Henry Danger Oneshots

By elle_mckinnon

228K 3.9K 6.3K

Just a bunch of Henry Danger One Shots - I will never do HenRai (That's Illegal) - I will never do Henry/Pi... More

Muffin of Love
Dark Danger
Dark Danger Part Two(ish)
They Know
Silence (2)
The Good Old Days
Ski Trip
Side Effects
It Isn't In My Blood
Math Bowl
The First Shot
The Truth Will Come Out
Dark Danger 3
Dark Danger 4
The Secrets I Keep
Accused (1)
Accused (2)
Chapter Break
Hearts Break
In the Eye Of A Hurricane
Ancient History
New York
Game On!
The Voice
Quick Break
Quick Break Part 2
Blue, Pink and White
Snow White?
Dark Danger 4 (Alternate Ending)
Slight Problem
For My Sister? Anything
Don't Jump
How Lucky I Am
Prank War
Even When The Dark Comes Crashing Through
Small Facts You Should Know About Me!
A Guilty Heart
I Was Eighteen
Hidden Pain
What Could Have Been
You're Made Of Stars
Roll Down Your Sleeves
Sincerely H. Hart
Avalanche (2)
Girl Code
The Blip
A Glint of Metal
The Secrets I Keep II
You'll Be Ok, Ok?
Sleep Would Be Good
Speak No Evil
Scars To Your Beautiful
Who You Are
What Happened In Paris
It's Only A Bruise
Hidden Pain (2)
The Interrogation
Cinnamon and Apple Cider
System Defect
Don't Touch Our Friend
26 Codes


19.8K 144 187
By elle_mckinnon

Nickelodeon owns everything, Henry Danger is owned by them. I own nothing. This takes place in season 4. This fic is of my own creation.

When I was 9, I was in a car crash with my family on the way to the movies. Piper was 5 at the time. We were going to see Tangled™️, which was of course, requested by Piper.
Piper and I were laughing about something stupid when my Mother screamed. A car crashed into the side of the car. I don't remember much after that but I remember pain. A lot of pain. Especially around my temples, ears and jaw. I remember screaming. A lot of screaming. My Mom screaming my name and Piper's name. My Dad was unconscious and Piper was crying her eyes out. Those were the last sounds I heard. Just before I passed out. I remember an intense ringing in my ears.

I woke up the next morning in the hospital.
The doctors were talking but for some reason, I couldn't hear them. I remember panicking but not being able to hear myself. I remember crying and my sister crying. I remember them writing something down on paper. They told me I lost my hearing. They asked me a bunch of questions.

What's my name? Easy, Henry Hart.

How old are you? 9.

What's your Mothers name? Siren.

What's your Dads name? Jake.

What's your sisters name? Piper.

What city do you live in? Swellview.

Do you know what happened? I was in a car

After the doctors left, I remember my mother coming to me and holding me all night. Everything was really quiet. I don't think I understood what had happened. Why I couldn't hear my mom anymore but it was ok. Because she was there. All night.

I lost my hearing in both ears and I broke my jaw. But things have gotten a lot better. I learned ASL and turns out I'm amazing at reading lips. Piper escaped with nothing but a broken leg. Mom had a broken arm and leg and Dad had 3 broken ribs. I got off the worst but it's fine. I'm fine. The only thing that makes it hard to keep my deafness a secret, is if I can't see you when you're talking, I always appear to look slow or absent minded.

-End of Flashback-

I sped down the elevator with Jasper clutching to my side, screaming. You get used to the elevator after a while. Charlotte was at my other side. She was scrolling away at her phone.
The elevator suddenly came to a stop.
I walked out of the elevator, scrolling through Instagram, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up.

"Henry?" Rai asks. "You ok?"
"Oh, ya, sorry. I just zoned out. What's up?"
"I was just telling you to suit up. Dr. Miniak and Nurse Cohort broke out of prison and they are at a bank terrorizing costumers."
"Ok. Ugh. Ok."
"Hold up." Rai says as he picks up the phone. "Uh huh. Ok. Ok. Perfect. Thanks." Rai hung up his phone. "That was the police, they got Minyak and Cohort. So, you, Charlotte, Jasper, Schwoz and I are going to watch a movie." Rai said with a smile.
My stomach drops about ten feet. I've never been good with TV. Not after the accident. There's always too many people talking at once for me to catch all of it. Subtitles don't work either because it goes by to fast.
I feel another tap on my shoulder. I look up to Charlotte, who has a concerned look on her face.
"Henry are you sure you're fine?"
"Ya, ya I'm fine. I was just thinking."
"Ok. What do you wanna watch?" Rai asks.
"Doesn't matter too much to me." I say. That's true. I won't be paying to much attention to the movie anyway.

I'm sitting down with the gang watching some super hero movie, for about 2 hours, when I feel someone shake me. I look up. Rai was shaking me.
"Yes Rai?" I ask.
"I asked you what you thought of the movie."
"You did?"
"Ya! Three times! Henry! What's going on with you lately?"
"Nothing, I'm fine. I should be going anyway."
"Schwoz, lock all exits from the Man Cave. Henry, you're not leaving until you tell us what's going on." Rai says as Schwoz locks the Man Cave. I breathe out, annoyed.
"Then I guess we will be here for a while. Because I'm fine."

- Time Skip -

After 2 hours of everyone just taking random guesses at what's wrong with me everyone seemed to want to give up. Many of the guesses were so far off that it was funny. Like really funny.

"Are your parents beating you?"
"No Charlotte, my parents aren't beating me."

"Did you kill someone?"
"Geez Rai! No!"

"Are you a robot?"
"No Jasper. I'm not a robot." I sighed.

"Are you quitting?"
"I would never."

"Are you dating someone?"

"Are you a criminal?"
"No Rai! I'm a superhero. Remember?"

"Are you moving?"
"No Charlotte. Don't worry."

"Are you working with someone else?"
"Rai. This has nothing to do with my job."

"Are you a werewolf?"
"Jasper! No!"

Schwoz was the only one who remained silent throughout this whole thing. He would just stare at me. Squinting his eyes whenever I 'zoned out' because I didn't hear a question. When suddenly he gasped. Shit.

"Henry, can I ask you a question?" Schwoz asked. He had a worried tone to his voice.

I just shrug in response.

"What colour is the ..." Suddenly Schwoz put his hand in front of his mouth.

Not on his mouth but just close enough that I wouldn't see his lips moving. Jasper, Charlotte and Rai looked at Schwoz confused, as to why he would do this. Then they looked at me.

Nervously I ask, "Sorry, can you repeat that?"

My friends, minus Schwoz, stare at me strangely.

"What colour is the ..." He did it again.

"Ok. Schwoz you got me. You know. Can I please go now. I really don't want to be here when you tell them."

"Henry what's going on?" Rai asks.

"Nothing it's fine."

"Henry, if there's something going on with you, you can tell us. We can help you."

"I don't think you can. Rai just drop it please."
"Henry, please. You can tell us. It's fine."

I look to Schwoz then to Rai. He looks worried. Then I look at Jasper and Charlotte. They look just as concerned. Then I look back to Schwoz. Schwoz gives me a look as if to say, 'You should tell them. Not me.' I sigh. Ok.

"You should sit down for this." They nod their heads and sit down on the couch. "Ok... here we go... about 8 years ago, when I was 9, I was going to the movies with my family when we were hit by a car. Our car rolled twice into a ditch. It was a drunk driver. A hit and run. He was arrested 1 week later. My dad came out of it with three broken ribs, my mom with a broken arm and leg. Piper broke her leg and I... I broke my jaw and I... I lost my hearing in both ears." Let's just say I could imagine their gasps. Questions started flying at me left and right. I felt like I'm in storm of moving mouths.
"Guys. Just stop. I can't hear what you're saying anyway." This shut them up. "I learned sign language. I'm excellent at reading lips. I never told you because I thought you'd treat me differently. I'm fine with it. It's actually more peaceful. Now is there anymore questions?"

They shake their heads no.

"Good." I say before clicking the button to unlock the exits. I sense Rai try to grab me but I just duck. I love the fast reflexes. I stand under the tubes. I see Rai try to say something to Schwoz but I'm gone before he can get it out.
I speed up the tubes before they get the chance to stop me.

I enter Junk and Stuff. I feel tears prick my eyes. Well. Now they know. I feel my watch buzz three times on my wrist. Rai. No. I can't talk to him right now. He's probably just called to fire me.

He can't have a deaf sidekick.
I feel my wrist continue to buzz. I climb the wall of Junk and Stuff until I reach the roof. I sit there and watch the sun set. I wonder what it'd be like to hear everything.

After about 5 minutes. I see Charlotte, Jasper and Rai come out. They're calling my name. I think so anyway. They try calling my cell but I have it on silent. I watch them try desperately for me. I lie down on the concrete.

I stay there for about 2 hours before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I tighten up.

I open my eyes.


"Hey Rai." I mutter.

"Henry. Are you ok?"

"Never better."

"Seriously Henry. I know you had reason behind not telling us but. We would never treat you differently. It's not your fault."

"You don't mean that Rai. I'm different. You can't have a deaf sidekick. You know now. You probably want to fire me."

"Henry. I'd never. Look. I don't care if your deaf or not. We're friends."

I smile as tears prick my eyes. Threatening to fall.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course. Now c'mon kid. Your friends have been worried about you. And bonus. Schwoz thinks he has something to help you. You've been up here for nearly 3 hours."

Three hours? Wow. Time really goes by fast.

I follow Rai down from the roof before entering the elevator. As soon as I enter the Man Cave, I'm attacked with hugs.

"Henry, it's ok. We love you know matter what."

"And Henry, I think I have something that can help you." Schwoz says. "If you want it. I have a hearing chip that makes the average persons hearing 2 times better. But since you lost your hearing. It could bring your hearing to the average persons level."

"Are you sure it'll work?"

Schwoz smiles and nods. He rushes to his lab and quick comes back with two small peach coloured chips. He hands them to me with a smile. I place them in my ears. They fit perfectly. Nothing happens.

Until Schwoz hits a little button. Then, as if by magic I suddenly hear everything. The hum of the lights, the switching of the crime searcher and my own breathing.

"Oh my god." I say. My voice comes out as a whisper. "Oh my god." I say a bit louder this time. "Oh my god. I can hear myself."

Charlotte, Rai, Jasper and Schwoz wrap there arms around me. Tears form at my eyes. I could hear.

After I calmed down, my friends all took turns saying their names so I could hear what they sounded like.

They're my family.

My true family.

And I love them.

Fhew. Mates you don't know how long that took me to write. It's a little short but I like it.

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