a whole." Sakyo said.

"I would suggest leaving while you're still free from arrest." Cam warned angrily.

"Then I would suggest leaving before I crush you!" Sakyo said.

Sakyo slashes his swords at Cam and Rose who immediately block the sword swings while Cam kicks Sakyo in the stomach before shooting at him with her weapon in gun form as he smiles evilly and starts charging at the girls who evade the sword swings while kicking him in the stomach again knocking him onto the floor.

"I suggest that you give up and come with us for questioning, Sakyo Kurayami." Rose said calmly.

"I will never go anywhere with you two as long as I'm alive!" Sakyo declared angrily.

"Jesus, are all of these villains so cliche?" Rose asked, annoyed.

"I guess so, but we have to focus on the fight and not on what the enemy agents are saying." Cam said calmly.

"That's a damn good point." Rose said.

"Then fucking fight me already you cowards!" Sakyo demanded angrily while charging at Rose who evades the sword swings allowing Cam to kick him in the stomach knocking him onto the floor.

"I guess you two are already proving that you two really are cowards at heart." Sakyo said.

"Who's the real coward picking on a couple of defenseless girls?" Cam asked.

"I'll prove everything to you two even if it kills me," Sakyo declared, "you two had better count on that!"

Cam and Rose start kicking at Sakyo again as he starts blocking the attacks before he is finally defeated temporarily again.

Christopher and E continue struggling in their fight with Donatello while he calmly keeps his composure while fighting his new enemies as he kicks at them both only to miss his mark entirely much to his surprise as he then attempts to punch them both only to miss again.

"You missed us again, Donatello." Christopher taunted while punching him in the face.

"You won't have it so easy this time, Christopher Jones." Donatello said while calmly taking out his weapon in bo staff form.

"Are you ready to face a fate of a lifetime in prison?" Christopher asked.

"Are you two ready to potentially die in a fight that you can't win?" Donatello asked calmly.

"Just stop talking for now and continue fighting," E said, "we can't let this psychopathic killer get away with killing our teammates."

"What did I say about trying to tell me what to do?!" Christopher asked in irritation.

"Sorry." E said while slashing her sword at Donatello who blocks it before he kicks at her and misses his mark again.

"Now we have to make sure that the killer doesn't get away from us so we have to stop him at any cost." Christopher said calmly.

"What should we do?" E asked concerned while dodging Donatello's sword swings.

"We should fight back while we're still armed." Christopher said while converting his weapon into its bo staff while swinging it at Donatello who starts blocking his attacks calmly.

"I suggest that you two give up while you still can." Donatello said.

"We can't let you get away from us after all of the chaos and deaths that you had caused in the first place!" Christopher said while tears are once again streaming in his eyes.

"I know how upsetting this revelation is," Donatello said calmly, "but you will never be able to stop me from killing every last agent on The Federal Organization while only sparing you two and your private investigators."

"Just killing my teammates was your worst mistake, Donatello!" Christopher shouted with tears in his eyes still.

Christopher holds his bo staff in his right hand and he starts walking toward Donatello with E walking toward him from the other side, armed with her sword in her left hand.

Cam and Rose start punching and kicking at Sakyo who starts blocking their attacks before he kicks Rose in the stomach knocking her onto the floor while Cam angrily kicks Sakyo in the stomach while decking him in the face as hard as she can which almost defeats him.

"This is where we finally make our second arrest in the history of The Federal Organization's existence." Rose said.

"Were the previously incarcerated prisoners arrested or did they escape while your backs were turned?!" Sakyo asked with an evil smile on his face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Cam asked angrily while slashing her sword at him.

"I'm saying that the alarms went off and I saw the agents that arrived at the scene dead on the floor in their own blood with the previous three prisoners were gone." Sakyo said with a straight face.

"So it's true that they got away?!" Cam and Rose asked simultaneously.

"What would I get out of lying about intel that I know of" Sakyo asked.

"That's a good point, but you will still be either incarcerated or knocked out for someone else to arrest." Rose said.

Sakyo kicks Rose and Cam in the stomach before they get back up onto their feet and start kicking Sakyo in the stomach before they sweep kicks him onto the floor as he gets back up onto his feet.

"Is this really what you're strategy is ladies," Sakyo asked with an evil smile on his face. "because my strategy is less predictable than yours."

"Not for long!" Cam and Rose said simultaneously.

Cam and Rose kick Sakyo in the stomach as he gets back up onto his feet and starts shooting gunfire at them only for Rose to kick Sakyo's gun out of his hands while Cam starts shooting at Sakyo resulting in him backflipping away from the gunfire before landing on his feet as he charges at the girls who nod at each other before kicking him in the stomach knocking him out the window and defeating him as he falls out the window and he is last seen knocked out cold from the fall with his left fist slowly clenched signifying a very faint pulse.

Agent Hansen and Agent Reed continue trying to get in touch with Agent Ross and Agent Hart only to have no luck in doing so.

"How do you think our leader is doing since he was horribly injured?" Agent Hansen asked.

"I don't know for certain,but I do know that I honestly hope to fucking God that those assailants are arrested for their crimes." Agent Reed said with tears welling up in his eyes as he and Agent Hansen hear very slow beeping from the heart rate monitor.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Agent Hansen asked in fear and shock with tears still welling in her eyes.

"I-I don't know!" Agent Reed shouted with tears still welling in his eyes as well.

"Get back, agents!" a medical agent ordered.

"What's going on?!" Agent Hansen asked even more frantic.

"Your leader, Agent Whitman, is in a coma at the moment." another medical agent said with tears in her eyes.

"How in the fuck did this happen," Agent Hansen asked frantically with tears welling even more in her eyes, "was it the injuries that he had obtained in that fight?!"

"It very well could've been that, but we aren't very sure at the moment." the first medical agent said.

"I guess that's true too." Agent Reed said almost crying even harder.

Agent Hansen and Agent Reed embrace each other tightly with tears now welling in their eyes.

Christopher and E kick Donatello in the stomach as their attacks do nothing to his body before he punches E in the face and kicks Christopher in the back knocking them both onto the floor.

"Is that all you two can muster up against me?" Donatello asked with the same calm expression.

"Not even close," Christopher said, "we're only just starting!"

"Then show me what the fuck you've got." Donatello said calmly.

"Gladly, Donnie" Christopher said while kicking him in the stomach knocking him onto the floor.

Christopher converts his sword into its bo staff form while striking Donatello in the face much to his shock.

"So I guess we're doing this the hard way then." Donatello said as he picks up his weapon off of the floor and uses its bo staff form to strike at the pair only to miss his mark both times while swinging and spinning his bo staff around as E kicks him in the stomach while he then gets punched in the face by Christopher who sweep-kicks him onto the floor much to his shock as he gets back up onto his feet and starts kicking at the pair and missing his mark entirely.

"Is dodging really what helps you guys win a fight like this?!" Donatello asked in his usual eerily calm voice.

"Not just dodging, Donnie." E said with an evil smile.

"Then why not just give up and accept defeat before it ends up getting you two killed?" Donatello asked.

"Because if we did that then this country wouldn't ever get the chance to be what it is." Christopher said while striking Donatello in the face with his bo staff as E slashes her sword at Donatello who blocks it with his bo staff.

"Nice try, kids, but you will never get me that easily." Donatello said while running quickly toward Christopher who instinctively strikes him square in the stomach with his bo staff.

"Is that really so," Christopher said, "or are you just that cocky about a false victory?"

"I'll be sure to make this last fight with you the most entertaining one you've ever been in." Donatello said.

"I honestly hope to God that you will pay for what you're doing!" Christopher declared angrily.

"Then I guess that will never happen," Donatello said, "unless I'm dead that is."

Christopher and E walk toward Donatello who stands up straight as he widens his eyes at seeing the pair unharmed by his attacks.

Cam and Rose continue fighting against The Dark Side with more agents being led by Qrow and Selina again which proves to be a very tough adversary in reality.

"I guess it's back to our usual opponents." Cam said with no emotion in her voice.

"I'll enjoy a rematch if it means another victory." Rose said with a smile on her face.

"Then I wouldn't be looking for victory here." Qrow said coldly.

"That's where the fuck you're wrong." Cam said with an evil smile.

Cam and Rose kick Qrow in the stomach while Selina swings her scythe over her head and attempts to slash at both of the girls while they sweep-kick Selina onto her back on the floor defeating her while Rose punches Qrow in the face before.

"You little fucking brat!" Qrow cursed angrily.

"I guess you have a lot to learn from a couple of kids, Qrow Medina." Rose said.

"I would suggest that you stop trying to defeat an agency that is greater than all of the forces of good imaginable!" Qrow said as he backflips away from Rose's gunfire while Cam sneaks up behind Qrow and kicks him in the back knocking him onto the floor.

"Did you really think that you could ever defeat me like this?" Qrow asked with an evil smile on his face.

"Did you really think that we wouldn't be able to land several attacks on you at once?" Rose asked.

"Too bad that won't do anything in the fate of the battle with the face of death itself." Qrow said with an evil smile on his face.

"And bad luck according to the type of bird you're named after." Cam said.

"Exactly why I'm undefeated in every fight I've ever been in." Qrow declared evilly as he slashes his sword at the girls who block every single attack while the girls run away from Qrow's sword blade as Rose and Cam start shooting at Qrow who fails to block every attack with his sword.

"Damn it," Qrow exclaimed angrily, "I missed all of them!"

"And you definitely can't block more than one attack at a single time." Rose stated with a smile as she kicks Qrow in the stomach knocking him onto the floor thus defeating them both as they are both out cold.

"Let's get out of here since we're safe from them for now." Cam said.

"Right Cam, plus we have more enemies to fight anyway." Rose said.

Cam and Rose face off against Qrow and Selina again, but this time with backup on both sides as several agents arrive to help the girls while enemy agents are arriving to help The Dark Side.

Belmondo and Ruby walk along the hall where they are stopped in their tracks by Agent Hansen and Agent Reed who see them both walk by the infirmary.

"Freeze and put your hands up now!" Agent Hansen and Agent Reed demanded angrily while their guns are pointed at Belmondo and Ruby's backs.

"I guess we're caught now." Belmondo said with an evil smile on his face.

"Not for long we aren't!" Ruby declared"I'm saying we still have a high chance of facing victory instead of defeat." Ruby said with an evil smile as she runs her hands through her long blonde hair as she unsheathes her weapon of choice in sword form as Belmondo starts shooting a pair of guns at the agents behind him and Ruby as she starts slashing her sword at Agent Reed who starts kicking at Ruby while she and Agent Reed look each other in the eye as if they knew each other while Ruby kicks Agent Reed in the stomach knocking him onto the floor before Agent Hansen starts shooting at Ruby and Belmondo.

"I suggest that you two give up and stop fighting your fates." Agent Hansen demanded angrily.

"I suggest that you two keel over and die before I kill you two myself." Ruby said coldly.

"Was that really the best threat you could give us?" Agent Hansen asked with an evil smile on her face.

"I'm not one to be messed with if you knew that, then you should've known that I'm the one who can kill you faster than your own assassin." Ruby said calmly and coldly.

"I wouldn't try anything unless you're looking to die faster," Ruby said coldly and with no emotion at all, "and if I do manage to kill someone then I want to choose who dies first."

"Then I would suggest finding a damn good lawyer since you and your boss are both going to need one if you want to evade life in prison." Agent Reed said.

"Not a fucking chance are we going away for life!" Belmondo declared angrily as he kicks an agent in the stomach before shooting him in the chest twenty times in a row killing him on the spot in cold blood showing just how ruthless he really is as he and Ruby kick a team of twenty agents in the stomach and knock them onto the floor before Ruby stabs them and Belmondo shoots them for good measure killing all of them at once.

"Is that really all of your little troops, or are there more that are still alive?" Ruby asked.

"We're not done here, Ruby Russet!" Agent Reed declared angrily while still holding Ruby at gunpoint who still retains her emotionless expression.

"I'm not going to let this bastard shoot me after he had killed my parents." Ruby declared angrily while kicking Agent Reed in the shin as he lets go and she grabs his gun before sweep-kicking him onto the floor while Belmondo kicks Agent Hansen in the stomach three times before flipping her onto her back on the floor as the impact forces her to drop her gun next to her before she gets back up onto her feet with her gun in hand as she and Agent Reed click the guns behind the enemy agents who freeze in place again with their hands in the air as Belmondo and Ruby both freeze in their tracks shocked by the fact that they've been busted as several agents arrive at the scene to surround the rebels.

Belmondo and Ruby glance at each other as they both put their hands in the air while smiling evilly after being confronted by Agent Hansen.

"Well, you had finally caught us, but you will never be able to stop the same people who your team had started a war with long ago." Ruby said with an evil grin on her face as she unsheathes her sword again and slashes it directly at both Agent Hansen and Agent Reed while the agents start shooting at Ruby who backflips away from Agent Reed's gunfire while Agent Hansen climbs up the ladder while running across the cat walk above the hallway outside the infirmary while Agent Hansen jumps down onto the floor while she knife-hands Ruby in the back of the head knocking her onto the floor while Belmondo attempts to punch and kick Agent Hansen who dodges the attack with ease before she grabs Belmondo by his wrists and flips him onto his back on the floor.

"I wouldn't recommend trying out jobs as hitmen or anything like that." Agent Hansen said.

"You're already way too late with that warning, Agent Hansen." Belmondo said with a smile.

"I'm already a hitman in such a top secret organization that nobody knows it exists." Ruby said with no emotion in her voice.

"Then this is where the hitman finally gets captured along with their entire organization." Agent Reed said.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about defeat for very long as you'll be dead." Ruby said.

Ruby backflips away from gunfire shot at her while Belmondo kicks Agent Reed in the stomach three times as Ruby herself runs past Agent Reed who repeatedly attempts to shoot her with a pistol he was given by Agent Hansen moments before the encounter with Belmondo and Ruby as Ruby backflips away from Agent Hansen's gunfire before she kicks her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor briefly.

"I would suggest that you don't try to kill someone who can and will end your lives at any given point in time." Ruby said coldly while swinging her sword at Agent Reed who blocks the sword swings at him while he kicks Ruby in the stomach while she cartwheels away from more gunfire until she kicks Agent Reed and Agent Hansen in the stomach onto the floor.

"We have to get out of here, so I'll create a diversion while you get ready to run." Belmondo said.

"Okay let's get this shit over with." Ruby said angrily.

Belmondo takes out five smoke bombs from his pocket while Ruby sheathes her sword and takes out a pistol while detonating the smoke bombs that Belmondo had dropped on the floor on purpose while she and Belmondo blow up the smoke bombs on the floor creating a smokescreen as they exit the scene.

"They're getting away!" Agent Hansen shouted through muffled speaking.

"We'll find them again, but for now we have to report back to our boss." Agent Reed said.

Belmondo and Ruby start running away from Agent Hansen, Agent Reed, and The Federal Organization while Hansen and Reed reenter the room while she and Agent Reed send the agents after Belmondo and Ruby.

Christopher and E continue fighting against Donatello who engages with his bo staff while Christopher uses his bo staff to counter.

"I would suggest giving up the fight if you two want to keep your lives." Donatello said calmly.

"We cannot give up the fight because otherwise everyone will die!" Christopher shouted angrily.

"Then so be it as it's your funeral." Donatello said in his usual eerily calm tone of voice.

Donatello kicks at Christopher and E who both react fast enough to block the attacks while punching and kicking Donatello in the face and stomach respectively knocking him onto the floor as he gets back up onto his feet and starts swinging and spinning his bo staff around at the pair who both block the bo staff with their bo staff and sword respectively as Donatello starts striking at them both while they evade the attacks before glaring at Donatello.

"I still have more power over you two than you might think or believe." Donatello said calmly.

"That's not true Donatello as we're still fighting to the end!" Christopher declared angrily.

"You can't win this battle as long as you're outmatched." E said.

"We'll see about that now won't we?" Donatello asked calmly.

Christopher and E start punching and kicking Donatello respectively as hard as they can.

Viper engages in combat against Phoenix and Indigo who start fighting against the menacing Dark Side agent.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the two masterminds targeting a defenseless little girl," Viper teased, "what happened, did she break your hearts or something?"

"No, but the reason why we're going after her is our business and not yours." Phoenix said.

"Then I strongly suggest fighting me if you want to get through here." Viper said as he shoots at Phoenix and Indigo as Indigo shoots gunfire back at him while Phoenix swings his sword around and blocks the gunfire with his sword before charging forward and he starts slashing his sword at Viper who shoots at the sword only to be kicked in the stomach and knocking onto the floor back-first before he gets back up onto his feet.

"Is that all you've got?" Viper asked while kicking Indigo in the stomach as he then punches Phoenix in the face hurting his hand as Phoenix kicks Viper in the stomach knocking him onto the floor as he gets back up onto his feet.

"I suggest leaving before you two end up dead." Viper said.

"I guess we have no choice left, but to leave, but there is something we have to do first." Phoenix said with no emotion in his voice at all.

"And what's that?" Viper asked, annoyed.

Phoenix and Indigo shoot Viper in the arm incapacitating him and ending the fight from there as Viper clutches his bleeding arm.

"Okay, let's get the fuck out of here." Phoenix said.

"Agreed, Phoenix." Indigo said with no emotion in his voice.

Phoenix and Indigo flee the scene running toward the next room with their weapons engaged and active.

Christopher and E continue engaging in combat against Donatello who calmly moves with what's left of his agility.

"I would suggest maybe making this battle easier on yourself and just give up the fight." Christopher said.

"I would suggest making your lives easier and giving up the fight since I'm fair enough to let you keep your lives." Donatello said calmly while punching at the pair and kicking at them only to miss every single attack.

"Why do you suck at fighting so much if you were able to kill so many people already?" Christopher asked tauntingly.

"That's only because they weren't fighting for that long compared to you two." Donatello said calmly.

"Or you're just making excuses to give this fight your all." Christopher taunted with an evil smile.

"I'll definitely be giving you a challenge." Donatello said calmly.

"Then I fucking dare you to!" Christopher shouted while punching at Donatello who evades the attacks before he gets hit with a kick.

Donatello disappears from the scene with the cloaking device that he's wearing briefly ending the fight as he returns almost immediately and launches a kick at E who dodges the attack and Christopher blocks the kick with his weapon in sword form before he punches Donatello in the face.

Adam and Tara start walking toward Christopher and E only for Cam and Rose engage in combat against them both.

"I guess we're going to be doing this the hard way, Tara." Adam said calmly.

"Agreed, Adam, but look out for any tactics that remind you of Christopher's we both know what happened last time we faced those." Tara said with no emotion in her voice.

"Exactly why we're charging into this fight." Adam said calmly.

"Then let's go wreck these bitches!" Tara declared with an evil smile on her face as Tara unsheathes her swords as she and Adam charge into the fight.

"Here we go, Rose."

"I'm definitely going to enjoy this," Rose said with an evil smile on her face, "let's just hope that they're worth the fight."

"We hope for the same thing from you as well, ladies." Adam said with an evil smile on his face.

Adam and Tara glare angrily at Cam and Rose who glare back at them and draw their weapons.

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