Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barne...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

468K 14.8K 1.6K

Roswell is Sam and Dean Winchesters adoptive little sister. Saved by John at a young age she was raised with... More

Epi: 2 years later


8.4K 245 27
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

Roswell stands in her bedroom mirror looking over her outfit, she'd managed to track down a Captain America lingerie set on the internet and is setting up a surprise for Steve. She takes a breath and pulls the deep blue silk robe around her to tie up at the front. She's paired her outfit with matching blue heels and stockings and suspenders, she's gone all out. He damn well better not be late. She turns in the mirror again and smiles before leaving the bedroom behind her.


Roswell sets two glasses on the coffee table along with a bottle of wine, she's hoping they'll have it after Steve's enjoyed his surprise, rather then before, that would mean she's done something wrong. She smiles as someone knocks on her door. She bounces over to the door and bites her lip before opening her robe, showing off the outfit, she takes a breath and opens the door.

"Hey" she greets. Only it's not Steve. It's Bucky on the other side. Bucky's eyes widen and Roswell gasps surprised wrapping her robe back around herself. "Oh my God" she whispers. "I thought you were going to be Steve"

"Yeah, no, I got that" Bucky mumbles trying not to think about what he just saw because he is already twitching in his pants. "I urm..." he looks away and clenches his jaw. He might have gotten over her if he didn't see how hot she really is. He could have imagined that she was covered in boils and warts and he could have imagined she was hideous. Now he knows she is not. She is actually hot. So very hot and tattooed. He's never found tattoos more attractive. "I should..." he stammers a little. "Go" he turns to leave, she grabs his arm.

"Wait" she begs a little. "You came to my door for something, what was it?" she asks him softly.

"Just...was gonna ask about your Christmas plans" he starts. "We can talk about that later" he rushes out wanting to escape. "After...tomorrow" he adds, she releases his hand and nod. Bucky flees. Fast. Roswell shuts the door and shakes her head a little.


"Bucky?" Steve asks heading down the stairs as Bucky walks in, eyes still wide, hands clasped in fists at his side. "Buck, are you having an episode?" he asks moving to his friend, Bucky shakes his head.

"No" Bucky answers. "I urm..." he looks to Steve. "Accidentally saw your girlfriend in her underwear" Steve smirks a little. "I didn't mean to"

"I know that" Steve assures him.

"I knocked on her door and she was wearing....." Bucky draws off now thinking about Roswell in that lingerie set.

"Bucky" Steve waves his hand in front of Bucky's face, Bucky blinks and looks to him.

"You should...." Bucky starts motioning to the door. "Go see..." Steve pats him on the shoulder and then squeezes.

"You gonna be okay?" Bucky nods in answer and then shakes his head.

"I need a cold shower" he grumbles and walks away. "And a chemical eye wash" Steve watches him go, thoughtful. "And a brain transplant" Bucky adds to himself.


Steve lets himself into Roswell's apartment, a smirk on his lips, he's never seen Bucky so flustered.

"I think you just scared Bucky" Steve teases shutting the door, knowing she's stood behind him. He smiles and then turns to her. His smile falling but it's not a bad thing. It's a holy crap his girlfriend is insanely hot. She smiles biting her lip, her hands on her hips, pulling a sort of supergirl pose in her underwear.

"What do you think?" she asks softly, self-consciousness settling into her bones, she lowers her hands a little as he steps closer to her, his eyes roaming over every inch of her. "It's too much?" she asks reaching for her robe, he stops her from pulling it around herself. He can see why Bucky had trouble. Is having trouble. He releases her hands and grabs her waist to pull her closer, lifting his eyes to hers.

"You look incredible" he whispers softly leaning closer to kiss her. "Beautiful" he whispers against her lips. She raises her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his hair as he deepens the kiss.


Bucky rests his metal arm against the shower wall as he lets the water run down his back, head hung, hair wet sticking against his face and neck. His flesh hand clenched at his side. He's trying so very hard to not think about Roswell. But it's stuck in there, living in his brain, seared, branded, burnt, whatever, there, forever, and it is never going away. He unclenches his flesh hand and sighs closing his eyes. He moves his hand to his stomach and sighs running it over his skin. Debating, fighting himself. He wants to touch himself, but to Steve's girlfriend, to his best friend's girl, and it's on the line of inappropriate. Then there she is again, stood in that Captain America underwear set and he lowers his hand. He can't help himself.


Steve and Bucky sit together watching some black and white Christmas movie on the tv, Roswell is decorating the tree in the corner, Bucky and Steve had argued about which lights to put up, it actually almost came to blows, so they brought in Roswell to decorate it, that way they can't argue. Steve's not sure that him and Bucky arguing had actually been about the lights, he's pretty sure there was more going on and Bucky was just ready to snap at him. Steve thinks it's because of Roswell and Bucky's feelings towards Steve's girlfriend that set it off. Steve glances to Roswell, dressed in a black skirt, with tights and boots, along with one of the ugliest sweaters Steve has ever seen, a reindeer on the front and a flashing light up nose. She sets a line of tinsel on the tree and then reaches down into the box next to her, full of decorations.

"I am spending Christmas Eve with Dean and his....girlfriend and her kid" she answers setting a decoration on the tree. "And Christmas Day with the twins" she turns to Steve. "I figured we can squeeze some us time in there too" Steve nods, understands, they've not been going out very long and now she has two family halves to try and keep happy. He stands from his seat.

"Boxing day" he assures her moving to wrap an arm around her. "Instead of just grabbing five or ten minutes here or there.....we take Boxing day" he pulls her closer. "We can take the whole day and just....chill out" he kisses her softly. "I'll cook" he teases lightly, she wraps her arms around his neck and smiles.

"Genius" she offers warmly and kisses him quickly, they chuckle with one another, being all loved up. Bucky watch from the couch, he smiles wistfully, he's glad Steve's happy, of course he is, and he's glad Roswell is happy too, she's his newest friend and he wants her to be happy. He just...wishes it was him that she snuggled up to, that she kisses like she does Steve, that she loves. Bucky looks down and sighs. Steve glances to him as Roswell goes back to decorating. He hates that he's upsetting his best friend by dating his girlfriend, that's not how it's supposed to go.


Roswell sets her jacket into her jeep back seats and then closes the door turning to Wanda and Pietro stood behind her.

"I'll be back tonight" she offers. "I promise" she assures them. "If you're still up when I get in we'll have a drink or something...."

"We know he's your brother" Wanda tells her. "It's okay....and we get tomorrow with you"

"We haven't really celebrated Christmas since..." Pietro stops and then nods. "It's nice to have family again" Roswell smiles at them both and then pulls them into a hug, they both hug her back.

"I'll text you both about how really annoying Dean is and then you'll rethink that family thing" Roswell teases pulling back, the twins chuckle and nod. "I'll see you later" Roswell offers looking over their heads at Steve, the twins follow her eyes and smirk walking away, letting her have a moment with her boyfriend, her boyfriend; Captain America. She'll never get tired of that. He moves closer to her and brushes her hair back.

"I'm going to miss you" he whispers.

"It's only one day, don't be dramatic" she teases back, he chuckles and leans closer to kiss her, she clutches to his shirt as he deepens the kiss, letting her know just what is waiting for her. He pushes her back against the jeep and clutches to her waist as he slips his tongue past her lips and touches her own with it. She moans into his mouth, his hands shifting down her hips to her thighs, she pushes at his chest a little and he pulls back.

"Have fun" he smirks at her before walking away, leaving Roswell flustered, she takes a deep breath and straightens her dress before climbing into the jeep.


Dean smiles a little at Roswell who stands in his doorway looking awkward, they both knew that this was a big thing, hanging out together, on a holiday, and with Lisa and Ben, Roswell hasn't met them yet.

"You okay?" Dean asks, she nods a little.

"Yeah, course" she answers, he motions her into the house, she joins him and looks around as he closes the door. "Nice" she comments.

"Well it's no Avengers compound" he argues, she shrugs. "How are things?" he asks. "With you and....Cap?" she looks to him.

"Good" she answers. "He's very....caring, sweet, romantic....I really like him" Dean smiles and nods.

"Good, that's good, I'm glad..."

"But?" she asks crossing her arms over her chest. "I sense a but" Dean moves closer to her.

"What future do you have with him?" he asks softly.

"Dean" she complains. "I'm 21, I'm not even thinking of anything like that, dude, I get to have sex with Captain America" she pushes his shoulder smirking, he smiles a little. "I get to hang out with actual superheroes....I touched a vase the other day that was 3,000 years old....I'm good, the future, I don't even care right now....the present it awesome" Dean pulls her into a hug and kisses her head.

"Okay" he nods stepping back. "As long as you're happy" she nods, he sighs a little.

"Why the sigh then?" she asks. "You can't hate on him, De, he is literally the nicest man in history, he'll look after me, protect me, he makes me happy...." she shoots him a look.

"I're my baby sister" Dean comments.

"When it suits you" she argues, Dean looks down. "Maybe this was a mistake" she whispers looking away.

"No" he argues taking her arm. "No, please...come on, I want to spend some time with my sister" she sighs. "I got eggnog" he offers. "Just like Sammy used to make it" she smiles a little and looks to him.

"I'm driving" she points out.

"Oh, well...I can do some without booze" she shrugs and shakes her head.

"No, it's okay, I don't want to be a bother" she whispers. Dean looks to her sadly and nods a bit.

"How about a soda then?" he asks wrapping an arm around her shoulders, she nods and lets him lead her towards the kitchen.

"Where are Lisa and Ben?" she asks.

"They'll be back later" he answers. "I wanted it to be me and you for a bit" he pulls her closer, she wraps her arm around his back and gives a small smile. 

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