clé de ma vie II

De faecamellashes

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Luttant avec ma vie af donc c'est pourquoi j'ai tout changé Mai multe

d-201- out with Najeeha, sleeps at 7
d-202 - my moods went wrong, 1st vc with Nurin
d-203 - Science, felt sorry, studies start
d-204 - sleepy, ig, WiFi
d-205 - Desc, vending, series
d-206 - mice, moviee, chat on twtr
d-207 - unstable emotions, kyochon, bm, rain
d-208 - alone :'), Sports Day
d-209 - stressed, weight down
d-210 - mangoes, broken asf
d-211 - Haji, tired
d-212 - WEL-August, Fever, mcd
d-213 - fever, aw-ed, sis-bro hanged out
d-214 - merdeka, Love Love, mental, nasi dewan, drawing again, finally
d-215 - Morning Bengkel, Atok's House
d-216 - 눈물
d-217 - Clinic
d-218 - Photos For Schl Magazine
d-219 - 200+ cal burnt, Lgbt thoughts
🔺d-220 - 636cals
◽d-221 - Segak, 150 finally, 700cals
◽d-222- Traveling Alone - Kl
d-223- Lil unproductive
d-224 - Vc, Lgbt, hotday
d-225 - Maths, tired, exams, holidays
d-226 - 2a.m, Volley, Maths, histeria, pau, The Mimic
d-227 - asleep, smilo, 365th, universities things again
d-228 - Flu, cook for Dina, haze started showing
d-229 - Sick, Unproductive, Nurin - Live, popia Chocolate
d-230 - Flu, open books finally, 17 hours in room
d-231 - Thompson Hospital
🔺◽d-232 - Puasa Araffah, 15 hours in room
d-234 - Mamak, flowers, notes
d-235 - Out with Dina, Eattt, Snapchat streak
d-236 - Pasta, sleep, strong wind
d-7 - The Mysterious Chapter
d-237 - tiktok, nasi kerabu
d-238 - beef wrap, The Faith, gp vc
d-239 - lazy to talk, gastric, eco-notes
d-240 - sc, roti pita is bae
d-241 - call-natalia, aa him, last PE
d-242 - Ambang Merdeka, motivation from Administrators
d-243 - Melaka Trip went wrong
d-244 - WEL-Sept, Melaka d-2
d-245 - Mahkota Parade, Sushi
d-246 - Another Day in Melaka
d-247 - Tomorrow is trial
d-248 - sleepy, 1st Exam - it was difficult
d-249 - the new toilet since I've no title for this one
🔺d-250 - Sej p3, walk to home, he walked in front me
d-251 - cold, periodpain, still being positive even it's the worst day :')
d-252 - Mamak, roti tisu, maths, laughter
d-253 - idk why, Kelana Jaya
d-254 - Curve-Ipc-OU ; we ate a lot + tired, Lamborghini Aventedor
d-255 - Bahasa Melayu was hard.
d-256 - sick, cold, 10 days more
◽d-257 - Maths, rain, spm result
d-258 - Sej, Aqid, beef tortillas
d-259 - 42kg, Malaysia Day, Vsco addict
◽d-260 - Mcd - Dina - Talks
d-261 - Sej, Stomach Ache
d-262 - canteen, eat, tired
d-263 - 20th Sept, rest, Puasa Asyura
d-264 - ash, Amir, eng, belacan
d-265 - out, Starbucks-yt
◽d-266 - yt-Starbucks again, her Grandma💚, roti milo
d-267 - talked about future Lol, Eco p1
d-268 -Adik's, Fun Talk With Naim, Amir, Weird dreams Back again
◽d-269 - last test, Asmira, delivery girl, rain
◽d-270 - Maths, cinnamon roll, new jobs
◽d-271 - the Solat Hajat
d-272 - Maths, painting
d-273 - sardin masak lemak, pasta, teh O
◽d-274 - WEL-October, sc, eco, tired af
◽d-275 - nanie, Wani's future, Sunway Lagoon
◽d-276- Moody to Good News, maths- We Had Fun. The Class Went Crazy, spm Sche
d-277 - Maths
◽d-278 - Miss Cheong, Angela
◽d-279 - Maths, Hadid
d-280 - stressed, Mcd Mcd Mcd
◽d-281 - Maths, sat with Hadid, novels frm sab, talking - Future w Fam
d-282 - no Internet, Maths, waxing, Ml
d-283 - today was okay, Adik being weird
◽d-284 - fitting day, laughed bcs of Ash, Sej, mummy's home for 5days already
◽d-285 - rain, maths, boys being annoying, adik left
d-286 - mccafe, Sej, alone
◽d-287 - I'm Feeling Good - Cg Jul's Again
◽d-288 - Alone, He responded, I'm fine
◽d-289 - Dina Syaz's, frustration, no Syad
d-290 - Cg Rozita's words describes me well
d-291 - Cg Suraya, moved on
d-292 - I just don't want to talk.
d-293 - 2a.m, slept with adik, coffee Coffeee
◽d-294 - cook cook, cleaned room
d-295 - Puasa, eco test, tired
◽d-296 - nasi lemak, kantin 1st time, he looked at me
d-297 - flowers, Amir, roti telur nestum
◽d-298 - full graduation rehearsal
◽d-299 - Egg Soya, Cg Rozita, Amir's, Fire Drill
◽🔺d-300 - Graduation Day
d-301 - nasi kandar, Digital Mall
◽d-302 - first time terlajak 🤦🏻‍♂️, eat-sleep
d-303 - Sej talk, story time
d-304 - Maths talks, sending textbooks away, wani, Khalidah
d-305 - WEL-Nov, sukses, van oh van, maths, Haridz
d-306 - pics, back home with Hadid, Taylors, Cg Rozita, Hidayah
d-307 - Bm, roti canai, slept
d-308 - Rojak-roti John-cakes, Bed
d-309 - Gordon Ramsay
◽d-310 - Nia's, Natalia-Haqqim, Early Birthday Celebration, Deepavali
d-311 - no appetite
◽d-312 - susun meja, Nasi Ayam
◽d-313 - November promise broke; Majlis Restu Ilmu was filled with tears
d-314 - tired
◽d-315 - Pasar Tani, food, deleting
d-316 - cleaning, starting to feeling it
◽d-317 - 1st d-spm, cake
d-318 - birthday?
d-319 - Maths - she was gelabah
d-320 - Lemonbars, 200 sej quests
d-321 - Sej 77-80 questions, meringue, Korean chicken
d-322 - Plato, chilling
d-323 - Ira Saidi's, Sej-tweet, Haqqim, dms
d-324 - crashed sleeps, Yusuf, hungry
d-325 - gastric, Mummy picked us
◽d-326 - hmmh day, bye Acik, Sab gave chocolates, she said she's here
d-327 - a day with mummy, ikan salai, steamboat
d-328 - panas, mi, Sc, Eco
◽d-329 - Pasar Tani, sunat, alot alot of ppl
d-330 - Jee's, hot, moved on
d-331 - sc, late, fever, plato (i won), checked my old wp acc ')
d-332 - early, paprik, dialect
d-333 - sc, I went out early, cooked tgthr
◽d-334 - We called hakim, Ash's house-mom, Eco extraC, baring
d-335 - WEL-Dec, still sick, bedbugs????
d-336 - I punched Adik?, KAYU
d-337 - Natalia's, still sick, geo 💤
🔺◽d-338 - Mamak, Family Mart, Mcd, balik w Amir
d-339 - I'm relaxed
d-340 - Malaysia, Eco, Mcd, Finished
d-341 - whole day on the Pc - Dina & Natalia's video
d-342 - Mcd, Pizza, In Bed
d-343 - Cleaned my room
d-344 - Egg day
d-345 - exhausted
d-346 - Aff Suzuki, Kfc dinner
d-347 - Amira's muffin, Naqib-oreo, puasa
d-348 - A day with Adik
d-349 - sunat day
d-350 - spaghetti carbonara, Detroit
d-351 - Ice Cream Oreo
◽d-352 - Tealive, Najh, Nabil, Dms
d-353 - daging masak lemak
d-354 - Chill
d-355 - The Greatest Showman
◽d-356 - 8hours Of Sunway Pyramid
d-357 - Hunger, Not in a mood
◽d-358 - first day of work
d-359 - Bro, Alif, tercampak shaker, pulut, Boro
d-360 - free agaaain, Zahari (?), Another customer
d-361- they mengada Me with Alif
d-362 - opening alone
d-364 - A day with Hadid (finally)
◽🔺d-365 - it's a goodbye

◽d-363 - Jajaaa, Balik Lewat

18 1 0
De faecamellashes



- I bangun at 640 and I duduk... Masuk kerja at 9 today.

- went to depan and main fortnite tetibe mummy tanya tk pergi kerja ke and I tengok dah 820 kot.

- naik kereta and sampai tepat 9 😂


- abng zulkifli did all and I just timbang Ais basuh pearl. Zahar helped me.

- at 10 siap and today I tk banyak lepak fuelshack.

- first order was tea. Dia order 2 teh and I tk pernah buat air tu. So I ikut sop. Alhamdulillah dengan sip I boleh survive kalau sorang.

- dia minta no sugar no ice but yang rose tea tu I letak sugar & ice 🙃 apa lagi dah salah tu kita letak kat bawah.

I buat baru and ya siap. Lama juga la bcs dua dua tangan kena handle sudu mengacau teh😂

- abg zulkifli saw air salah tu and he nak minum. He ambil cawan dia sikit and yg dalam cup I punya. Sedap gak la.

- I tengah shake air tetibe I saw jaja. I cam "......" then we salam and hugged. Ada tok mummy sekali. Hahaha they cried a hahahahaha ahha I nak nangis but bertangkung je

- jaja ordered Roasted grassjelly and I did for her. We duduk kat sofa tu and borak. Jaja tanya berapa a masa trial and what course. She said dah ada byf ke ahahha

- then hazwan masuk.

- at 1 kot... Ada customer ni.

Dia order air ada pearl and we siad pearl habis. Srs habis weh. We cam dah masak 2 kali kot. Still habis.

Masa tu I ambil order. "pearl dah habis. Yang ada grassjelly"

-"tapi kalau letak grassjelly tu you charge ke tidak? You tk sepatutnya charge" some kind like this la.

Then I cam "ah.. Saya ambil yang milktea kosong pastu add on grassjelly.. Harga dia lain"

And she persoal kenapa kena charge. She salahkan us bcs pearl tu habis. Like.. Our fault la. Aku macam bengang dah au. Dalam kitchen ada 4 orang kot. Ada zahar, hazwan, Alif and me. Nasib izham tkde.

Then I cam panggil Alif kot ke zahar tah suruh ambil order akak tu. She salahkan our customer service. Akak tu datang dengan kawan laki dia. Yang kawan dia tu muka dah bersalah. 😂

🤷🏻‍♂️ I tkde la bengang mana bcs baru habis solat 😂 tenang hati mak.

- then bila dah tinggal hazwan & I, he said yang tadi regular customer. And I said "biar la. Customer always right"

- I helped Alif kejap and I jenguk ah pastu kak zaitun ada hahaha she cam "kenapa tengok tengok fatin" 😂 tkde aku sebenarnya risau mana tahu dia marah ke apa aku kat fuelshack en.

- at what time.. I tersalah bagi air. And abang tu order 5 air kot.. I bagi air salah and abg tu dah keluar ke kereta dia dah. Then hazwan suruh I lari pergi ambil air tu. I pun pergi ah sambil buka apron.

"bang salah air.. Saya bawa masuk eh" then I tukar pastu ada anak dia.. Kecil je lagi dalam darjah 5 eh.. Baik au but dia kecik hahaa.

He said, "akak" and hulur tangan nak ambil but I cam "tkpe kita keluar bersama" so I jalan la dengan dia.

I tanya pergi jalan ke and he said pergi kenduri. We borak la. I tanya umur berapa semua masa otw me kereta dia. And I said sorry.

-masuk tu mengah and I duduk fuelshack. Tetibe mummy tanya nak pergi icity tak. I cam penat and Alif, "jangan mengeluh aih dia ni mengeluh je" 😂 dia tkthu aku marathon 100m kat luar tadi dengan panas ya.

Masa aku bawa air salah tu, ha ada orang tengah tukar duit atm and he said, "salah air" and I sengih.

- I penat and.. I rest kepala kat fuelshack jap and pergi tealive bcs ramai.

- asar and mummy said nak hantar makanan.. I duduk fuelshack and called mummy bcs Alif suruh. And I call la. I tanya mana makanan semua and she said baru nak gerak.

Bila dh end call, "manja nya dengan mak. Anak mak"

Me, "eh tu bukan manja eh. Cuma penat " aku bukan la anak manja.

And ada au bfr this, I dengan Alif bercakap. We bahas pasal kudrat lelaki dengan perempuan.

I said, "lelaki tenaga dia lain. Lelaki makan banyak. So energy dia lebih" and Alif "ye la. Boleh pakai juga. Sebab apa.. Perempuan pun bila cakap dia tknk kalah"

Me, "eh.. Ha ye la"

Alif, "ha tengok nak menang "

Me, "bukan nak menang but mengiyakan"

- asar and at 5 kot mummy datang. She bawa nasi lemak for zulkifli and me lambchop hahaha

- they pergi burger King

-I makan at 1840 and solat. And I told the boys jangan sentuh bcs I tknk batal wudhu

- ada customer order. I tk berapa dengar and he said, "superior coco dik. Hazelnut coco dik." :) he eh saya problem sikit dah nak memalam ni mental hilang

- then I tanya hazwan ni air apa and he diam je. Dia harini tkde banyak gelak so aku cam lega ah. Buat kerja pun okay je.

We ada dua milktea. ORI & sign. Color dekat sama.. And I terpaksa bau untuk teka tu air apa. Start situ I mental. Idk la dia dengar I tanya ke tidak.

- zahar ambil the nasi lemak and he seronok ajaja. He siap tangkap gambar lagi.

- then I isyak. At 10 centu hazwan ajar drop duit. I dah celaru nak balik 12 ke 10. Then I cam balik je la 10 and mummy nak ambil.. But Amir said if nak dia datang, he datang ah jap lepak.

- I took bang bang milk tea (salah buat) & hotdog and bagi Amir. We duduk kat luar.

So we borak la.. He tanya kerja mcam mana. And I asked him. He said kerja dia berat. & penat.

He ajak kerja hotel tu dengan dia pastu I cam tknk ah. Thenn he borak pasal family dia. Masa dia cerita tu mata dia berair hahaa. Tetibe husna called. She vc me. I cam answer depan Amir 😂 malu gak la. Then Amir cam tanya siapa siapa and I bye her.

Then balik and mandi. At 12 I tidur.

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

Continuă lectura

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