Psychotically In Love: The Vi...

By mischiefofloki

41.6K 1.3K 308

Young Billionaire Bruce Wayne finds himself in a rather tragic situation when Gotham's Most famous Villain J... More

The Benefit
Mazes and Tunnels
The Storm
The Auction
Dammit Alfred
Pure Bliss
Am I Crazy?
Coming Out
Point of Change
Ive got you
Bad Kitty
True Comfort
A New Beginning
We all Could go Insane with just One Bad Day

A Boy and his Butler

995 26 15
By mischiefofloki

-Bruce's POV-
(Warning: violence and sexual triggers)

I woke up in my own room, dressed in my PJs. Confused I got up and went into the hallway and called for Alfred.
"Good morning sir, Jeremiah brought you back last night. He said you fell asleep and he didn't feel like waking you. He said even though he tried once you didn't wake so he brought you into your room"
I rubbed my eyes in confusion and followed Alfred into the kitchen.
"I have prepped some breakfast for you sir, it'll only take a minute or two to cook. How do you want your coffee"
"One sugar and a small amount of creamer. Thank you Alfred. What's for breakfast"
Alfred smiled. "Bacon, eggs, French toast and if you want it, fresh squeezed orange juice"
"Sounds amazing, thanks again Alfred"

Alfred smiled again Handed me my coffee and began to cook the eggs and bacon. I turned on the TV sitting on the counter and watched it sipping on my coffee.

"Jerome Valeska has been spotted, captain Gordon has the situation under control and is headed his way, keep a look out and report him immediately if you see him"
As the reporter was finished announcing there was a crash in the parlor.
Alfred quickly took out his gun
"Stay put"
I watched as Alfred slowly crept into the other room and then heard a massive sigh.
He came back in followed by Jerome.
"I ought to phone the police"
"Shut up Alfred" I joked.

"Bruce" Jerome smiled
"Hi" I threw my arms around Jerome and kissed his cheek gently.
"I like the get up. You have the strangest style but it's always so out of the box"
"I'm crazy remember. Gotta dress the part"
We both laughed
"I assume you're going to want a plate as well" Alfred asked handing Jerome a plate.
"Thank you. Why the sudden interest in me"
"There's no point in fighting Bruce on his love interests. If he wants to be with you he will be behind my face or to my face. I have no power to stop him"

After finishing breakfast I headed upstairs to get dressed. Jerome followed.
"You seem different Jerome" I worried
"Different? What do you mean by that"
I sighed and pulled my PJs off and pulled out an outfit
"I mean you just seem off. You're not you"
"What do you mean" he laughed "of course I'm me, I'm the same Jerome I've always been"
"All I'm saying is it doesn't feel like you're the same man I fell in love with. There's just something off. I may just be tired is all"

Jerome went silent. He sat on my bed and watched me dress. He said nothing. Normally by now he would be interjecting on what I was wearing or making some comment about how strange it was that Alfred changed his mind about him but he was silent. There was clearly something off about him and I couldn't quite finger out what it was. When I was finished dressing I walked across the hall to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I came back into my room Jerome was going through all my notebooks and smiling as he read their contents.

"These are so brilliant Bruce. You came up with this all by yourself?"
"No, I didn't. I had help"
"From whom?" Jerome asked.
"Jeremiah ?" The smile on his face disappeared.
"Your brother"
"I know who you were talking about. What have yo been doing spending time with my brother for. He and the entire family tormented me and treated me like complete shit and now you're all buddy buddy with him. What the fuck is wrong with you Bruce"

"I needed a friend and he was there for me and I took a liking to him so I'm helping him with his work"
"Work?" He pushed me back causing me to slam into the bedside table "his work ? You mean his crazy ideas that will never work and if they do they will be millions of dollars a piece just to manufacture. That man is crazier then I am and you're throwing yourself into a pointless friendship with him? He's using you.  He's nothing it a coward and a user"

"Shut up" I raised my voice. "Jeremiah is a sweet man and he took me under his wing when you abandoned me. You left me like you said you never would he was there for me and you weren't. You keep running and running. Maybe it's time I spend my time with someone who's not going to have to run away for months at a time just to stay hidden from the law long enough to come back just to fuck me"
"Oh so that's what you think I'm doing you think I'm using you for sex"
"I never said that"

He slapped me and then grabbed me by the collar
"If that's all you think this is then I'm sure you won't mind if I do this"
He forced his hand down my pants and grabbed my penis roughly.
"Or maybe this"
He threw me backwards on to my bed and forced my pants down. He ripped my underwear off and took his own pants down.
"If it's only for sex then let's fuck"
"Jerome please I don't want to right now. I'm sorry I said what I did I didn't me-"
"Shut the fuck up" I felt the back of his hand slap really hard into my cheek. Seconds later he had forced himself inside of me. He covered my mouth with his hand as he thrust roughly in and out of me. I looked into his eyes. The love he once had in them completely gone. They were filled with rage and nothing more. I always felt safe around him and I now felt nothing but fear and betrayal.
When he finished he threw me on the ground.
"You're worthless Bruce. You're nothing but a sex object to me. You said if yourself. I'm only here for sex so there ya go you got your wish"

"Bruce" Alfred called from the hallway.
Jerome slapped me hard and forced me to my feet and grabbed my jaw "speak nothing of this. I'll be back later for more"
"I hate you" I spat.
He forced a kiss from me and looked me in the eyes
"I know"
He climbed out the window right as Alfred came in.
He saw me in the state I was in and quickly shut the window and locked it.
"What happened"
"He" I stopped
"He what. What happened. Do I have to kill him"
I chuckled and shook my head "I'm fine Alfred"
"The fuck you are Bruce you are not fine. You're half naked and bruised. Fine. If you're fine then I must be god, what happened"
"He raped me"
Alfred grew furious and helped me clean up and got me dressed.

Once I was alone again I quickly picked up my phone and called Jeremiah.
"Hey Bruce"
I began to cry
"I need you here. Just, just come here please"
"Where is here"
"I'm on my way I'll be there in thirty minutes"
I hung up and curled up in bed. A few minuets later Alfred brought me some tea and helped me prop up my pillows.
"Thank you Alfred"
"Tea always helps me feel better so I suppose it could do the same. I called James and told him what happened. I told him there's no point in coming here considering he's long gone. I've doubled the security system the entire alarm will go off if any window is opened from the outside"
"Thank you Alfred" i watched as he walked to my door way "Alfred"
He stopped and looks at me.
"You were right"
"Right sir?"
"About Jerome. You were right. I was just too blind to see that, I'm sorry I ever doubted you"
Alfred smiled
"Do not apologize. Love does that to young men like you, especially the first true love they feel. But yes I was right, I told you so"
"You did yes" we both laughed.
"I called Jeremiah. He's on his way over just so you're aware Alfred"
"Alright, is you need anything just ring, I'll be  in the parlor"
"Thank you Alfred"

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