Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barne...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

453K 14.6K 1.5K

Roswell is Sam and Dean Winchesters adoptive little sister. Saved by John at a young age she was raised with... More

Epi: 2 years later


11K 290 76
By Lone-wolf-fanfics


Roswell opens two beers and then moves to where Dean sits on her couch, looking around, it's the most personalised any of their spaces have been, and it screams Roswell.

"Here" Roswell holds out a beer and Dean takes it as she sits as his side. He glances to her.

"Captain America" he states. "Really?" he asks.

"He makes me happy" Roswell assures Dean as he takes a drink from his beer. "He makes me feel wanted and safe. He makes me smile and laugh....and I really like him, De" Dean looks to her. "Steve, he's...a good man" he touches her arm and sighs. "And you know he'll protect me" he nods and sets his beer down before turning to her.

"Does he know..." Dean starts. "About the family business?" she shakes her head.

"No" she whispers. "I urm...I was thinking that....I'll get out, you're not doing it any more, Sam is gone, everything is...quiet, Bobby's had little use for me over the last few is a good time to maybe think about something more.....I like my job here, I get to see some great stuff, the twins are here, Steve, Bucky....they're all amazing and I feel like I'm home" Dean looks to her sadly.

"Right" he whispers. "You have your real family now"

"De, you are still my brother" she assures him. "You will always be my brother" he smiles a little and nods.

"Just...too much water under the bridge?" he asks. "We just let you down one too many times" she shrugs as she gets upset. "Hey" he whispers pulling her closer. "Don't do that" he scolds a little. "We're okay" he assures her wrapping his arms around her, he kisses her head and closes his eyes. "At least he's better then the brain dead assassin" Dean comments.

"Brain washed" she corrects. "He was brain washed not brain dead" she slaps his chest. He grunts and pulls back to grab his beer.

"Want to watch a movie or something?" he asks, she sighs a little and nods.

"Right, sure" she answers pulling her knees to her chest.


Steve sets a coffee next to Roswell who sighs a little and looks to him, he gives her a small smile and kisses her softly.

"How'd it go with your brother?" he asks, she pulls a face and shrugs.

"Dean's.....Dean" she answers setting a sugar cube in her coffee. "He.." she shrugs again and looks away.

"Honey?" Steve whispers touching her arm.

"Just forgot how difficult he is" She admits. "How Dean he is" Steve moves his hand to hers and raises it to his lips, she smiles softly at him.

"He not up yet?" Bucky grumbles walking into the room, rubbing at his eyes.

"You kidding?" Roswell asks with a smirk. "It's 8:30am...." she offers. "Dean won't be getting up till at least 11" she drinks her coffee and stands. "And I have to get to work" she offers. Steve pulls her closer and smiles at her.

"Lunch?" he asks, she smiles back and nods. He kisses her softly before letting her leave.


Dean leans in the doorway watching Bucky and Steve having their breakfast and coffee.

"You want to bone my baby sister?" Dean asks Steve who looks up at him, stares at him a little. Bucky looks down, eyes wide, awkward again. He goes to stand, Steve grabs his shoulder and shoves him back down, Bucky makes a noise and glares at his best friend.

"I happen to like your sister, a great deal....."

"That's not what I asked" Dean counters. "I'm asking if you are trying to get into her pants, you know....have sex with her"

"I know what you meant" Steve snaps a little. "And it was completely disrespectful and inappropriate, whether or not that is on the table is not up to you, it's up to Roswell, she is a woman that has a mind of her own, a brilliant mind. And she can make decisions for herself, and from what I hear....she's been doing it for a long time" Steve argues. "Maybe for once, ask her what she wants and support it" Dean clenches his jaw. Steve grabs his coffee and leaves the room, Bucky stands there slightly surprised. Dean glares after Steve before smirking. He looks to Bucky who raises an eyebrow, Dean walks away.


Steve sits with a glass of whiskey in his own apartment, lunch with Roswell had been quiet, just everything with Dean, and Steve was still a little put out by Dean's attitude. He gets that Roswell is his baby sister, but she is a woman too. One hell of a woman at that. Dean had left before dinner and though Roswell will miss him, she doesn't like feeling stifled by him, and Dean kept talking smack about Steve which she hated. She really, really, really likes Steve. Steve runs his hands over his face with a small groan as his apartment door opens. He thinks it is Bucky.

"Wanna go dancing?" Roswell asks Steve who looks to her, his jaw actually drops, she's wearing a sinfully tight red dress, and she looks incredible.

"Wow" he breaths as he stands. "Yes" he answers. "I would love to go dancing" he whispers, she smiles at him. "Let me get changed" she smiles and nods. Steve looks over her again, that dress is ridiculously hot on her, there is literally nothing that is hidden.


Steve hasn't been able to take his eyes off of Roswell all night or his hands. When she'd said dancing this was not what he had in mind. But he likes it. The way she's moving against him, with him, her arms around his neck, his hands on her waist. She smiles up at him, her fingers threading through his hand at the back of his head, her hips shifting, moving, swaying. It wasn't his thing before. This music would have irritated him, ground down his last nerve, but watching the sway of her hips to the pulsing of the beat. It also helps that they've both been drinking, not enough for her to be wasted, but he can see it's given her a flush to her skin and a cheeky glint in her eye. He threads a hand through her hair and holds her closer to him. There is something else to the music, like he can feel it under his skin, and he's not sure it's not her and her powers. She turns and presses herself back against his chest, his arm around her waist holding her to him, she move her hips against him, he closes his eyes, this is so not fair, he likes to think that as a man he has some control over his body, but Roswell just seems to push that control way beyond what he can take. One girl. It's one girl that drives him mad, that sets his heart racing and his pulse quickening. He moves his hands lower on her waist, hands on her hips, feeling them move under hand. All he wants to do is...touch her, everywhere. He tightens his hold on her waist and finds himself grinding back against her ass. She turns back to him, fingers playing with his shirt.

"Take me home" she whispers to him, eyes full of promise Oh it's happening. Steve swallows slightly. She searches his eyes. "Steve?" she asks him, he leans down and kisses her. And it's not soft and fleeting like the last few, it's not held back and hesitant, this is forceful, and needy and desperate and full of sexual promise. She clutches to his arm, the fabric of his shirt bunched up beneath her fingers. He pulls back slightly to look at her, her cheeks flush, her pupils wide and on him.

"Home" he whispers, she nods not letting go of his arm, he smiles. "You need to let go" he whispers softly, she laughs a little and releases her grasp of him, but he takes her hand, threading his fingers through hers and leads her through the crowd and out of the club.


Bucky sits in his room back against the wall closets to Steve's bedroom, he shouldn't have listened in, he really, really shouldn't've. Because now he wants Rowell more. He wants his to be the name she screams and begs and pleads. He just....really shouldn't've listened in on them. Now his dick is hard, his heart hurts and there is a pain in the pit of his stomach. He is turned on, depressed, lonely and jealous all at the same time. He groans and rests his head back against the wall and closes his eyes. He saw her first, that should be some unspoken rule, right? He saw Roswell first. That should count for something. Bucky wrinkles his nose and stands moving to his bed. He liked her first.

"Miss when he was a skinny dude that couldn't get laid" Bucky grumbles climbing into his bed.


Roswell hums as she makes coffee, Steve's shirt and her panties pretty much all she is wearing, in fact it is all she is wearing. Her hair messy around her head and shoulders, and Steve's never seen anything so beautiful. He smiles leaning against the wall to watch her. She shifts her hips a little swaying to her own beat. Which is so much like Roswell. She lifts a hand and curls her fingers, the fridge door opens and he smirks a little as she turns her hand and curls her fingers another way, thanks to the foil cap on the bottle of milk, she can pull it from the fridge with her powers. She grabs it out of the air when it reaches her, she yawns a little as she adds the milk to her own coffee. Steve leans up and walks towards her. Steve pushes the bottom of his shirt over her waist to touch, skin to skin, her hips. He nuzzles into her neck as she smiles.

"Morning, Honey" he mumbles into her neck, she turns her head slightly.

"Morning" she greets back warmly. He pulls back a little and touches on of the marks on her neck, he is stuck between being proud and upset at himself. He's marked her in the best way, but at the same time, he marked her.

"How do you not seem the least bit affected by how much you had to drink last night?" he asks fondly stroking her neck.

"Mutant" she offers. "I figured it's why I've never had a hang over" she offers setting a coffee in front of Steve, he smiles and takes her hand to kiss the back of before moving to the island seats. "Sooo" she turns to him with her own coffee. "Last night"

"Not a one time thing" he assures her. "Is that's what you want....I mean, us, if that's what you want..." he flusters a little. "If you would like for us to be"

"Are you asking if we' would you say it? Going steady?" he chuckles and kisses her hand before nodding.

"Yes" he answers.

"So Captain America is my boyfriend?" she asks smirking, he chuckles again and leans closer to her. She kisses him softly.

"Not sure your brother is going to happy about this" Steve comments. "We had....words yesterday" She cocks her head and then smirks.

"He did the test then" she mumbles, Steve frowns at her.

"What test?" he asks, she looks to him and smiles.

"Dean does this thing with guys that are interested in me" she starts. "He asks them if they are trying to get into my pants. He does it to see how you'll respond, guys that are only after sex, get cocky, jockish, jokey...they usually get punched for it.....whatever your response was" she leans closer. "He likes you" she offers.

"He likes me?" he asks and snorts.

"You're in one piece, aren't you?" she teases, he laughs a little.

"I thought that was him being..." Steve starts.

"Just so you know" she whispers softly. "You're the first he's been....accepting of" Steve smirks a little. "Pretty sure though, if he knew some of the stuff that comes out of your mouth in bed he might change his mind" she teases, he kisses her softly.

"You loved it" he teases back, she chuckles and pulls back.

"Yes, I did" she offers warmly. She bites her lip looking over him, his look turning dark and filthy. "I don't have to work today" she tells him.

"No?" he asks, she shakes her head opening his shirt buttons to show her chest, his eyes flicker down and then back to her. He reaches over and easily lifts her over the counter, she squeals as she laughs, Steve throwing her over his shoulder. She claws at his back slightly trying to hold on. He shifts her slightly bringing her off his shoulder and into his arms, she smiles up at him. He leans closer to her and kisses her, her arms wrapping around his neck. He carries her back towards his bedroom.


Bucky is sitting at the breakfast island with a sandwich and juice when Steve next walks into the kitchen, Bucky glances to him as Steve smirks, Bucky rolls his eyes a little looking to his food.

"Afternoon" Bucky greets.

"Afternoon" Steve greets back grabbing a water from the fridge.

"No Roswell?" Bucky asks.

"She's in the shower" Steve answers. "Sorry" he offers. "If we were..."

"It's fine" Bucky interrupts standing. "Didn't bother me. I'm gonna hit the gym" Bucky then leaves the apartment and a very confused Steve behind. Steve opens his bottle of water and frowns a little trying to think on Bucky's behaviour. Roswell bounces into the room and smiles at Steve who turns to smile back at her.

"Feel better?" he asks, she nods.

"Less sticky" she teases lifting her head to kiss him as she reaches him, he smiles against her lips and pulls her closer. "Stop" she teases. "Or we'll end up in bed all day" he shrugs.

"Wouldn't mind" he mumbles against her lips leaning closer to kiss her again. She grabs his shirt and holds him to her.

"I promised Wanda we'd have a sister afternoon" she tells him, he sighs softly and pulls back.

"Well I can't really be jealous of that" he offers. "I get dinner though, right?" he asks with a smile, she nods and smirks.

"You get all night, if you want it" she purrs, he chuckles and tugs her closer again. "Wanda" she reminds him, she pulls back and then leaves blowing a kiss over her shoulder, he smiles and nods to himself, this is...perfect. She is perfect. 

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