amanama!★║Ochako Uraraka X Re...

By MarkWritesThings

161K 3.7K 2.9K

[F/N] just moved to Musutafu, Japan and is attending a new school, U.A. High School! He finds a few familiar... More

★Part 1★
☆Part 2☆
✦Part 3✦
✧Part 4✧
★Part 5★
☆Part 6☆
✦Part 7✦
✧Part 8✧
★Part 9★
☆Part 10☆
✦Part 11✦
✧Part 12✧
★Part 13★
☆Part 14☆
✦Part 15✦
✧Part 16✧
★Part 17★
☆Part 18☆
✦Part 19✦
✧Part 20✧
★Part 21★
☆Part 22☆
✦Part 23✦
✧Part 24✧
☆Part 26☆
✦Part 27✦
✧Part 28✧
★Part 29★ - ❅Amanama!❅
new original story

★Part 25★

3.7K 97 54
By MarkWritesThings

Part 25

When Ochako took off, I expected her to run around the vacation home and down to the beach. But, she took a 180 and ran down the street from where I had just come from. To my surprise, she was pretty fast, but that wouldn't stop me from catching up to her.

I chased after Ochako as fast as I could. I wasn't paying attention to where we were going or how fast I was running. My only goal was to catch up to her. Even so, my mind was running at a million miles a minute. Thoughts were shooting through my brain. What will I ask once I do catch up to her? Will she even give me a true answer? I didn't know. But, I kept running with all I could. There was no way I would stop now, not after coming this far.


After a few minutes of both of us sprinting down the dark street, she came to a stop. In response, I stopped too. We were only a few feet apart, but the distance felt so much wider. The sound of the waves came back after seemingly being gone for the past few minutes. Even with the calming waves in the background, nothing could cut through the obvious tension that had filled the air. Even with the tension, I decided to take a step forward. Ochako jumped slightly from my footstep echoing on the street. She was anxious. As I opened my mouth to speak, she spun around to look at me.

That smile. Her smile. No matter how many times I saw it, it always filled me with bliss. There was just something about it that no one could pinpoint. But, this time, it was different. I think a good word to describe it would be... forced. Genuine would be the last word used to describe her smile this time. Another good descriptive word would've been "pained". She was hurting. She was hurting so damn much. And me, being the idiot I am, couldn't even tell at the time. I just stood there with the blankest look on my face. I couldn't even speak to her. She was the one to initiate the conversation.

"I guess you followed me, huh?" she said, still keeping her forced smile.

I nodded. "Yeah, I was worried after you ran off like that,"

She focused on the ground and her smile started to break away. "I'm sorry. I came around at a bad time, didn't I? Showing up during a confession is the worst timing..." she muttered. Then, she perked back up with her smile and looked at me with this fake happiness. "But, Mina finally confessed to you! It's been a long time comin', but it finally happened!" she shouted.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"I know I didn't necessarily help you out with her very much, but I'm glad it all worked out!" she said.

"Yeah..." I whispered again.

"But now, you know that she feels the same way! It's just like you hoped it would go, right?" she exclaimed.

"..." I stayed silent, my view fixated on the ground.

Then, she started walking back the way we came. "Well, we should probably get back. Mina must be worried sick-!" she said.

As she walked past me, I reached out my hand and grabbed her arm, stopping her in place.

She slowly turned to me with a worried and shocked expression. "[F/N]...?" she asked.

"Fake..." I muttered.


"Why are you acting so fake right now...?" I asked.

She didn't respond. She only continued to stare at me.

"You put on that fake smile to make me feel better, but it just ends up making me feel worse..." I said. Slowly, I let go of her arm and turned to her. "Why do you hurt yourself so much just to make me feel better?!" I shouted.

Her lip started to quiver. "I..." she whispered.

I knew it was mean. I knew I was being an asshole. But, it was the one thing that needed to be said.

"..." I stared at her with concern. I could tell by the look on her face that she was thinking and about to cry at the same time. 

"I..." she whispered again. "I... should be happy for you... I should be proud of Mina for finally confessing... I should be feeling a lot of things right now... But, all I can feel is the pain. I'm not happy for you and I'm not proud of Mina... The only things I feel are anger and regret... I don't know what's wrong with me... Why do I feel this way, [F/N]...? Why am I so selfish...?"

I felt like a truck just unloaded all of its contents onto me all at once. Ochako's pent-up feelings that had been in her for who knows how long were just thrust onto me. The entire time she had been thinking things like this and I never even noticed.

Ochako looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. I had a feeling I knew the answer to her inner feelings, but, for whatever reason, I decided to not say what I thought.

"You're not selfish. It's natural for people to not be able to control their emotions in times like these... I think," I said.

I'm not sure if it's because of what I said or if she had just been holding it in too long, but soon after I finished speaking she burst into tears. I placed my hand on her head and stood next to her as she cried her heart out. I didn't know if what I was doing was right or not, but I did it anyway. It just felt natural to me, I guess.

Part 25★ - END

A/N: Since there aren't that many chapters left in Amanama, I've been thinking about what I'm gonna do next. I really liked writing a romance story more than I thought I would, so I'd like to write more. I was originally just going to do another MHA X Reader story, but then I realized that I wanted to try something more... original, I guess. So, here's a sneak peek as to what I'm going to be working on after Amanama comes to an end!!

This is the logo for my next story!
Love Isn't Always Straightforward

In every chapter of Amanama from this point on, I'll be revealing new details about this project in Author's Notes at the end of the chapters. If you have any questions about this, I'm afraid I can't answer them... for now. I want to keep some things a secret until I reveal them, so stay patient!! :)

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