YOU PROMISE? (A ChanBaek /Exo...


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Chanyeol is the new transfer student at SM High. Baekhyun has had a huge crush on Kris for over a year. Kris... المزيد

Main Characters (EXO)
Author's Note!!!
CH.01: New Kid in School
CH.02: Summer Nights
CH.03: 10 Minutes
CH.04: I Saw Him Standing There
CH.05: Good Vibrations
CH.06: Stairway to Class
CH.07: Mental Breaker
CH.08: Story Time
CH.09: He's A Rainbow
CH.10: Beautiful Baekhyun
CH.11: Love Letter
CH.12: With a Little Help From My Friends
CH.13: I Wanna Be Your Friend
CH.14: Get The Jinki
CH.15: Remember Jaehyo
CH.16: Dumb & Dumber
CH.17: No Kiss Today
CH.18: Rumour Has It
CH.19: First Love
CH.20: Monkey Magic
CH.21: Black Paradise
CH.22: Changes
CH.23: Just One Day
CH.24: Twenty Four
CH.25: We Like 2 Party
CH.26: Smells Like Teen Spirit
CH.27: Tattoo
CH.28: Back in Blonde
CH.29: Sentimental
CH.30: Satisfaction
CH.31: A Few Days Later
CH.32: The Diary Of Sehun
CH.33: Brotherly Love
CH.34: Take Me Now
CH.35: The Chase
CH.36: Ask Me WHY?
CH.38: The Kids Aren't Alright
CH.39: Still In Love
CH.40: Enter Tao
CH.41: Call Me Baekhee
CH.42: Sweet Child O'Mine
CH.44: Imagine
CH.45: Critical Beauty
CH.46: Don't Flirt
CH.47: Psycho
CH.48: Without You
CH.49: Missing You
CH.50: Green Rain
CH.51: Janus
CH.52: Butterflies and Hurricanes
CH.53: This Is War
CH.54: P.S. I Love You

CH.43: Not Alright

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Title Reference: "Alright" by Super Junior.




Onew, Kyuhyun, and Minho went over to Minseok's house in the morning just like every other weekend. Minseok's parents left early to meet up clients for breakfast. Minho and Kyuhyun went with Changmin to get donuts while Onew stayed behind since he shouldn't be out for so long, the days are starting to get cold. Minseok slowly heads down the stairs that lead to the kitchen, leaning on the wall and holding onto dear life on the rail.

Onew takes out the coffee beans from the top cabinet and looks over to the hungover Minseok, "Hey Min"

Minseok tries to fix his posture, "Good Morning." Minseok holds onto and leans on the fridge. Onew opens the bag of coffee beans, "What's wrong with you?"

"No- nothing- I- I'm great"

Onew looks at Minseok, "You're hungover-"

"No, I'm not," Minseok shakes his head and heads to the dining table

"Don't try to play me. I've seen a lot of people wake up with hangovers"

Minseok takes a seat, "Please keep it down, okay"

Changmin, Kyuhyun, and Minho enter from the back door. "Hey! What's up, sleepyhead," Changmin softly hits the back Minseok's head. Minseok eyes widen but he tries to hide the pain.

"Oh, Jinki. I can grind the coffee," Kyuhyun says and points to the chair to Onew. Onew smiles and sits next to Minseok and opens the magazine he brought with him

"I want a milkshake," Onew pouts.

"Oh, me too. Who else?" Changmin asks, heading to the fridge

"No, thank you," Minseok softly mutters

Changmin opens the freezer, "Aw, damn. Mr. Moon! I thought you were gonna call to fix the ice maker!" Changmin bangs the ice tray on the counter and Kyuhyun starts the coffee grinder, sending pain to Minseok's ears.

"Mr. Moon! Did you hear me?! It's frozen solid!" Changmin continues to bang the tray and Kyuhyun is still grinding the coffee beans

"I think it's his day off, Chang," Minho says as he gets a beer from the fridge

"IN THE NAME OF GOD, please stop that now," Minseok begs

Minho, Changmin, and Kyuhyun stop what they're doing and turn to Minseok. "What's wrong with you?" Kyuhyun asks

Minseok straightens his back, "I don't know, I think I might have a touch of the flu"

Onew closes the magazine and looks at Minseok, "The Booze Flu"

"What," Kyuhyun asks

"Minseok, were you drinking?" Changmin asks

"Uh, no. Can't I be sick without being hungover?" Minseok lies. Minho walks over to Minseok and puts his open beer bottle under Minseok's nose. Minseok gags and has a baby barf

"Oh my god! He- he's hungover!" Minho yells

"Please don't yell at me. It hurts," Minseok says

"I thought you said you went on a date with Jimin," Changmin says

"I did. But after, we went over to Namjoon's place and he was having a party and well... one thing lead to another- I – I had a drink," Minseok explains

Minho rolls his eyes, "Oh, you had one drink?"

Changmin bangs the ice tray repeatedly. "Okay-okay-okay-okay! I had two drinks," Minseok says

"Hmm," Kyuhyun looks at Changmin. Changmin bangs the ice tray again and Kyuhyun turns on the coffee grinder while Minho and Onew scream.

Minseok covers his ears, screams and gets off the chair, "Okay! I had lots of drinks! Lots of drinks! ...but- uh, it wasn't my fault"

"Minseok, I can't believe you," Changmin says. Mark comes down the stairs and goes up to Minseok, "Minseok, was I dreaming? Or did you come to my room last night and puked on my barrel monkeys"

Minseok sign in relief, "Oh thank god. I thought there were monkeys in the toilet"

Changmin rolls his eyes, "Oh my god, what is wrong with you kids!" He yells at both of them

Mark defends himself, "You kids?! I wasn't even awake when he came crawling in"

Changmin points at Mark, "Yeah, well let's keep it that way so go do some studying or go do some chores, alright?"

Mark looks at Minseok and shakes his head.

"I'm watching you," Changmin warns Mark as Mark leaves the kitchen

"You know, I've told Changmin countless times that he should trust you, Minseok," Kyuhyun says

"You can," Minseok whines. "Believe you guys. I have absolutely no desire to feel this way ever again"

"Oh," Changmin says. Changmin and Kyuhyun smile at each other. Changmin continues, "As long as you understand that. I guess we can just forget about this whole thing"

Minseok smiles and unclenches his shoulder, "That would be so great." Minseok takes a seat once again, next to Onew

"Well, we're not gonna forget about it!" Changmin yells

"Guys, talk about punishment later. Minseok, go back to bed. I'll bring you medicine," Onew tells Minseok.

Minseok turns to Onew, smiles, and tries to hug him, "Oh, thank you, Onew. I'm sorry-"

Onew puts his hand in front of Minseok's face and pushes him back because of Minseok's breath, "Oh! Oh, yeah. You can thank me later." Minseok pouts and heads to the stairs.

Mark re-enters the kitchen, "Why is Minseok allowed to park his car on the porch?"

Minseok's eyes widen. The others head out to the front door and find Minseok's car where Mark said it was. The porch. Onew heads back inside and Minseok follows him but Changmin grabs his hair and pulls him to have Minseok look at the car again. Changmin yells at Minseok to head back inside and to explain how the car got there. Minseok tells him he remembers being at the party and then suddenly he was in his room.

"That's an interesting story but you forgot to mention how you got home," Changmin glares at him

"I can't believe I did that," Minsoek mutters to himself

"Oh, but you're never gonna do it again. Give me the keys. I'm telling mom and dad and making sure you don't drive that car again," Changmin tells Minseok. Minseok pouts and grabs his backpack, takes out the keys, and gives it to Changmin. Minseok then runs up to his room.

Minho watches Minseok then turns to Changmin, "So, is this a bluff? How far are you gonna take this?"

"The car is on the porch! Minseok was drinking and driving!" Changmin tells Minho then runs his finger through his hair, "Ugh, What's the problem with teenagers? You can't trust them" Changmin says then turn to Mark, "Why! Why do you have to betray our trust!"

Mark shrinks from Changmin's yelling "I- I was playing internet chess last night," Mark explains himself

Changmin glares at Mark and lectures him, "You are heading down the wrong road, pal"

"I- I'm not going down any road-"

"Imma be all over you like water and ice"

Mark tries to defend himself but Changmin continues, "You turn around- OH! Who's that? My shadow? No! It's me! Alright!"

Mark pouts and heads to the door. "Watch your step buddy," Changmin warns him.



I grab my backpack and run out the door. Kris texted me that he's on his way so I have to leave asap. I run across the front yard and gate. I stop and debate whether to go to Minho's or Chanyeol's. Think. Think. Choose!

I run to Minho's place and ring the doorbell. Minho opens the door and I see he's not in his uniform. I knit my eyebrows, "You ditching again?"

He nods and gives me a big smile, "Yeah."

"Why are you so happy?"

"I'm spending the day with Onew and... I'm gonna do it!" he tells me

"Again? I don't think that's safe for the baby"

Minho rolls his eyes, "Not that. I'm gonna ask him today to marry me"

I punch him, "It's about time, idiot!"

"I had to process the whole 'You gonna be a dad' thing first"

"Can I ditch too? ...and watch. I promise you won't see me. I'll wear a hat and mustache-"

"NO- no- you have to confront the wrath of Kris today"

I pout and he hugs me. "Baek, you knew this was coming"

"I know... okay," I turn around and we both walk on the front yard to go to my place.

Minho stops me and pulls me down with him. "Shit. Baek, Kris is there. At your front door"

"Oh- no- no. I need more time!" I say

He looks at me, "You had all yesterday, Baek"

"I uh... I stayed in bed all day with Chanyeol- my mind wasn't working"

He wrinkles his nose, "Uh, gross! I don't wanna hear that!"

"Help me!" I whine

"Let's go back inside," he grabs my wrist and run across the yard back to his place

He closes the door and takes out his key, "Here. Take my car. I'll drive Kyuhyun's"

I stare at the keys and scratch the back of my neck, "I uh.... I don't know how to drive"

"What. No way! ...I always thought you were just too lazy to drive"

"That too..."

"Ugh, then call Chanyeol to pick you up here"

"Sounds like a plan," I take out my phone and call Chanyeol.

I did it. I managed to avoid Kris all morning... mostly because I faked a fever and been at the nurse's office for my first two classes. It's break time. The nurse told me to get some fresh air so I go outside. I carefully look around hoping Kris is not near. He's usually by the soccer field but you can never be too careful. At the same, I look for Chanyeol. I find him, he's with Luhan, Sehun, and Yixing. At there usual spot by the cafeteria. I haven't talked to the three of them in forever. I approach them and see Kyungsoo and Junmyeon sitting down with them, I get more nervous.

I stand behind Chanyeol, fiddling my fingers. "Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol turns to me with a big smile. I notice the others either look at each other or straight out ignore me. Chanyeol knits his eyebrows, "Baekkie... wa- what are you doing here?"

"Yeah. Traitors sit over there," Luhan points to grass area by the soccer field, where Kris is. I see Kris talking with Luhan's cousin, Tao. I shrug it off and look at Luhan, "I owe you a big apology... to all of you."

"I think you owe Chanyeol the biggest apology in the world," Jongin comes out of nowhere. I knit my eyebrows, "Jongin... I don't owe you one-"

"I agree with Jongin," Kyungsoo says

"Apologize!" Luhan yells

"I forgive you, Baek," Yixing mutters

"I say we make him suffer first," Jongin glares

"Let's shave his head," Kyungsoo smirks

"Let's make eat dog food too," Sehun says

"What is happening?" Junmyeon asks

"Apologize to Chanyeol first," Luhan says

"Okay- enough guys," Chanyeol gets up. "Baekhyun already apologized"

"Why didn't you tell us," Luhan tells Chanyeol

"Yeah, now I look stupid," Jongin says. Kyungsoo chuckles

Sehun adds on, "Yeah, now Jongin looks stupid- with his stupid voice- and that stupid hair- and that STUPID uniform-"

"We get it, Sehun," Kyungsoo mutters

Luhan glares at Sehun. Sehun innocently smiles, "Oh but the uniform looks great on you, babe"

"Uh-huh," Luhan nods

I roll my eyes at Sehun then look back at the others, "I'm sorry for the way I've acted these past weeks."

Luhan crosses his arm, "I so don't forgive you"

Sehun chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Yes. He does. He's just having withdrawal from meat. We decided to go the vegetarian way in life"

"Oh, that's great. When did you guys start?" I ask

"Sunday," Sehun proudly announces. It's only Monday... 

I chuckle, "Oh"

Luhan pouts then turns to Sehun, "Ugh, meat. Remember meat?" Sehun nods

"Oh, I just realized. I'm not even mad at Baekhyun," Kyungsoo laughs

"Sit," Yixing says. I sit down between him and Chanyeol. Chanyeol puts an arm around me but I immediately push his arm away. I can see from the corner of my eye, Junmyeon is looking at me.

The bell rings and I end up staying at the nurse's office all day. The school bell rings. I grab my backpack. I say goodbye to the nurse and head to the gate.

"Baek!" I turn around. It's Chanyeol, Luhan, and Sehun, smiling at me.

I walk up to them, "Ha- hi"

"We're gonna go smoke in the back of the supermarket parking lot. You in?" Sehun asks. Chanyeol scoffs and Luhan hits Sehun's chest

"Any plans, Baekkie?" Chanyeol asks. I nod, "Minho proposed to Onew today. Wanna go congratulate them," I tell them

Their eyes widen. "Screw the weed. Let's go," Sehun grabs my wrist and drags me to the parking lot with Chanyeol and Luhan behind us.


Back in Minho's house, he and Onew tell Onew's best friends the big news. Kyuhyun and Changmin jump off the couch and hug the engaged couple, Onew and Minho. At that moment the doorbell rings. The maid lets Mark and Minseok inside. Minseok immediately goes to hug Minho while Mark struggles to takes off his jacket, with the help of the maid.

"You guys have to tell us how Minho proposed," Changmin says

"Oh, Baekhyun told me he's on his way so let's wait for him," Minho says

"Oh yay! We're so excited," Onew says rubbing his tummy

"Plus Sehun... Luhan..." Minho turns to Onew. "And Chanyeol"

Onew wrinkles his nose, "I'll pass." Onew leaves and heads to the kitchen

"Fine. I'll go get some snacks for the guest apparently," Kyuhyun says and follows Onew

Changmin points at the magazine Minho has in his hand, "What's that"

Minho rolls his eye and puts it down on the coffee table, "Cosmo magazine... it's not mine, it's Onew"

Changmin shakes his head, "Already whipped." Minseok jumps in, "Whipped- whipped- whipped-"

Changmin chuckles as Mark quietly grabs the Cosmo and leaves the room. "Shut it, Min," Minho says

The doorbell rings. "Finally," Minho mutters. Soon enough, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Luhan, and Sehun enter the living room.

"Kyuhyun! Onew! They're here!" Minho yells. The two said names enter the living room with snacks. Baekhyun hugs Onew.

Chanyeol goes up to Minho, "Hey, congrats man. I should go-"

"Nah- nah. Stay," Minho insists

Chanyeol looks back at Onew and Baekhyun then turns to Minho, "Onew hates me-"

"So, I do too but that shouldn't stop you," Minho jokes

Chanyeol smiles, "Not funny"

Everyone takes a seat so Minho can share his story. Onew went upstairs to Minho's room to wash up

"So, when did you ask?" Luhan asks

"Onew and I were just browsing around the mall. Looking at baby clothes talking about Onew's next appointment that's in a couple of weeks," Minho starts

As Minho is telling his story, Baekhyun checks his phone. He has 11 missed calls and 20 texts from Kris. He feels nervous but puts away his phone and leans on Chanyeol's shoulder. Chanyeol looks down at Baekhyun before putting his arm around him.

Minho is still talking, "So, we take a seat and Onew goes to the restroom. The waiter comes over and I ask him to hide in the dessert-"

"Oh, no," Kyuhyun mutters. Changmin shakes his head, "Bad move"

"No," Minseok smiles

Minho nods, "Yup... we ate steak then the dessert came... long story- short, he choked on the ring"

Changmin and Kyuhyun laugh. Baekhyun and Chanyeol facepalm.

Sehun and Luhan lick their lips. "Was the steak medium well?" Luhan asks.

Minho knits his eyebrows, "Mine was. I think Onew's was well done"

"Yum," Sehun mutters

Onew comes downstairs followed by Mark. Minseok looks at him, "Mark, were you in the bathroom again?"

Mark mumbles, "I uh." Kyuhyun adds in, "Again? Mark, are you having stomach problems?"

Sehun and Chanyeol laugh. Mark stands where he is. Changmin gets up, "Ok. Let's leave Mark alone"

Minseok smiles and mocks, "But what is he doing-"

"Minseok! Enough!" Changmin tells him

Minho snatches the magazine from Mark, "Oh god. You took the Cosmo?"

Changmin sighs, "That's it I'm getting you a subscription of sports illustrator"

Onew goes to Mark, "Ay, did you take that intimacy quiz?"

Mark shyly says, "Yeah. What are you?"

"Imma a cuddlier"

Mark nods, "Imma a party girl"

"Okay, that's it. We're leaving. Come on, Min. Mark," Changmin heads to the door with Minseok and Mark following.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol leave as well. They pass Minho's gate and goes to Baekhyun's place. They walk across the front yard holding hands, talking about how weird it is to have a classmate be engaged. They walk up the doorstep and Baekhyun freezes. Chanyeol follows Baekhyun gaze, there's a note on the door mate with a rock on top to keep it from flying away.

"You don't think..." Chanyeol mutters to Baekhyun. Baekhyun slowly picks up the note and unfold it. The two look at the note.

Chanyeol curses in his head, "He wrote you a poem..." Chanyeol gets annoyed when he sees a smile on Baekhyun's face.

"Jealous?" Baekhyun smiles

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, "No, stupid"

"Yes, you are-"

"I can beat that. I can write you a song-"

"Then do it. Do it for my love"

Chanyeol wrinkles his nose, "Nah. I already have your love... I have nothing to prove"



Baekhyun, Luhan, Junmyeon, and Kyungsoo decide to do their homework after school at the park across the street, sitting on the grass with a blanket Sehun keeps in his car. While the soccer team practices a couple of feet away. Luhan told Coach Donghae he wasn't feeling too well so he was excused. Baekhyun looks over at the soccer team practicing. Everyone except Yixing is playing. He sees Luhan's cousin, Tao, playing as well. "Lu, isn't that a private practice? Why is Tao there?" Baekhyun asks

Luhan looks up from his paper, "You didn't know? Tao was only excepted at SM High for his athletic achievements. Just like Minsoek over at JYP High"

"Oh... no, I didn't know" Baekhyun mutters

"Thanks for letting me borrowing your notes, Baek," Luhan says as he returns Baekhyun his notebook.

"No problem," Baekhyun grabs his notebook and opens his backpack. His folder slips out when Baekhyun tried shoving his notebook inside. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun both lean forward at the same time to grab the folder and scattered papers but bumps their heads. Kyung grunts while Baekhyun laughs. Junmyeon and Luhan pick up Baekhyun's folder and loose papers

"Here," Junmyeon hands Baek his folder. "Thanks," Baek mutters and puts away his folder

Luhan fixes the papers in his hand, looking at the paper on top, "Baek... Kris writes you poems?" Baek snatches the papers, "No. give that back"

Junmyeon looks at Baekhyun, scared, "Poem?" Kyungsoo raises his eyebrows, "A love poem? ... Baek, you have that boy whipped"

"Read it," Luhan smiles. Baekhyun holds the letter to his chest, "It's nothing special... just regular poem stuff"

"Well, I wouldn't know. I've never received one," Luhan complains.

Baek smiles and just in that moment Kris takes the letter from Baekhyun and leaves without saying a word. "Hey, Kris! Give it back!"

Baekhyun follows Kris, leaving Luhan, Kyungsoo, and Junmyeon behind. Luhan grits his teeth. Kyungsoo and Junmyeon watch Baekhyun run after Kris, worried

Baekhyun follows Kris over to the other side of the park. It's empty and so gives them privacy. "Kris, I swear I didn't read it to them. We were just having fun-"

Kris turns to Baekhyun with a cold expression, "Oh, you like making fun of me?"

"No, you know that's not what I meant-" Kris grabs Baekhyun shoulder and shakes him, "Hey! What's between us. Is nobody's business"

Baekhyun shakes his head, "I wouldn't tell them anything important." Kris fumes with anger and nods, "Alright, if it's not important you." Kris begins to rip the love letter into pieces

"No! Kris! No! Don't do that!" Baekhyun reaches for Kris' hands but Kris continues the rip the letter and backs away from Baekhyun.

Then he throws the pieces on the grass and walks away from the little blonde. Baekhyun follows and tries to explain, "Kris! Why don't-"

Kris turns and slaps Baekhyun across the face. Baekhyun falls on the floor, face down. His cheek stings and Baekhyun swears he can hear ringing in his ears. Kris sees Baekhyun crying on the floor and looks around to see if anybody was around.

Kris gets down on his knees in front of the little blonde and helps him sit up, "See what you made me do? Why'd you have to get me so mad?"

Baekhyun cries, "Just go..."

Kris softly holds Baekhyun's arm and whispers, "No. Ugh, Baekhyun. Come on"

Baekhyun looks at Kris. Kris wipes the little one's tear with his thumb, "It hurts me to see you cry like that... I'm just upset... You ignored me for days- this morning as well- on my birthday... it's your fault.... But I forgive you- I'll always forgive... I can't help it if... I'm in love with you?"

"... I love you too," Baekhyun mutters. He doesn't know why he said but he just let it go.

Kris smiles and leans in for a kiss. Baekhyun feels so guilty for making Kris upset so he lets Kris kiss him.





This past couple of weeks have been not too bad. I go to school with Minho, spend first break with Luhan, Chanyeol, & the rest of the group, then I spend lunch with Kris and his group so he won't get upset. I see that Luhan's cousin, Tao, likes Kris. He even flirts with Kris in front of me. Kris is too nice to tell him something so I understand.

After school, I go and visit Onew, he keeps me updated on baby news. Onew now lives with Kyuhyun and Minho. Kyuhyun insisted since Onew's apartment was in the city and it worried both Minho and Kyuhyun. Onew told everything to his parents. They were upset at first because they wanted Onew to be a doctor. But now they're just happy that they're gonna have a grandchild. Onew told me he couldn't stop laughing, he never pictured himself as a doctor. I did! He was top his class and is freaking smart. But he told me he will continue school later.

After my visits, I'd go home where Chanyeol is always waiting for me in my room. As you can tell, we see each other in secret to not hurt Kris. He would sneak in through the window until I finally gave him a key to my place. I love having him sleep next to me. He makes me feel safe and loved. Also, he's been teaching me how to drive since I was embarrassed that one-time Minho asked me.

Today is Chanyeol's Birthday. I wanted to throw him a party over the weekend but Chanyeol went out of town with his family so I'm stuck celebrating it for him today... on a Monday. I actually went with them. Not as Baekhyun... as Baekhee. And I was stuck rooming with his sister, Yoora. It wasn't too bad since we ended up getting to know each other and bonded.

It's after school, Luhan and I decided to let Kyungsoo, Sehun, and Jongin be in charge of decorating. "Hurry up!" Luhan yells from behind the door. We're in the mall looking for a new outfit for me. I'm inside the changing room. I laugh, "Okay. Okay"

He opens the door and looks at my outfit, "Nice but the pants are not doing justice for your ass. Just take the top." I nod, "Okay." I turn around and when I hear the door close, I lift up the shirt.

"My god! Baekhyun!"

My eyes widen and turn around. Luhan looks at me in horror. I thought he left!

He turns me around and lifts up the shirt again, "Who did this to you! It looks so painful!" He refers to the big bruise on my back.

I pull away and cover myself up, "No one. You know how clumsy I am-"

Luhan glares at me, "That's exactly what you would always use as a cover-up from your dad's beatings... who is it now? Chanyeol?"

I shake my head, "Chanyeol would never lay a hand on me like that!"

"Then it's Kris"

I remain silent

"Why? Why! After everything your father put you through! Why would you let anyone else do this to you!"

"You don't understand! -"

"Then explain it to me!"

"It was my fault-"

Luhan scoffs, "For god sakes, Baek! Don't cover for that bastard-"

"You weren't there! I kept pushing him to the edge-"

"Nothing should ever lead to physical violence"

"Just drop it please," I beg him

Luhan shakes his head, "No. I'm not. I'm telling Chanyeol-"

"It's my business so just stay out of it!"

Luhan shakes his head again and rolls his eyes, "Sometimes, I just can't believe how stupid you are." He opens the door and leaves the changing room.

We make it back to my place in complete silence. We enter the house to find Sehun with his dog, Vivi. I look around, "Where's Jongin and Kyungsoo"

Sehun looks around, "I don't know but look. I just taught Vivi a new trick"

Luhan goes to him while I look around to find the two. I find them in the kitchen, Kyungsoo is mixing cake batter while Jongin is just sitting on the stool, leaning on the island, watching Kyungsoo.

"Why didn't you guys just buy a cake?" I ask

Kyungsoo looks up, "Jongin said it should be personal"

Jongin nods, "Yeah, Chanyeol is a great guy. He deserves a home-made cake. Not just some store bought one."

"Well if it was your idea, why aren't you helping?" I ask

"Kyungsoo told me not to," Jongin says

Kyungsoo nods, "Yeah. Last time I trusted him, he burned one of my parent's patio chairs."

Jongin shyly smiles, "I went overboard with the oil for the grill"

I laugh

"Plus, Kyungsoo doesn't need my help. Kyungsoo makes it the best with lots of love," Jongin blabbers

Kyungsoo looks at Jongin, "But I hate Chanyeol"

"I respect your decision," Jongin says

I roll my eyes and head out the kitchen but my phone rings. I take my phone from my pocket and check who it is. Minho. What a hoe. Skips school today. Then tells me Onew and him are not coming to Chanyeol's little party because Onew & "The Baby" don't wanna see him. Great, now Onew is hating for two

I answer, "So you skip school, today. and you just call me now? Please tell me you changed your mind and you're coming over." Minho tells me his news and I look over to Kyungsoo and Jongin. Both of them, looking at me


I walk over to Baekhyun's house precisely at the time Baekhyun told me to be there, six o'clock. I know what's going on. It's a surprise party for me. I walk up the doorsteps and unlock the door. I enter and it's dark. I'm afraid of the dark. I quickly turn on the lights and nothing in the door entry. I make my way to the living room and I see a silhouette of balloons from the moonlight. I turn on the lights and find a Happy Birthday banner, balloons, streamers, ....and cake batter? They must have run out of time.

"Oh my gosh! What. A. Surprise!" I fake it

I stand there waiting for them to jump out or something but... nothing. I knit my eyebrows and check behind the couch, the curtains, under the couch, under the rug. Nothing. I grab my phone and call Baekhyun.

"Yah, Chanyeol-"

"Baekkie, it's me. What's going on- where is everyone?"

"Oh my gosh! Honey, I'm sorry. We had to come over to Minho's. I got really bad news..."

I stop, "What happened?"

"Onew lost the baby"

Published: December 4th, 2018

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