The Dragon Father

By The-Dragon-Hearted

341K 9.3K 7.5K

Dragon of the apocalypse, black dragon, master of death, dragon king; Acnologia has been called many things t... More

A Chance
The Three "Punks"
The Dreyars - and the Messed Up one in Between
Apprentice and Master
The Poison Dragon Slayer
The Beginning of Complete Insanity
The Lightning Dragon Slayer
What it Means to be a Dragon
What is Ours
Day 1 of Training
And so it Begins
Kids from the Tower
Fight, Cry, Sleep
Imitatia's Salvation
Do you, Still?
Remember him?
Well Merry *Input word* Christmas
The Strauss Siblings
Bickslow and Freed
Couple old, Couple new, Couple years
Lucy and Lisanna
Phantom Lord
The Tower of Heaven
The OraciΓ³n Seis
Tenrou Part 1
Tenrou Part 2
Serena's sorrow
Beginning of the Grand Magic Games
Raven Tail's Damnation
Sting and Rogue's "Betrayal"
The End of the Grand Magic Games
Fairy Tail's Party
The Dragon's Life
The Sun Village
Fairies vs Demons
That which you did not Kill
The Life of a Young Dragon Saint
You want us to... WAIT!
Jackal and Seliah
Do Demons Dream?
Curse? Nah, Friends.
The Beginning of Alvarez
Retake Fairy Tail!
Fairies vs Spriggans
It's Time You Face Your Demons
E.N.D's Awakening
After Alvarez
Dragon's Teeth
The First Mistake
Stay with Me
Hang in There
Do Not Test Me
Last Straw
What Have You Done?
A Dragon's Soul
Dragon's Rage
I'll Never Forgive You Brats!
Your Punishment
The Plot
The Clue
The Hunt
Natsu's Return
Tyregenium's Influence
There are so many ways to Win.
A Life of Memories
Acnologia's Tale
The Council's Ruling
A Guild Divided
You Do Not Have To Fight Alone
The War
Dragon Fight
Stand Up.
The Death of a Saint
The Price to Pay
More Time
A Victory Ensured
I Know Who I Am
. . .
A little Thank-You (Not a Real Chapter!)

The 1st to be Spared

4.5K 145 93
By The-Dragon-Hearted

It all started one afternoon. Serena had gone on some mission with the council and was going to be gone for a few months. On top of it, the council restricted him from communicating from Acnologia during the excursion which bothered the dragon king further. 

'Why does he stick around with the council,' a voice snarled in his head.

'They pay him well, and they did grant him his power,' another voice answered.

Before the internal debate could continue the headline on the day's paper caught Acnologia's eye. A demon known as Deliora was making its way towards a heavily populated town, of course, the town was being evacuated.

'A demon of that caliber could kill a whole lot of people,'



'Yeah, really bad.'

'... I hate being moral.'

Acnologia wasted little time after he came to a conclusion. He raced for the guildhall.

"Gildarts, Laxus, Erik with me, NOW!" he ordered as soon as he stepped inside.

"What?" Gildarts asked.

"It's important," Acnologia said.

Gildarts nodded and bent down, "Daddy's gonna be right back okay," he reassured Cana.

Cana rolled her eyes and dealt out another hand of cards to Sting, "I've survived this long without you; I think I can survive a couple hours."

"Can I come too, uncle?!" Natsu asked.

"No," Acnologia answered

"PWEASE!" Natsu asked a hurt look on his face.

"No, you are too young," Acnologia sighed,

"Laxus and Erik are going," Natsu pouted.

"Yeah well they're older," Acnologia sighed.

"Technically speaking, we're older than them by four hundred years," Rogue said, sipping his cocoa.

Acnologia shot a glare at Rogue, "the answer is no, the answer will always be no until I say otherwise, do you understand?"

"Yes," Natsu sighed.

"Makarov! Watch the kids!" he ordered.

Makarov looked at him with a look of horror. "How long are you planning on being gone!?"

Acnologia rolled his eyes. "Okay everyone," Acnologia said running outside, he transformed into a dragon in the streets, "Climb on."

Gildarts looked like a child on Christmas Day, Laxus and Erik meanwhile shrugged and climbed on.

"So...what's this about uncle?" asked Laxus.

"There's a demon on the loose, I'm gonna go beat it up," Acnologia answered.

"Subtle," Erik sighed.

They took off into the sky, Gildarts screaming joyfully like an idiot.

"THIS IS AFREAKINGMAZING!" Gildarts laughed.

"Please shut up," Erik whispered as they flew.

They flew for a while, then Acnologia spotted a town in ruins, they flew over it. One destroyed town after another followed. The air grew cold and it held the stench of death as they followed the path of destruction. Finally, Acnologia flew over a mountain and spotted Deliora. In front of him were three humans; two young boys, one was unconscious while the other one looked on, and one woman, she was in the stance of the spell Ice Shell.

"Gildarts! Stop her!" Acnologia ordered. Gildarts jumped down and landed in front of the woman. The woman was obviously startled and the spell died away. "Laxus, Erik, protect them!" Acnologia yelled. Laxus turned into a lightning bolt while Erik hitched a ride on Cubellios.

When they were all off Acnologia rammed himself into Deliora. Deliora stumbled before turning to growl at Acnologia. In response Acnologia roared into the night, the sound was deafening.

"WHAT THE FRICK IS THAT!?" the conscious boy screamed.

"That's my uncle," Laxus smiled.

"WHAT?!" the boy asked.

"Who are you people?" the woman asked sounding defensive.

"We're mages from Fairy Tail, we've come to help," Gildarts greeted. Then a building began to collapse above them. Gildarts used his magic to break it apart. Laxus and Erik watched Acnologia wrestle with Deliora.

"Why isn't he using his magic?" Laxus asked Erik.

"I think Uncle Acnologia is having fun," Erik laughed.

Indeed Acnologia was; it had been the most fun he had had in years. Deliora was an easy opponent, but he was better than most. Finally, Acnologia had enough. He threw Deliora on the ground and flew into the air. He inhaled in preparation to unleash his roar. 

Then he had a violent flashback; he saw Igneel being disintegrated. He paused, Deliora roared and got to his feet. Acnologia closed his eyes.

'He is not Igneel; he is a murderous demon, just as you are not a monster... but a wizard.' A voice in Acnologia's head reassured him.

'For the most part,' the other voice smiled.

'HUSH! JUST HUSH!' the third cried.

Acnologia unleashed his roar; Deliora had no time to move, he was hit full force and became nothing more than a pile of ash. By this time, the other boy had woken up and was witnessing all of this.

"Whoa..." the white-haired kid smiled.

"That's the strongest mage in the world," Laxus laughed.

"Such power... how can I get like that!" the white-haired kid gaped.

Gildarts laughed, "Keep dreaming kid, Acnologia has been alive for centuries, I doubt anyone is on his level."

Then Acnologia transformed and walked up to the group.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" the white-haired kid cried. 

The woman had been standing there like a deer in the headlights. When the boy ran in front of her, her eyes sharpened. Then the woman seemed to be reminded of something. She grabbed the boy.

"LYON! IF YOU EVER PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT AGAIN, I WILL POUND YOU INTO SNOW!" she cried shaking the boy like a rag-doll. 

When Lyon was released he looked down in shame, "I'm sorry Ur."

"You should be!" Ur gritted.

"I'm sorry for all those things I said, and for almost using ice shell," Lyon sniffled. Ur's face softened and she embraced the boy.

"I thought I was gonna lose you," she said softly as she smiled.

The black-haired boy looked relieved.

"And you Gray!" Ur growled looking to Gray who tensed.

"I... uh... I'm sorry," Gray said bowing. "I'm very sorry," he sighed. They all looked at him. "I was so engrossed in defeating Deliora and avenging my family's death, I forgot... I forgot... I forgot about... I'm sorry Ur, I'm sorry Lyon." he began to cry which made both ice wizards smile.

Ur's gaze softened, then she hugged the two boys, "you scared me, Gray, you both scared me, don't you do that to me again, either of you," she sighed.

There were a few moments of silence.

"You know, boys that age might need some friends to hang out with," Gildarts said breaking the meaningful silence, "Maybe that won't lead to as many instances of almost dying."

Ur looked to him. The boys looked up both of them drying their eyes.

"I have a few kids back home who would appreciate new friends... and a guild that would appreciate a new responsible adult," Acnologia sighed. Ur looked at Lyon and then to Gray.

"I think a guild would be a nice change, don't you boys think?" she asked.

"As long as I get to meet super-strong wizards, I'm in!" Lyon yipped.

"Sounds boring, but I'll tag along," Gray shrugged.

Acnologia nodded and gave them a lift back home. The reception at Fairy Tail was warm. Ur, Lyon, and Gray were accepted into Fairy Tail almost immediately. That's when they all learned of Gray's stripping habit.

"NOT HERE GRAY!" Ur shouted to Gray who was in his boxers.

"Stripper," Natsu laughed.

"How about you say that to my face FLAME HEAD!" Gray shouted.

"BRING IT ON ICE %$$#%*" Natsu laughed.

Many more profane cuss words were thrown along with punches. Acnologia sighed, he had decided that if he was forced to describe Fairy Tail in two words, they would be a dysfunctional family.

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