Secret Team Undercover: Origi...

By ChristopherCapersJon

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Here are the origins of the two main characters along with new enemies and how it all came to be. More

The Preparations For The Final Battle
The Final Fight With The Dark Side
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 1
Confronting The Dark Side! Part 2
The Aftermath of the Battle
The Final Showdown For Freedom
The Return of Adam Part 1
The Return of Adam Part 2
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 1
Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 2
Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 3
Adam Strikes Back!
The Ultimate Enemy's Revelation!
Working Together, Part 1
Working Together, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 1
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 2
The End of The Beginning Battle, Part 3

Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 1

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By ChristopherCapersJon

The fight continues with Christopher punching Tara in the face before she has time to react with a single block as E draws out her weapon of choice in sword form before slashing it at Tara who smiles evilly before backflipping away from the teen spies only to result in them giving chase after her with Tara shooting rapid fire bullets at the team only for all of the bullets to be deflected one by one before Christopher charges forward and kicks Tara in the shin as a distraction just moments before the young assassin gets punched in the face and shot at with arrows as she is then kicked in the stomach by E.

"Have you had enough fun running around for one lifetime, Tara?" Christopher asked with disdain.

"I'm not through here just yet." Tara said coldly.

"What the heck is your goal here?" Christopher asked with sheer anger.

"My goal is not of your concern as of yet, but I'll tell you this: you and I are at war and I'm not going to lose at any point in time." Tara confessed with a sinister smile on her face.

Tara performs a back handspring against E while evading gunfire at the young assassin sent by Christopher while Tara kicks Christopher in the side before kicking E in the stomach sending them both onto the floor at once before laughing evilly as she walks toward the two floored agents.

"You two should really be more aware of the moments when you are outmatched." Tara said with her signature snarky attitude.

Meanwhile nearby the HQ of The Federal Organization, Adam and Flame are rejoined by Ella Fall who is looking none too pleased about what Adam Rouge has done.

"Patience is the key to her redemption and if she wants our reinforcements then she has to redeem herself." Adam said.

"I am so disappointed in you, Adam Rouge." Ella chastised.

"What? She murdered someone without my permission and paying the price for it." Adam snapped back in anger.

"I for one believe that hiring an assassin to work with us isn't in the best interest in the first place, Adam." a young girl with white hair said as she walks over to the two spymasters.

"Who is this girl, Adam?" Ella asked suspiciously.

"This is my girlfriend known solely by the name Ravager" Adam said.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, young lady." Ella said in a demeaning tone.

"Don't talk to me like that, or I will tear you apart like Adam tore apart your agents!" Ravager warned.

"Feisty are we?" Ella asked.

"She seriously will tear you apart of you talk to her as of she's a child, so don't underestimate her." Flame said.

"Now we should wait a little while longer before we engage with the enemy and help our former ally." Ravager said.

"Whatever you suggest, Ravager." Ella Fall said with a sigh.

Meanwhile with Donatello and Jacob back at the headquarters Jacob is looking very annoyed at his father before he senses something in the air getting both of their attentions as Jacob is even more annoyed by the sense of negativity in the air before Jacob attempts to walk away from the scene.

"And just where might you be going, son?" Donatello asked with a monotone and calm voice.

"I'm going to go look for a job to earn some extra cash." Jacob said in a monotone voice.

"Okay, I'll be happy to listen to how that goes when you get back." Donatello said with a smile.

"I am almost ready to corrupt my very first victim!" Donatello said with an evil smile on his face.

Back to the fight with Tara Ris, Christopher slashes his sword at her only to be blocked by her sword blade and kicked in the side knocking him onto the floor.

"Now where were we?" Tara asked with an evil smile plastered on her face.

"I believe we were going to discuss your return to my team." Adam said.

Adam is seen standing in the room accompanied by Ravager, Flame, Ella Fall and several troops from The Eclipse Cult much to Tara's surprise.

"Perfect timing then." Tara said with a snarky attitude.

"Where to we begin?" Adam asked.

"We begin with me in charge of this fight to the death." Tara said sternly. "Or else you can die along with those agents of yours and I'll be the only one leaving here in one piece."

"You drive a hard bargain" Adam said with hostility.

"So what's it gonna be Adam?" Tara asked. "Side with me while I'm taking charge, or don't and you die?"

"!" Adam said through clenched teeth as he draws out his sword.

"I thought you'd see it my way, Adam." Tara said with a snarky tone of voice, "Now let's take these two spies down and destroy The Federal Organization once and for all!"

"I know just where to start too." Adam said with an evil smile on his face as he draws out his sword and walks over to E.

"I don't think so, Adam!" E said with an evil smile on her face and an angry glare.

"In that case, I'll have you killed right here and right now!" Adam threatened with a furious glare.

Meanwhile back with Donatello sensing enough negativity he folds up a paper plane and inserts a weird stone inside the plane and the stone glows before he smiles evilly.

"Let's test this out and see where it goes from here." Donatello said. "My son is being bullied and needs some extra help in dealing with this situation." Donatello said with an evil smile on his face.

"Now fly away my little plane of darkness and corrupt this young boy into a dangerous fighting machine!" Donatello said as he launched the paper plane out the window as the wind currents.

The plane of darkness reaches Jacob as the dark stone is absorbed into his pocket watch as Donatello reaches his son telepathically.

"Listen, son, I'll be there to help you shortly." Donatello said.

Donatello teleports into the scene where he is armed with his signature weapon of choice called Doombringer.

"I'm here now I'll go trap everyone here while you fight like a nightmare!" Donatello said to his son.

"I guess this could work." Jacob said nervously.

Jacob kicks a bully in the stomach before punching another bully in the face and knife-handing a third bully in the back of the head knocking him out cold before three more bullies charge forward toward him only to be sent flying by drawing out a sword blade from his sheath.

"Excellent work with the self defense skills, son."Donatello praised with a sinister smile on his face.

"Thanks a lot, dad, but this fight isn't over just yet, I'm afraid." Jacob said just as all of the bullies get right back up onto their feet and continue attacking and charging forward.

"Then let's end this once and for all." Donatello said with an evil smile on his face.

"I would actually have to agree with you there, dad." Jacob said with an unhappy sigh.

"I'll distract and stall all of the authority figures while you end the fight with those bullies." Donatello said with a smile as he unleashes Doombringer in its sword form and slashes it directly at three charging adults thus knocking all of them down onto the floor in one attack while Jacob kicks the bullies down onto the floor one last time before looking back at his dad, ending the fight with the bullies running away from the scene.

"I think we finally won the fight against the district." Jacob said.

"I know that this is a victory for us at long last." Donatello said with a smile on his face. "not bad for our first time fighting someone at all."

"Should we just get out of here and go home after this fight?" Jacob asked.

"Sure we can go home now, son." Donatello said.

Donatello and Jacob smile at each other and walk out of the scene while putting their weapons away.

Meanwhile back to Christopher, E, and their fight against Tara Ris in the secret room as Tara does a back handspring before kicking E's weapon away from her and completely disarming her.

"Uh-oh, what are you gonna do now?" Tara asked sarcastically.

E glares angrily at Tara before jumping into the air and using a spinning back kick to knock Tara backward several feet before landing back down onto her feet with an evil smile and her weapon back in hand.

"Whatever it takes to shut you up forever, Tara." E said in response.

"I'll show you a real challenge!" Tara declared.

Tara kicks E in the stomach sending her into the wall before kicking at Christopher who blocks all of her attacks head on before slashing his sword blade at her making her lose her balance as she then gets back up onto her feet and charges at the teen spies before they evade her attacks before backflipping away from laser fire as she kicks E in the stomach knocking her onto the floor before punching at Christopher only to miss and kick him in the side knocking him onto the floor.

"Had enough yet, Christopher?" Tara asked insincerely.

"Not even close, as I've just gotten started." Christopher responded.

Christopher punches Tara in the face sending her into the wall before kicking her in the stomach knocking her onto the floor with one attack while he draws out his weapon of choice in sword form and points it at Tara who smiles evilly and does a back handspring before kicking at the teen spies as Tara engages alongside her agents while a cloaked enemy agent arrives at the scene armed with a kris.

"Get ready to die." the young individual said.

"Get the both of them and bring them to Adam!" Tara ordered with anger in her voice.

"Wait!" Adam said as he draws out his sword blade from his sheath.

Adam slashes his sword at Christopher while Ella Fall kicks E in the stomach before backflipping away from the young spy-in-training while Ella kicks at E only to miss and get her foot stuck in the wall before Adam swipes his sword blade at Christopher only to miss his mark three times before re-sheathing his weapon.

"You should really be careful what you wish for in life because someday you just might get it." Christopher advised.

"And to think it took me so long to find you only to have to deliver your sorry selves to me." Adam said.

"You can try and take control of the situation, but I still am better than you no matter what happens." Christopher said with an angry glare.

"You are just pathetic if you think you can win a fight with me." Adam said.

Christopher and Adam clash with their swords creating sparks between their weapons while glaring.

While all of this fighting is going on a young shady individual wearing a cloak and a hood with a black Dark Side uniform is walking through the woods before looking back at three masked assailants following them.

"Come out of there at once you cowards!" the young woman said.

"Get her and bring her back to the boss!" the first gunman said.

"I'll have to teach all three of you some manners before things get really ugly!" the young woman said with an evil smile on her face.

The young woman spins in the air and kicks the first gunman in the face knocking him backward as she lands on her feet and punches the second gunman who was charging at her into the tree by the exit while evading three slashes at her by the third gunman and kicking him into the treeline farther than the second one with ease as she then puts her weapon away knowing her enemies are gone from view.

"Come out here and fight me like the men you think you are attacking a defenseless little girl!" the young girl demanded with rage in her voice.

Eerie silence fills the air with three dying enemy agents coming out of the trees using their last moments of life to try to combat the young girl only to lightly flick their noses making them collapse deceased on the ground before lightly tapping the final two dying spies with her foot making them fall over dead as well whiled the three gunmen return to the scene at a breakneck pace armed with their guns only with their clothes looking torn up and tattered.

"We're back." the first gunman said.

"To finish you off like the defenseless little girl you are deep down." the second gunman explained.

"Ready to die yet, traitor?!" the third gunman finally asked.

"Are you all ready to lose your lives just like these poor foolish spies dead on the ground here?" the young girl asked while gesturing to the dead corpses on the ground lying in a large puddle of blood.

"Did you kill them?!" the first gunman asked out of pure shock and slight fear in his voice.

"No, but I would've killed these fools myself if you hadn't already done my work for me." the young girl explained with an evil smile on her face.

"I'll have to kill you myself then and end your life since I can't leave any eye witnesses around!" the first gunman said with his rage finally revealing itself.

The three gunmen start shooting at the young girl who uses her acrobatics to evade all of the bullets shot at her with backflips and knocking them down into the ground with a kick to the face knocking all of them down before she lands on her feet.

"Have you three had enough of getting your butts kicked by a defenseless little girl?" the young girl asked mocking her assailants.

"We're going to be the ones to finish you!" the first gunman said with visible rage as he and his partners start charging at the young girl in the hood before she kicks them all down in a domino-esque fashion.

"Ready to die in the very next ten minutes while estimating?" the girl in the hood asked with a sinister smile plastered onto her face.

"Oh god." the first defeated gunman said.

"We lost and can never in our lives return to our commander after this." the second gunman said.

"Let's get out of here and run for the hills!" the third gunman said.

"Oh, that won't be a problem once I'm done with all of you." the girl said still smiling evilly.

"Please don't kill us?! We've got information on our commander since we were told that's what you were looking for!" the first gunman said with a very speedy and panicky voice.

"What kind of information would you have on your own commander that I wouldn't already have obtained to the point where you'd all be willing to give up your own leader's life to save your own lives in return?" the young girl with the blades asked mockingly.

"We know everything including where all of the bases they work at are located and more is located on all of these flash drives in our bags that we came with, just take the drives and spare us please?!" the first gunman begged with tears welling up in his eyes. He was only hoping more and more for mercy from the same person who had defeated them and could potentially end their lives only to be coming to terms with the realization that the more he had hoped for mercy from his assailant meant the more no mercy was bound to be obtained.

"Hm, even better, I could take the bags full of flash drives and other equipment and never leave a soul to suffer out here, so I'll end your suffering out of revenge for stalking me and attempted assassination of a top level rogue spy." the young girl said with a devilish smile that was flashed at them leaving that as their last thought of their target before she slashes them apart limb from limb fast enough to not see the weapon that was used thus ending the fight and her assailants' lives.

"Maybe I was a little upset about them following me and attempting to end my life, but I did not overreact!" the young murderous girl stated with a sigh before walking away from the six dead corpses on the ground lying in a massive puddle of blood as the scene moves back over to the dead corpses in their own blood.

Meanwhile at The Supreme Headquarters in the leader's office, the shady individual takes out a gun and points it at the entity's leader who smiles evilly.

"What are you doing back here after you left and threatened to expose my agency to none other than The Federal Organization at the cost of your freedom as well as ours?!" the at-the-time high leader Rubine Ochre asked in disbelief at seeing her own most trusted agent return begging.

"High Leader Rubine Ochre, I'm begging you for assistance against The Federal Organization," the girl begged on her knees. "I know that we can win this war against the real enemy while I act as a rogue working for nobody but in order for this plan to work I will need your support from your branch of The Supreme while I go talk to Kali Graphite from the main organization."

"Since I had murdered six of your agents in a fight I'm now here to end your reign to take over either with your support, or I'll take it all by force," the girl threatened. "either way I'm going to be leading your team!"

"What are you talking about when you say you'll end my reign?" Rubine asked while emphasizing the "my" in her question.

"You're either with me and my cause, or against me and my cause, Rubine!" the girl had said.

"Well, if you really think I'm going to just step down and follow beneath you then you are dead wrong." Rubine said with her state of mind getting irritated while she's now writhing with rage as she is raring to fight with her signature weapon engaged while she swings the sword blade around and attempts to stab her former top agent before the young girl smiles evilly and the girl's former leader is then suddenly stabbed with her own sword blade square in her midriff leaving it in for a brief moment as the young leader cries out in excruciating pain as the sword blade from her supporters gets kicked in all the way through before she pulls it out swiftly and the dead corpse.

"I know this was hard to understand, Rubine," the girl said ruthlessly, "this had to happen one way or another however and I just hope you're not going to send your own people after me because of something like this otherwise they will face the same fate. And you are dead wrong!"

"What are you going to do since you killed Rubine?" an agent from The Supreme asked.

"It's all very simple now," the girl said, "I'm going after Kali Graphite and making a proposition that she is not allowed to refuse unless she wants to die."

"I'll go inform Kali of your appearance at her base, but what are our missions for now high leader Verdant?" the agent asked.

"Everyone who attended this meeting tonight will claim that our previous high leader Rubine Ochre was murdered by an elite officer of The Federal Organization and all of those who weren't attending this meeting by their own choice will receive the message about the story that will be agreed upon." High Leader Verdant said as she was cleaning the blood off of her new sword blade.

"Understood, but what are our orders from here on out?" the agent asked.

"I will need a select group of you guys to come with me and help me convince our dearest High Leader Kali Graphite to agree to help us kill The Federal Organization at any cost." High Leader Verdant ordered.

"I'll go pack a few bags to take with me while we go make sure that Kali is prepared to have an answer for us on our mission to kill The Federal Organization." the agent said.

"I'll be preparing for the road trip with new weapons handcrafted from the other agents." another agent said after the first agent left the scene to go pack his bags.

"I'll be sure to get ready for this war that I need supporters for." High Leader Verdant said.

"You guys are some cold-hearted motherfuckers!" a third agent said before glancing and squinting over at the deceased carcass of the former high leader.

"No, we are some cold-hearted motherfuckers!" High Leader Verdant said.

While all of this is going on the young High Leader murderer starts smiling evilly knowing that she can get any agents we wants to follow her every command.

"Okay, we have to stop The Federal Organization even if we have to kill them all one by one." High Leader Verdant said.

"What are we going to do about The Federal Organization's most recent members that had joined?" one of the agents asked confused.

High Leader Verdant swiftly kicks three enemy agents from The Dark Side before the loyal followers engage in combat with guns as they shoot at the three enemy agents while their leader kicks an enemy agent onto the ground with ease as she kicks the leader of the attack in the stomach three times knocking him down onto the ground while the other five agents under her command start shooting at the enemy agents until the leader is the only one left alive after Verdant shoots all of the enemy agents dead with seven lethal shots to the chest killing all of them as their carcasses create a massive puddle of blood on the ground.

"Okay, we don't have to fight anymore Agent Verdant"

"That's High Leader Verdant to you, Missy!" High Leader Verdant started. "and I'm not going to listen to the enemy try to defend themselves any longer."

"Oh come on now High Leader Verdant." the enemy agent started, "What are you going to do about it now? Shoot me-?"

Before the girl could finish her sentence a bullet was shot into her heart in one fell swoop which in turn causes her lifeless body to collapse onto the ground as blood spills out of her ending the fight.

"Yes, what a very good suggestion even from a bitch such as yourself." High Leader Verdant said.

"Let's keep moving like the cold motherfuckers we are." the first agent said.

"It's time we got what we deserved after all the trouble these ladies are giving us." Verdant said with a sinister smile on her face.

Verdant and her troops continue along the pathway through the woods by the next base of operations leaving the large blood puddle behind without looking back.

Meanwhile back with all of this chaos happening in the base of operations, the fight with Tara continues and as such it proves to be a very difficult challenge to accomplish.

"You guys are weaker than I had originally anticipated knowing you can't continue fighting after seven hours of fighting me." Tara said.

"I still can!" Christopher said as he draws out his weapon in sword form.

"That's true entirely, so keep your word and show me your all!" Tara demanded with an evil smile on her face.

"Gladly, Tara." Christopher said as he swings his sword at Tara who dodges with a single backflip.

Tara starts punching and kicking at her enemy only to miss every mark and land one kick against Christopher who blocked with his sword as the force of the impact sent him onto the floor while Tara continues fighting with ease as she kicks E into the floor before she walks over to her only to be shot in the back of the right upper arm by Christopher who holds his weapon in gun form before walking forward.

"You never stood a chance against me at all!" Tara said.

"That's what you think, Tara Ris," Christopher said, "but I am going to prove to you that power isn't important to win a fight!"

"I'll deal with her on all other sides while you go after Tara up close!" E suggested

"I give the orders, and we are going with the opposite with me attacking on all sides and you going in close for attacks at the front." Christopher said.

"Fine," E said. "it makes no difference to me anyway as long as she goes down."

"Good!" Christopher said as he engages with his weapon of choice in sword form.

"Head to head, just like I love to fight!"

"Ready when you are!" Christopher said as he notices the sand that was brought into the building from Tara's bag.

Christopher stabs his sword into the sandy floor before tons of sand and debris are shot up in the air blinding both sides of the fight.

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