Save ME // New comers {Bucky...

By lunarbxrnes

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[SEQUEL OF SAVE ME] So, you think it's all over? You killed Nickolai, and everyone of the Avengers are thrivi... More

*1* Timeline
*2* Box
*3* Crack
*4* Dome
*5* Sample
*6* Nightmares
*7* Training
*8* Spring
*9* Never Forget
*10* Assassin
*12* Goodnight
*13* Attack
*14* Blade
*15* Liar
*16* Lost
*17* Change of heart
*18* Lifted
*19* Snack
*20* Try again
*21* Explain
*22* Fatigue
*23* Blood
*24* Diamond
*25* Formation
*26* Duel
*27* Choice
*28* Black hole
*29* I do
*30* Epilogue

*11* Secret Room

188 4 5
By lunarbxrnes

"Y/N, Bucky. Lovely to see you again." You look to your right to see the dream wolf from three years ago. Your eyes go wide before relaxing as a smile shows on your lips.

"How are you here?" You ask him and he looks up to the window of your old bedroom with his large eyes.

"We can go where ever we want, whenever we want, Y/N. You should know that." You bite your lip and walk over to him.

"Do you know how Bucky and I can get back home?" He looks down at you as a breeze passed which made his fur dance.

"There's more you need to learn." He ignores your question and you look at him confused before hearing a portal behind you. You look back to see an Ugrarath portal being opened and two young girls jump out, one of the girls had short wavy black hair with red highlights and the other had long curly blonde hair with a deep orange ombré.

"They're going to see us." You whisper to the wolf and take a step back.

"They can't. The more you use your powers and believe you can become your whole self again, you become invisible to the people around you." You look at him confused as Bucky walks around the dirt street and looks at the wooden and stone buildings. You spot the girls running towards your house worried, you recognised who they were.

"Y/N!" The blonde-haired girl calls out after knocking on the door.

"What did they make us come to this time?" You ask before looking to Bucky. There was no answer. "D-" you turn back to see the wolf gone. "Great." You fling your arms in the air in frustration and look to the girls at your front step. The door opens to show your mother, tears stained her cheeks when she looked at the girls.

"Please ma'am. We just want to help." They plead and she nods her head letting them in, they rush into your house before you heard their voices above you.

"Who are they?" Bucky asks as he stood next to you, you jolt your head up at him slightly startled.

"They were my best friends." You look up at your window to hear your sobs getting louder, you looked back at your front door to see your mother looking in your direction.

"Can she see us?" Bucky whispers to you and you stand still.

"I don't know." She smiled and waved at you. "Never mind, maybe she can." You wave back.

"But your friends couldn't see us?" He was confused, you honestly couldn't blame him though, you were slightly confused yourself.

She steps back inside and closes the door behind her, you look around as you chew on the inside of your mouth in thought. What did he mean 'I have more to learn'? You squint your eyes at your house, you bagan to walk around the street looking at all the buildings. Are there clues? You feel the wood but you could only feel the natural knots in it, you go to the stone, it was just cold. Turning around you look back to your house.

"Hold on tight Buck." You grab Bucky's hand and shut your eyes thinking of your basement. You can smell the aroma of your childhood surrounding you, you open your eyes to see the dim lit room. Bookshelves and cauldrons showed themselves, you let go of Bucky and run to a box filled with books.

"Why are you here?" You look behind your shoulder to see your mother leaning on the doorframe. She looks to Bucky as she walks your way, you stand up straight and look into her eyes.

"I don't know." You say to her, she stops and looks at you with no emotion in her face.

"Who is this man?" She asks you.

"That man is my fiancé. You probably don't believe me but I'm... Y/N, from the future." She holds her hand up to silence you.

"You think I wouldn't know what my daughter looks like?" You gulp as she walks towards you. "I may not know why you're here, or what you did, but whatever you need, I can help you." You instantly relax your tense muscles and give her a soft smile.

"Do you have anything on the Ugrarathians?" You could see her flinch from the name and you dropped your head.

"Over here." She walks towards an empty wall. "I hid everything that could possibly turn them against us with, but I guess it really doesn't matter anymore." She scrunches her face up and growls as she struggles to push the wall, you took a hint it was a hidden door so you placed your hand on her shoulder.

"I'll do it." You say quietly, you place your hand in front of you and the white glows from your palm. The wall slowly began to move to the left to show a dark room.

"Your powers?" She gasped and you looked at your hands. "You're the prophecy?" She asks in disbelief.

"I guess so, I wouldn't call myself that, but... who knows." You shrug and look into the dark room ahead of you. She flicks her fingers and a light turns on, there were books and notepads stacked upon each other on bookshelves lining the walls, it was a small room but you considered it big for what it hid. "How much stuff do you have on them?"

"Too much." She sighs and grabs a book.

"I've already read that one." You walk to the end of the room and pick up a black leathered book.

"How have you already read this?" She asks and you look up at her.

"You gave it to me." Your brows furrow and she puts it back on the shelf.

"Let me guess, the future?" She huffs and bends down before rummaging through a box, you look to Bucky who just skimmed his eyes over the piles of paper in front of him. You squinted your eyes and walked in his direction, he watched you as you picked up the page on top of the pile and read through the words and symbols.

"What is it?" He asks when you grab another page and look at it.

"Who are they?" You look at your mother and she looks up at you from her position.

"Show me?" She gets up and you show her the page. "Them..." You looked at her confused before she looked out the door to see if anyone was there. "Zorians."

"Never heard of them." Her gaze moves from the page to your eyes.

"That's because it was forbidden to speak of them." You look up at Bucky to see him scan the pages on the shelf with his eyes.

"Why was it forbidden?" You ask her and she reaches for another page in front of Bucky.

"Our ancestors said that when you spoke of them they were able to hear you, Zoria was a planet that had witches and wizards who could control the weather. They went missing thousands of years ago but nobody spoke of them, everyone believe that they were still alive and were listening from the clouds. One wrong word and they would strike you down with lightning." You looked at her with wide eyes.

"Can they create snow storms?" You raise a brow and she nods.

"They can create anything." You look at Bucky and he raises his brows at you.

"Looks like you were right." He huffs and you nod your head.

"Do you have anything else on these guys too?" You ask and she hums with a nod of her head.

"Help yourself to everything in here. I have to go... check up on... you." She scrunches her face up and you could agree, that is weird to think about. Having your daughter right in front of you and the same person upstairs, that would have to turn a few heads.

"Thanks mum." You hug her tight. She was taken aback at first before she returned the gesture.

"Whatever is going on, I know you'll get through it." She let's go of you and smiles before teleporting from the room.

"What now?" Bucky asks and you look up at him.

"I'm gonna have to read through everything and remember it all." You comb your fingers through your hair letting a sigh escape your lips.

"How could your mother see us?" He asks again when you sit down and flick through a small notebook.

"I have no idea. She's more powerful than you'd think." You scan a page before flipping to the next. "Do you mind gathering some more books for me?" You ask with your eyes glued to the page, you could hear his footsteps as he walked from shelf to shelf and created piles of books, papers and notepads next to you. You saw him lay down on the wooden floor in your peripheral and you smiled to yourself. "Tired?" You look at him this time and you could see his crystal eyes staring at the ceiling.

"Aren't you?" He mumbles under his breath.

"Nope." You pop and look back at the writing in front of you. Silence filled the space and you quickly went through five large books, you heard movement and looked at Bucky to see him sit up.

"I feel useless." You look at him with squinted eyes and thin pouted lips.

"You are not useless, Bucky." You frown and he sighs.

"Yes I am. I don't have a perfect memory like you, and I don't have powers like you." You scoff at him.

"You're comparing yourself to me? Buck, you're perfect the way you are. You might not see it but I do, I love you for you." You put the book you had in your hands down and crawl over to him. "Don't say you're useless. Because there's more to you than you know." You were just inches from his face. He bit his lip and you gave him a reassuring smile.

"But-" You cut him off when you crash your lips on his.

"I'm done listening." You mumble onto his soft skin and tangle your fingers in his hair.

"Is this all you two do now that I'm gone?" You jump and turn around to see your brother at the entrance of the room.

"Terence?" You ask him confused. "But you-what?" You stand up and hear Bucky mumble under his breath.

"Who said we didn't do it when you were here." You look back at Bucky and hold your mouth trying not to laugh, he gives you a cheeky smile before bursting out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" You turn back to your brother as you bit on your lips trying not to laugh. "Never mind." He shakes his head and takes a deep breath. You calm down and smile at him.

"Do you mind explaining how you're here?" You place your hands on your hips, it certainly wasn't his younger self in front of you. He went missing years before your father died so you suspected he found away to find you.

"You don't remember?" He asks and you roll your eyes.

"Remember what? There's a lot I can remember, please be specific." He walks into the room and eyes the books to his left.

"I know what you did, and I know you brought the Ugrarathians back." He began, what did that have to do with you remembering something? "Do you remember the time I used to take the Ugrarath classes?" He looks you in the eyes and you think back with a hum vibrating from your lips.

"Yeh, what does that have to do with anything?" He crosses his arms and looks at Bucky.

"I learnt some things." He lifted his right hand and snapped his fingers, a flame came from his index finger and your eyes went wide. "All they want is dominance and revenge. The reason they wanted you here is because they want to show you they'll destroy the ones you love." You gasp and take a step back.

"How do you know this?" He makes the flame go away and tucks his arm back to his chest.

"Once you learn how to hold the powers of Ugrarath they scar you, physically and mentally. You see and hear every Ugrarathian thought. Most of them aren't pretty." He moves the neck of his shirt down to show a long scar over his chest. "It's like what they did to your hand." He lets go of his shirt and it flings back up to his collarbone. "When mum found out what they did, she hid all of these books that she wrote and found, even though our two worlds were completely friendly to each other, Eliore still manipulated her. She didn't cave in but she did pretend, she did it to keep us safe."

"Safe? She tried to marry me off to Eliore's son, and for what? To keep the peace. I love her just as much as you do, but I think what she did went too far, it was the reason for dads death. He saved me from being assassinated but he couldn't save himself. And for you, why did you never tell me you had Ugrarathian powers?" You completely ignored the fact that Bucky was awkwardly watching the scene unfold in front of him. You had no idea where this outburst was coming from but if felt good to get it off your chest.

"I didn't tell you because I wasn't proud of it, after they marked me I made a deal to our mother and father that I'd never use those powers or speak of them ever again. And you can't blame your own mother for dads death!" He yells at you and you flinch.

"You weren't even there! She did nothing to help, all she did was cry and scream! They beat me, Terence! They treated dad like a rag doll!" You walk up to him and spit your words in his face.

"Why are you all of a sudden so mad? I only came here to help you!" He towered over you and you saw the anger in his eyes.

"You still haven't told me how you got here." You mutter and he clenches his jaw.

"The same way they got here, Conner made this memory, and he's going to change it. I'm only here right now because I was forced from being linked to their power." You look at him confused. "I suggest that if you want to read through all of these notes, you should teleport them back to the facility."

"I can do that?" You ask him shocked.

"You can do anything. You're powers are superior to his, you don't even know it yet, N/N." You look at Bucky to see his permanent shocked expression, moving your gaze to the books you close your eyes and think of your room in the facility. You snap your fingers and a large white light floods the room, you open your eyes to see the shelves were empty. "I told you." He smiles. The ground shakes beneath you and you cover your head when dirt, dust and small stones fall on top of you.

"What's going on?" You ask when a loud bang sounds above you.

"They're here." Terence looks up and a stone falls straight through him like a hologram. You reach for his arm but your hand goes through him, his body begins to glitch and slowly fade.

"Terence? What's going on?" He looks at his hands then to you.

"I don't know." He fades away and you breathe heavily not knowing what to do.

"Y/N. We have to move. The roof is going to collapse!" Bucky yells over the bangs that echoed in your ears. You grab onto his hand and teleport him outside to see your people running from their homes.

"This never happened before. What's going on?" You look around confused and shocked.

"Watch out!" Bucky yells and tackles you to the ground when a ball of fire flys in your direction.

"You need to watch your back, Y/N." You hear the familiar voice of the one man that you despised deeply. You look up to see Conner squinting at you, he was wearing the black clothing you saw him wearing down at the lake before you woke up in Ugrarath.

"Conner, what are you playing at?" You go to stand up but he steps on your chest pushing you back down with a thump and a grunt leaving your lips. You go to breathe but it was difficult, he removes the fabric from his face and you see his smirk growing wide.

"Let her go!" Bucky growls and jumps at Conner taking him off guard, he tackles him to the ground and Conner groans in pain.

"Get off me!" Conner growls at Bucky, he sends Bucky flying from him with a fire ball to his chest.

"No!" You yell when you watch Bucky hit the ground and hit his head hard, he laid there unconscious with the front of his shirt blackened with wholes burnt into it. You go to crawl for him but Conner steps on the back of your neck pushing your face into the dirt below you.

"You're going to watch everyone you love die." He growls between his teeth and you feel tears forming. "You're going to watch them burn, like I did my people!" You scrunch your nose up as your blood boils, you saw dark thick liquid run from Bucky's nose and the side of his head, dirt stuck to him as he laid in the pool of his blood. You scream and a large explosion of white energy comes from your body mixed with blue swirls. The impact sent Conner flying from you and into a tree.

"If you even lay one finger, on anyone. I swear, on my grave, that you will pay!" You spit at him.

"Bruce!" Steve yells into the corridor, Bruce turns around from talking to someone and runs to Steve.

"What is it?" He runs into the room to hear the long repetitive sound of someone's heart failing from a monitor, he runs to Bucky to see blood run out his nose and down his cheek onto the white bed under him. "FRIDAY! Call for all doctors to meet me here now!" Bruce calls out and looks up at your monitor, your heart rate was perfectly stable. "Steve you need to leave." He looks into Steve's worried eyes as the room floods with doctors.

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