Attack On Titan: War of Titans

By _JaydenSky_

450 87 13

Jay and Jane are best friends in this crazy universe that Isayama makes us all suffer in. Though these girls... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

12 4 0
By _JaydenSky_

I'm sorry I needed a break before I went crazy! (Editor~Chan: are crazy ಠ_ಠ) Shhhh Editor~Chan. (Editor~Chan: It's kinda obvious...I don't know how people don't think you're crazy I mean all these characters didn't need to die.) They deserve it.

Hanji woke up to hear cadets coming in. She got up and dressed. She put on her glasses. A smile appeared on her face. She walked out to see some of the cadets getting rooms. As Hanji pushed her way through the crowd, she saw Levi. he was looking up at a tall cadet. "Oi! Who might you be." Levi asked. "Uh, my name is Lance." Hanji chuckled. The Lance guy seemed to be around 180 centimeters. Hanji waited by the door. Most of the crowd had past. All of a sudden, running towards her was a shorter person. The baby pink hair was so easy to take out from the crowd. She jumped in Hanji's arms yelling "Hanji!" "I'm glad you choose the Scouts, Jay."

Jay set off back towards Trost. It took awhile but she was back over Wall Rose. She walked down the streets of her home and back to the house. Jay's equipment was light feeling. She didn't even knock on the door. Jay kicked it open with her boot. Ymir was napping on the couch but woke with the sudden noise. Jay grabbed her. Ymir fought back but was taken down quick. "We don't know where the Scouts are Jay, I'm gonna die before you get close to finding Historia." Jay pulled Ymir's collar close to Jay's face, "No, not really," Jay hissed, "little Historia is now sitting on the Throne after defeating her father, now, we head into Sina." Jay put her hood up. "You always call everyone an idiot, but now, heading into a battle with hundreds of soldiers, only ranked in the top ten. You're the real idiot there." Jay laughed. "She may have an army at her disposal, but I have a gun." Jay held her gun up.

Levi looked around for the girl Farlan was expecting. Farlan gave no other details besides the younger Zoe. Isabel came up behind Levi. "Bro, do you know what the girl Farlan is into looks like? I need to see if she is fit." Levi responded with a no. It was getting late so everyone just headed to bed. No girl could be seen walking in the halls. Levi woke the next morning. He had slept four hours. Levi walked out and got his tea. On his way back, Hanji ran through the halls, shouting about whatever Hanji yells about. She bumped into Levi's back, causing him to drop his tea. The cup broke into pieces. Another person followed Hanji, not running. A female. She helped Levi start picking up ' '12crazies. "Ya." she said with a soft smile, it was warm and caring, Levi felt it's what Farlan needed. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I'm Jayden Zoe!" Jayden held her hand out and Levi shook it, disgusted that he had to touch hands with someone who hadn't washed their hands in a 20 second period. "Levi ackerman." "You can call me Jay, though." Levi nodded. Jay picked up the cup and threw it away. She waved Levi goodbye.

Jay and Ymir waited at the gate of Sina. When they came through, the Central M.P. looked at them funny. She threw Ymir down by a building, "Stay here. I'm not getting you hurt yet."

"If i die, what will happen."

"I will show Historia less mercy, stay alive."

"I'm her mercy?"

"Yes, you alive, will help her, now of course, you cannot talk to her, but you can see her, I have the love note, she will read it before her death."

Jay held up a gun and fired, multiple times. All the civilians ran away from the center, screams of terror, and fear for loved ones safety. All the M.P on wall duty and normal, walking around M.P all came to the center, guns and swords at the ready. Jay shot at two with lightning fast speed, they didn't see it coming, headshots. She started shooting others, headshots, neck shots, and heart shots only. It was easy to finish them off quickly that way. The fight broke out, The M.P with guns protected the M.P without guns. Jay dodged the shots while shooting, her moves slick from all the years training and fighting in scenarios similar to this. Once Jay's bullets were used, she saw that only 2 M.P with guns still stood. She slid her guns in their holsters, hidden by her jacket. She pulled out knives. It would appear she was doomed, swords and guns against knives. But it was Jay. The 2 M.P shot at her. She reflected the bullets with her knives. The other M.P attacked to, Jay maneuvered to dodge them too, them ending up stabbing each other in aim for her, or getting shot on accident. She swung around stabbing her knives in their necks, finishing them off. Jay flipped knives out of her coat. One of the M.P swords scrapped her side. She felt the blood warming her clothes. It stung, but Jay didn't stop her attack. Jay jumped up and slit the throat of an M.P, she did a 360 degree turn, stabbing another. Jay took three deep breaths. Her head turned to see around her. Blood splattered everywhere. Dead bodies of the M.P surrounded her, enclosing Jay to her thoughts. Dark, deep thoughts.

Titans surrounded the team. Jay shot her cords to the tree nearby. She did a maneuver turn and slashed the neck of a six meter titan. Jane took down the other. "Good job, you did good killing that titan." Jane smiles at Jay. Jay smiled back, "You didn't do such a shabby job yourself." They turned to wolves and ran back to the center. "I think you should be come meet my family one day," Jane suggested. "A real wolf pack? Sounds pretty cool." Hanji looked back at them, "You guys are talking in barks, you're gonna have to turn back if you want to communicate with humans." Jay and Jane snickered.

Jay dragged Ymir down the hallway. Bodies lined the halls of the Castle. Jay stabbed the neck of a soldier coming down the hall. It didn't take long to find Historia. She was in the throne room, making plans for the adoption center she wanted to start. Jay left Ymir outside. Jay walked in through the two big door leading straight to the throne. She threw knives at the two soldiers with Historia. "Hey! Who are you?" Historia asked, shaking from the unannounced entrance and the percussion of the dead soldiers. Jay lifted her hood. She cocked her eyebrows with a slim smile. "Look, I have no interest in Reiner-" "Oh honey, that's not why I'm here, personally I couldn't care less of what you think of him. I'm here for another reason." Historia swallowed, "And what might that be..." Jay laughed. "You didn't forget did you?" Historia looked at her confused. "Ah- my fault, you didn't get to see me when i did it." "Did what?" Historia asked. "My job." Historia could tell Jay was playing with her. "Here," Jay pulled something from her cloak. "I will put this on, and you will know exactly what I'm saying." Jay pulled an all black mask over her face and looked at Historia. Historia froze. Jay was right. She would know exactly who Jay was. The assassin who killed her mother.

Jean walked up to Jay. They were on break from the practice run of the new formation with the cadets. He put a flower in her hair. She gave him a warm smile. Jean felt the lingering feel of someone watching him. He looked to his right to see the last person he wanted to see angry. Reiner. His face was so red, Reiner could have exploded. Jean turned on his heel and ran to the left, Reiner chasing after him. "Get back here you Bastard!" He yelled. The air of their running was so hard, it spun Jay around and knocked her off balance as she fell backwards on her butt. Armin helped her up. "Thanks, Artlert. I better go get them before Reiner kills Jean." Jay ran in their direction. She decided to take a detour. Reiner was on Jean's tail. (Horse tail hehe). Jean looked ahead and his collar was grabbed and tugged to the side. Jay held him close to her as Reiner skidded to turn back from going too far. When he got to the side passage he stood face to face with Jay. Jean had been behind her, close, like a toddler to its mother. Reiner looked into her eyes, he faced the one thing he feared the most, Jay angry. The crystals of her pink eyes were like sharp needles, stabbing at him. "What do you say to Jean?" Reiner sighed, "Sorry Jean." "Now that you have angered me, stand on either side of me." Jay faced the side and Reiner was facing Jean, "What's this for?" Reiner asked. "This." Jay grabbed the back of Reiner and Jean's head and threw their faces together. Reiner and Jean's faces were bloody from the collision. Jay took a cloth and pressed it to Jean's face to help the bleeding. Reiner left. Shamed that he lost to Jean. Once Reiner was gone, Jean looked down at Jay. "Did we really deserve that?" Jay sighed. "You two keep going at this, he doesn't know we are dating so I can't always choose sides. It's best for the both of you." Jay looked sad. Jean noticed it earlier, but forgot to ask. Jean took her chin in his hand, "Jay, are you ok?" Jay answered with a simple fine. Jean could see past it, "Jay, I will ask you again, are you ok?" Jay smiled, "Jean I'm fine, just tired." Jean grabbed her and forced her into a hug, "Is it Reiner? Is he bothering you?" "It's been a stressful time and you two aren't helping it, but don't worry though, I'm fine."

Jay hit Historia along the face. She had tied Historia to the throne. "When I was told to only kill your mother, I lost the big half of that paycheck. I had to support my mother when she fell ill, my father was doing bad in work. I had to support Hanji in school. My mother's bakery was a good part of money, but the decline in sales wasn't doing well, not mention she couldn't work everyday due to the illness. Do you know what all of that means? I had nothing to eat but small scraps for months." Jay angrily backhand slapped Historia.

Jean sighed, "Sorry, I don't understand what Reiner has against me. The only thing I can think of is that he loves you. Is it true? Is there something I'm missing?" Jay had to stop and think. Yes, she did love Reiner, but she loved Jean too. "I don't have connections with Reiner." Jay forced that out. Her secrecy was key. She was willing to do anything to protect both her and Reiner. Jean too. She knew dating Jean would end badly. It was just a matter of time for the plan comes, she would have to leave him. Jay better make the most of it now. Jay grabbed his collar again and pushed his lips against hers. He grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall. He bit her lower lip. She bit back, accepting. Her arms round his neck and fingers running through his hair. His hands holding her thighs up. Jean pulled away. Catching his breath he stepped closer to hug her. "If Reiner saw that, not even you would be able to save me." Jay laughed. She sighed, "I better go talk to him. He's gonna have to explain himself. And this time I will make sure he stops bothering you." Jean let her down. "Do you want me to talk to him, tell him to leave you out of this- if it's bothering you that much- I won't let you feel so terrible-" Jay smiled and buttoned his top button. "I can do it, you two need some space. Speaking of which, if you want, my room is empty and I have an extra bed. I know you sleep above Reiner." Jean nodded. Jay left and walked back to the training camp. Reiner wasn't all the way back to the groups. "Reiner..." Jay said quietly behind him. Reiner turned around, still angry. His anger dropped at the sight of her. Jay couldn't hold back the tears as they slid down her face. "Reiner please stop." Reiner took steps towards her. Jay stopped him. "I'm sick of having to cover up your mistakes." "Jay, please-I want to protect you from other men." Jay put her hand on his chest. "Here I'm not yours. And if you want, keep doing what you're doing, but I'm leaving. Leaving you and Marley." "Don't Jay!" "Then stop the you and Jean feud." Reiner hesitated, but nodded. "I'm sorry." Reiner added. "I forgive you."

Blood stained Historia. Everything stung. Her pride stung the most. Ymir could only watch from a distance. She wanted to scream out, stop Jay from hurting Historia. She could fight back, but it would be no use, Jay could kill Ymir instantly, then Historia. "Are you finished?" Asked Jay. "Do you want my crown?" Historia asked through the pain. "No," Jay responded, "Reiner is my crown. I need nothing else." Historia cracked a smile, "As long as both of you are happy." "Thanks," Jay said sort of joking. Historia got hit again, "Do you want me to call you, Mrs. Braun?" "I'm Jay, that's all." Jay grabbed Historia out of the throne. "As a 'funny' person, I'll be your jester." Jay smiled big. Jay let Historia fall on her back. Jay grabbed three of her knives. She juggled the knives like a jester. She threw the knives at Historia. They hit her in various places. One in her hand, one in her arm, and the other in her side. Jay turned into a wolf and scratched at Historia's legs. She dragged Historia along the ground, spreading blood. Lastly, Jay held Historia up and took a sword and swung. But the sword didn't hit her. "I will not be your demise like I was your mother's. I warn you know that blood of yours may help you change people but your in a bigger sea than what your mind can conjure. Your blood may be your downfall, but who am I to get so caught up in my revenge. To kill you would be childish."

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