Half Ghost Hero

By Loloia

73.8K 2.6K 636

Danny Phantom & Teen Titans crossover. Artwork isn't mine. Danny got captured by the Guys in white almost 2... More

Running Away
Big News
Return of Phantom
"Half" Brother Part 1
"Half" Brother Part 2
Coming Home
Titans Tower
Twin Fate
First Battle Part 1
First Battle Part 2
Sneak Peek
Mini Chapter: Ectoplasmic goo
Friends - Family
The Hound


1.8K 77 22
By Loloia

A/N : I am SOOO sorry I haven't been updating this story! I lost inspiration for a while and I started to write another one at the same time. My muse is BACK ON for this story and I promise that I will try to be updating this more frequently to make up for lost time! I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS (somewhat) BITTERSWEET CHAPPIE!


Robin's P.O.V.

I walked into the living room, not seeing anybody there.

Jazz, Tuck, Sam and Dash had gone to stay at a hotel, since there was a high chance that they would eventually run into Danny. We didn't want to shock him into a coma, so we decided it would be better if they didn't stay here. I know we didn't get called out, my communicator would have went off...

So, where was everybody?

I flipped open my communicator and dialed Cy.

"Hey Rob, what's up? Is Danny okay?" Cy said calmly over the yellow piece of plastic.

"Yeah, he is, but where are you guys?" I asked. Cy smiled sheepishly, looking at me.

"We kinda went out. BB went to go check on you earlier to see if you wanted pizza, but he heard you and Danny talking and didn't want to interrupt."

"Oh...thanks." I said over the phone.

"What did you guys talk about for so long? It's been almost...5 hours since we left." Cy said, checking his watch. I shrugged, looking in the direction of my brothers room.

"We just...talked. It was nice. It seems we're not so different than I thought." I said, walking over to the counter and sitting on one of the stools. I placed the communicator on the counter, crossing my arms and resting my chin on them.

"What do you mean?" He asked, curiosity seeping into his voice. He walked out of whatever shop he was in, leaning against the wall.

"We talked about how we got into the hero business...and about all of our scars and happy memories. We didn't want to dig too deep too fast so that's it really." I said, shrugging slightly. I was bored, alone in the living room with nothing to do.

"Did you show them to him...your scars I mean. You've only shown me and Bruce as far as I know." He asked me seriously. I nodded, a small smile on my face.

"Yeah, I showed him all of them."

"Wow. Did he show you his too." Cy asked me, a little shocked. I nodded.

"Yeah, but we only talked about the small ones we got from crime fighting." I said. He nodded at me and smiled.

"That's good. You're bonding." He told me.

"I know..." I said with a sigh, burying my head in my arms.

"Okay, what's really bothering you?" Cy asked me seriously. I rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't wearing my domino mask right now, so he obviously saw it.

"I just...I don't know how to tell him about Jazz, Tuck, Sam and Dash...I don't want to tell him he's dying..." I said, suddenly tired. I want him to be alright. He's all that I have left.

"He's not dying, Rob. He's destabalizing." Cy said sternly. I glared at him lightly.

"I know! I know...but I can't lose him Vic..." I said, rubbing a hand through my hair and down my face.

"It's okay Rob. BB and Tuck will figure out the concoction and he'll be fine." Cy told me softly. I nodded, but my face still turned grim.

"There's still the slight chance that they won't make the deadline, you know that!" I hissed into the phone. I didn't want to cause a scene and lure Danny out of his room. He should come out though, he needs to eat.

"Of course I know that! But that's no reason to say things like that. Stay hopeful, man. Things always work out in the end...well mostly." He said, humor in his voice. I groaned and thumped my head into the counter, my hands falling, arms dangling at my sides.

"Do you have to bring that up now?" I asked, looking up and pouting.

"Hey, I'm just sayin'. You and Star were great while it lasted, but I think you made the right decision." He said defensively, putting a hand up in a gesture of peace.

"I think so too, and we're still friends, but I think she's still hurting over our breakup." I said seriously. I don't know why she was acting so quiet lately.

"You broke up a year and a half ago. Trust me, she's fine." Cy said, rolling his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him, brows drawing together suspiciously.

"She hardly talks to me anymore." I told him, waiting for a response.

"I think that's because if something else entirely." I heard BB say. He jumped up, grabbing the communicator from Cy's hands.

"What are you talking about?" I asked them, confusion lacing my words.

"Dude, she's trying to set you up with Jazz." BB whispered, looking behind him to see if anyone else was listening.

My eyes widened comically, in shock of what the green changeling just told me.

"What?! That's Danny's sister!" I whispered harshly.

"They're not related, Robin! Besides, I think you'll be cute together." BB said, winking and wiggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, but I was blushing, and I knew they would be able to see it.

"Shut up BB..." I mumbled, crossing my arms and looking away.

"Oh my gosh! Are you blushing?! Cy-Dude, Rob is totally blu-"

I hung up. I sighed and got up, getting myself a glass of water to drown myself in.

"That was so embarrassing." I groaned into the sink after I finished my glass.

"I bet it was." a voice said behind me, causing me to jump five feet into the air. I turned around quickly, red faced, and glared at my brother.

"How much of that did you hear?" I groaned, putting my face in my hands. He laughed at me before responding.

"I walked over here to get some food. I heard the part of the conversatiom when you started to talk about your girl problems." he told me, a smile on his face.

"You really dated Star?" He asked me, and I nodded, my hands still hiding my face.

"Yeah...she was great. I loved her, but it started to get awkward and I know she felt it too. It was a mutual thing, but she was hurt more than me." I told him truthfully, looking at him. He was making noodles for himself, barely setting the water to boil.

"Yeah. It was like that with me and...S-sam...She actually broke up with me, but I was fine with it, to be honest." He said quietly. I walked up to him and noticed a few tears streaming down his face.

"Jazz...you would be great together. She's smart, funny, not really that clingy...but she's strong, mentally and she's very protective. You would be a great match." he finished, sniffling.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort him.

"It's just...back with the GIW...they made me think that they were dead...I know they're not...I've known for a while ...but I don't know how to find them and tell them that I'm alright." he said quietly as the water started to boil. He took it out and poured it into a bowl, waiting for the noodles to heat up.

This was it. I had to tell him that they were alright.

"Danny...I have something to tell you..." I started to say, hesitant. He looked at me with wide, hopeful eyes.

"Jazz, Tucker, Sam, and Dash...they're in Jump City." I said slowly. His eyes widened, and he smiled widely at me, tears of joy running down his face. It went grim for a second, and he looked me dead in the eyes.

"Why?" he asked me seriously.

"We contacted Jazz and Tucker a few weeks ago. Sam and Dash came in a few days ago...they're here because we need their help." I said, fidgeting slightly under his cold stare. His eyes held a certain sadness to them.

Bruce would kill me if he saw me right now.

"Help with what?" he asked slowly. I took a deep breath.



He stood there, shocked for minutes on end. I didn't know what to do.

"Danny?" I asked, waving my hand in front of his face. This had never happened before.

His eyes turned a bright light blue, and his pupils got bigger as his eyes started to shake. Ice started to spread on the floor beneath his feet, covering the walls and the furniture, but it went around me completely.

"Danny! Danny it's okay! We're already making a concoction to stop the process and reverse it completely. You'll still have your powers, you'll still be you! Everything will be alright!" I yelled as he started to encase himself in ice. It stopped, and everything slowly started to melt away.

"It's okay, you'll be okay. Do you want me to call Jazz? You can talk to her while I make you real food." I said, hugging him tightly. He nodded into my chest.


When Jazz got there, she immediately ran to Danny, and held him while they both cried.

"Ohmygod...you're here...you're real..." Danny cried softly, clutching onto Jazz's shirt.

"Of course I'm here...I'll always be here." Jazz comforted him, stroking his hair to calm him down.

"Oh god...I-I thought...a-and Sam and T-Tucker..." Danny said, suddenly hopeful. His friends were alive, but he was dying. Fate was cruel, but he had faith.

"Yeah...they're here too...they're so worried, Danny." Jazz said. Danny pulled away, wiping tears away. He smiled at his 'sister' and looked down at his feet.

"I was so scared..." Danny admitted, laughing at the way he sounded.

"You don't have to be...not anymore...oh! We also have a surprise for you." Jazz exclaimed, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Really..." Danny said, smiling at the redhead. She nodded excitedly before her eyes got dim.

"Yeah...God, Danny...I am so sorry. if I knew that they...I wouldn't..." Jazz said, trailing off. Her eyes started to water, and Danny started to shake his head. It wasn't her fault that they did this to him.

"Jazz...its not your fault. I don't blame you for any of this..." Danny said, grabbing her shoulders to look into her eyes.

"I don't even know what to say..." Jazz said, laughing uncomfortably as she looked up at Danny.

"Then don't say anything..." Danny whispered as he pulled her in for another hug.

I watched this whole interaction from where I was seated in the kitchen. I smiled at the two. They were so close, and I was happy to bring them back together again.


"I'm glad you came. He really needed you." I whispered at Jazz. I watched as she smiled softly and continued to wash dished.

"I would always come for him. Even though we're not related, he's still my brother." Jazz said, putting the last dish in the drying rack and wiped down her hands.

"Yeah, I know." I said smiling as I bumped her hip with mine.

"Can't say the same about you, though." Jazz mumbled, a blush rising in her cheeks. I smirked at her. I knew she didn't want me to hear that, but I pressed on anyways.

"What do you mean?" I asked, leaning in closer than I should have.

"It's just...I, uh...I think you're really cute...and I really like you, I do, and you probably think I'm...crazy for trying to do this while you're trying to save the world from some inter-dimensional demon and my brother from destabalizing and from imploding from all of his issues...but I was wondering if you would maybe..." Jazz stuttered, he gave going a deeper shade of red. I smiled a little as she mumbled the last part, but I couldn't understand what she said.

"Jazz...I can't hear what you're saying when you're mumbling." I said slowly. I didn't want to embarass her, but she looked beautiful when she was flushed.

"I said...I was wondering if you would maybe...want to go on a date...with me...tomorrow? And if you're gonna say no...please don't say no..." Jazz whispered, looking at me with a hopeful expression.

"Okay...I won't say no...How does 8 o'clock sound?" I asked, my heart beating in my chest when she smiled widely at me.

"It sounds...great." She said, blushing while she put her hair back.

"Oops! Sorry! I gotta go!" She screamed, suddenly remembering something. Her watch was beeping and flashing a neon green, and I looked at it curiously before she started to leave.

"Hey, maybe I can come with?" I asked, a small smile on my face. She chuckled at me, her eyes crinkling.

"Our date is tomorrow! You can fight crime with me then!" She yelled as she ran down the hallway to the elevator that led to the main doors.

"Yeah! I'll see you then!" I yelled back playfully, watching as she disappeared.

"You blorfkas are what you humans refer to as 'most cute'!" Star suddenly said from behind me, making me jump. Raven smirked at me and crossed her arms when she noticed the blush on my face.

"It's sickening, really." Gar said in a teasing tone. I crossed my arms at them and glared half-heartedly.

"Shut up." I grumbled, crossing my arms as I started to walk to my room.

I still had a smile on my face, even when I heard them laughing at me when I got further and further from them.

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