Aikatsu Dreams!

By Jarthy9091

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Hana Tachibana was a normal first-year student in middle school until her life changed when she met Japan's t... More

Chapter 1: Entering the World of Idols - Part 1
Chapter 2: Entering the World of Idols - Part 2
Chapter 3: Idol Lessons
Chapter 4: The Shining Shooting Star
Chapter 6: Under the Spotlight
Chapter 7: A Summer Day Dream
Chapter 8: Miyuki's Cheer
Chapter 9: Top Star Life
Chapter 10: A New Dream Blooms
Chapter 11: The Grand Announcement
Chapter 12: A Dance in the Sky
Chapter 13: Dark Heart
Chapter 14: Chef Miyuki
Chapter 15: Aikatsu Beach Party
Chapter 16: Tropical Adventure
Chapter 17: The Test of Truth
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: United Together
Chapter 20: A Gem in the Rough
Chapter 21: The Light of the Rose Quartz!
Chapter 22: Escaping Perfection
Chapter 23: A Skylight at the End of the Tunnel
Chapter 24: Guiding Star
Chapter 25: Academy Princess
Chapter 26: Seeing the Future
Chapter 27: Snow in Summer
Chapter 28: Dreaming of Stars
Chapter 29: A Stressful Show
Chapter 30: The Star-Studded Show
Chapter 31: Lost in Tokyo
Chapter 32: A Finale of Miracles
Chapter 33: Wings of My Own Colour

Chapter 5: A Chance to Fly

208 9 8
By Jarthy9091

Since their appearance at Claire Kurioshi's concert on the weekend, Hana and her friends' popularity skyrocketed. Not only were they making more friends at school, but their position in the Aikatsu Ranking increased as well.

"Wow Akira, you're in the 79th spot now, congratulations," Hana complimented as they scrolled through the rankings before class.

"Thanks Hana, but you're in the 81st spot, and you've only been here less than two weeks. You deserve the real credit," she responded.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for you Hana, we wouldn't even have been able to attend the concert and meet Claire in person," Miyuki gawked.

"It was definitely a great event, and I learnt so much," Hana laughed as she and Miyuki scrolled through news articles of the concert.

"Miyuki, you've jumped up as well, you're in the 85th spot," Akira highlighted, showing them the rankings. Miyuki shot an energetic smile.

"Yeah, way to go me!" all three girls laughed as they discussed their plans for today. Meanwhile on the other sofa, Tori sat there staring at her own phone screen. She too, had the Aikatsu Ranking opened and kept staring at her name:

'90th: Tori Utamai'

Even though she had moved considerably in the last few days, something about her ranking weighed heavy on her heart.

"Tori? Are you ok?" Hana asked, noticing her friend's absent presence. Tori quickly snuck her phone into her jacket pocket, forcing a smile.

"Yeah, it's nothing. We should probably get going." She got up and headed for the door, her friends exchanging a nervous look.

"But Tori, class doesn't start for another thirty minutes," Hana stated. Stopping in her tracks, Tori turned around with a blank expression on her face.

"I'll see you there then," she muttered, leaving the three girls alone.

"Am I the only one who thinks there's something going on with Tori?" Hana asked. Akira and Miyuki exchanged a glance, shrugging their shoulders.

"Tori's always so calm and collected, I've never really seen her this distant," Akira commented.

"Yeah, it's not like her," Miyuki added. Hana slumped back, unsure of what could really be going on. Meanwhile, outside Tori stared at the sky, shielding her eyes from the sun, a single thought racing through her mind: 'am I good enough?'

On her way through the archway back to the main campus, Tori ran into a bunch of students who greeted her on the way. Still distracted, she forced a gentle greeting with all of them, trying to uphold a classy image. As she exited the hedge tunnel, the main academy campus was bare. Most of the students were either still in their dorms or at the cafeteria getting breakfast. It was still too early for Tori to sit in her homeroom, so she made her way over to the academy archives.

The archives were situated near the main administration building, bearing similar infrastructure design apart from the giant copper clock on the building's exterior also functioning as a glass window. Inside were rows of highly advanced computers and shelves with a myriad of books and encyclopedias on anything related to idols. As Tori entered, a spunky voice called out to her.

"Tori, good morning," the voice called.

"Good morning to you too Miss Masuda," Tori responded. The girl was slightly taller than Tori and had vibrant red hair worn in a spiky side ponytail. Like Tori, she also wore an academy uniform with a blue ribbon.

"How many times have I told you? Call me Nori!" she demanded.

"I'm sorry but you're a third-year, I should show my respect," Tori responded, bowing as she spoke. Nori laughed at her as she did so.

"It's fine, I'm only teasing. What are you doing here anyways?" Despite her edgy and mature appearance, Nori spent most of her time in the archives, reading and studying. It was actually where her and Tori met during Tori's orientation week.

"I just thought I'd get in some light reading before class started," she answered back, unsure if it truly was the real reason she was there. Nori stood up from her seat, eying the junior idol quite inquisitively before placing her hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Tori looked up at Nori's eyes, their piercing emerald power staring into the depths of her very being. "I know that look, I had it when I was a first-year."

"I don't know if I'm good enough to be an idol."

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm only slowly moving up in the rankings, even Hana who just started a little while ago, is already doing better than me. I just don't know if I have what it takes." Nori paused before letting out a wild laugh. "Hey, what's so funny?"

"Is that all?" she asked, wiping a tear from her eye. "Man, you're in the Top 100 and this is what you're thinking? It took me four whole months before I even made it into the Top 150 as a first-year, even then I didn't make it into the Top 100 until halfway through my second year. You've got to relax."

"But all my friends are so positive about their Aikatsu, they talk about it with so much passion. There's a part of me that's unsure." Tori looked down at the ground, feeling the weight on her heart. Nori smiled, lifting her chin.

"You need to reignite your spark. Rediscover your passion, why you chose to be an idol." Tori's eyes widened, deep inside her heart she truly wanted to be an idol but along the way she lost her reasoning. "Come here," Nori sat Tori down next to her as she began clicking on the computer she was using. She opened up a program that had a wealth of information available to students at Top Star, allowing them to make connections and plan their future endeavours. "If you want to succeed and continue to thrive as an idol, you need a brand to identify yourself with." Nori began scrolling through a bunch of brand websites.

"A brand?" Tori asked. She knew that brands were an important part of an idol's career and that with a brand's support; an idol could succeed. Despite only being first-years, most of Tori's cohort were actively working to become brand ambassadors with some already holding the title. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"You'll never know if you don't try," Nori reassured her. As Nori flipped through some more brand sites, their styles kept attracting Tori's eyes, but there was something off. "Maybe you'll like my brand?" Nori clicked a few buttons and brought up her brand's website: 'Punk Edge'. The brand's tagline being: 'A brand dedicated to bringing out a girl's inner Rockstar! Fishnets and black are a must!' The photos of some of the coords the models were wearing were quite extravagant with an assortment of electric colours and ripped fabrics. In order to emphasise her excitement, Nori pulled out a set of Aikatsu cards from her academy bag and showed them to Tori.

The 'Flame Grunge Coord' was a Rare coord created by the brand with a heavy red and black colour scheme and flame motifs. The sleeveless vest, tiered skirt and thick spiky boots really enforced the brand's design choices. Tori sighed, gently informing Nori of her disinterest.

"It's nice, but I don't think it's for me." Nori laughed, agreeing with Tori. She kept flipping through catalogues of brands until something stood out. "Wait, go back," Tori kindly ordered. Nori did as she was instructed and backtracked to the previous website. Tori awed as she examined the sight in question.

'Endless Sky' was unlike any of the other brands Nori had searched through. Unlike most cool-type brands, this brand opted for lighter colours and a more sophisticated design rather than edgy. Tori read the brand's description and instantly fell in love: 'Embracing sophistication and feminine style, this brand allows any girl to soar into her adulthood.' The website was of superior quality, all clean with simple shortcuts to information and images of the coords being categorised into style, colour and season.

"It's a little simple if you ask me, but I think it's a perfect brand for you," Nori commented, seeing the passion in Tori's eyes ignite. Before she could search any further, the academy bell rang, signalling the beginning of class.

"Oh, I better get going, thank you Miss Masuda," Tori said as she left the archives.

"Hey, I said to call me, oh never mind," she called out. As Tori raced out of the archives, Nori couldn't help but smile. "You can do it," she muttered under her breath.


As Tori entered the classroom, Hana was already waiting for her, saving her seat before their teacher arrived. She entered and sat down next to Hana, whom began eying her strangely.

"Is everything ok, Tori? You were acting a little strange today."

"Sorry Hana, I just have a lot on my mind, I guess." Tori's heart was still racing at the thought of 'Endless Sky' yet she had no clue how to even approach them let alone become a brand ambassador.

"Good morning sweeties!" Setsuna yelled as she entered the classroom, eager to start the lesson. The young idols responded, welcoming their teacher. The thought too exciting to ignore, Tori raised her hand before Setsuna could even begin the lesson. "Yes, Tori-sweetie?" Tori stood abruptly, shocking Hana and the other students; she had never had such a powerful and dominant presence.

"Ms. Yasoku; how would someone become a brand ambassador?" she asked with no fear in her voice. Setsuna stood there shocked, almost speechless. Hana looked up at Tori who was eagerly waiting for a response, a pure burning fire in her calm blue eyes. There was a brief pause, before Setsuna spoke.

"Well, well, I'm very glad you decided to ask this question, sweetie. This is something all first-year idols should be thinking about after all." Setsuna tapped on her tablet, and an image was projected on the homeroom screen. "Brands are essential to an idols success. As discussed in our many lessons; brands are responsible for releasing Rare and Premium Rare coords for idols to use. You'll notice that almost every single idol in the top tiers of the Aikatsu Ranking are muses or ambassadors." As she spoke, another hand shot up with a question.

"What is the difference between a muse and ambassador?" the young idol asked. Setsuna moved onto the next slide of her presentation. The image displayed two mannequins; one silver and the other gold.

"A brand ambassador is an idol selected to wear and endorse the brand she has chosen. Typically, brands have several ambassadors and these idols are utilised in many of the brand campaigns. It is very common that only brand ambassadors receive and wear the brand's Rare coords" she explained referring to the silver mannequin. Next, she shifted her focus to the image of the gold mannequin. "On the other end of the spectrum are brand muses. Muses are idols that are handpicked by the brand creator and become the face of said brand. These idols also work alongside the designers and add their own flair and style to truly create a unique direction for the brand. There can be more than one muse per brand but more often than not, a brand will have one sole muse, whom is given the honour of wearing the brand's Premium Rare dresses." All the students began taking notes in their head as Setsuna explained the policies and history of brand usage. "Idols can create their own brands but that's another lesson for another day." Before she could change the topic, the bell rang, signalling the end of class. "Is that the time already? My goodness, well at least you all learned something valuable for your idol activities. You are dismissed." The students left the classroom one by one as Setsuna packed up her things.

"Are you coming Tori? I told Akira and Miyuki I'd meet them at the track field to get in some serious training," Hana explained.

"Just wait a second Hana, I have to ask Ms. Yasoku something," Tori responded. Hana nodded and proceeded to wait outside the classroom until Tori was finished. "Ms Yasoku?" she asked trying to get her teacher's attention.

"Tori-sweetie, did you enjoy class?" she asked.

"Yes, I had something else I wanted to ask you?"

"You want to become a brand ambassador, don't you?" Setsuna asked, cutting Tori off. The young idol's silence was more than enough to convince Setsuna she was right. "I've been working at this academy for a while to know that when a sweetie of mine asks that question in class, she's ready to embark on her next step in her Aikatsu," she explained. "So, which brand have you got your sights on?"

"'Endless Sky',"she responded. Setsuna's eyes widened slightly at her response, before flashing a smile.

"Hmm, interesting. How badly do you want to use that brand?" Tori responded with passion, explaining her infatuation since seeing it in the archives. "I see," Setsuna muttered. She turned away from Tori, pulling out her phone and pressing a few buttons. "Hello, it's Setsuna Yasoku from Top Star Academy. I'd like to speak with Mr. Tansen." Tori stood there as Setsuna spoke on the phone. "Yes, thank you. We shall be in touch." She hung up the phone and returned it to her pocket, turning back to face Tori. "You have an appointment with the creator of 'Endless Sky' tomorrow at 9 am, sweetie. A car will be here to escort you," she said nonchalantly.

"Thank you, Ms. Yasoku," Tori said, a smile of gratitude across her face.

"No problem, sweetie. I believe in you." With that, Setsuna left the classroom, leaving Tori to her excitement. She turned around to see Hana staring through the classroom door, waiting for details.


"Way to go, Tori! A meeting with a brand creator? That's unreal!" Miyuki complimented as she and the other girls ran around the track field. On the way there, Tori filled Hana in on the details which she repeated to Miyuki and Akira before their exercise.

"I've heard of 'Endless Sky', they're quite popular for their take on coolness; they're truly original. I think you'd be a perfect brand ambassador for them," Akira added in between pants. The girls stopped to do some light stretching in the middle of the field to end their warm up.

"Thanks girls, I just hope they like me," Tori worried.

"Of course they'll like you," Hana responded as Miyuki stretched out her spine. "They would be crazy not to." Tori smiled at her friends' compliments. They continued to train until the sun descended, leaving the sky a magnificent mix of orange and purple. Back in their dorm, after showering, Tori and Hana lay in their beds amidst complete darkness.

"Hey Hana? Are you awake?" Tori asked, looking over at Hana's side of the room. She got no direct spoken response apart from an audible snore and sleep talking. "I hope tomorrow will go well," Tori wished.

"You can do it," Hana muttered in her sleep. Tori wasn't sure whether she was encouraging her or talking to her many dream scenarios, but she smiled, accepting the encouragement

before drifting off to sleep.


Tori had woken up early that morning, excited to meet the creator of 'Endless Sky' in person. She wore her best uniform, making sure not a single wrinkle was in sight. Hana saw her off as the car left the academy and headed into the city. Akira and Miyuki sent her messages of encouragement as they were at their own respective jobs. Checking the clock, Tori became nervous as the time got closer and closer to 9 am. Finally, the car stopped outside a tall building of at least fifteen storeys. As Tori entered the building, she became instantly overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

The foyer was filled with natural light and neatly framed photos of idols wearing the brand designs. Trickling water could be heard from the fountain in the corner. As Tori approached the main desk, she was greeted by a professional looking receptionist with slicked back hair and spectacles.

"Hello, welcome to 'Endless Sky', how may I help you?"

"Hello, my name is Tori Utamai from Top Star Academy, I have an appointment," she said as she showed her Aikatsu ID. The lady took a quick glance at it before pressing a button and summoning an elevator.

"Your appointment with Mr. Tansen is on the eleventh floor, the elevator will take you there." Tori thanked the receptionist and stepped inside the fancy elevator, which immediately took her to the desired floor.

The doors opened, and Tori was greeted by an older looking gentleman in glasses. He wore a three-piece grey suit with a blue pocket square and had his matching grey hair slicked back.

"You must be Miss Utamai?" he asked in a clear, loud voice. Tori bowed towards the gentleman before stepping out of the elevator.

"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Tansen," she explained.

"Yes, he'll be with you in a moment." The gentleman didn't introduce himself, only examining the manner in which Tori presented herself. "Please follow me." The man escorted Tori through a corridor full of black and white photographs of dresses and concept art for the brand. He turned back every now and again to check on Tori, who was enamoured by the styles displayed. "You know, we haven't had an idol from Top Star Academy interested in our designs before. I must say I'm intrigued," he explained. "Why are you so attracted to this brand?" Tori stopped in her tracks, thinking about the question. Before she could answer, the gentleman interrupted her. "No need to answer so hastily, take your time." He took her through a door into a studio filled with designers working tirelessly on new coords for the brand. He escorted her to a cubicle where a young woman was sketching a new design idea. He allowed Tori to step inside to allow her to see the process.

"Wow, that's so pretty," she said as the designer kept sketching. She looked up, her curly blonde hair flopping over her eyesight.

"Thank you, but I feel it's missing something," the designer explained. Tori took a better look at the coord design, noting its key details. From its extravagant design it was entirely possible this was a future Premium Rare coord. As she had thought, the gentleman clarified for Tori.

"This is Miya; our top designer. She's currently working on a future Premium Rare coord." Miya blushed as she introduced herself to Tori.

"What do you think of this?" she asked. Tori took another look at it, trying to piece together the concept.

"It looks angelic," she stated. Both Miya and the man exchanged a quick look as Tori continued to explain her theory. "The top has a graceful and modest design and the skirt is layered but looks as though it'll move without any complications. If you were to add a tiara with a halo element or incorporate a lighter blue colour scheme with white or even gold accents, the wearer would look almost ethereal." Tori stopped after realising the designer was speechless. "Oh, I'm sorry, it looks lovely already though." Miya smiled.

"No, no I agree with you. I think that's exactly what this design needs." Miya began to scribble down Tori's notes before the gentleman escorted her away.

"Interesting," he muttered under his breath. Finally, he made his way into an empty conference room, letting Tori sit in one of the vacant chairs as he sat opposite to her. "You're quite interesting Miss Utamai," he elaborated. Tori looked up at the man who was staring at her with a piercing gaze. "You have been attending Top Star Academy for over a month and only attended your first audition less than two weeks ago. Now, you have the desire to be a brand ambassador with little experience under your belt." His words were sharp and crisp, Tori felt bombarded by his criticism and yet he didn't stop. "I'll admit your position in the Aikatsu Ranking at your experience level is impressive, yet I'm struggling to understand why you feel you're ready to carry the weight of a brand on your shoulders." Tori tried to interrupt and explain but couldn't; she had no good reason. "Miss Utamai, this brand enforces the ideas of young girls transforming into beautiful and successful women. I am unsure if you're fit to wear our coords." She gasped, shocked that this man could even say such a thing. He looked over her, awaiting her response.

"I grew up as an only child, my parents did everything they could to support me. But when my father got sick, he lost his job and we were struggling to make ends meet. He got better though, but by then, he wasn't able to get his job back. He kept searching for new employment, but he never could keep a job. My mother was too busy taking care of me to help out, so while I ate the wonderful meals they prepared for me, they would eat the leftover scraps." Tears began to form in Tori's eyes as she recalled her childhood. "We had to leave our home because we couldn't afford it, and when we got to a hotel there was only one bed, so my parents took turns staying awake so that I could sleep. When I became old enough to understand that this wasn't right, I knew I had to do something. If I could just grow up, if I didn't have to be a burden anymore then maybe I could help them out. I applied to join Top Star Academy not because I wanted to be an idol, but because if I got in then they wouldn't have to worry about taking care of me anymore, they could take care of each other." The man's eyes widened as Tori returned her focus to him, streams of tears pouring down her face. "When I got in, I promised them I would succeed and that one day I could return home with the power to help them. But once I got the academy; I was scared. I was scared that if I failed here, then I would fail them. So, I didn't try because if I didn't try then I wouldn't fail. But that's not being an idol; that's being selfish. I know that now. When I saw the designs for 'Endless Sky', it brought back these feelings I've had. I want to wear these designs, I want to transform from being a helpless little girl to a young woman with purpose. That's why I want to wear 'Endless Sky' and only 'Endless Sky' please." The gentleman stood from his seat and moved around to wear Tori was who continued to look at him with tear filled eyes. He knelt down to her level, and a small gentle smile formed on his lips. He pulled his blue pocket square from his pocket and delicately rubbed the tears from her eyes, before placing his hand on her head.

"It takes a fine idol to share the truest feelings of her heart. This brand was created with the intention of magnifying the radiance of young girls entering their adulthood, and highlighting the drive, tenacity and desire to succeed in a grown-up world. I think you would make a fine addition to our family." Her expression changed as Miya entered the room with a silver tray.

"Here you are Mr. Tansen," she said as she held out the tray.

"Mr. Tansen?" Tori repeated in shock, finally realising who had been escorting her.

"Miya, how did you know I would need these?" he asked.

"I knew the instant I laid eyes on her, I was hoping you would think so too. Guess I was right," she smiled. He smiled before scooping up a set of Aikatsu Cards from the tray.

"I guess I should properly introduce myself; I am Ichiro Tansen, creator of the brand 'Endless Sky' and it would be my honour if you would accept these as a gift for being our newest brand ambassador." He handed Tori the cards that Miya had brought in and examined them in their glory.

The 'Clear Day Coord' was a Rare coord designed to reflect the spectacle of a bright cloudless sky. The tops card consisted of a white ruffled blouse with a pastel blue bodice, soft yellow ribbons on the shoulders and wrist length lace white gloves. The bottoms card was a flowing blue skirt that matched the bodice with two swirls of white decorating the top part and matching yellow and blue ribbons on each side of the waist. Underneath the main skirt, was a layer of sheer yellow fabric designed to look like ruffles. White gladiator style sandals with similar yellow and blue ribbons resting on the ankles encompassed the shoes card. And finally, the coord was completed with a pastel blue and a yellow ribbon together as one hairpiece being the accessory card.

"It's beautiful," Tori exclaimed, excited that the coord was now hers. Ichiro turned his focus towards her and he and Miya shot her a smile.

"We look forward to working with you. Wear that coord with pride."


That day, 'Endless Sky' released a bunch of information and advertisements declaring Tori their newest brand ambassador and that she would be officially debuting the next day. Tori worked hard with Ichiro and Miya as well as the entire team behind the brand to prepare for the event. Back at the academy she had Hana help her with the song she was preparing to sing whilst Miyuki helped her with her dancing and Akira focused on her stage presence. Ultimately, the next day rolled over and the event was about to begin. Tori stood outside the change room, ready to give it her all. She had now found her purpose, her reason to Aikatsu was reignited. She clutched the 'Clear Day Coord' close to her heart as she felt the encouragement of everyone fill her with courage.

"Tori Utamai, gently soaring!"

She ran through the dressing room's mosaic doors and placed her Aikatsu ID and newly acquired coord in their corresponding spots on the crystal podium. The room filled with the rainbow aurora and Tori raced through the glass arches with confidence. In the glittery dimension created by the dressing room, Tori appeared as a soothing pastel blue colour. As she stepped onto each of the glass podiums, pieces of her coord materialised and she struck a final pose with a calm smile.

The regular stadium transformed into a hillside stage called the 'Distant Horizon Stage'. The main performance area was on a hillside underneath a large branching tree, whilst the rest of the space was an expansive and never-ending clear sky. The audience was sitting in floating platforms that made them look like they were floating in mid-air. An LCD monitor designed to look like a cloud flashed the name of the brand 'Endless Sky' with Tori's name written in classy blue font. Finally, a portal of sparkling light appeared and outstepped Tori in her new coord. Her long brown hair and clear blue eyes complimented the coord's aesthetic.

Tori smiled at the audience before posing and preparing to perform. A gentle piano medley began to play as Tori delicately danced alongside it, her gentle and serene voice, soothing to all who listened.

There's a distant horizon,

Waiting to be seen.

I know one day,

I could fly there.

As the piano riff ended, an accompaniment of guitars and drums echoed as birds flew from the tree the idol was performing under.

Here I am,

Alone, beneath the sky.

Concerned about my limits,

I yearn for tomorrow.

There's a place

Beyond the sky.

If I just flap my wings,

I could see it.

But while the birds are soaring,

Here I am, down here gazing.

The wings I wanted no longer exist.

And as the day is ending,

Another chance is fleeting,

All I want is to:

A chime effect rung out as Tori's Idol Aura manifested. The pastel blue birds spiralled around her leaving trails of sparkling blue glitter as she sang; her body surrounded by a dazzling blue glow.

Soar beyond that endless sky,

Free and unchained from the world.

It's my journey,

I could go anywhere.

But if I was meant to fly,

Then where are my wings?

No more soaring,

For me at all.

I'll just wait,

Wait down here.

(Oh-woah, oh-woah),

My wings will,

come back to me.

(Oh-woah, oh-woah),

I'll soar and,

I will be free.

As she sang, Tori became enveloped in a brilliant blue light. She now stood on a field of grass surrounded by a beautiful blue sky. Suddenly, she sprouted glowing white wings and flew from the ground into the sky. A cluster of white and blue birds surrounded her as she spiralled in the air. Finally, she flew straight through a fluffy white cloud before posing like a ballerina with her toes pointed out, her wrists gently flexed, and her marvellous white wings spread out wide, basking in the light of a shining sun. This was 'Endless Sky's' Special Appeal; 'Elegant Soar'. The appeal dissipated, and the music hushed, returning to the original piano medley.

I'll just stay down here,

Watching the birds fly.

One day, one day,

That will be me.

The final notes played, and Tori ended the performance with her hands clutched close to her chest and a kind smile on her face.

The crowd erupted with applause as Tori waved and thanked them for their support. After the performance, Tori sat backstage where Hana, Akira and Miyuki greeted her with open arms.

"That was amazing!" Miyuki congratulated.

"You were phenomenal," Akira praised.

"I knew you could do it," Hana added.

"Thank you," Tori replied, tears of joy forming in her eyes.

"Congratulations, I expected nothing less," Ichiro added as he entered the dressing room.

"Mr. Tansen?" Tori asked, surprised at his appearance.

"I knew you would be wonderful; your performance is already trending on IdolStar and 'Endless Sky' has had more search results now than ever. I hope we continue this wonderful partnership."

"Mr Tansen? Before you go, can I ask you something?" Tori stepped outside with him, keeping their conversation away from her friends. "Can we keep my family's history a secret. I'm not ready to tell my friends yet." Ichiro smiled, motioning that his lips are locked. He bowed towards Tori which she reciprocated before leaving her to celebrate her success with her friends.

"Miya?" he said as he held his phone to his mouth, getting into his limousine. "Please continue work on the Premium Rare coord. I want it to be ready in time." He hung up as his car drove back into the city. Meanwhile back in the dressing room, Tori and her friends admired the Aikatsu cards she had earned, solidifying her path as a true idol. A small chime emanated from Tori's phone and as she checked it, her eyes widened with surprise; it was the Aikatsu Ranking. Tori's profile on the ranking glowed and started ascending the ranks until she sat in the 74th spot.

"Wow Tori, that's a major leap!" Miyuki gawked.

"Congratulations!" Hana commended as she and the other girls embraced Tori. Seeing her hard work pay off, Tori's eyes swelled with tears of happiness. But she and her friends new there was still a long road ahead of them. They each made a vow, promising to work hard and get even better; together.


Next Chapter Synopsis:

Chapter 6: Under the Spotlight

"Akira gets the chance to become a brand ambassador for her favourite brand. But when the meeting is too short notice and the academy won't allow her to go, she decides to enlist the help of a friend to sneak out. but will her plan lead to more risk than reward?"

PS. Art is owned by me and drawn by ekidoki, if you want to use my art, you need my permission. Thank You

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