Secret Team Undercover: Origi...

By ChristopherCapersJon

192 23 0

Here are the origins of the two main characters along with new enemies and how it all came to be. More

The Preparations For The Final Battle
The Final Fight With The Dark Side
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 1
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 2
The Aftermath of the Battle
The Final Showdown For Freedom
The Return of Adam Part 1
The Return of Adam Part 2
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 1
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 1
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 3
Adam Strikes Back!
Working Together, Part 1
Working Together, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 1
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 3

The Ultimate Enemy's Revelation!

16 1 0
By ChristopherCapersJon

The fight continues with Christopher and Adam clashing between their blades while E starts shooting at Adam much to his shock while he starts kicking at Christopher only for E to move in with her sword and block all of Adam's attacks much to his fury as he immediately starts doing backflips with each strike hoping to gain the advantage while striking with his sword out of pure anger and desperation while giving chase after Christopher.

"Why are you doing all of this, Adam?" Christopher asked while evading a sword slash.

"Why do you think I'm doing all of this?!" Adam asked angrily, "it's because of The Federal Organization's creation that The Eclipse Cult is slowly dying and as the leader of a force of revolution I absolutely cannot let anybody die!".

"Then why bother fighting me if you don't want your people to die?" Christopher asked.

"What are you talking about?!" Adam asked furiously.

"I'm not for taking peoples' lives in a fight so your people will be safe if you guys just leave now." Christopher said.

"Oh, good, then this will definitely go so much faster and we can get this over with." Adam said while spinning his sword in his hand.

Adam smiles evilly before slashing his sword repeatedly at Christopher who blocks all of the attacks before E converts her rifle into a sword while charging toward Adam who glares back at her and starts slashing at her ruthlessly.

"Nice try, but you will not be able to defeat me so easily with a sword." Adam said ruthlessly.

"Then I'll use more than just a sword to win and conquer your opposition to me." E said while drawing out her sword.

Adam angrily slashes his sword at Christopher and E who easily block the attack with their swords as Adam kicks E in the stomach knocking her backward before she regains her balance and starts slashing her own sword at Adam who smiles evilly and activates his veneer called "Flame Breaker" Adam charges up his sword and it starts burning up while his veneer is able to dish out lethal damage to any opponents that get hit by Adam's heated attacks while he charges toward Christopher and attempts to kill him with his weapon which is covered in flames only to be stopped by Christopher's sword much to his anger as he finally attempts to shoot him with his gun only to be blocked by E who kicks Adam in the stomach knocking him into the wall as her angrily gets back up onto his feet and he starts running toward Christopher while his veneer is still active.

"What the hell is your veneer called Adam?!" Christopher asked with both fear and anger in his voice.

"It's called Flame Breaker." Adam said with his evil smile on his face as he slashes his sword.

"His veneer isn't like many others from The Eclipse Cult or anywhere else," E said, "he heats up his sword and gun with his anger sets his weapons of choice on fire and can attack at any angles he chooses to dish out lethal damage!"

"So he can just dish out damage without having to feel anything at all?"

"Yes he can and he is all the more dangerous because of it."

"That's just cheap!"

Christopher slashes his sword at Adam who blocks the attack and attempts to destroy the weapon only for it to be unaffected by the heated weapon as he easily disarms Adam much to his fury while he starts throwing punches at his enemy while the two spymasters engage in hand to hand combat while he struggles against Christopher and E who finally defeat him with a kick to the stomach knocking him into the wall and defeating him in the process as he gets back up onto his feet before he drops onto one knee feeling completely weak after his extended usage of his veneer.

"It's over, Adam Rouge." Christopher said angrily.

"Not by a long shot it's not!" Adam said as he sheathes his sword and attempts to attack Christopher with the sheathed weapon only to miss his mark and accidentally hit Flame in the face knocking him down onto the floor as he notices this and immediately rushes to his aid.

"Flame I'm so sorry!" Adam said remorsefully.

"It's okay you couldn't see where they made you aim that attack so please do me a favor and let me help you in this fight." Flame said.

"Gladly, but only if it's what you want." Adam said with a concerned look on his face.

"Trust me, I do." Flame said with an evil smile on his face as he takes out his weapons of choice in gun form.

"Well, I guess we can now get started on the real fight to the death." Christopher said with an evil smile on his face.

Christopher blocks an incoming sword swing from Adam while E starts blocking Flame's gunfire shot at her while he starts kicking at Christopher who blocks all of his attacks with his sword blade resulting in Adam slashing his sword at Christopher as he then reactivates his veneer heating up his weapons with his anger.

"Here I come for you first, Christopher Jones!" Adam said with an evil smile on his face.

Adam swiftly slashes his sword at Christopher who blocks every attack while he shoots at E who blocks all of the bullets and shoots back at Adam who angrily disarms E of her weapon in one kick before he then kicks her in the stomach knocking her into the wall angering Christopher enough to continuously slash his sword at Adam who smiles sadistically at him in response before slashing and blocking all of his attacks as he jumps away from three slashes while backflipping away from the attacks before kicking at him only for his blade to block three of the attacks only for him to slash three more times catching Adam off guard as he swiftly tries to keep up with his enemy's movements only to be disarmed of his sword as he immediately shifts to his gun while repeatedly shooting at him and E as he is finally losing his composure.

"Why can't you two ever give up and surrender to your superior team?!" Adam asked with a hint of anger in his voice while regaining his composure.

"The Eclipse Cult is not my team and it never was my team and E may have been an agent on The Eclipse Cult but she's not loyal to them nor is she loyal to you." Christopher said coldly.

Adam angrily charges toward Christopher and E who glance at each other before blocking all of Adam's bullets while he walks toward them while he looks over at where his sword is and he runs over to it while picking it up only to be shot in the arm twice once by each opposing spy much to his anger as he starts charging toward them with his sword in hand as he starts slashing at the teen spies who easily block all of the attacks before they quickly kick Adam away from them before Adam slashes his sword at them once again only for E to move in close and headbutt him in the face knocking him onto the floor, but not before Christopher easily knocks his sword out of his hand with his own therefore disarming him of his weapon of choice while Christopher kicks his gun out of his hands therefore disarming him completely of his weapons of choice much to his shock and fearless attitude.

"I will never lose to the likes of you!" Adam said while drawing his sword out of its sheath after having picked it back up off of the floor.

"If we continue fighting then this place could come apart!" Christopher warned.

"Maybe that's the plan so that I can kill two birds with one stone!" Adam said with anger in his voice.

"Then so be it since I can get this place repaired." Christopher said as he walks toward Adam with his sword in his hand.

Adam charges toward Christopher before clashing with his sword blade three times before he slows his movements due to exhaustion as he is then shoved onto the floor defeating him and ending the fight.

"Like I said before Adam Rouge, it's over." Christopher said angrily.

Adam sighs in annoyance and defeat as he falls onto his knees helplessly.

"I guess it's about time somebody had revealed the history of The Eclipse Cult before either side of this fight dies at the end." Adam said calmly.

"I can explain this just as easily with what it was originally made for." E said.

The scene fades to the past involving Adam and E as elite officers working for an unknown.

Meanwhile with Adam and E in the past sparring against each other before their next mission.

"Are you certain that we can still win the fight and obtain our well-deserved equality, Adam Rouge?" E asked.

"I promise that as long as I've got you in my life as my mission partner we can win any fight we are in, E." Adam said in a reassuring response.

"I hope you're somewhat right about all of this though." E said as she throws a punch at Adam who blocks the attack with his forearm as he smiles at his partner and kicks at her once only for her to dodge the attack with ease before she punches Adam in the face both shocking and impressing him all the while.

"Nice move, but you haven't finished me just yet since my veneer is enough to basically dismember or even murder an enemy." Adam said with a smile.

"Good to know, Adam." E said with a smile on her face as she kicks Adam in the stomach.

E kicks Adam three times while landing all of her attacks as she dodges three punches from Adam who backflips away from E's first kick only to be hit with her second kick knocking him onto the floor.

"That was rather intense even if it was just training." Adam said as he gets back up onto his feet.

"Are you okay?" E asked concerned.

"Of course, but next it time won't be so easy to defeat me." Adam warned.

"You wish that was the case, Adam." E said with a smile on her face.

Adam laughs genuinely while wiping off the dust on his jacket and pants while he holds E's hand while leading her out of the room while they exchange smiles with each other.

"Do you think Natalia Tyler will be pissed about our intense training since she doesn't think I'm ready for a mission yet?" E asked.

"I wouldn't worry about it, plus we still need to help the big boss of the team take care of The Eclipse Cult by creating branches all around the world." Adam said with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile Adam and E arrive at Natalia's office who isn't too happy about their sparring match against each other.

"What were you thinking when you started sparring with each other, Adam?!" a woman responded angrily making Adam cower in fear.

"You aren't high enough in the ranks to decide that and I'm in charge of The Eclipse Cult's Iowan branch starting today, Natalia!" Adam snapped angrily finally having enough.

"Y-yes sir." Natalia responded nervously.

"Now go get ready for the next mission." Adam ordered.

"Yes, sir." Natalia said obediently.

Adam scowls at her office door in the peephole on her door before leaving the scene with E as the scene fades back to the present day with present day Adam pointing his sword and gun at Christopher and E who both point their weapons directly at Adam.

"So you took power from some bitch named Natalia Tyler and became the head of T E C's Iowan branch?" Christopher asked in disbelief.

"Yes and I work for a mastermind who you guys will be meeting soon enough." Adam said with an evil smile on his face.

"Even I've never personally met this powerful authority figure over The Eclipse Cult." E said calmly.

"Seriously?!" Christopher said, "you were a member of The Eclipse Cult yet you've never met the leader of the agency?!"

"Adam never told me much about the leader we were all working for." E said.

"I didn't know how to explain the boss's characteristics or even his personality to you at the time." Adam said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I guess I'm speechless after learning all of this." Christopher said.

"And now that you know everything up until this point and where the whole creation of The Eclipse Cult's Iowan branch was started you cannot leave here alive and E will die with you don't worry about not seeing her again." Adam said.

Christopher backs up slowly with E following suit as Adam quickly charges forward with his sword unsheathed as he starts slashing his sword at them both until an old enemy from earlier returns to help Adam in the fight.

"Huh?!" Christopher, E and Adam all say in unison in pure shock.

"Did you really think that I'd leave my partner behind to fight a battle all alone against the enemy?" Tara asked.

"I knew you'd be back," Adam said with a smile on his face, "now who do you want to fight?"

"I'll take down Christopher Jones while you deal with your past." Tara said.

"Gladly." Adam said with an evil smile on his face.

Tara and Adam pull out their currently unsheathed swords before slashing at Christopher and E respectively who each block the attacks before slashing their swords at their respective enemies who each evade one of the attacks before they attempt to counterattack with swift slashes only for them to be blocked as Tara starts slashing both of her swords at Christopher who smiles evilly and blocks both of the blades at once with a defensive stance while Christopher easily blocks both of Tara's sword blades before she has the chance to strike.

"What made you think that you could ever win a fight against me?!" Tara asked angrily.

"Easy, the fact that you were trounced by a trio of kids says that you're a massive loser." Christopher said while laughing.

"You know you should really watch your back before someone uses a sneak attack." Tara warned with irritation in her voice.

"Nice try, ladies and gentlemen, drop your weapons and get on your knees or die in a puddle of your own blood." Christopher angrily ordered to a group of enemy agents armed with guns and swords without turning around.

"Okay, okay, just chill put will ya?" an enemy agent responded in horror.

The enemy agents all drop their weapons on the floor before dropping onto their knees with their hands in the air.

"That's right, ladies and gentlemen," Christopher said with an evil smile on his face as he turns around to face the enemy agents, "you're all under arrest."

"How are you able to arrest my teammates without having to struggle with all of that?!" Tara asked in shock and anger.

"I have enough authority over anyone who is still impressionable and your grunts are rather afraid of authority." Christopher said.

"You won't be able to win against an assassin with the same amount of training as you." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

"We'll see about that." Christopher said with an evil smile plastered on his face.

Christopher and Tara clash with their sword blades as Tara slashes both of her swords at Christopher who blocks both of the blades at one time much to her anger as she spins both of her swords before she attempts to strike only for her blades to clash with Christopher's blade again as Tara kicks at him and misses before being kicked in the stomach knocking her onto the floor as she gets back up onto her feet and walks forward toward him while Adam kicks E in the stomach knocking her onto her back on the floor.

"Did you really think you could ever defeat me in a fight on your own?" Adam asked.

"I never thought you of all people would try to kill someone close to you, Adam." E responded with fear in her voice.

"You have every right to be afraid of me, E." Adam laughed psychotically.

Adam slashes his sword at E who blocks the attack before running away from him resulting in him giving chase after him while Christopher blocks all of Tara's attacks with ease before she slashes one more time and misses her mark before she is kicked in the stomach by him before she gets back up onto her feet and charges forward with both of her swords on hand while she desperately tries to slash her weapons at him only to miss resulting in her resorting to firing gunfire from her weapons converted into guns as she starts shooting at him only for all of her bullets to be deflected by his sword blade as he slashes at her only for her to quickly convert her weapons back into swords and block the attack creating more sparks between the blades while she starts slashing both of her swords at him only to miss her mark and get kicked in the stomach knocking her back first into the wall causing her to drop her swords as they fall and land next to her while Christopher walks toward her while E kicks Adam's sword blade away from her while he activates his veneer heating up his weapons.

"Try this on for size you little bitch!" Adam said showing his anger.

"Gladly, Adam." E said with an evil a smile on her face.

E kicks away the heated blade and gun as she then slashes her sword at him making him lose his balance only for him to grab onto E's blade, swing back around and kick her in the side knocking her onto the ground as she gets back up onto her feet and starts punching him in the face catching him off guard in time to launch a final attack at him with a kick to the face knocking him onto the floor while Tara is defeated by a kick to the stomach defeating both of the enemy agents.

"Get out of here before we kill you both next." Christopher warned.

"We will be back for you two later and next time we won't be defeated so easily!" Adam warned before he and Tara are hobbling away while Tara grabs her weapons off of the floor and sheaths them again while hobbling away ending the fight and the interaction.

"Now we have two more enemies to deal within the meantime, but we will need help with that." Christopher said calmly with a smile.

"I guess you might have more ideas on who we can recruit for this upcoming battle?" E asked.

"I do have a few ideas on who we can recruit for this upcoming battle, do you?" Christopher asked.

"I do know a ton of people who can help us win this battle against the enemy." E responded with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile Phoenix and Indigo are seen running away from their last location.

"Where the fuck are those two brats at right now?!" Indigo asked.

"Be patient with me, Indigo," Phoenix said, "we will go back and kill them at any cost just trust me."

Phoenix smiles evilly as he and Indigo both continue with their journey after The Federal Organization.

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