Babysitter to the God of Misc...

By asavagejoy

270K 9.9K 4.5K

BOOK ONE OF THE PROPHECY SERIES Dahlia is used to not being noticed, enjoying being invisible to those aroun... More

Little Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
* Sequel *

Chapter Five

10.4K 348 148
By asavagejoy

I woke up to the sound of silence, something I didn't hear very often in the servant quarters. As I slowly woke up, images of the day before began returning to me.

Loki. I had been made Loki's maid - I didn't have to answer to Matron anymore - I was free. Freeish, I was still stuck on Asgard but at least I was with Loki who was kind enough, if a bit odd.

There was a small sheet of parchment with writing scrawled across it sat on the small table by my bed. They were rules, instructions of tasks I needed to complete. As I sat up I became very aware that I was only loosely wrapped in a blanket, my clothes nowhere in sight.


I leapt up, tracing a finger lightly across my back to feel only slight ridges, scars. How had my back already scarred?

I danced on my feet, trying to figure out what to do. I was naked except for a blanket, with no clothes. I opened the wardrobe pushed against the opposite wall, praying that my missing clothes had magically appeared. They hadn't, but what had made me even more surprised.

There were five dresses hanging on the rail. They looked different to my old maids dress. They were slightly thicker, due to a few layers of fabric, clean, and pressed to lie nicely. I fingered one between my fingers, the silky material soft to touch. It was a light grey, the colour of all maid uniforms.

I took the dress into the bathroom and quickly bathed, washing the cream off my back and grime off my body.

A huge warm towel was folded on the side, and I had to remind myself to be quick as I had many jobs to do. The dress fit perfectly. It had sleeves that sat down to my elbow. The top bodice was close fitting, but not tight, and the skirt flared slightly, falling to my feet, so I was able to walk freely. I yanked my brush through my knotted hair, trying to smooth the frizz that appeared overnight. I couldn't find any shoes, but figured I would ask Loki before I went to fetch his breakfast.

His room was quiet as I entered, the curtains pulled across the huge floor length windows. I bit my lip, scanning the page of tasks. I was to prepare breakfast, bringing it back to his rooms, wake him up if he wasn't already, and then ask for specific instructions. I was to tidy all rooms, and accompany him to places if he requested. I assumed this was for meetings, or when the King held the throne room open for council.

I found a small pair of grey slippers with a note next to them - they were to be mine. I slipped them on, memorising the breakfast order before slipping out the room and making my way to the royal kitchens, which was almost deserted at this time. I piled a tray with fruits, bread, water and wine, before carrying the tray to the door.

I paused, seeing a small vase filled with flowers on the side. Nobody was in the room, nobody would know if I were to take one. And it might put Loki in a good mood, which would certainly help me for my first day serving him.

When I reached Loki's rooms I placed the tray onto the small table by the sofa and chairs. I rearranged the fruit and bread to look appetising, the goblets of wine and water placed to the side. The flower lay along the short edge, mostly white with pink tinges along the edges of the petals. The stem was a vivid green, bright against the silver tray.

What time was he meant to wake up? What time even was it? Clocks weren't really a thing on Asgard, and I couldn't remember how to tell the time with the sun. When I was working in the serving quarters I had other people to help me, but now I was by myself. I decided to wake him. If I was too early then he could always just go back to sleep.

I pulled the heavy curtains back, a soft sunlight pouring through the windows to light the entire room. Once they were all open I glanced to the bed, which had heavy drapes masking where he lay. I pulled back the one closest to the window, then the one at the end of the bed. As I went to pull back the third (the head of the bed was pushed against the wall), I stopped.

He was lying on his back, his long black hair lying wild and untamed against the pillows. His face was calm, relaxed, his mouth tugged down slightly in his sleep. His arms were tucked beneath the blankets, which were pulled up to his chin. I carried on pulling the drape until I reached the end, tying it to the bed post. He shifted in his sleep, the duvet falling as his arm appeared next to his face. His chest. Oh the gods, the sight of his muscled chest took my breath away.

I could feel heat rising to my cheeks, and I turned away. I had to work for him! I can't be drooling over his half naked body while he slept, oblivious.


~Loki's POV~

I could hear someone walking around my room. The darkness of the drapes around my bed meant I couldn't see, but I was sure it was Dahlia.

I was amused by how loud she was being. Normally I'd be annoyed by the lack of respect, but I could tell she wasn't sure what she was doing, and probably didn't realise how loud she was being. I heard the door click shut, and I rolled over, burying my face in the pillows to try and drift back to sleep. But just as I could feel myself falling, I heard the door open again, a quiet humming filling the room.

She was back.

Not too long after, the drapes were drawn open. I closed my eyes as she began making her way around my bed, opening each one carefully before I heard her stop. I could feel her gaze on me, confirmed as her humming stopped.

I started to 'wake up' so as not to embarrass her to know I was already awake. Why was I intent on not upsetting her?

I sat up, to see her peering out the window at the far end of the room. "Morning."

I smile as she jumped, spinning to face me, her hair flying in its ponytail. It was a very midgardian hair style, I've only seen a few female warriors wear it in battle.

"Good morning, your highness." She bowed her head slightly, before smoothing her dress down, her fingers playing with the fabric. It fit her perfectly, like I knew it would. It sat modestly on her body, and as she turned towards the seats the back of the bodice sat slightly low down. It fit every curve, highlighting her figure as she bent down, quickly straightening and turning around.

"Where... I'm sorry, where would you like to eat, your highness?" She stumbled over her question, looking around the room.

"At the seats." She nodded and moved away as I stepped out of bed. I caught the tinge of her cheeks, and I looked down, noticing she was looking at my chest. I stifled a smile, tugging a clean shirt on to make myself modest.

"Have you eaten this morning?"

She frowned at me from her position by the window. "No, your highness. My punishment-"

I rolled my eyes "Dahlia what's your role?"

She blinked. "My role?"

"Your job, title, whatever." I waved my hand as she took a step towards me.

"Your maid, your highness."

"Exactly. My maid, and who do you answer to?"

"You, your highness." Her voice wobbled slightly as she stood near the seats.

"And who don't you answer to?" A slight frown fell onto her face, her eyebrows pulled down lightly.

"Anyone that isn't you, your highness."

"Dahlia I'm ordering you to eat." A pink tinge coated her cheeks as her mouth fell into an O shape, her fingers playing with each other as she nodded and made her way to my door. I sighed, "Dahlia, where are you going?"

She walked slowly back into my eye line. "To get food." She looked puzzled, her lip caught between her teeth.

"Eat here, there's plenty of food."

I could see her mind trying to form a sentence. "But... the tasks, that's food for you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Dahlia there's more than enough. Sit down, and eat." She slowly took a seat on the sofa next to my chair, and hesitantly took a small piece of fruit. I rolled my eyes, conjuring a plate and loaded it with fruit, bread and the glass of water, handing it to her.

"I-I couldn't possibly-" she shook her head.

"It's an order."

Her cheeks were almost purple as she nodded quickly, accepting the tray. We ate in a comfortable silence, and as she finished she excused herself to run my bath.


~Dahlia's POV~

As Loki emerged from his bath, wet hair dripping onto his bare chest, I spun around, giving him space as I tidied the rest of the table. I piled our dishes from breakfast on the side, and straightened his bedsheets as he pulled a loose green shirt over his head.

"What would you like me do today, your highness?"

He looked at me for a moment, as if lost in thought. I tried to hide my nervousness, I didn't want him to ask too much of me on my first day.

"I am visiting the town this morning. I would like you to accompany me." Accompany him to town!

I nodded, "Will you need me to gather anything for visit?"

He shook his head, slipping his arms into an over shirt, layering his clothes up one by one. I wasn't sure what I was meant to be doing. I didn't want stare while he was dressing, so I continued moving the dirty dishes onto the tray by the corner, until he spoke.

"Where's your coat?"

I stared at him. "I don't have one, your highness." Loki's eyebrows were pulled down low, and his eyes darkened. "It looks to be a nice day, I shouldn't need-"

He raised a hand silencing me, then swung the door open, "come on then." I hurried after him, surprised by the harsh tone he was using. Maria had warned me Loki was kind of a loose cannon, but he'd always been nice to me, when he wasn't just giving me blank looks.

We walked out of the palace in silence, and I was almost forced to run after him. He marched down the never ending gold steps, navigating his way down the large streets to a small shopfront not too far into the town. He stopped abruptly, and I walked right into his back, stumbling  backwards, but he grabbed my arms, steadying me.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded quickly, blushing as I stood up straight, "thank you, your highness" I mumbled, fiddling my fingers as he nodded. He held the door open, ushering me inside.

There were two ladies sat behind small contraptions, which looked to be the asgardian equivalent of sewing machines. They looked up and curtsied low as they saw Loki standing beside me.

"My maid requires a new coat. I assume you will be able to sew it while we attend to other business?" One lady, the slightly older one, jumped forward and began measuring and scribbling notes while the second girl showed Loki the choice of different fabrics.

I stood still, raising my arm and spinning as the lady manoeuvred me on the stool. After a few minutes I was ushered out the door, stumbling over my feet as I fell out into the street.

We stayed quiet as we slowly walked down the paved roads. "Your highness?"

Loki looked down at me, his eyes a little softer than they had been when we left the palace. "Yes?"

"How much do I owe you for the coat?" I mumbled, staring at the ground.

"What?" I flicked my eyes up to him as he lowered his head slightly.

"How much would you like for the coat, your highness?"

Loki paused, before shaking his head "you don't owe me anything."


"Dahlia its uniform. You need a coat to do the job." He faced forward before speeding up slightly, and I panicked as I tried to catch up with him. A little bit of me had hoped he was buying me the coat because he liked me. He didn't even have to like me as anything more than a friend, but I guess I was too hopeful. I was his maid. I needed to remember that.

We stayed in the town for a few hours, buying paper and books, meeting with men Loki had to talk to, and placing orders for items at the palace. We finally wound back up at the shop we'd begun with, where Loki collected a bag, before placing it in my arms.

"Try it on back at the palace, I can't miss dinner with my mother."

"Thank you, your highness." He gave me another odd look before we began heading back towards the palace, my arms full of bags. Loki was carrying bags too, and I was grateful that he was helping bear the weight, considering I was his maid and all.


~Loki's POV~

As Dahlia ran my bath I let my thoughts wander. Looking back on today I felt like I've been a little too stern - being short with her and not talking as much as we usually did. But I had to keep reminding myself of the fact she's my maid. Talking to her and making her eat so she wouldn't collapse on me was all well and good in the privacy of my rooms, but if Thor or god forbid, Odin, caught wind of me acting that way with her in public she would be punished for immoral behaviour, and I would be made to look a fool.

I couldn't help it when she said she had no coat. I knew she only had the few belongings but I would've thought she must have a coat somewhere in the palace. She'd looked upset when I walked out not explaining where we were going, but I couldn't have her looking too happy in case anybody saw her.

I was doing this for her own good.

I was just convincing myself of this fact when she walked out of the bathroom. She'd lowered her hair tie to the base of her neck, the loose curls now sitting lower around her face. A few strands of hair had escaped, falling in front of her eyes.

"Your bath is ready, your highness." Her lips were tilted up, her eyes smiling as she gestured to the door.

I nodded, "your coat is in your room."

She nodded her head quickly, but I caught the blush of colour that flooded her cheeks.

I'd forgotten to take my clothes into the bathroom, and so I left with a towel tied around my waist. I was sure I'd left them somewhere in my room, but as I made my way to my drawers I was stopped by the sound of quiet singing.


I crept slowly around the corner to where her rooms joined mine. Through the crack in the door I could make out her small figure wearing the long grey coat, hands in pockets as she twisted around to see the view from different angles in the small mirror on the wall.

Her height had surprised me when I first met her, and I was struggling getting used to it. She was over a foot smaller than I was, her frame tiny compared to my literal giant genes. I had to remind myself to slow my pace in order for her to keep up when we walked, but looking at her as she admired herself in the small mirror, I noticed just how small and fragile she was.

I know she's not been eating - an obvious fact from what she'd said about food being a reward for good behaviour, but even though I'd made a point of feeding her, she still looked thin. Her face was darkened by shadows, her hair hanging slightly limp in its tie.

I turned and walked back to my clothes before she noticed me, not that she would've done. I am a god of tricks, after all. No one can catch me when I choose to hide from view.

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