Not a Ghoul [Kaneki Ken x Rea...

By tsubame-chi

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[Tokyo Ghoul Fanfic] [Kaneki Ken x Reader] You passed the scene of the crime and followed the man who got inj... More

Chapter 1: Kaneki Ken
Chapter 2: Secret No More
Chapter 4: I Will Protect You
Chapter 5: For His Sake, I Will...
Chapter 6: Die, Die, Die
Chapter 7: Your Feelings and Mines
Chapter 8: The Raid
Chapter 9: Latebloomer
Chapter 10: Hunger
Chapter 11: Instincts
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Fireworks
Chapter 14: Surprise Attack
Chapter 15: A Night Together (LEMON)
Chapter 16: Confined
Chapter 17: A Miracle
Author's Note

Chapter 3: Wound

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By tsubame-chi

"Fifteen points?" you heard your mother complain to you as you showed her your latest test paper. "I did not raise you like this so you can disappoint me!"

Your mother's voice echoed through your head as you scribbled on your notebook, studying for an upcoming exam. Yes, no one lived here anymore besides yourself. Your mom lived abroad in the United States along with your ill father back when you were in the first year of middle school. Your mom regretted raising you as her own child when you couldn't study for high markings. And yet, when she left the country, you did way better than before. Now, you're one of the smartest in the class without her ever knowing about your accomplishments.

You stopped writing and looked out the window. A nice night breeze brushed your skin and it the smell of cool air was refreshing. You were about to continue studying, but a shadow caught your eye. It was more like a shadow hopping on the roof.

Is it a ninja?! You stupidly wondered. Of course it's not a ninja. It must've been a squirrel it some sort or animal. The shadow stopped at a rooftop and it was no animal or a ninja. It was a person clutching their arm as if try were injured and he or she was wearing a mask. The more you looked at it, it looked like two ears popping out.

When you thought of masks, you immediately thought of ghouls. You Just learned that Kaneki was partially ghoul and partially human. You thought for a second about what you will do with that information. Threaten him to love you? That sounds too fake.


"(Last name)-san." A classmate of yours called you out during lunch. "Could you follow me for a bit?" His face was crimson red and he didn't even look at you in the eye when he spoke. With your intelligence with shoujo manga, you could tell that this will be a confession.

"Sure," you smiled at him and followed him. You just couldn't wait to break him into tears when you say no since you already have Kaneki in your heart.

You followed him to the rooftop and a group of the top bullies in our school surrounded the floor. The boy quickly ran up to them frightened as the leader of the group put a baseball bat over his shoulder. "So this is your class rep? What a babe!" he whistled.

"Why are you looking for her," asked the girl with barely any clothes on. She smooched the leader and then it turned into a hot kiss with disgusted me. "Keep me by your side instead~"

At this point you couldn't really do anything. In front of you were the bullies and the back? THE DOOR WAS LEFT OPEN!

You quickly ran through the door and laughed as you were running down the stairs. You could hear them chasing after you and some tripped over the stairs which you found very amusing. You ran to your favorite teacher in the faculty room and shut the door waiting for them to pass by.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" (Teacher's name)-sensei asked. You shook your head and awkwardly said nothing.

"Oh that's right," she pulled out some forms and gave it to me. "You're looking for some colleges right? I've been told that these colleges want you."

You went through the list and found the college Kaneki is in. "What about this one?" you asked her and she raised her eyebrow in confusion when you displayed your sparkly eyes.

"Hmm this one has a campus your tomorrow. I'll make sure to tell the others about it so don't worry. You can go check it out tomorrow."

You punched your fists into the air and all the teachers had their eyes on you.

"'s nothing..." Now that was embarrassing.


"Ehh? You're coming to my school tomorrow?" Kaneki said in a surprised voice. "If you would like, we could meet up and I can tour you."

"Really?" You clapped your hands together and smiled at him. "That will be great!"

You took out your cellphone. "If you would give me your number, it would be easier to meet up." This was a chance for you to contact him. Inside you squealed in excitement as you thought about calling him in the middle of the night.

"Oh that's fine." The two of you exchanged phone numbers. "Contact me when you get there okay?"

You happily nodded as you looked at Kaneki's number. This was the first step in getting him to like you. Plus, you know about his secret.

He scratched his cheek and slightly blushed at how happy you were.

"Stop flirting and get back to work," Touka interrupted and shoved a mop towards Kaneki.

"S-sorry." He apologized and grabbed the mop. You looked at Touka and glared at her. Surprisingly, she glared back in the most scariest way possible. You gulped and hurriedly turned away from her. Even when you're not looking at her, her aura was just too big and chills shot right down your spine.

You paid for the bill and left the cafe earlier today. You had somewhere you had to go. You hurried along to the district and went into a bookstore. You were looking for the book that Kaneki always read. Books from Takatsuki Sen. Your fingertips went through the spines of the books through the T section.

"Takatsuki...Takatsuki..." you repeated and finally found the books. You picked up a book called "The Black Goat's Egg".

Kaneki reads these kinds of books?

You picked up other works by Takatsuki and decided to read them all at once. You would like to develop a deeper relationship with him by liking his interests. You skipped along the aisle and bumped into someone, dropping all the books you stacked. The person who bumped into passed right past you without apologizing. Then you heard a whisper to your ear. "You smell so tasty."

You quickly turned around but there was no one there. You slowly picked up the books and rushed to the cashier. You were panicking and your face was pale. You had the thought that a stalker might be following you. The cashier looked at you as if you were crazy and asked if you were alright. You slowly nodded, but you felt a tap on your back and you could tell it was the same guy who bumped into you earlier. "Don't turn around." he slowly whispered. "Or I'll kill you."

You paused for a moment and paid for the books and quickly ran out the bookstore hoping to flee from the man. You couldn't hear any footsteps behind so you quickly turned around making sure he wasn't there. You sighed in relief but as soon as you were about to turn to a corner, someone grabbed your arm and led you to a dark alleyway. You were going to scream, but the man covered your mouth to shut you up. 

"(Last name) (First name)..." He panted. "You're finally here with me..." You struggled through to get away from this man's grasp, but it was no use. A man's arm power is stronger than a girl's. Tears formed in your eyes and some part of you asked Kaneki to save you.

"Don't cry..." He wiped away your tears which made you felt more disgusted. "Bear the pain for a little more." His eyes turned into a darkish red color and he opened his mouth wide open showing his monstrous teeth. You shut your eyes tight and struggled as much as you can. He ripped off your white collared school shirt, revealing a glimpse of your skin. "Hmm~ Smells good...." He licked your collarbone and you could feel his wet saliva covering that area. Then, you felt your flesh tearing off your left shoulder and you screamed out your vocal chords and yet no sound can reach anyone's ears.

"As I thought...tasty," he licked his lips in satisfaction. He released you and your legs lost their strength. There was a massive hole around your shoulder to the point where the bones are revealed and the blood kept pouring out. The horror struck you and you covered your mouth feeling nauseous. "It won't be fun if you're dead already, (First name)-chan~. I'll come for your whole arm next time. I can't wait~" he said as he waved with left hand, exiting the alley.

You picked up your bag and searched inside for something to cover it with. All you found usable was Kaneki's jacket. You couldn't possibly go to the hospital now. If you went, then they'll ask you to call your parent or guardian which you totally don't want. Your mom would have to transfer back to Japan when she heard about the news and she would investigate how you got that wound. You didn't want her to come back.

Blood dripped from your shoulder to your fingertips and you used the jacket wipe it all off before stumbling back out. You clenched your shoulder tightly, holding your bag and dashed back home. You locked all the doors and windows to ensure no one would come in. You lifted the jacket off which turned purple. Blood was still spreading out like waterfalls and you tried soaking it up with a big piece of cotton. You went in the bathroom for a quick cold shower and carefully washed your body, not stinging the injured area. After that, you pulled out a gauze that was hidden in your cupboard for decades and wrapped it under your armpit and around, covering the wound up. It stung every time you covered it over or when you moved

You were glad that you didn't faint in the streets or something. You just got bitten by a ghoul and yet no one came to save you. Not even Kaneki. Your memory repeated the moment the ghoul bit you and remembered about Kaneki being a half-ghoul.

Kaneki would not be like that. Definitely not. You placed your hands on the sides of your head and gripped your hair. But in case he does...what are you going to do?

A/N: First day of school over~ And then when I came back home, I immediately got an idea somehow and then BAMM! It flowed into chapter 3! :D 

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