Writers' Games - Free Falling...

By ally_oshea_xoxo

38.2K 881 1.2K

Helloooooooo Panem! The first Annual Writer's Games is here, and the Capitol is certainly looking forward to... More

The First Annual Writer's Games
Tribute Form
Tribute Places
D1 Female - Red Velvet
D2 Female - Callisto Reed
D3 Female - Cherry Bruton
D4 Female - India Fox
D5 Female - Florina Hale
D6 Female - Chrystal Davis
D7 Female - Aubrey Harris
D8 Female - Sparrow Falls
D9 Female - Willow Anesha
D10 Female - Esperanza Sanchez
D11 Female - Noelle Jenkins
D12 Female - Elaine Crudvent
D1 Male - Titan Emerald
D2 Male - Bryan Warside
D3 Male - Jackson Bennett
D4 Male - Isaac Sylver
D5 Male - Cal Kirin
D6 Male - Chase Williams
D7 Male - Logan Mellark
D8 Male - Cotton Lewis
D9 Male - Cloud Maize
D10 Male - Zeke Drastaa
D11 Male - Ian Ryder
D12 Male - Devlin Summers
Over It...
Sponsor Form
The Sponsors
Task 1 - The Interviews
Sponsors - Please Read!
Red Velvet's Interview
Titan Emerald's Interview
Callisto Reed's Interview
Bryan Warside's Interview
Cherry Bruton's Interview
Jackson Bennett - DID NOT HAND IN
India Fox's Interview
Isaac Sylver - DID NOT HAND IN
Florina Hale's Interview
Cal Kirin's Interview
Chrystal Davis - DID NOT HAND IN
Chase Williams' Interview
Aubrey Harris - DID NOT HAND IN
Logan Mellark - DID NOT HAND IN
Sparrow Falls' Interview
Cotton Lewis' Interview
Willow Anesha's Interview
Cloud Maize's Interview
Esperanza Sanchez - DID NOT HAND IN
Zeke Drastaa's Interview
Noelle Jenkins' Interview
Elaine Crudvent's Interview
Devlin Summers' Interview
Training Scores
Sponsored Tributes
Task 2 - The Bloodbath
Red Velvet's Bloodbath
Titan Emerald's Bloodbath
Callisto Reed's Bloodbath
Bryan Warside's Bloodbath
Cherry Bruton's Bloodbath
Jackson Bennett's Bloodbath
India Fox's Bloodbath
Isaac Sylver's Bloodbath
Florina Hale's Bloodbath
Cal Kirin's Bloodbath
Chrystal Davis' Bloodbath
Chase Williams' Bloodbath
Aubrey Harris' Bloodbath
Logan Mellark's Bloodbath
Sparrow Falls' Bloodbath
Cotton Lewis' Bloodbath
Willow Anesha's Bloodbath
Cloud Maize's Bloodbath
Esperanza Sanchez's Bloodbath
Zeke Drastaa's Bloodbath
Noelle Jenkins' Bloodbath
Ian Ryder's Bloodbath
Elaine Crudvent's Bloodbath
Devlin Summers' Bloodbath
Quick Note - Please Read!
Results & Chopping Block
Current Scores
Dropped Out
Voting Results
Task 3 - I Can Fly?
Red Velvet's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
India Fox's POV
Cloud Maize's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Current Scores & Recent Points
Task 4 - Bye Bye Supplies...
Jackson Bennett's POV
Red Velvet's POV
Titan Emerald's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
Jackson Bennett's POV
India Fox's POV
Florina Hale's POV
Chase Williams' POV
Sparrow Falls' POV
Cloud Maize's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Results & Chopping Block
Current Scores & Bonus Points
Task 5 - Be Careful Who You Trust...
Not Good Enough
Red Velvet's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
India Fox's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Scores, Rankings & Bonus Points
Interview With Talon Sharp
Task 6 - An Animal Experience...
Chosen Animals
I Knew I Forgot Something!
Red Velvet's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
India Fox's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Scores, Rankings & Bonus Points
Voting & Chopping Block
Voting Results
Oops - I'm A Terrible Person
Task 7 - Elements [ f i n a l e ]
New Writers' Games (Wattpad Is Being Mean...)
Cherry Bruton's POV (Earth)
Noelle Jenkins' POV (Water)
India Fox's POV (Air)
Devlin Summers' POV (Fire)
Update... Info
Voting & Scores
Voting Results (YAY)
Special Awards (Sorry For The Wait!!)
Devlin's Final Task

Cherry Bruton's POV

170 4 0
By ally_oshea_xoxo

I sighed in relief, and leaned against one of the four oak trees on my island. I winced in pain as a sharp peice of bark proofed my upper let shoulder. I had survived the bloodbath, though, and that was all that mattered. For now, anyways.

It was growing dark outside, and the surviving tributes abandoned the cornucopia, besides the careers, obviously. All of my alliance was alive; Sparrow, Elaine, and me. It was hard to believe such a weak little girl like me had survived twelve hours in a fight to the death.

A loud sound echoed through the arena, and in jumped in shock. It was a screeching sound, kind of like a dying narwhal being flushed down a toilet while being bashed with a baseball bat.

Then I realized it was the capital anthem, silly me! They really needed to remake it, it sounded awful! As the disgusting noise sounded, and bunch of faces appeared, one after another. It took me a moment to realize they were the dead tributes. Oh! I was such a dork. The first death is Bryan, the guy from district two. I had expected him to stand a chance, and, to be honest, he scared me.

The next death is Isaac, the boy from district four. I didn't know him, but whatever. That's one less person to have to face, and to be honest, district four usually had a good chance and he could've murdered me right on the spot if he wanted to.

Cal, the boy from district five was next. He was sorta nice, I guess, and I would prefer him over India any day. It was sad to see this boy gone, but I was relieved as well, I probably wouldn't be able to kill him even if I wanted to.

The fourth face to appear in the sky is Chrystal, the super scary girl from six. She scared me super bad, so I was kinda happy she wasn't here. She was one of the most frightening tributes, along with India, Noelle, and Callisto.

The next face is Aubrey, the girl from seven. I didn't know her really, but I was surprised she was dead, she looked like she could last a long time, unlike me. I would be gone within two days, I could guarantee it.

The sixth face is her district partner, Logan. I didn't know the boy, but I would have expected him to last longer than me, which he did not. I felt bad for his poor family, it would break my heart to see my sister die in the games, I imagine his family felt the same way.

The next face is Cotton Lewis, the boy from district eight. I didn't know him at all, but he was Sparrow's district partner so I had stayed away from him, I didn't want a fight with him, I would lose.

The eight death of the night is Willow, the young girl from district nine. She was like me in a way, and it broke my heart to see such a young girl be dead. I was upset with the capital, ripping young children away from their families and forcing them to fight in these games.

The ninth face to appear in the sky is Esperanza, the girl from district ten. Like most of the other tributes, I had not known her, but she must've had a family that missed her dearly, poor thing. I felt bad. Nine tributes had died, leaving just more than half left.

The tenth death of the day is Zeke, who is followed by the eleventh and last death, Ian. I didn't know either of them, but it sickened me to think they had been murdered. I shuddered.

The dying narwhal music played again, and the last face disappeared. Sparrow yawned, stretching her arms out. "I'll take first watch." I volunteered. "I'm not going to be able to sleep anyways."

Elaine grabbed my wrist, and stared at me. "Most definitely not! Not with the gaps, that could get us all killed! I'll take watch with you,if you want, but there is no point in you staying awake if I'm up." She frowned, making me feel like a six year old again.

I eventually gave up, and layed underneath the pink blanket I had gotten at the bloodbath, Sparrow by my side. I watched the night sky, the twinkling stars, there was no way I would be able to sleep after the bloodbath. But then the most unextpected thing happened, I fell asleep.


"Run!" Shrieked a voice behind me, Elaine. I noticed the tense, humid jungle around me, and river flowing on my left side. A money swung from a branch above me, and millipede slithered out of a crack in a rock. Two toucans chattered back and fourth, and a large snake cirlced a tree.

"Run!" Screeched another voice, Sparrow this time. I sprinted down the narrow path in front of me, snatching a colorful fruit off a plant as I ran. A frog leaped from one tree to another, an anteater sniffed around for food.

I continued to run, my muscles aching and my throat swelling. I stopped to breath, gasping heavily. A hand wrapped around my stomach, and another clasped over my mouth. I felt myself being turned to face my attacker- Callisto. She grinned at me wildly, and I shivered in fright.

She took a dagger from her belt, posing it at my throat. This is it, I though to myself. The knife plunged towards me, and that is when I woke up.


My eyes flew open. My throat was dry and raspy. I coughed roughly. My legs ached for some reason, and my eyes burned. I sat up and noticed Elaine and Sparrow talking quietly. I also noticed it was still dark outside, the sun was just beginning to rise.

I stood up. "What time do you think it is?" I yawned, stretching my arms. Elaine shrugged and glanced at the sky. "Probably five in the morning, why?" Asked Sparrow.

Before I could answer, a sharp pain stabbed into my back. I screamed. I felt about a half a dozen sharp stabbing pains in my back before I began screaming even more. "HELP!!!! Callisto is stabbing my back! And India is there too!" I screeched, running in circles. "Get away! Leave me alone!"

Sparrow clamped her hand over her mouth. At first I thought it was fright, then I realized she was laughing! This wasn't funny! Elaine giggled, and I whirled around. Callisto wasn't here, neither was India. I touched my hands to my back, and felt something soft.

"What the-?" I began, my hands traveling up what I now realized was wings! I turned my head to see them.. They were white, and had an angel design. When you thing of an angel, this is e kind of wings you would think of.

Wings sprouted from Elain's back, which turned out to be light blue butterfly wings. Sparrow yelped in pain as her wings sprouted from her back, underneath the skin, and slowly grew out. I adjusted to my wings, and had figured out how to control them by the time Sparrow's pink fairy wings had finished growing.

I squealed in delight as I floated four inches off the ground. I turned, so I was on my stomach, and propelled myself forewords. I grinned as I moved swiftly through the air, quickly followed by Sparrow and Elaine as they figured it out.

I laughed as I cut through the air, flying underneath the islands. "Follow me!" Called Sparrow, turning around and flying high into the air. I frowned. Kill joy.

I followed her, and once I was in the air i noticed Florina on a small island. Elaine gripped her dagger and dove towards the island. I flew after her, gripping her ankle. "Stop! Maybe she wants to ally?" I shouted.

Elaine sighed, and I flew down onto the island. Florina cursed to herself when she noticed us, and whipped out her dagger. I put my hands up. "I want to ally, not hurt you." I said, my voice quivering. Florina nodded.

"Ok... I guess we are an alliance then?" She asked, and I nodded. Florina's wings were a light shade of purple, in the same fairy design as Sparrow. I flew back into the air, spiraling towards the sun. My memory gapped, and the next thing I knew I was hurtling downwards. I wondered if I kept going down I would find ground.

I felt a tug on my ankle.

Elaine glared at me angrily. I giggled, embarrassed, and wiggled away. I began flapping my wings, rising back into the air. I laughed nervously, following Sparrow as she flew to a large forest island. Sparrow landed gracefully on the island, unlike me as I crashed head first into a tree.

I fell backwards, and shook my head before getting back on my feet, laughing. I could hear Florina laughing, and glared playfully at her, and batted her lightly on the head with my wing. Suddenly, I was knocked to the ground. Red loomed over me.

Callisto dived at Elaine, Idnia leaped at Sparrow, and Titan lunged for Florina. A full battle was going on, Callisto glass hung knives at Elaine, who was dodging most of them. Sparrow was behind India, and had her arms wrapped around India's neck. Florina ran away from Titan, who chased her.

I wrapped my hand around Red's throat, and rolled over so I was on top of her. Red pulled her knees to her chest and kicked me hard, throwing me back. I whacked Red with one wing, and she leaped back. I moved my wings forewords, grasping her head in between them. Her bright red dragon wings smashed towards me, swatting my ear roughly.

I grabbed a throwing knife from my pocket and hurtled it towards red. She pulled her arm down, and it caught itself in her wrist instead of her gut. I swiped my dagger towards her skull, and she grabbed the blade with her hand.

I tugged, and it tore away from her grasp, slicing a lovely cut in her hand. She cursed quietly, and slapped her hand across my face. I fell back, and as she dived towards me, I held my knife, facing the sky, and she fell on top of me, my knife going through her gut. I screamed, and rolled her off me. BOOM!

I gasped. I had just killed someone. Elaine glanced at me, and as she did, Callisto delivered a blow to the nose. Elaine cried out, and punched Callisto back.

India held a knife to Sparrow's throat, but before she could do anything, Florina darted behind her and stabbed India the back. India slid the blade, but Sparrow ducks underneath it, turns, and punches India in the jaw. She grabbed her knife, and held it to India's throat. Titan held his knife to Florina's throat as he grabbed her from behind.

I stepped into the forest, and quietly ran around to the other side of the clearing. I made eye contact with Sparrow, and Sparrow slid the blade across India's throat. I wrapped my hands around Titan's wrist and pulled him backwards, so when he slashed his dagger it only connected with air.

Florina dove towards him, driving her knife into his stomach. She yanked it out and plunged it into his throat. His cannon sounded, followed by India's.

Callisto dove into the air, and flew off somewhere. I sighed. Florina coughed. Elaine sneezed, and Sparrow burped. I laughed loudly, and was quickly joined by Sparrow and Florina. Elaine just flared at me. Why was she so grumpy?

Elaine sprinted through the forest, followed by us. I didn't know where she was going, until I saw the smoke and heard the flames. Elaine wrapped her arms around Delvin's neck, pushing his face towards the fire. "Want to feel it again? Want to burn again?" She screeched. I turned, I didn't want to see that. Chase battled Sparrow, and his knife slipped and cut her wrist. She yelped, and I dove at Chase.

He easily threw me off, and I felt myself fall into a tree. The last thing I saw was Florina's knife across Chase's throat, and I heard two cannons sound before my memory blanked.

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