Secret Team Undercover: Origi...

By ChristopherCapersJon

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Here are the origins of the two main characters along with new enemies and how it all came to be. More

The Preparations For The Final Battle
The Final Fight With The Dark Side
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 1
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 2
The Aftermath of the Battle
The Final Showdown For Freedom
The Return of Adam Part 1
The Return of Adam Part 2
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 1
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 1
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 2
Adam Strikes Back!
The Ultimate Enemy's Revelation!
Working Together, Part 1
Working Together, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 1
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 3

Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 3

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By ChristopherCapersJon

Christopher and E are busy searching through the desks and filing cabinets searching for information on the enemy agents that had attacked them several times before.

"Where the hell are they hiding out at?!" Christopher asked out of blind rage.

"Jesus Christ man, you need to calm the hell down." E suggested calmly.

"Why the hell am I supposed to calm the fuck down when The Dark Side, The Eclipse Cult, and The Supreme are all out to get us while a bunch of spy rebels are also plotting something very bad against The Federal Organization?!"

"You may have a point, but there is still a chance we can still won a fight against the enemy."

"Then why don't you two put your hands where I can see them?!" Tara asked in a shout of pure anger.

"Tara Ris!" Christopher and E said simultaneously in both intense feelings of intense shock and intense anger.

"That's right and I am not alone as Adam is here too so we will be dealing with E personally while I deal with you personally, Christopher Jones." Tara said.

"It's time we got to work on eliminating these two pests!" Adam said with his smile glaring as he slowly unsheathes his sword.

"I guess this fight will be ended once and for all." Christopher said.

Christopher slashes his sword at Tara who smiles evilly and dodges the attack with ease before she jumps onto the table and starts shooting at Christopher who dodges and blocks all of the attacks just as he kicks Tara into the table as she jumps down off of it while Adam walks into the scene prompting E to attack him with her sword before clashing head to head against him as he smiles evilly and kicks E in the stomach as she lands on her feet and starts kicking Adam in the stomach before using a spinning back kick to disarm him of his weapon before kicking him in the stomach knocking him onto the floor.

"This doesn't have to end like this, Adam." E said.

"I don't care about that as much as I would care about my team and my revenge plans." Adam said.

"Why are you doing this even after everything we've dealt with on The Eclipse Cult?" E said.

"I am keeping my position as the High Leader of The Eclipse Cult's Iowan branch to make you pay for your betrayal." Adam warned.

Adam kicks E in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before she gets back up onto her feet and starts kicking Adam away from her as he walks over to his sword and picks it up off of the floor and sheathes it before swinging it around as he starts hitting E in the stomach and again in the face knocking her onto the floor.

"You are just impossible to deal with despite being one of the best spies on The Eclipse Cult," Adam said irately, "I was going to make you my top lieutenant on The Eclipse Cult."

"I was already planning on leaving The Eclipse Cult before you had ever decided to promote me to your top lieutenant." E said while shooting bullets at Adam who absorbs the attacks with his sword.

"Why did you abandon me?" Adam asked irately.

"I did not abandon you," E said, "but I am not rejoining The Eclipse Cult."

"Then you too will die at my hands since your partner will be dead before your eyes at the hands of Tara Ris." Adam said irately.

Adam sighs angrily and walks toward E as Tara starts slashing her weapons of choice at Christopher while chasing after him.

"Come back here and stop running away from me you coward!" Tara shouted angrily.

"Who sent you to kill me?!" Christopher said.

"Adam sent me to kill you, so that he could deal with your mission partner!" Tara said irately.

"Then I won' be going down without a fight." Christopher said irately.

Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach before she kicks back as she jumps onto the tabletop before shooting rapid fire bullets at him only for him to deflect all of the bullets with his sword only for him to clash head to head with Tara who converts her weapons into swords before she starts clashing head on with sparks flying between the two spies as Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her into the wall as she drops her weapons of choice before falling onto the floor.

"You aren't even trying to fight back Tara," Christopher said, "is it because you already know you're a failure in combat?"

"At least I'm not a coward who's too afraid to fight two people at one time!" Tara snapped angrily.

Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach before breaking a chair over her head knocking her onto the floor before she gets up slowly onto her feet and she starts walking over to her weapons on the floor before picking them back up off of the floor before charging toward Christopher before she starts clashing with both of her swords against Christopher's sword as he quickly disarms her of her first sword leaving it as a one on one fight between one sword each as Tara walks toward Christopher angrily.

"You've gotten stronger since the last time we had fought each other one on one." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

Tara swings her remaining sword over her head at Christopher while he blocks the attack and sparks start flying between the two blades just before kicking at each other before Christopher disarms Tara easily with sparks flying between them while he finally successfully disarms her with ease as her sword is finally dropped onto the floor next to her other sword.

"You're weak against me in a fight so I definitely don't need to run away from you, Tara." Christopher said while walking away from Tara who falls onto her knees.

"I will never lose to the likes of you and as long as I am alive you will never get the peace that you think you deserve." Tara said as she quickly gets back up onto her feet and starts walking toward her swords on the floor before she picks them up off of the floor and walks toward Christopher with an evil smile on his face.

"Why aren't you fighting back against me you coward?!" Adam asked angrily as E is seen sliding on her side against the floor while wincing in pain.

"I will never stoop down to your level Adam," E started, "we may be deadly, but we assassins do keep it all to 100 all the fucking time."

E angrily kicks Adam in the stomach three times before slashing her weapon at him in sword form before kicking him in the chest five times knocking him onto the floor much to his anger as he gets back up onto his feet before unsheathes his weapon before slashing his sword wildly at E who kicks at the blade three times before E clashes with her weapon creating sparks in between the two swords while E push kicks Adam in the stomach knocking him onto the floor while he drops his sword on the floor next to him.

"I will never give up as long as I am alive to make you pay for what you had done to me." Adam warned.

"In that case I will forever make your life better with every step since I will be rather merciful if you leave willingly and never come back, Adam Rouge." E said calmly while showing no emotion at all.

"I don't need your sympathy, nor do I need your stupid charity as all I need is you reported dead!" Adam snapped angrily before picking up his sword off of the floor while charging angrily at E who dodges the attacks before backflipping away from Adam's sword swings before clashing head on with her weapon in sword form while sparks are created between their sword blades while Tara kicks at Christopher's sword blade before she walks over to her swords and picks them both up before going back to clashing head to head with her own swords as she angrily grunts before slashing her swords at Christopher who easily blocks all of the attacks before attempting to disarm her again only to be blocked by both sword blades as she jumps onto the tabletop before she starts slashing her swords at him only to miss every single attack before she converts her weapons into guns and shooting rapid fire bullets at him before jumping off of the tabletop and she starts kicking at him only to miss her marks and starts shooting at him while E gets kicked by Adam while he walks toward her angrily.

Christopher kicks Tara's shin before clashing with his sword against her swords as she struggles against the single blade before kicking her into the wall as she evades stabbing her swords into the wall by turning the weapons so the blades so that the butts of the swords hit the wall before she starts charging angrily at him while she starts slashing her swords at him only to miss her mark every time with an attempted kick at him only to be blocked by his sword blade as her arms are now getting tired and she struggles against the single blade before sparks fly between them until she can't hold her swords anymore and she is now disarmed with ease while her swords drop onto the floor as Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her onto the floor breathing heavily after the entire fight.

"It's over Tara and you and Adam are going away for a very long time." Christopher said.

"I don't think so as Adam is still fighting hard against your friend and he won't go down even if he gets tired." Tara said.

"I'll kill you once and for all," Adam threatened, "you and E are dead meat as long as I'm here with Tara!"

"Adam Rouge," Christopher warned, "you are next up to go down just like your deadly hired assassin."

"Is that true," Adam asked taunted, "or are you just saying this to scare me off so you don't have to die trying to protect your agent working under your command?"

"I will kill you, Adam Rouge!" Christopher shouted as he charged angrily at him with his sword in hand as sparks are created with ease.

Christopher clashes head on with Adam's sword before kicking him away before slashing at him while sparks are being created in between their weapons while Christopher and E clash head on with E kicking Adam in the stomach knocking him into the wall as his sword drops onto the floor as he falls onto his hands and knees before he gets back up onto his feet and he immediately grabs his sword off of the floor and starts slashing his sword at them both with no luck in landing his attacks before kicking at them only to miss once again and he and Tara are finally scared off of the scene ending the long fight while they are cursing under their breaths as they make one final threat to the protagonists while filled with intense rage.

"Hear us when we say that this war you've started with us is not over by a fucking long shot and we will be back for you both later!" Adam and Tara said in unison in pure aggravation before running out of the scene.

"I guess that answers where they were, but we still have to go after their sorry asses before they start killing people!" Christopher said.

"Or we can just stand by and wait for those pieces of shit to return." E suggested.

"I guess it couldn't hurt to wait this out and go out there if we get reports." Christopher said with a sigh.

Meanwhile Cam walks alone before being attacked by rebels led by Hari Corbin and his team of rebels.

"I'll be sure to end your life in the name of my leader." Hari threatened.

"Go ahead and try that if you're not scared, but you will not leave without a scratch." Cam warned.

Cam kicks Hari in the stomach knocking him into the ground before jumping up in the air and backflipping and landing on her feet behind two rebels armed with guns specifically Alex Citron and Brian Davina who are exchanging confused looks before Cam kicks them in the back knocking them onto the ground while dropping their weapons on the ground before she walks over to Hari Corbin who angrily charges forward toward Cam who smiles evilly and sidesteps him forcing him to run into a tree and get knocked back down onto the ground.

Cam laughs before kicking Hari Corbin in the stomach and once in the chest knocking him down onto the ground defeating three of the six rebels only for Hari to get back up onto his feet and continue fighting against Cam while the remaining rebels start shooting at her while she uses a spin kick to disarm a female rebel named Kylie Topaz who angrily shoots at Cam before kicking her in the stomach forcing her to drop her gun onto the ground before being kicked into the tree while Cam kicks Silver in the stomach knocking him into a tree as Cam looks back at Hari Corbin who gets up onto his feet and starts shooting at Cam while the two spies walk closer to each other until Cam jumps in the air again while backflipping and landing softly on her feet before she kicks Hari in the back knocking him onto the ground as she walks past him and all of his defeated rebels therefore ending the fight.

"And you all thought I was going down in a fight like you had told me before?" Cam asked in a mocking tone of voice.

"When Indigo finds out what you've done you're dead meat!" Hari threatened.

"Possibly, although I doubt it since he previously got his ass thoroughly kicked by a beginning spy and I'm coming after him next." Cam said with an evil smile on her face.

Cam walks down the path while stopping at a sign one sign reading "The Federal Organization Headquarters" and the other reading "Spy Rebels Headquarters" as she sighs and runs quickly toward The Federal Organization Headquarters.

Meanwhile with Indigo limping alone while traveling to an unknown location while he suddenly collapses onto the ground.

"Why did I have to lose to a stupid girl?!" Indigo questioned to himself unknown to him that someone was listening to his question and had an answer ready.

"Well, maybe I could help you out with your little predicament." a menacing voice suggested as a man in a mask walks over to Indigo and helps him up onto his feet with a nod of reassurance.

"Who are you?" Indigo asked confused.

"I'm Phoenix Claret and my mission is to help fellow villains in need." Phoenix explained.

"Then we also have a new enemy to face off against and that would be-" Indigo started to say, but was interrupted.

"The Federal Organization, right?" Phoenix asked.

"Yes and we should really get going if we want to find them." Indigo said.

"Sure thing since I was on my way over to pay a visit and kill them myself." Phoenix said.

Phoenix and Indigo walk together down the path and find a shortcut to The Federal Organization Headquarters and they nod to each other simultaneously before cutting through the trees.

Meanwhile with Christopher and E are about to leave the room they are instantly attacked by two enemy masterminds.

"Who the fuck is attacking us?!" Christopher asked angrily.

"I don't know who is attacking us like this." E said as she ducks under gunfire.

"Freeze and put your hands where we can see them!" Phoenix demanded.

"Don't make us ask twice!" Indigo said angrily.

"Okay we are in danger."

"We can't lose a fight to these bitches."

"Then let's fight back."

Christopher kicks Phoenix in the stomach knocking him into a table before he gets back up onto his feet before shooting arrows at him and missing his shot every single time as he realizes who else is in the room and shoots Indigo in the back with a laser gun before dodging ten more arrows before kicking Phoenix in the stomach while E uses the attack from Christopher to kick Indigo in the table knocking him down onto the floor before Christopher blocks a sword from Phoenix while walking backwards as E sees this and kicks Phoenix in the face knocking him onto the floor as the two masterminds get back up onto their feet and glare angrily at the teen spies.

"Did you really think this would be easy to conquer?" Phoenix asked angrily.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you two assholes want?!" Christopher asked angrily.

"I'm Phoenix Claret and this is my partner Indigo and what we want is you and your entire team dead!" Phoenix replied coldly as he attempts to charge toward Christopher only for him to be kicked in the face by a swift attacking Cam who lands on her feet and glares angrily at the enemy masterminds as they glare back at her and start walking toward as she walks over to Christopher and E concerned.

"Are you okay, Christopher?" Cam asked.

"Yeah I'm fine-Cam Kay?!" Christopher responds in shock.

"Hey it's been a while, but right now we have two dirt bags to kick into the dirt." Cam said with a smile.

"I don't think so punk!" Tara said as she kicks Cam in the stomach knocking her into the wall hurt from the impact.

"Who the hell is here besides these two?!" Cam asked angrily.

"I'm here and I want my revenge for Adam's and my defeat earlier." Tara said as she walks toward Cam.

"Then you'd have to fight me first and actually win against me." Cam said.

"So be it then," Tara said irately, "I already knew someone like you would be here to save these pathetic spies."

Cam kicks Tara in the face before punching her in the stomach twice and punching her in the face three times much to her surprise and increased rage while Christopher kicks Phoenix in the stomach while E kicks Indigo in the stomach sending them into the table as they both hit the floor before getting back up onto their feet as the three spies look over at their previously defeated enemies before they dodge gunfire from Phoenix and Indigo while also evading sword strikes from Tara as she spins both of her swords before swinging them both at Cam who easily evades the attacks and kicks her feet against the blades before backflipping three times and landing on her feet as she angrily glares at Tara who charges angrily toward her while slashing twenty times and missing every time before she gets kicked in the stomach while Christopher breaks a chair over Phoenix's head knocking him into the table before he hits the floor while E kicks Indigo in the stomach knocking him directly into the wall before he reels into the table and falls onto the floor before he and Phoenix get back up onto their feet and they continue attacking while walking closer as Cam kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her into the wall before breaking a chair over her head knocking her onto the floor as Phoenix charges toward Christopher who smiles evilly and sidesteps him before hitting him in the stomach with a chair breaking it in the process and knocking him in the stomach while he is then seen stumbling into the table behind him while E breaks a chair over Indigo's head knocking him onto his hands and knees before he gets back up onto his feet and he starts kicking at E who dodges all ten of his kicks before kicking him in the stomach knocking him hard enough to make him hit the wall stumbling.

"What the fuck is with these three?!" Christopher asked through heavy breaths.

"I don't know, but I know your friend is impressive, but even she is getting tired by this point." E responded.

"We need to keep fighting since our lives depend on it guys." Cam said.

"We are already tired from all of this fighting and with three opponents we may never win this if we are not careful." Christopher said, "however, I think I have an idea to fix that."

"Let's hear it." Cam and E said simultaneously.

"We need to switch opponents since they are also physically tired so if we can use their exhaustion levels to our advantage then we can get out of this alive." Christopher said.

"That is really smart." E said.

"I think I know just who I'm fighting." Cam said before glancing at Phoenix.

"I do too." E said.

"Then I guess I'm taking down Tara again so this should be fun." Christopher said as the three spies run over to their new opponents.

Christopher takes out his weapon of choice in sword form before clashing head to head with both of Tara's swords as she angrily tries to fight back while sparks are flying between the clashing blades as he swiftly clashes harder with Tara's swords while E kicks Indigo in the stomach before kicking Phoenix in the stomach while Cam switches to attacking Indigo who is none too pleased at having to fight her, but he angrily kicks her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before she gets back up onto her feet and charges forward with three punches being landed on Indigo's face before she kicks him in the stomach knocking him onto the floor while E kicks Phoenix in the stomach knocking him into the wall before he gets back up onto his feet and starts walking toward her angrier than before as he starts punching and kicking E knocking her into the table before she gets back up onto her feet and starts kicking at Phoenix who is caught off guard before she sweep kicks him onto the floor while Cam kicks Indigo in the face before she flips Indigo onto his back on a table as it breaks and collapses onto the floor while Christopher easily overpowers Tara's remaining sword with his own as sparks fly between the blades and he disarms her after only three seconds much to Cam's shock as Christopher kicks the defenseless Tara into the wall defeating her and ending the fight.

"It worked like a fucking charm, ladies."

"How did you know that by switching opponents we could defeat them?"

"It was obvious that these three got tired after fighting us respectively so by switching opponents it kept them fighting until they just gave up as their arms and legs got tired of fighting." Christopher explained.

"That was the smartest idea you've ever had yet." Cam said with a smile.

"I would have to agree despite that fact that I'm consistently sarcastic but this was genuinely the best idea you've ever had yet." E said.

"Should we take out the trash?" Cam asked.

"We definitely should do something about them and do something fast before they decide to make us think that they weren't-." Christopher started to say before being interrupted.

"Badly beaten by the likes if three pathetic spies who just got lucky?" Phoenix asked while interrupting Christopher.

"Well, I guess this fight isn't over just yet." Christopher said as he starts walking toward Phoenix who glares angrily at him and takes out his weapon of choice in ax form while Christopher takes out his weapon in sword form.

"I guess this is what we should've been waiting for." E said while taking out her weapon of choice in whip form.

"I'll definitely be enjoying crushing you again." Cam said.

Christopher kicks Phoenix in the stomach before clashing with Phoenix's ax against his sword blade creating sparks between them as Christopher slashes his sword at Phoenix before he easily dodges the attack and blocks it with his ax before converting the weapon into a sniper rifle before shooting directly at Christopher who blocks all of the sniper bullets before kicking him in the stomach and hitting him in the head with a chair knocking him onto the floor.

"Really, a sniper rifle?" Christopher questioned aloud to Phoenix, "Other people wouldn't ever use a sniper rifle at all to create their weapons because of how ineffective it is against moving targets."

"I will fix that by using my ax to finish you!" Phoenix said while raises his converted weapon of choice.

"Then come and get me you son of a bitch." Christopher said while raising his sword out in front of him.

Phoenix walks toward Christopher and holds out his ax in front of him.

Meanwhile with Adam Rouge back at The Eclipse Cult base of operations frustrated over his defeat.

"I still can't believe that she had defeated me even with the added help of Tara Ris." Adam complained.

"Don't forget that even Christopher Jones had also defeated you in several fights too." Flame said.

Adam angrily unsheathes his weapon halfway as a form of intimidation making Flame scared as he is speechless for a moment.

"Did you say something, Flame?" Adam asked.

"No sir, no sir!" Flame responded nervously.

"Alright then," Adam said, "I guess we can still win this fight against The Federal Organization if we can enlist help of Tara and all of my remaining agents on The Eclipse Cult."

Adam grins evilly while his mask gleams in the light.

Concurrently, with Fremont Vienna and his team of rebels as he gives them all a very disappointed look for their failure.

"Please sir-?!" Alex begged, "We can still-"

"NO!" Fremont shouted, "you have done enough to piss me off as is knowing that the boss is not going to be happy with this colossal failure!"

"What if we go back to the scene and go after the girl who bested us and bring her here for you to do with what you will?" Alex bargained.

"Hm, that sounds rather promising, but you won't be off the hook at all." Fremont said.

"We can still go after the girl who bested us in a fight and exact our revenge on the brat." Alex said with an evil smile.

"With enough luck we can make that bitch pay for everything she's done," Fremont said, "I just hope that the boss is having better luck than we are."

The other agents nod including Hari who had stayed quiet throughout the entire conversation.

Now back with Christopher, E, and Cam facing off against Phoenix, Indigo, and Tara in The Federal Organization Headquarters.

"We have to win this and end the fight or we all will die and they would win!" Christopher said while battling Phoenix and his ax as E kicks Indigo in the stomach knocking him over the top of the table before he falls onto the floor before he gets back up onto his feet and starts walking toward her only for Cam to kicks Tara into Indigo before the two enemy agents get back up onto their feet and they start attacking their respective enemies with Indigo kicking E in the stomach knocking her into the table that he tumbled over while Tara draws out both of her swords and starts battling Cam and her pugil sticks before she easily blocks two incoming sword strikes with her sword as she clashes head on.

"Really," Tara said with an evil smile on her face, "that is really your weapon?"

"Not exactly as I can also change it into a gun and even a pair of rapiers." Cam said while clashing against Tara with her sword.

"I guess this is where I test the name of The Federal Organization and what it really means." Christopher said angrily while walking toward Phoenix who engages with his weapon in ax form while the two spies engage in combat against each other with their weapons swinging wildly in the air before they clash head to head before Christopher kicks Phoenix in the stomach knocking him into the wall before he starts slashing his ax at him and missing every single shot before being kicked in the stomach knocking him over the tabletop near them as he falls onto the floor.

"You think you're something better than what I really am?!" Phoenix asked clearly furious by this point.

"What's wrong, Phoenix Claret," Christopher asked mockingly, "can't hit a boy who's ultimately better than you in every way?"

"I'll kill you!" Phoenix threatened with a furious grunt before slashing his ax at Christopher who spins around and blocks the attack with his sword defeating sparks between them while E charges toward Indigo and starts shooting at him with her weapon of choice in rifle form as she starts shooting at Indigo who throws his saws at her only to miss his mark before he starts shooting at her with the guns in his gauntlets before she starts firing back even more while she starts walking toward Indigo who starts punching at her only to miss his mark every time while the saws come right back and reconnect themselves onto Phoenix's gauntlets while Tara starts slashing her swords at Cam who blocks all of the attacks at her with ease while using her sword in rapier form as she starts reconnecting her rapiers into her sword as she starts kicking at Tara while she starts slashing at her only to miss every single time while Cam slashes at Tara before she counters with her swords.

"What the fuck are you doing with your time defending this worthless facility and its agents!" Tara asked angrily.

"I'm defending this facility because I have a lot of friends around here and of course you and your friends have enemies around here so watch yourselves." Cam warned.

"I'll show you who's in danger!" Tara said as she charges toward Cam who sidesteps her and kicks her in the stomach knocking the assassin into the floor before she gets back up onto her feet and starts walking toward Cam only to be shot at in close range before Cam kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her into the windowsill before she gets scratched and starts bleeding from being grazed against the sill.

"Argh! I will kill you right here and right now!" Tara shouted angrily while clutching her grazed arm as she drops one of her swords on the floor before she starts slashing her remaining sword at Cam only to be blocked easily by Cam's sword while creating sparks between the blades before kicking Tara in the stomach knocking her onto the floor while Phoenix slashing his sword at Christopher who blocks all of the attacks.

"You know you are really pathetic in a fight, Phoenix." Christopher said.

"I'm supposed to be keeping my title as undefeated especially since I'm always going to come back after a demise unlike others in the world." Phoenix cried out before laughing hysterically.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Christopher asked sounding almost scared but still speaking furiously.

"You'll only be able to see what I mean if I'm dead!" Phoenix responded coldly.

"I still don't get what the fuck you're talking about or what the hell is so great about you as a whole you son of a bitch." Christopher responded coldly.

"You'll see what I'm capable of accomplishing when I'm dead." Phoenix said before kicking Christopher into the table as he laughs evilly and walks toward him.

"You of course are one interesting enemy to fight and that is saying something." Christopher said honestly.

"That's touching yet I won't be done in that easily by kindness since, well, let's just say I have a history of countless murders and everyone of them ended in my death yet I am still here to tell this tale." Phoenix said while retaining his sadistic smile on his face.

"That's all of the evidence I need to put your heartless ass behind bars for life." Christopher said with an evil smile plastered on his face.

"It's not like you even have the authority to arrest me for the murders." Phoenix taunted with an evil chuckle.

"Actually since you are a real spy you are going to prison at The Federal Organization Headquarters in maximum security so good luck trying to kill yourself to get out of that as there is nothing you can use to do so and if you could do so successfully you're still screwed with the brick walls sealing you inside." Christopher explained with an evil smile on his face.

"You bastard!" Phoenix shouted in pure anger.

"Calling me names won't get you out of the trouble you got yourself into, Phoenix." Christopher said calmly with a smile on his face.

"No, but getting rid of you will be a start." Phoenix said coldly.

Phoenix slashes his weapon at Christopher five times while he successfully dodges all of the attacks while E kicks Indigo in the stomach knocking him into the wall before he gets back up onto his feet and starts charging angrily at her while Tara starts slashing her swords at Cam while she dodges all of the sword swings before kicking Tara in the stomach knocking her into the wall and making her drop her swords onto the floor.

"Don't you guys know when to quit and ultimately give up?" Tara asked.

"We will never quit fighting for what we believe in, Tara." Cam said calmly.

Tara kicks at Cam twice before she picks up her swords off of the floor and starts slashing at her while Indigo starts kicking at her in return while Tara glares angrily at Cam and starts slashing her swords at her before being blocked with ease before Tara angrily starts slashing her swords at Cam while she easily kicks the blades away from her while spinning in the air much to Tara's shock as she starts slashing at the young spy girl before she smiles evilly and kicks Tara in the stomach sending her into the wall before she angrily charges forward before she starts wildly slashing her swords each one moving faster as she swings them at Cam who smiles evilly and kicks Tara's first sword in her left hand onto the floor before she kicks her other sword onto the floor before kicking Tara in the stomach knocking her back a few steps before she starts walking over to her swords as she picks them back up and runs toward Cam while swinging her swords at Cam who smiles and starts blocking all of her enemy's sword swings before Tara attempts to kill Cam only to miss her mark when she takes a swing.

"You really should've stayed away from The Federal Organization Headquarters and you would've lived a lot longer." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

"What the fuck do you even know about my life or even the events that had started taking place?" Cam asked annoyed.

"I know even more than you ever would begin to find out for yourself." Tara said while slashing her sword in the air.

"I hope you enjoy time in prison for your crimes against the freelance spy community among other mercenary agencies." Cam said angrily while scowling at Tara.

"Who says I will be the one leaving the scene and heading straight to prison?" Tara asked with her cynical tone.

"What are you talking about?!" Cam asked angrily while confused.

"You will see soon enough, Cam Kay." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

Cam swiftly kicks Tara in the stomach before kicking away her swords in her hands while flipping Tara onto the floor on her back before stepping onto Tara's stomach while pointing her weapon at her throat.

"Where is your so-called power now Tara Ris?"Cam asked angrily.

"I will never bow to the likes of you despite our ranks in the freelance spy agency!" Tara shouted angrily before slipping through and kicking Cam in the stomach knocking her into the wall

"Where is your spirit now, Tara?" Cam asked irately having calmed down a bit.

"I never wanted to be the bad guy in your life nor anyone else's lives, but I never had a choice in the matter and you know what? I'm definitely okay with my role in this world as your enemy so you will die like mine." Tara ranted.

Tara slashes her swords at Cam who easily clashes with the blades and blocks them both at the same time while Christopher punches Phoenix in the face and E kicks Indigo in the stomach knocking the two masterminds onto the floor before they start attacking with punches and kicks at the two spies.

"Is blocking all you can do in a fight Christopher Jones?!" Phoenix asked angrily.

"You think you're something to fear E?!"

"You!" Indigo started with a kick to E's stomach knocking her onto the floor rolling away from him.

"Are!" Indigo continued with more anger as he kicks her away from him onto the floor rolling away again.

"Nothing!" he finally finished with his strongest kick to E's stomach breaking five of her ribs in the process as she drops onto the floor horribly injured while her opponent walks toward her with his gauntlets at his sides.

Meanwhile back with Adam and Flame, the two boys are confronted by a familiar ally from the past, Ella Fall.


"Adam Rouge?" a familiar voice asked getting the attention of the two boys.

"Ella Fall!" Adam responded irately, "what are you doing back here?!"

"I only came back here to check up on your mission." Ella said.

"How the fuck do you think the mission went you absent-minded bitch?!" Adam asked as he snapped in pure anger.

"What did you just call me Adam Rouge?" Ella asked with a voice of unpredictable fury.

"Absent-minded bitch!" Adam repeated further infuriating Ella who walks over to him armed with her weapons of choice in katana form.

"I know that you want to fight me, you're weak and you know it so if that's what you want then be my guest, Ella Fall however you will be the one to regret your decision." Adam warned while drawing out his sword from his sheath.

Ella runs toward Adam who smiles evilly and clashes with his sword against her katanas as the two spymasters engage in combat with Ella spinning her katanas at Adam who starts blocking all of her attacks while Adam kicks Ella into the wall before she stumbles dizzily before falling down the stairs as Ella regains her balance and starts attacking with her katanas in her hands before Adam sheathes his sword before unsheathing it one last time in a very fast movement before Adam creates a ring of fire around both him and Ella before the fight ends with a smokescreen exit created through the flames by Ella herself as Adam is now furious with the results as he spins his sword once and sheathes his sword back up again before walking over to Flame who looks on in horror before snapping out of his horror-stricken trance.

"So is she coming back, Adam?" Flame asked.

"I'd hope not otherwise she won't survive another fight in one piece like she did this time." Adam said.

"I just hope she never had any other agents from her team at this place during her return." Flame said.

"We have a lot of work to do before we strike against them again and this time we will win." Adam said.

Flame nods and follows Adam while the two men start walking over to the front set of doors.

Meanwhile, Verdant and her crew head off on motorcycles on their way to The Federal Organization Headquarters to fight their greatest enemy.

"Okay, so with these sweet motorcycles that Veronica gave us we are going to make it to The Federal Organization Headquarters by this afternoon." Verdant said.

"I just hope that we can go in on a stealth mission, take out all of the enemies in the building and head out without any attempted compromising." Ruby said.

"Just relax and fight if you have to." Verdant said before she gets tripped up by an unknown enemy in a mask and a cape as the masked individual walks toward Verdant.

"Finally you showed your face again, Ms. Verdant!" the masked individual said darkly.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Verdant asked angrily.

"I'm your past come back to haunt your ass for all of eternity." the masked figure responded.

"Guys, get into fighting positions and kick the dude's ass!" Verdant ordered as Ruby and the other agents get off of their motorcycles and engage their weapons as Ruby kicks the dark figure in the stomach before they get back up onto their feet before kicking Ruby in the stomach knocking her onto the ground before the masked figure grabs Verdant by her jacket and throws her into a tree.

"This dude is really strong yet unpredictable in a fight like this!" Ruby said.

"You guys think I'm a dude?!" the masked figure asked annoyed,"I'm actually a woman."

The masked figure unmasks their identity as Ohnyxx Asteri.

"Ohnyxx Asteri?!" Verdant asked shocked.

"That's right and I have a bone to pick with you." Ohnyxx said as she walks toward Verdant.

"I suggest you all put your hands where I can see them or else Ohnyxx will go nuts." a shady figure said in a menacing voice.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want?!" Verdant asked angrily.

"My name is Roux Radcliff and I have, but one purpose and that is to rule the world and make all of you incompetent spies bend to my will." Roux explained.

"You won't kill me since I have a goal of my own to accomplish so this is where we part ways!" Verdant said before kicking Ohnyxx in the stomach sending her stumbling into Roux as the agents all get back onto their motorcycles and they all take off resulting in a chase and a gun fight.

"I'll go after Verdant while you take out the other agents on her team." Roux said.

"Let's get this battle on." Ohnyxx said excitedly.

Verdant starts shooting angrily at Ohnyxx and Roux who look at each other and start firing back with faster shots with revolvers before Ohnyxx shoots at Verdant who kicks her aside with her leg knocking her onto the ground while the two stop their motorcycles and they starts fighting each other with their guns again with Ohnyxx kicking Verdant in the stomach before flipping her onto the ground on her back as the two spies engage in combat with three punches and three kicks at her while Roux kicks Ruby in the stomach resulting in her throwing punches at him only to miss every single attack because of Roux holding her by her head and keeping her away from him before she kicks him in the stomach only for him to grab Ruby's leg and throw her into the treeline before walking after her while Ohnyxx kicks Verdant in the stomach knocking her into a tree before the assassin runs toward her armed with her weapons of choice in sickle forms.

"Don't think I'm going to let you get away from me once again Ms. Verdant." Ohnyxx said with an evil smile flashing on her face.

Meanwhile back with the attack on The Federal Organization Headquarters bullets are flying across the entirety of the room back and forth.

"Did you really think that you were going to win a fight against three opponents at one time?" Phoenix asked with an evil smile on his face.

"No, not by myself, but you shouldn't have tried to gang up on me without the realization that this defenseless spymaster has backup." Christopher responded.

Christopher kicks Phoenix in the stomach knocking him into the wall before he charges toward the young spymaster who kicks Phoenix in the stomach while E kicks Indigo in the stomach knocking him onto the floor and just as all of this is going on Cam almost wins her fight against Tara as Cam finally disarms Tara and kicks her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor defeating her temporarily once again.

"How does it feel to lose everything along with a fight against one of your own former allies?" Cam asked with an evil smile on her face.

"You might want to watch your fucking step before I really do end up stabbing a bitch!" Tara snapped before slashing her swords at Cam who blocks all fifteen of the attacks before kicking Tara in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before she gets back up onto her feet and disappears into thin air before she kicks Cam in the stomach while Phoenix kicks at Christopher only to be blocked by a sword blade.

"Is that seriously all you've got to give in this fight that you had started?" Christopher asked with an evil smile on his face.

"You have no idea as to what I am capable of whether or not I survive or die, but either way I will be able to make your life hell while I manage to continuously find you and your teammates even your family won't be able to save you from your fate." Phoenix ranted angrily while walking toward Christopher who aims his swords at the enemy mastermind.

The fight continues with Phoenix kicking at Christopher only to be blocked by a sword blade while E starts running away from Indigo while she is armed with her weapon in rifle form while shooting at him only for Indigo to launch his saws at her and begin shooting violently at her while walking toward her with swift punches at her only for all of the attacks to be blocked while he easily punches E in the stomach knocking her onto the floor while he catches his saws and the blades reattach to his gauntlets with an evil smile on his face.

"Did you really think I was ever going to let you take the easy way out?" Indigo asked with an evil smile on his face.

Christopher kicks Phoenix in the stomach three times before he gets his balance back and he immediately starts charging toward him while throwing punches at Christopher who blocks all of them and punches him in the face knocking him onto the floor sending him reeling into the wall before he starts shooting bullets from his pair of guns while shooting at Christopher who blocks all of his shots with his sword blade as he smiles evilly and charges toward him with his weapon of choice being swung around with Phoenix being able to block his attack with his very own sword.

"I will be able to stop you for as long as I live on this planet with a team or two to run." Christopher said.

Tara starts slashing her swords at Cam who blocks all of her attacks with ease before Christopher rushes over to Cam and Tara while defending Cam from Tara who angrily starts slashing her swords at them both while her ten attacks against both of them are blocked by their swords which only makes Phoenix furious as he starts walking toward the trio of spies armed with his sword sticking the blade up in the air in his left hand.

"Hey!" Phoenix shouted getting everyone's attention as they are all confused by this. "Don't you dare forget about your fight with me alone, Christopher Jones!"

"Then fight both of us if you want to fight me, Phoenix!" Christopher demanded with an evil smile on his face.

"Gladly and you don't know how hard you just made it for yourself with two enemies against-" Tara and Phoenix started saying in unison before being interrupted.

"Two spies with a lot more training compared to a freelance spy-turned-assassin and a helpless legendary spy?" Cam asked with her eyes narrowing at them both while expressing more anger than was presented in her spoken words.

"I'll be sure to end your life for the way you and your teammates had treated me back at the school!" Tara declared angrily.

"Then why don't you come and get us you piece of garbage?!" Christopher asked with a sinister smile on his face.

"I was appalled by your declarations and your cockiness, but to actually have the audacity to stand up to a skilled freelance spy and a hired assassin like myself is just unacceptable!"

"So?" Christopher and Cam asked.

"If you want to face us both at the same time then so be it!" Tara said with a swift slash of her swords in the air.

Christopher and Cam glare at their opponents before charging forward with their weapons in sword form as they begin battling Tara and Phoenix as Phoenix starts slashing his sword at Christopher only for Cam to defend him by blocking his enemy's sword blade and disarming him before he kicks Phoenix in the stomach knocking him down onto the floor before he starts clashing with Cam as Christopher chooses to attack Tara instead which proves to be a challenge for Cam to fight someone new as she starts kicking Phoenix in the stomach knocking him into the wall before she starts walking toward him while Christopher starts blocking all of Tara's attacks before she has the chance to react at all as she angrily starts slashing both of her swords at him at the same time which are both blocked effortlessly further angering her.

Meanwhile with the fight between E and Indigo the two have a battle of struggling attacks as she kicks him in the stomach before he has the chance to attack back before he gets back up onto his feet and shoots his saws at her and begins shooting rapid fire bullets at her as she easily starts blocking all of the bullets with her weapon in ax form before swinging the weapon over her head and she easily sends his saws flying back to him in two swift shots before she steadies herself with the ax on the floor as she stands on it and shoots herself up into the air before slashing her ax at Indigo who blocks the next attack from Indigo gauntlets with her ax all the while Phoenix throws three punches at Cam who blocks all of them before blocking a kick from him next and defeating him by flipping him onto his back on the floor much to his shock which immediately turns to anger as he gets up from the floor and charges angrily at Cam who is defended by Christopher with a kick before he attempts to kill the young spymaster who kicks Phoenix's sword away from him while kicking him in the stomach knocking him out the window as he hits the floor ending the fight against him as Tara starts slashing her swords at the two spies while they block both swords at once with ease much to her shock as she continues attacking with both of her swords while E kicks Indigo in the stomach knocking him into the wall before she shoots Indigo in the chest as the darts take affect and E flips Indigo onto a tabletop before he falls off of it as it breaks and falls onto his back on the floor defeating him at long last.

Now with two enemy agents defeated, Christopher and Cam blocks Tara's swords in all directions as E runs over to them and changes her ammo from darts to bullets as she turns the dial on the side to full power before shooting at Tara only for the mercenary to backflip away from the bullets and kick E in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before she continues attacking Christopher and Cam with her swords as E converts her weapon into its sword form as she charges toward Tara only to be easily intercepted by Tara's swords before she kicks E in the stomach defeating her temporarily as her veneer "Adaption" is activated allowing her to increase her attack and defense in combat with her finally charging toward Tara with a flashing look of rage in her eyes as she kicks Tara in the stomach before nearly disarming her of her swords only to be outmatched by Tara's speed and skill as she kicks E away before clashing against Christopher and Cam's swords with her own swords creating sparks between the blades as dust is also sent flying around the scene blinding everyone outside of the fight.

"Where are you two cowards at?!" Tara asked angrily.

An ominous silence fills the air while she is suddenly attacked by someone from behind only to take a swing and miss entirely as she is them attacked again from behind resulting in her taking another swing too late as the attacks are missing their targets while E comes up behind Tara with her sword in hand as she starts slashing at her only for all of her attacks to be intercepted while Christopher and Cam walk up to Tara on both sides of her while she is distracted by E as the trio of spies begins slashing their swords at Tara who effortlessly keeps up for a few minutes before finally caving under pressure as she angrily kicks E away from her and her own veneer activates which allows her to block out attacks from the outside coming in while she fights as she kicks E away only for her to easily turn back around in the air and kick her in the face before landing on her feet still holding her sword as she smiles evilly and nearly kicks Tara in the stomach only to miss her mark and kick her feet against the swords used to block the attackas Tara creates a dusty barrier around the entire room during the fight blinding almost everyone.

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