✔️Azalea Hogwarts (Harry Pott...

By SymoneHeyward

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Disclaimer: I wrote this many years ago, but the series improves throughout. • Magic tumbled from her pretty... More

Book Two


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By SymoneHeyward


20th Century

TODAY WAS THE FIRST HOGSMEAD VISIT OF THE YEAR AND IT WAS ALSO THE DAY THAT STUDENTS WOULD BE MEETING IN THE HOGSHEAD TO DISCUSS PLANS TO FORM A SECRET DEFENCE SOCIETY. Azalea begrudgingly entered the decrepit building with distaste apparent on her countenance, things had changed extensively since her last visit to this small village, the tiny village she remembered as being a few wooden huts on a hill. She was not the first to arrive and stood behind Fred and George who were already present, sat on dusty stools to the right, George smiled in greeting and stroked her gloved hand which had been placed on his shoulder. The girl felt the eyes of Harry upon her face and when she looked into the green pools, she was shocked to find that they did not show anger or hatred, only an emotion she described as... longing?

When all had arrived, the room fell into an eary silence, at least twenty pairs of eyes pinned on the faces of the golden trio who sat uncomfortably at the front beside a huge fireplace that was convinitly not lit. Hermione sent her female friend and worried expresiion and Azalea smiled reassuringly which caused the bushy haired brunette to stand and begin to address the audience though her usual confidence wavered extremely. "um..." was her ever so intellectual starter "so... you all know why we're here. We need a teacher" she was talking off the top of her head and everyone could see that "a proper teacher" her eyes narrowed "One that has had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts" Azalea flickered her eyes down to Harry who looked away quickly, having been staring at her intesnly. 

"Why?" a random boy in the front row wondered, it was clear that he knew the answer but was just trying to get  a response. 

"why?!" an irritated Ronald Weasley retaliated "Because You- Know- Who's back you Tosspot" Azalea felt the need to giggle at the term he used, never having heard it before but for the sake of seriousness, she held it in. 

"So he says" the boy returns and Harry had a small nearly unnoticeable eyeroll as she glanced over at Azalea who returned with a slight reassuring smile which made him wish to return it but he held his composure. Little did anyone know, he wished to forgive the girl but felt incredibly awkward doing so and had attempted to distract himself with Cho. 

"So Dumbledore says" Hermione demanded and Azalea wished for nothing more tham to see Albus take back the school he had but she was aware why he couldn't, the ministry would fire him for certain for defying orders and lord knows what else.

"so? Dumbledore says because he says" the irritating boy stated and Azalea could practically feel the anger rolling off of Harry in waves which allowed her to consider if perhaps she could feel all his emotions. She disgarded this thought and went with the fact that she knew of his anger due to his murderous expression. "Point is, where's the proof?" Azalea felt a strong overwhelming feeling to just smack the blond boy straight in the jaw with all her strength but reserved herself from doing so.Harry looked down as a new voice interjected, still somewhat nosily but slightly more wary.

"Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed" the boy stated as he looked directly at an irritated Harry Potter. Azalea was surprised that Harry stood and addressed them in a relatively calm manner considering the circumstances. 

"I am not going to talk about Cedric so if that is why you are here you might as well clear out now" he informed and Azalea smiled at the composure he kept despite it all. Harry turned to Hermione in worry "Come on Hermione let's just go, they are all just here because they think I'm so sort of freak" he whispered incredibly loudly and Azalea felt terrible for the boy, she wished that people would just believe him. She was lucky enough to have people that believed her secrets.

"No wait" Hermione persuaded.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus charm?" Luna's incredibly high pitched voice wondered and Azalea smiled at the girl who was steering the conversation in the correct direction now. Most people looked at her in shock considering they had not expected her to speak.Harry stood staring at her for a beat before Hermione answered fro him.

"Yes" she glanced at Harry who stared at her in slight disbelief "I've seen it" Azalea couldn't help but wonder what form his Patronus took, hers was ever changing which made her worry about casting one if front of them all. 

"Blimey Harry" a new voice chipped in with shock "I didn't know you could do that"

"And... he killed a basilisk" Neville informed and Azalea nearly jumped in shock, she had heard that the chamber of secrets had been opened and revealed but she was slightly saddened that the snake had been killed. Azalea had played with it when she was a baby and it was only tiny, this was long before it developed its full powers. When that happened it was taken down to the chamber and Azalea was saddened that it had been left there all alone for so many years, the solitude had clearly had a toll on it and made it a murdering beast. "With the sword in Dumbledores office" Azalea knew what sword he was referring to, the sword of Gryffindor. 

"It is true" Ginny confirmed and smiled at Harry. Azaalea speculated that she just wanted to have the opportunity to speak. 

"Third year he fought off about a hundred dementors at once" Ron informed the others and Azalea almost rolled her eyes, of course she had become the protector of the boy, he was always walking straight into trouble.

"And last year he really did fight off you-know-who in the flesh" Hermione completed before Harry started to cut in, clearly annoyed with people talking about him. 

"Look, that all sounds.. great when you say it like that but... the truth is, most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time and I nearly always had help."

"He's just being modest" Hermione cut In before he started speaking again.

"No Hermione, i'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow.  But out there, when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes... you don't know what that is like" Azalea almost felt slightly angry at him for that assumption, he did not know what other people in that room had experienced. Azalea had been in many wizarding battles, dragged to them by her fathers who thought she needed real world training. He did not know what that was like. Hermione, as always seemed to know the thoughts that swirled around in the girls mind as she stared at her for a beat.

There was a long pause before Hermione and Harry took their seats once more and the female began to speak.

"You're right Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help" she informed and Azalea narrowed her eyes slightly as she noticed Hermione flicker her gaze between him and herself. Azalea and Albus had come to the conclusion that the girl did know who Azalea was but they had decided not to mention it to her just yet. Hermione's glances made Azalea wonder how much her friend really knew. Clearly she knew quite a lot. "Because if we are going to have any chance of beating... Voldemort..."

"He's really back?" a young boy wondered and Harry nodded ever so slightly. 


Azalea watched as people took their turns walking to a desk at the front and signing their names, as the brunette girl did so, she looked at Hermione who nodded and winked before spelling her name out on the parchment. She knew Hermione had enchanted the paper and wondered if it would work on her considering she had not used her real name.

Everything was in motion now.

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