✓ | rewrite the stars, ja...

By peculiarparker

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no one can rewrite the stars... descendants trilogy jay celesti... More



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By peculiarparker


CHEERLEADING WAS SOMETHING THAT Rosalie knew she was good at. If she was to fail at something else, she'd say that it was okay because she still had cheer. She took it extremely seriously and everyone in Auradon knew it.

The redhead looked into her locker and spotted the many pictures of her and her family together. There were a couple pictures of her and Peyton, some of her and Ben, and some of all three of them. She smiled to herself and threw her backpack in, taking out her gym bag that had her cheerleading outfit and essentials for the school's first Tourney match later on. She closed her locker to be faced with the sight of a smirking Jay. Rosalie instantly smiled. "Jay, hey!" She said with that large grin of hers that she wore every time he was around.

"Hey, Rosie. Are you ready for the big game later on?" He asked, raising a brow in curiosity. Rosalie motioned towards her gym bag.

"Definitely. Cheering will always have my heart and you better make this game worth me standing out in the hot sun." Rosalie joked with a light shake of her head. Rosalie heard Mal exclaim Ben's name as the purple haired girl walked past her and Jay. She went to turn her head, and Jay's eyes widened a tad before he went to push a piece of her hair behind her ear. Rosalie instantly turned back to Jay, a crimson red running across her cheeks.

"I, uh, I promise. I've been working on the more friendly techniques that Ben's been teaching me and Carlos. Uh, hopefully I can pull them off." Jay chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Rosalie giggled, her nose scrunching up a tad. Jay found it adorable as he sent her a large grin. "Hey, I brought you cookies from last night. I didn't know if you wanted some or not."

Rosalie never ate before games. She never wanted to get ill and have to abandon her post. She was so serious about it and Peyton has told her constantly to eat at least the littlest thing so she doesn't get lightheaded and pass out for not eating. But the way Jay was looking at Rosalie with those damn eyes, she was sorry she had to reject his offer. She sent him a frown. "I'm sorry, Jay. I really don't eat much before a game so —"

"No, no. I get it. Don't take anything from a villain. Especially a food. Evil Queen, y'know?" Jay said with a sigh, putting on a fake frown.

"Jay, no, thats not it at all!" Rosalie promised.

"You don't have to make up an excuse, Rosie. I understand. It's okay if you don't trust me. Well, more for me I guess. These M&M's do look good." Jay raised his brows and took the cookie, moving it towards his lips. Rosalie's eyes widened and she took the cookie out of Jay's hands and bit into the soft food.

"Hey, no! See, I totally trust you." Rosalie told him with a mouth full of cookie. She wiped the corners of her mouth as she looked down at the cookie. Jay felt his heart break once the words 'I totally trust you' escaped her lips. "Wow, this is so good." Rosalie said with a light giggle. Suddenly, she felt something odd in her stomach. As if a switch had flipped, she looked at him with stars and hearts in her eyes. More than before. She giggled. "Jay, you're really handsome."

She took another bite of he cookie and did a dance before looking up at Jay. "You know, Jay, you're amazing. You really are. I mean, you're handsome and pretty smart and woah, your eyes just remind me of smooth dark chocolate pools." She rambled with a light smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks.

Jay took the cookie out of her hand. "Okay, I think you've had enough of that." He said, putting the cookie back into the bag. Rosalie pursed her lips and rocked on her feet, looking at Jay adoringly as Ben began to sing Mal's name. Mal clamped her hand over Ben's mouth and brought him over to where Rosalie and Jay stood. Ben had made sure that his and Rosalie's lockers were always close together so they weren't so far away from each other.

"Hey Rosalie. Did Jay Give you the cookie?" Mal asked. Rosalie hummed as she nodded, leaning into Jay's side. Jay looked down at her with a small frown, knowing this was all the love potion.

"Yeah, Jay gave the cookie to me. It was so sweet, like him. I mean look at him. God, he's so handsome and kind and wow." Rosalie said, practically drooling over Jay. "Like, every girl on the squad thinks he's cute and all, but I know I'm the luckiest one out of all of them since I get to spend time with this boy — this boy I really, really, really like. Maybe love."

Mal's eyes widened a tad and Jay bit his lip, looking at Mal with sad eyes. He shook his head the tiniest bit, causing Mal to feel bad for a split second. Rosalie looked up at Jay. "Hey, you're playing the game, right?" She asked him, furrowing her brows the lightest as she wrapped her arms around his neck loosely.

"Yeah." Jay whispered, nodding his head. Rosalie smiled.

"Okay then I'll see you later. I'll see you two later too." She said, looking at Mal and Ben. Rosalie gave Jay a kiss on the cheek. "See you later, babe. Good luck!" With that, the princess grinned and skipped her way to the locker room.


THE AURADON KNIGHTS HAD won the first Tourney game of the season all due to the teamwork of Carlos, Ben and Jay. Rosalie was ecstatic, her hands clapping together as her red hair swayed from side to side. The top of her outfit, one of custom made, lifted as she shook her pompoms above her head with a grin. Jay looked Rosalie's way and he grinned, jogging up to her. He threw his helmet down and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her from the ground and twirling her around. Rosalie squealed, her hands falling to rest on his back. Jay set her down and Rosalie pushed his hair away from his face.

"You're all sweaty." She giggled, causing Jay to roll his eyes with a smile on his lips. "But hey, you did it! You got through your first game and we won!" Rosalie grinned. Jay shrugged and pulled Rosalie in for another hug, the girl giggling.

"Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay! What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win here. What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn —" Ben grabbed the mic from the announcer's hands and jumped on the pedestal to grab the audience's attention.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say." The crowd quieres down to what with the future King had to say. "Give me an M!" Ben shouted and put his arms into an M figure above his head.

"M!" The crowd mimicked his actions as they shouted.

"Give me an A!" Ben shouted, doing the A shape.


"Give me an L!" Ben shouted again, doing the L shape. As Rosalie put together the letters, she looked at Audrey with a smirk seeing her confused features.


"What does that spell?" Ben asked the crowd.


"Come on, I can't hear you!" Ben shouted.

"Mal!" The crowd shouted louder, everyone turning to grin at the purple haired girl in the bleachers. Rosalie grinned widely.

"I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" Ben said into the mic. Audrey screamed and stomped off the field, Rosalie laughing aloud. "Give me a beat!" Ben yelled as he pointed to the band.

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro!"

Jay went off towards the football players whilst Rosalie stood with the cheerleaders, everyone beginning to the dance to the beat the band provided that wasn't half that bad.

"Did I mention that I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say I dream of you every day. Well, let me shout it out loud if that's okay, hey, hey. Hey! If that's okay. Hey!" Rosalie lead the cheerleaders to swing their pompoms around before lifting them in the air. They let their left arm fall before their right arm did as well, their hips moving side to side as they raised their arms back in the air together.

"I met this girl that rocked my world like It's never been rocked. Now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop. I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me. But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees!" Ben and the football players fell to their knees. "Because my love for you is ridiculous. I never knew — Who knew? — That it could be like this! My love for you is ridiculous. Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s!"

"R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s!" Everyone sang as they did the shapes of the letters.

"It's. . ." Ben trailed off.


"Just. . ."


"And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss! Well, did I mention I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say I dream of you every day. Well, let me shout it out loud If that's okay. Yeah, If that's okay! Hey!"

Rosalie and the cheerleaders put their pompoms behind their heads as they moved their hips from side to side, a playful pout on Rosalie's lips before it grew into a large smile.

"I gotta know which way to go, come on, give me a sign. You gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine. Don't wanna go another minute livin' without you. 'Cause If your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do. Because my love for you is ridiculous! Ridiculous! I never knew — Who knew? — That it could be like this. My love for you is ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s!"


"It's. . ."


"Just. . ."


"And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. Come on, now!" The cheerleaders did stunts from behind Rosalie. The redhead grinned and walked up to the football players, specifically Jay. Jay took Rosalie's hand and spun her around before they danced to the beat with wide grins on their faces. "All right!" Ben threw his jersey up into the bleachers, it landing in Mal's hands. "Hey!"

Rosalie followed the football players as they went towards the bleachers, Ben getting up onto the mascot's back. "Because my love for you is ridiculous! I never knew — Who knew? — That it could be like this! My love for you is ridiculous! Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s!"


"It's. . ."


"Just. . ."


Ben surfed the crowd as he made his way towards Mal. Once he got to her, he smiled. "And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. Come on, now!" Ben hugged Mal and although she looked a tad uncomfortable, she had a smile plastered on her face. "I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" Ben finished as he held her.

"Chad's my boyfriend now!" Audrey grabbed the mic out of Ben's hands to announce it. "And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date." She then turned to Chad and placed a big kiss onto his lips.

Ben grabbed the mic back from Audrey and looked at Mal. "Mal! Will you go to
the coronation with me?" Jay placed a hand on Rosalie's mid back as he approached her. Rosalie turned to him and they shared bright smiles before they looked back to Mal for her answer to Ben's question.

Mal pulled Ben's hand closer so she could speak into the mic. "Yes!"

"She said yes!" Ben cheered. Everyone around them cheered as well. Audrey ran away with Chad following her. Rosalie looked at Jay and took his hand into hers.

"Jay, will you go to the coronation with me?" She asked with hopeful eyes. As Jay looked into her soft brown eyes that seemed to turn to honey in the sunlight, he saw the hope and stars that lied within them. He hated what he was doing to her. He was making her fall in love with him — a villain, making a princess fall in love with them with a spell. What a classic story.

He didn't want to see her sad nor did he want to disappoint her, even though he knew he would lose all of her trust when she found out that M&M's and chocolate chips weren't the only things in the cookie he gave her. "Of course." He spoke, smiling. Rosalie smiled wide and pulled him in for a hug. "Hey, lets go get Ben, yeah?" Jay asked, pulling away from her. Together, the two ran up the bleachers and each placed a hand on Ben's shoulders.

"Let's go, Ben. The whole team's waiting for you." Ben bid goodbye to Mal and he and Jay ran down the bleachers to join the team in the locker room. As Rosalie was about to walk away, she saw the heartbreak in Evie's eyes because of Chad and Audrey. Rosalie frowned and walked up to Evie.

"I feel really sorry for Audrey." She spoke, Evie turned to her with sad eyes.

"You do?"

"Yeah." Mal nodded, joining in. "I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself."

"I guess I am kind of talented." Evie said sheepishly.

"You are definitely gifted. I saw that dress you made whenever I stopped by the other night, without Ben. You truly have a gift, Evie." Rosalie told her with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Rosie. Thanks, M." Evie thanked the two girls who smiled at her in return.

"Hey, Rosalie. Do you want to walk back to the dorms with us?" Mal asked just as Peyton and another cheerleader walked up to Rosalie's side.

"Hey, Rosie! We're about to head out for pizza. You comin' or what?" Peyton asked, eyes glancing to look at Evie. The two stared at one another for a moment before they snapped out of it due to Rosalie's voice.

"Nah. I'm gonna have a girls night with Mal and Evie. Tell the team?" Peyton and the other cheerleader nodded and jogged down the bleachers. Rosalie turned to Mal and Evie and the three girls smiled, following everyone off the bleachers.


The dance moves the cheerleaders were doing for 'Did I Mention?' were the same dance moves from when the cheerleaders performed for the jailbirds in Riverdale season three's 'Jailhouse Rock.'

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