Accidentally In Love // Raura

By HereComesForever_xo

59.4K 2.4K 281

"You wouldn't leave would you?" "I wouldn't even dream of it." "You have before though." "Only and idiot woul... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Seven

1.6K 59 5
By HereComesForever_xo

N o a h

I am staring at the T.V screen but, no noise is coming out. I was lost in my thoughts. I could vaguely see movement on the screen but it was all a blur.

There's nothing to think about though. I'm in love with Laura. Sure we have our bad moments but every couple does. What's important is that in the end we always come back to each other. After every small petty fight we can't help but forgive each other. The longest we have gone without speaking to each other is two days. And it wasn't even two days. On the second day I was really busy, and so was Laura, but I went to see her instead of having a lunch break. When we did see each other though, it was like we hadn't see one another in months. Something like that is what lasts for a long time. Surely we hadn't hit our expiry date, had we?

I can't deny when I saw Becca I thought I felt something but I think it was me over thinking things because I hadn't seen or thought about her in so long.

The shower had become silent. I could faintly hear Laura softly singing. The only reason I could hear her now is because the shower was turned off. I love it when she sings. She has no idea how good she is. She sounds so beautiful.

The song she was singing started to become familiar. It was this cool song we heard on the radio on one of our first dates. We never found out what the song was called but we still remember the beat of it. Laura still remembers some of the chorus, so she sings that over and over. Of course I don't mind I could listen to her sing that all day.

I chuckle to myself at the memory of that date and how Laura still sings that song. Then I start smiling. I couldn't seem to get the smile off my face. Whenever I think of Laura I automatically smile.

"That smile better be about me." Laura joked as she walked in the room.

How could I even possibly have doubts about being with Laura. She had a robe and slippers on. She looked so cute. Her hair was down, still unbrushed from after her shower. Laura never liked to brush her wet hair straight after the shower.

"I was just thinking about our fourth date and that really cool song we heard." I say still smiling.

Laura immediately smiled.

"That is one of my favourite dates." She admits.

We both quietly laughed to ourself while each thinking of that date.

It was our fourth date and I was starting to really like Laura. There was something about her that drew me in, there still is. Anyway so I really wanted to impress her. I found this really nice restaurant after hours of searching online. It was 45 minutes away but I thought it wouldn't matter because it would all be worth it in the end. Besides it would give us a chance to talk on the way there.

We were 30 minutes into the drive and everything was going well. I had complemented her and had been a gentlemen the whole time. We easily chatted and were laughing away when slowly my car came to a stop.

I tried to fix whatever the problem was but nothing was working. I called roadside assistance but they said they wouldn't know what time they would get there. I was a bit annoyed and I was worried that Laura would want me to take her home once the car had started working again. This date was a disaster. We were in between towns now. The closet thing to food around here was a small shop. It didn't look promising but I was starting to get hungry and I'm sure Laura was as well. We decided to go check it out. It was basically a candy store. We got a whole bag full and set up our own little picnic. We sat on the boot of my car because it was summer and it was warm out. We started talking and really getting to know each other. When we were full from all the food we laid down still on the car. The sun was setting now, it was very romantic.

"Music?" I remember asking her.

She agreed and I tried to find a radio station still in range. I finally got one that didn't sound half bad. I walked over to wear she was laying and formally asked her to dance. She giggled then said yes. We were slow dancing because a slow song was playing. Her head was resting on my chest because I was a lot taller than her and her head didn't reach up to my shoulder. I remember thinking how amazing she was and how could someone like this be here with me. As the moment was setting we got interrupted.

The soft music stopped and a faster song played. We looked at each other and laughed. We started doing our funniest dance. We were both laughing the whole time. While I was "dancing" I tripped over and I pulled Laura down on top of me. We stared into each others eyes before leaning in. It wasn't our first kiss but it felt like it. The kisses we shared before were still good but this one is the one you remember forever.

The kiss continued and things getting more serious now. We both knew nothing could happen we were in the middle of nowhere and still waiting for help. I think we both realised this could be nothing more than a kiss. We both slowed down a bit. We shared our last kiss before cuddling on the soft grass looking up at the stars. When it started getting dark I put headlights on so we could see. It was almost completely dark now.

We heard a car pull up and looked over to see someone here to help with the car. The car didn't have anything seriously wrong with it. He did have to tow the car though. He said he needed something that he left at his garage. We rode back in silence until a familiar song was on the radio. We both looked at each other because we immediately knew the song. It was the one that ruined our slow dance. The guy must have notice we knew this song because he turned it up louder.

It was 9pm by the time the stuff with the car was all done. We decided to end the night there because Laura said she had something on early in the morning tomorrow. I took her home and we agreed to see one another around noon the next day. Laura said her thing would finish somewhere around 11am. So she would be ready for our date by twelve.

After a month of dates I asked her to be my girlfriend and the rest is history.

"I wonder if we would have lasted as long as we did if your car didn't break down." Laura speaks.

We both agreed earlier that, that date is what made us really like each other. It's not like we didn't before but that date really opened our eyes to one another.

"I think so." I start.

"Sure that date was great but I think it's the chemistry we have together that made us like we are now." I continue.

"What we have is really something isn't it?" Laura asks although she already knows the answer to that.

"We sure do." I smile. I give her a short kiss on her soft lips.

"I'm going to get dressed." Laura tells me.

She leaves before I can answer her.

Thinking about the date I decide to look for 'the song'. I've tried looking before but something always came up. This time I was determine to find it.

"I don't believe it." I mumble under my breath.


"What? What is it?" Laura rushes in looking worried.

I don't say a thing I just unplug my headphones and play the song.

Laura looks at me confused until she hears the familiar beat. She looks shocked but extremely happy at the same time.

"You found it! You found the song." She jumps up and down.

She runs over to me nearly killing me with her hug.

"You are amazing!" She says excitedly.

"Oh I wouldn't say that, but you can." I joke.

Before I knew it Laura attacked me with kisses. Woah she can get overly excited about anything.

I decided to join her excitement as we continue to enjoy each other's lips as the song Radar Detector plays in the background.

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

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