💫She's Different💫

By DayyyFanyyy

77.6K 1.7K 666

In the middle of an investigation Olivia and the squad raid an abandoned warehouse. Olivia stumbles upon this... More

Finding Bella
Saving Bella
Understanding Bella
Building Bella's Trust
A Growing Bella
My Bella
My Bella Pt.2
Bella's Doing Makeup
Bella And Noah
Bella's Birthday
Bella's Christmas
Bella's Christmas Pt.2
Bella's New House
Bella's Girls Day
Bella's Rough Patch
Bella's Adoption Day
Bella And Olivia
Bella And Olivia Pt.2
Bella During The Week
Bella During The Week Pt.2
Bella's First Mother's Day
Bella's First Mother's Day Pt.2
Bella's Favorite Month
Bella's Last Day Of School Festivities
Bella's Last Day Festivites Pt.2
Bella Visits Mommy
Bella's Fourth Of July
Bella's Forth Of July Pt.2
Bella And The Hammock
Bella Opens Up
Bella Opens Up Pt.2
Bella And Her Dad
Bella A Month Later
Worries For Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella Pt.2
Bella Tells The Truth
Bella's Donut Talk
Bella's Music Class
Olivia's Efforts To Protect Bella
A note~😊
Bella's Biological Parents
Bella's Thanksgiving
Bella Approaches Liv
Bella Auditions
Bella Auditions Pt.2
Bella's Acquired Feelings
Bella Misses Out
Bella's School Life
Bella Meets Olivia's 'Friend'
Olivia Tells Bella The Truth
Bella Takes It All In
Bella's Newfound Anger
Bella And Her Family Move Out
Bella Practices Self-Control
Bella Celebrates
Je sais pas
Bella Learns About Date Night
Bella Gets Ready For Christmas
Bella And Noah Have To Leave
Bella's Thoughts On Christmas
Bella Loves Chase
Bella Refuses
Olivia's Big Mistake
Olivia Fixes Her Bond With Bella
Bella Hides Out
Bella Goes To The Hospital
Bella Tells Her Friends
Olivia Teaches Bella
Bella Goes To Fins House
Bella Stays Away
Bella Feels Off
Bella Feels Off Pt.2
Bella With Tucker
Bella's Moods
Olivia's Confusion
Bella Goes Shopping
Bella Learns About Changes
Bella Questions
Bella Recieves A Letter
Bella's Passport Experience
Bella's Nightmares
Bella's Father Figure Issue
Bella Goes To The Dance
Bella Prepares For Hawaii
Bella's First Flight
Bella's New Friend
Bella's Time With Liv
Bella Takes A Tour
Bella Avoids
Bella Avoids Pt.2
Bella's Start To Summer
Bella Asks About Elliot
Bella's Unpredicability
Bella Goes to Camp
Bella Goes To Camp Pt. 2
Bella Learns About Cassie
Bella Learns About Cassie Pt.2
Bella And Noah's Issues
Bella Helps Her Friends
Bella Comes Home
Bella Goes To Florida
Bella Goes To The Waterpark
Bella And The Mall
Bella's Bad Habit Reappears
Bella's Last Days Of Summer
Bella Meets Someone New
Bella Gets School Supplies
Liv And Bella's Night Walk
Bella's Day Before
Bella's First Day Of School
Bella's Terrifying Encounter
Bella Gets Sensitive
Bella Confesses
Bella's Dilemma
Bella's Halloween
Bella's Halloween Pt. 2
Bella Afterwards
Bella And Noah's Visitor
Bella's Embarrasing Moment
Bella's Embarrasing Moment Pt.2
Bella Turns 9
Bella's Party
Bella's Sleepover
Bella's Amazing Christmas
Bella's Amazing Christmas Pt.2
Bella's Skating And NYE
Bella's New Year Wish
My Bad-
Bella's Competition
Bella's Spring Break
Bella's Discovery
Bella's Realization
Bella And Alex
Bella's Summer
Bella And 5th Grade
Bella's Mentor
Bella's Mentor Pt.2
Bella Deals With Grief
Bella Feels The Tension
Bella's Reward
Bella Gets The Vibes
Bella Hates To Ruin
Bella Hates To Ruin Pt.2
Bella And The Big 1-0
Bella Sees Change
Olivia Consoles Bella
Olivia And The Shocking Revalation
Bella's Day
Bella And The Final Move
Olivia's Shocking Revalation Pt.2
Bella's Results
Bella's Struggle
Bella And The Trip
Holiday Hill
Holiday Hill Pt.2
Bella and Leia
Bella's Elementary School Graduation
Bella's Cookie Dough Chat
Leia's Fourth of July
Paid To Keep Secrets
Bella Gets Caught
Leia's First Vacation
Elijah Things
Bella Tells Elijah
Lei's Fourth Birthday
Bella Learns About Changes Pt.2
Bella Starts Middle School
Weekend Vibes
Bella's Admiration
Bella And The Monster Under Her Bed

Bella Writes A Note

317 9 0
By DayyyFanyyy

December 18 (Olivia's Perspective)
I was on video chat with my daughter and she was telling me about her day.
"And he chased us!"
"Woahh, did you run super fast?"
"Yeah, I wasn't going to let him catch me Mommy!"
"Atta girl! You showed him who was boss huh?"
"Yeah! Mommy, we're staying home for Christmas this year?"
"Mhm. I've got loads of surprises."
"You said you had a late birthday present for me, when am I getting it?"
"Trust me it'll be worth the wait sweet pea."
"The new furniture came and I actually like it Mommy. It looks really pretty. This house is going to be really pretty."
"I'm glad you're loving the house, I have to go very soon."
"I wanted to talk to  you about something."
"Can you hold it for Friday? Mommy really really has to go."
"I love you so much, sleep well okay? Don't let the bed bugs bite."
"I love you more."
"Bye lovie." I hung up and sighed. I wanted to know what my daughter had to tell me but duty calls as always. I smiled as I thought of the things she'd possibly tell me.
"Why are you smiling like that Liv?"
"Don't worry about it."
Mommy's Room (Bella's Perspective)
Something else that my therapist told me is that if you can't speak you can write a letter to the person and let them know how you feel.
"And I really wanted to tell you that. Bella Benson."
"What are you doing?" I looked up in a scared way and took a deep breath.
"You scared me. I'm just writing a note to Mommy. It's top secret."
"Well, it's almost time for bed. Gotta wrap it up."
"Alright." I turned it over and left it on my Mom's bed. I went to go brush my teeth in my bathroom and put my hair in a pony. I grabbed one of my favorite books, Junie B. Jones and sat on my bed. I started to read it and I kept laughing because she was so silly.
"Goodnight Bella!"
"Night Lucy." I gave her a hug and a kiss and she tucked me in my bed.
"I like these books. They're funny. I'm going to keep reading them!"
"Alright, I'm going to come back in a little while. When I come back it's time for you to stop reading okay?" I nodded and she closed my door.
"You're ugly." She said to Kayla.
"Stop being mean that isn't nice." Kayla said back.
"Stop it, no! We don't do that here! No, no!" I said. Mariah pinched Kayla and Kayla was ready to hurt her.
"Stop it! Go tell a teacher, if you hit her you'll be in trouble with her." Kayla pouted and went to get Ms. Householder.
"You're being a snitch! Snitches get stitches."
"And trouble makers get in trouble." I folded my arms and went over to Kayla.
"She pinched me and I'm red now." Kayla said with a tear coming out of her eye.
"It's true, I was there. Mariah was being a bully."
"What did Mariah do Bella?"
"Mariah called her ugly and I said we don't do that and she pinched Kayla. Then I told Kayla to go tell you. And then She said Snitches get stitches."
"You did the right thing Bella. I'm going to take Mariah to the deans office right now. Bella, can you get you get Kayla a bandaid?"
"Sure!" I went into the little safety bag and grabbed a bandaid. I put it on Kayla and she smiled.
"There's a kitty on this bandaid."
"It's a cute kitty. Look at it it's black and white."
"It looks like Jack!" Jack was Kayla's dog, and he was black and white just like this kitty!
"I wanna come over and see Jack! Is he still small?"
"He's bigger now! Like this wide!"
"That's really cool!"
"You know my Mama asked your Mama if you guys wanted to go ice skating!"
"Yeah, after Christmas!"
"What did my Mom say?"
"I think she said yes because my Mom said she'll give her the details."
"Kayla, can you come to the deans office? Bella, May you come also? You guys aren't in any trouble. We just need to hear all sides of the story."
Walking To The Townhouse (Olivia's Perspective)
I had just parked the car in the car garage and I was getting ready to go into my house when I got a call from the kids school. I immediately thought of the note Bella left me that I still hadn't read.
"Hello, yes this is Ms.Benson. Ohh this is the dean."
"Yes, I am one of the deans at the school. Ms. Mann. I wanted to speak with you about Bella."
"Is she in trouble?!" I asked. I was concerned that my daughter was possibly trying to reach out to me and I had to dismiss it due to work. I thought I could've possibly caused her to have a meltdown.
"No, she isn't in any trouble. I wanted to commend you on raising Bella well. She prevented a full on war on the playground by telling her friend to not hit the bully back and go tell a teacher."
"Oh thank you, and I'm guessing she said We don't do that here also hmm?"
"Yes, she did. I just want to thank you again for raising such a role model."
"No problem. Thanks for calling and telling me. Uh-huh. Bye." I put my stuff down in my bedroom and decided to be on my phone for a while as I waited for it to time to pick the kids up. I still hadn't read Bella's letter and I decided to wait until I picked her up to have a conversation with her.
"Well, time sure does fly fast when you're on your phone. Let me go get the kids from school."
"Mom, I don't have any homework today."
"I also got a 95 on my project!"
"That's great bud, anything else?"
"Nope. I saw what Bella did on the playground today though. She told the girl, I think her name was Mariah, to stop. She also said trouble makers get in trouble because Mariah said snitches get stitches."
"Bella always has a witty answer up her sleeve. Don't you Bella?"
"I guess." She licked her lollipop and held onto my hand.
"What she did wasn't nice."
"It wasn't, and I'm super proud of you for what you did today. Understand?" She nodded and smiled.
"It seems like you're more interested in your sucker then what I'm saying." She giggled as I tickled her.
"It's my favorite flavor!" I held her hand and took her to my bedroom so we could start a conversation.
"Change into comfy clothes." She changed and put her clothes into my hamper. Then she climbed onto my bed and decided to lie down with me.
"I didn't read your letter yet, I'm sorry. I was working a lot."
"It's okay."
"Do you mind if I read it now? So we can talk about it."
"No, you can read it now Mommy." She smiled and I put my arm around her as I started to open the piece of paper. I can't wait to read this letter and find out what's up. Maybe, Bella is starting to get ready to have slightly more mature conversations.

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