Nibiru: A Lost Senshi

By sailornibiru

4.9K 228 44

Meet sixteen year old Felicity Evermore, AKA Sailor Nibiru. Long before the Moon Kingdom, Felicity was the pr... More

Act 1: Felicity Evermore
Act 2: Queen Altagracia
Act 3: Sailor Europa
Act 4: Sailor Moon
Act 5: Sailor Nibiru
Act 7: Sailor Mimas
Act 8: King Patroclus
Act 9: Crystal Tokyo
Act 10: Sailor Charon
Act 11: Doubt & Jealousy
Act 12: Maverick Aino-Son of Venus
Act 13: Memories Return
Act 14: Princess of Nibiru
Act 15: Mercury & Saturn
Act 16: "Our Love Will Live On"
Act 17: "...Utterly Alone."
Act 18: Soul
Act 19: Eternal Soul Moon
Act 20: Nibiru & Moon
Act 21: A New Future, Conclusion

Act 6: Outer Senshi

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By sailornibiru

We ended up literally sleeping behind a dumpster, it smelled awful and Koto definitely got more sleep than I did. Before the sun began to rise, while it was still dark, we decided to get up and start looking, we had no time to waste.



We both transformed and came out from behind the dumpster, it was too early for anyone to be out on the street so we wouldn't have to worry about running into any civilians at the moment. "What exactly are we looking for?" Sailor Europa asked scratching her head.

"We should probably try and encounter another soul eater and while I fight it, you use your computer to calculate where it originated from and where the power it gets comes from." I explained as we walked down a barren street.

We adventures throughout the streets of Tokyo for another hour or so and came up with nothing. The sun was beginning to rise which meant we'd have to stick to rooftops and avoid being seen. We came to the waterfront, right where the sun was rising. It was breath-taking, just the way the sun glistened upon the calm water made me feel so uplifted and in better spirits. "I won't let them destroy this." Europa stated, I turned to her and she was looking at the sunset.

"And neither will I. This place isn't even my home... But I couldn't beat the thought of innocent people having to go through what my people and I had to go through back on Nibiru." I exclaimed, holding my pigtails in my hands.

"Are you beginning to remember more?" She asked, turning to me.

"A little... I now remember both of my parents... And little parts of the planet I lived on. It's just the little details though." I sighed, and turned to walk away from the water, Europa following.

We walked back into the city and came across a electronics store with sample televisions in the window. Some sort of news channel was on and a pudgy bald man was on with breaking news.

"And in the latest news, there has been reports from JAXA, The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, that there is a mysterious space object quickly approaching our solar system. They have been working very closely with NASA trying to figure out it's source. Here's Doctor Daniel King of NASA, with the story." The man sputtered, Europa and I shared a glance and then listened in.

"Yes, well for the past month my fellow scientists and I have been keeping a close eye on this mysterious space object. It's nearing the planet Pluto as we speak at very high speed." The young blonde man stated.

"Well, what is it Doctor King? Is it a comet?" The newsman questioned.

"Well... That's the thing. It's actually able to be classified as a very small planet, slightly smaller than the planet Mars." The Nasa scientist said, "but there is no need for panic! It is probably just a stray planet from another system, it's very far away from the planet Earth and the most damage it could do is slam into one of the outer planets like Neptune or Uranus and they are far too large to be effected too much by this small planet."

Sailor Europa and I turned away from the screens and stared at each other. "This has to be something to do with King Lucifer." I concluded.

"Yeah, you're right. I think I should run some calculations... Let's go somewhere more discreet." Europa suggested, and we began walking to the nearest park.

We walked for a few minutes and came to a small park that was infested with trees, we climbed up onto a branch and Sailor Europa whipped out her computer and her fingers began dancing on the keys. She calculated for what felt like forever and then she stopped and her eyes widened. "What is it Europa?" I asked.

"Oh my god..." She trembled. "The negative energy illuminating from that planet is preposterous..."

"What's it's trajectory?" I questioned, trying to understand all the symbols and numbers and graphs appearing on the small computer screen. She threw her fingers across the keys for awhile longer and then it showed a map of the solar system. The mysterious planet was a little ways away from the planet Pluto, and then a dotted line came from the planet showing the trajectory... It lead right to the planet Earth. We were both silent.

"This is really bad..." Europa shuddered and so did I. "Maybe we should get down from here?"

"Yeah..." I sighed and simply jumped down landing on my feet.

"Nibiru..." Europa called.


"I'm scared to jump down..." She cried.

"Oh don't be so silly! Just jump, it doesn't hurt!" I laughed.

"I'm going to try to climb down..." She moved over to the body of the tree and tried to reach for the branch below, but lost her grip and landed on the ground face-first.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She shrieked and began to cry like a baby.

"You should've jumped! Don't be such a baby..." I helped her up and brushed the dirt off of her back and shoulders.

"I know I'm a cry baby... My mother always told me I got that from hanging around my Aunt Serenity too much." She whined, then was able to calm herself a little.

We were just getting out of the park when we heard the screams. It only sounded like a child, coming from back inside the park. We turned and ran with all our might, it was coming from a trail that led into the woods and we followed it. We got there with a few scratches from the bushes and trees, and then we saw it. It was just a little boy, he couldn't have been any older than five. The giant terrifying soul eater had him in his grasp. I looked around and saw a middle-aged woman on the ground, knocked out. She must've been the little boys mother. I was about run out when I was beat to it, four sailor senshi appeared from behind the bushes.

"I am Sailor Uranus, guardian of the skies!"

"I am Sailor Neptune, guardian of the seas!"

"I am Sailor Pluto, guardian of space and time!"

"And I am Sailor Saturn, guardian of Death and Rebirth!"

"We are the outer senshi and we guard this system! Let go of that boy!" Sailor Uranus finished, pointing a finger at the creature. It growled, unable to say a word and the little boy continued to scream.


"Uranus stop! You'll harm the boy!" Sailor Pluto urgently yelled. She never did change, she was as beautiful as she was in the future. Since she was the keeper of time, I wondered if she already knew about me.

The monster laughed and opened it mouth and began to exhale deeply, a small soul capsule came from the boy and the monster slung him to the ground.

"URANUS WORLD SHAKING!" Sailor Uranus threw her hand in the air, forming a large golden orb that resembled a planet and brought it to tw ground. The ground shook and the ball of energy went flying for the soul eater, it jumped and the orb followed it. It stopped and when the orb came to it, it grabbed it in one hand and slung it back at the outer senshi. Neptune jumped and the others were hit.

"URANUS PLUTO SATURN!" She screamed.

"Just get it!" They moaned in unison.

"NEPTUNE DE- AHHHHHHH!" The soul eater grabbed her by the waist before she had the chance to attack it. It threw her to the ground and she did not get back up.

We couldn't watch anymore, so Europa and I jumped out from behind the bushes, Europa landed on her butt, and we demanded it to stop.

"I am Sailor Nibiru, guardian of planetary creation and destruction!" I screamed in my battle stance.

"And I am Sailor Europa, guardian of planetary nature!" Europa joined and we ran towards the soul eater, it still had the little boys tiny soul in it's hand. It ran right back at us and we had to jump to avoid it hitting us.

"Europa, we got to get that soul before he crushes the capsule!" I announced, I looked over at the now petrified boys body. I also noticed the outer scouts were getting up now.

"Who the hell are you?" Sailor Pluto questioned, and then I knew she did not know me in this timeline.

"You know me in the future." I stated, and I turned back to the soul eater.

"PLUTO DEADLY SCR-" She raised her staff.

"STOP!" I screamed. "You cannot attack yet! The soul eater has the little boy's soul capsule... If it shatters, his soul would be lost forever."

"How do we know we can trust you?" Neptune persisted.

"You just have to... For that young boys sake." I said. I was so stuck, I didn't know what to do. The soul eater was faster than us, we could never catch up with it.

That's when the other senshi appeared, Sailor Moon and her team arrived and joined us for the fight.

"Can we trust these two Sailor Moon?" Saturn asked.

"I don't know, but we have to choice right now." She exclaimed.

"VENUS LOVE CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" Sailor Venus sent a golden chain that gently wrapped around the soul capsule and brought it down safely. "I got it!"

The soul eater was enraged and catapulted towards Sailor Venus. "EUROPA NATURAL DISASTER!" Europa managed to intercept the hungry creature and it was thrown back.

Sailor Venus ran over to the boy and returned his soul capsule, there was a flash of light and he was fine again and couldn't remember a thing. Venus carried the child away so that he would not witness anymore of what was happening. The soul eater stood up on his legs and roared and Sailor Moon got into position.

"SILVER MOON CRYSTAL POWER KISS!" The golden rays shot at the creature and again, it did not falter. All of the scouts gasped and were in shock that not even the power of their leader could defeat it. That's when I remember my mother's swords.

"Only the power of the soul will banish the soul eaters."

"I know why it doesn't work!" I announced and everyone turned and looked at me. "You need soul power."

"Whatever that means!" Sailor Uranus yelled. "I don't trust you!"

"Just listen to me please! I've seen this happen before. I come from a planet that was destroyed because of these creatures. Completely obliterated." I explained out if breath. The creature made a run for Sailor Moon as fast as a bullet and I began to have the feeling of power in me once again. "DON'T TOUCH HER!"

"NIBIRU SOUL DESTRUCTION!" The red speeding light thrashed the soul eater and it slowly melted right before our eyes, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Europa ran to it and both managed to collect samples while looking at each other strangely.

We all gathered around and the outer scouts stared at Europa and I suspiciously. "Where did you both come from?" Uranus demanded.

"The future... And the past." I said, looking at them all. "And trust me, it's not pretty."

"What do you mean?" Sailor Pluto stepped forward, she didn't have a clue and that also scared me.

"You're the keeper of time, you should know. We've already met in the future." I exclaimed.

"Nibiru! Stop... We've already told them too much." Europa intercepted me, before Sailor Pluto had a chance to say something. Europa began to walk away and I had no choice but to follow.

"So you're just going to leave again?! Cowards!" Sailor Mars shouted. I stopped in my tracks and I felt a burning in my stomach, I felt infuriated that she had called me a coward.

"I don't think the word 'coward' suits a person that just not too long ago, lost their parents, their friends and their entire people. I am not a coward. I am just strong enough to keep moving on." A tear strolled down my cheek, and I turned and kept following Sailor Europa.

Next: Act 7 - Sailor Mimas

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