💫She's Different💫

By DayyyFanyyy

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In the middle of an investigation Olivia and the squad raid an abandoned warehouse. Olivia stumbles upon this... More

Finding Bella
Saving Bella
Understanding Bella
Building Bella's Trust
A Growing Bella
My Bella
My Bella Pt.2
Bella's Doing Makeup
Bella And Noah
Bella's Birthday
Bella's Christmas
Bella's Christmas Pt.2
Bella's New House
Bella's Girls Day
Bella's Rough Patch
Bella's Adoption Day
Bella And Olivia
Bella And Olivia Pt.2
Bella During The Week
Bella During The Week Pt.2
Bella's First Mother's Day
Bella's First Mother's Day Pt.2
Bella's Favorite Month
Bella's Last Day Of School Festivities
Bella's Last Day Festivites Pt.2
Bella Visits Mommy
Bella's Fourth Of July
Bella's Forth Of July Pt.2
Bella And The Hammock
Bella Opens Up
Bella Opens Up Pt.2
Bella And Her Dad
Bella A Month Later
Worries For Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella Pt.2
Bella Tells The Truth
Bella's Donut Talk
Bella's Music Class
Olivia's Efforts To Protect Bella
A note~😊
Bella's Biological Parents
Bella's Thanksgiving
Bella Approaches Liv
Bella Auditions
Bella Auditions Pt.2
Bella's Acquired Feelings
Bella Misses Out
Bella's School Life
Bella Meets Olivia's 'Friend'
Olivia Tells Bella The Truth
Bella Takes It All In
Bella's Newfound Anger
Bella And Her Family Move Out
Bella Practices Self-Control
Bella Celebrates
Je sais pas
Bella Writes A Note
Bella Learns About Date Night
Bella Gets Ready For Christmas
Bella And Noah Have To Leave
Bella's Thoughts On Christmas
Bella Refuses
Olivia's Big Mistake
Olivia Fixes Her Bond With Bella
Bella Hides Out
Bella Goes To The Hospital
Bella Tells Her Friends
Olivia Teaches Bella
Bella Goes To Fins House
Bella Stays Away
Bella Feels Off
Bella Feels Off Pt.2
Bella With Tucker
Bella's Moods
Olivia's Confusion
Bella Goes Shopping
Bella Learns About Changes
Bella Questions
Bella Recieves A Letter
Bella's Passport Experience
Bella's Nightmares
Bella's Father Figure Issue
Bella Goes To The Dance
Bella Prepares For Hawaii
Bella's First Flight
Bella's New Friend
Bella's Time With Liv
Bella Takes A Tour
Bella Avoids
Bella Avoids Pt.2
Bella's Start To Summer
Bella Asks About Elliot
Bella's Unpredicability
Bella Goes to Camp
Bella Goes To Camp Pt. 2
Bella Learns About Cassie
Bella Learns About Cassie Pt.2
Bella And Noah's Issues
Bella Helps Her Friends
Bella Comes Home
Bella Goes To Florida
Bella Goes To The Waterpark
Bella And The Mall
Bella's Bad Habit Reappears
Bella's Last Days Of Summer
Bella Meets Someone New
Bella Gets School Supplies
Liv And Bella's Night Walk
Bella's Day Before
Bella's First Day Of School
Bella's Terrifying Encounter
Bella Gets Sensitive
Bella Confesses
Bella's Dilemma
Bella's Halloween
Bella's Halloween Pt. 2
Bella Afterwards
Bella And Noah's Visitor
Bella's Embarrasing Moment
Bella's Embarrasing Moment Pt.2
Bella Turns 9
Bella's Party
Bella's Sleepover
Bella's Amazing Christmas
Bella's Amazing Christmas Pt.2
Bella's Skating And NYE
Bella's New Year Wish
My Bad-
Bella's Competition
Bella's Spring Break
Bella's Discovery
Bella's Realization
Bella And Alex
Bella's Summer
Bella And 5th Grade
Bella's Mentor
Bella's Mentor Pt.2
Bella Deals With Grief
Bella Feels The Tension
Bella's Reward
Bella Gets The Vibes
Bella Hates To Ruin
Bella Hates To Ruin Pt.2
Bella And The Big 1-0
Bella Sees Change
Olivia Consoles Bella
Olivia And The Shocking Revalation
Bella's Day
Bella And The Final Move
Olivia's Shocking Revalation Pt.2
Bella's Results
Bella's Struggle
Bella And The Trip
Holiday Hill
Holiday Hill Pt.2
Bella and Leia
Bella's Elementary School Graduation
Bella's Cookie Dough Chat
Leia's Fourth of July
Paid To Keep Secrets
Bella Gets Caught
Leia's First Vacation
Elijah Things
Bella Tells Elijah
Lei's Fourth Birthday
Bella Learns About Changes Pt.2
Bella Starts Middle School
Weekend Vibes
Bella's Admiration
Bella And The Monster Under Her Bed

Bella Loves Chase

310 10 0
By DayyyFanyyy

"Chase!" She picked up the puppy and it gave her loads of affection. She smiled at me as she went to go get his leash and collar. She wanted to walk him.
"Let's go walk him Mommy!"
"I have to go to work soon sweet pea."
"Work?" She set Chase down as she watched me make a cup of coffee.
"Mhm." Chase walked over to me in his cute little fashion and I stopped drinking my coffee to pick his cute little behind up.
"Good Morning."
"Morning Noah." We both said.
"You know Bella?" She turned around quickly and folded her arms, waiting for me to finish.
"Maybe you can come to work for a little bit later. Noah can come if he wants also."
"Yes please!"
"I might stay home. I have to finish my packet."  I nodded and Bella went to go get Chases food and water.
"Good job Bella."
"Lucy's here! Lucy's here!"
Mom's Office (Bella's Perspective)
"Look at my two buns Mommy." I patted them and Mom smiled.
"Pretty." She gave me a kiss and hung my jacket up.
"Mommy, What kind of dog is Chase again?"
"You mean what breed? He's a Shih Tzu."
"I think he's a really pretty breed!" I loved Chase to death! He's like my most favorite animal ever. He's so snuggly and cuddly, and he's always running up to me!
"I'm glad you guys are loving Chase." She kept doing her work and smiled.
"Do you love Chase?"
"Of course I do, I picked him out did I not?"
"That's true."
"Do you have any drama for me today?" Me and my mom talk about things that happen in school, even though I didn't have school today there was almost always something to tell her.
"Before break we had a party like we do every year."
"And like I thought the boys were planning something. I could tell because they were all by themselves talking or whatever."
"Interesting. What happened?"
"I don't think I want to tell." I laughed and she raised her eyebrows.
"I don't have to tell you what happened because you weren't there. We can talk about what else happened, that isn't that important!"
"I want to know about what you were telling me." I shook my head and she put her arms around me.
"Nothing happened right?"
"Nothing inappropriate happened. I just think I might tell you later."
"Alright. Give me a hug." I gave her a hug and I let her do her police work.
My Bedroom (Olivia's Perspective)
"Basically, the boys were trying to get the girls to be with them but it didn't happen. Everyone said no!"
"Boyfriend and girlfriend?!"
"Yeah, but all of the girls said no we're not allowed. So weird Mama."
"That is weird, boys are weird huh?"
"Yeah they are. Gross and they only want girlfriends. I'm not ever going to have a boyfriend!" I smiled in pleasure as she kept going on with her story.
"Cheers to that little lady."
"But you have a boyfriend!"
"That's different. I'm a grown woman."
"You're very grown. You're fi-" I started to tickle her until she stopped trying to remind me of my age.
"Jeebuz!" She yelled. Chase ran into the room and started barking playfully.
"Chasey!" I smiled as I watched my daughter play again.
"Mom, why don't you have a shirt on?" My daughter asked curiously. I was wearing a light pink and purple sports bra and sweats. I didn't feel like putting my shirt back on at the moment.
"Because I don't feel like putting one on. It's hot in here."
"You need to put a shirt on because they're so big." She laughed and looked down at herself.
"Oh really, I didn't notice. It isn't anything you haven't seen before though." She nodded and looked me in the eye.
"When will I start wearing bras like those?"
"In a couple of years. But it really depends on how you grow."
"How will I grow?" She questioned.
"I don't know lovey. We'll talk about it soon, very soon."
"Cool." I put my arm around my daughter lovingly and she started to tell me about about gymnastics.
"Hey, are you even listening?"
"Of course I am. I'm just thinking."
"About what?" I gave her a look as I kept thinking about my little plan.
"I don't trust that look!"
Kaden's Party (Bella's Perspective)
"Happy birthday!" My mom and I said.
"Thanks. Do you wanna come to the fort?"
"Yeah! I'll be back Mommy!"
"Okay, go have fun." We went over to the fort and some of my friends were there.
"Bella!" Kylie and Jana said.
"Told'ja I would come. Now let's play Quackdidioso."
"What's that?" Kaden asked.
"Oh yeah, you've never played." Kaden was from another state like Jana! It was called Oregon. It sounded like a weird place but he told me that it was super duper wet and nice. I'm not sure I'd like that though.
"So basically everyone gets into a circle and we put our hands like this, yeah, no like this Kaden." Jana said. We explained the game to him and played very slowly so he'd get it. After we played a couple of times Morgan suggested a different game.
"What about Knights and Princesses?"
"What is that?!" All of the girls asked.
"Every single girl has a Knight."
"What do the knights do?"
"They kiss the girls hand and say m'lady."
"I don't know if this will be a fun game." Alexa said.
"It will be. Now Bella's Knight will be Isaiah." I rolled my eyes as he crawled over to me.
"Go away." I crossed my arms and backed up away from him.
"Because I don't want to be your princess."
"She doesn't have to be your princess Isaiah. You're icky anyways." Isaiah came closer and I started getting angrier.
"This is my personal bubble. You just popped it, go away!" I pushed him and left the fort.
"Bella, wait!" Kylie and Jana said. They grabbed my hand and took my into a corner.
"You okay?"
"No, I want to leave!"
"Let's help her find her Mommy."
"She's really tall, look she's there."
"Are you gonna tell her?" I nodded and went up to her.
"Do you want a snack?" I shook my head and frowned.
"Ms. Benson we have to tell you something, but not here because it's so loud."
"Okay girls, let's take this somewhere else okay?"

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