Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barne...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

453K 14.6K 1.5K

Roswell is Sam and Dean Winchesters adoptive little sister. Saved by John at a young age she was raised with... More

Epi: 2 years later


10.2K 334 76
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

Steve walks with Roswell, his hand holding hers as they enter the gym, the last couple of weeks he's been gone on more missions, meaning she's been left alone with Bucky more and more, meaning Steve is more and more worried about her, because her point about needing to be trained keeps edging to the front of his mind, and he now knows she has a point. He stops in the centre of the room and turns to face her, placing his hands on her shoulders with a soft smile.

"So you know I've been thinking about you training" Steve offers, she nods. "And you were right...If something was to happen when we're not here and Bucky is in some way incapacitated, you cannot rely on your powers alone" he squeezes her hand softly. "This isn't going to be easy" he reminds her.

"I know" she assures him. "So are you going to train me?" she asks smirking up at him, he chuckles.

"No, not me" he smiles a little. "Natasha" he answers and then smirks. "Good luck" he kisses her softly and then leaves, Roswell opens her mouth and frowns.

"Why do I need luck?" she asks herself and looks up as Natasha enters the room smirking. "Oh" Roswell breaths.

"Ready to begin?" Natasha asks, Roswell nods a little.


Roswell runs her tongue over her teeth and groans tasting blood. Steve wasn't wrong. This has not been easy. Natasha is a slave driver in training. Roswell pushes herself up onto her knees and coughs a little, splattering the matt with her own blood.

"I think you knocked out a tooth" Roswell complains reaching up to touch her teeth. Natasha moves to her and crouches lifting Roswell's chin.

"I did. Sorry. I got a great dentist that'll fix that right up....we can go now, that way I won't get into trouble with Steve, I promised I would be too hard on you" she helps Roswell stand. "Pretty sure breaking his girlfriends smile is gonna get me into trouble" Roswell looks down a little.

"Oh I don't think I'm his girlfriend" she mumbles.

"Oh, Sestra, you are" Natasha teases softly. "Just have to look at the way he looks at you, all gooey heart eyes" Roswell blushes. "I've never seen him look at anyone other then Bucky like that. You're his girlfriend" Natasha teases a little as they leave the room.


In his lab Tony smirks watching the footage of Natasha and Roswell fighting, he's not being pervy, he just came across it by accident when updating the system, that's a lie, he went looking for it when he heard the two women would be training. His eyes widen slightly seeing Roswell spit up blood. His mind working quickly.

"Oooo" he states watching the two women leave the gym, he is then moving, faster then he has ever moved in his entire life. He grabs a pipette and a slide and then leaves his lab.


Steve looks up from where he and Bucky are watching tv and eating pizza, Roswell just walks into their apartment, they told her not to bother knocking months ago now, they don't care if she just wanders in, Bucky smiles seeing her.

"How'd it go?" Steve asks standing to greet her, she nods and smiles, no sign of her missing tooth.

"It was good....hard but I feel better for it" Steve moves to her and kisses her softly.

"Beer?" he asks her, she nods.

"Sounds perfect" she whispers. Steve kisses her forehead before moving to the kitchen.

"Grab some pizza before Bucky eats it all" Steve teases, Bucky shoots him a look.

"Urm who's the one who's already had 6 slices" Bucky points out, he looks to Roswell as she sits beside him. "I've had 2" he holds up two fingers and smirks, Steve shoots him a look back. Roswell takes a slice from the box and pulls her knees up onto the couch leaning against Bucky's side. He smiles as Steve walks over to them and hands Roswell a beer, she smiles up at him as he sits on her other side wrapping an arm around her and pulling her away from Bucky and into his side. Bucky looks disappointed but tries to hide it, he drinks from his own beer.


Tony spins around on his chair waiting for the computer to be done with the blood test results. He balances a pen between his lips and holds it there whilst spinning, Bruce glances to him from his own desk and rolls his eyes. Tony's computer starts to beep and he turns his head to look at it, his eyes widen a little and he pushes himself closer to the screen to double check.

"No freakin' way" Tony states staring at his computer screen, the results of Roswell's blood test flashing on the screen. Bruce frowns at him.

"What?" he asks, Tony looks to him and then back to the screen.

"You're gonna want to see for yourself" Tony comments, Bruce stands and moves around to Tony's desk, looking over the engineers shoulder to read the screen.

"Oh my god" Bruce states with surprise.

"I know right?" Tony starts smirking. "And look at this" Tony opens the next page to show the slide view of Roswell's blood. "Her's..." Roswell's blood on screen seems to reflect her powers, each blood cell is surrounded by a greeny black force field that seems to be magnetised.

"Mutants" Bruce states with awe. "They're amazing"


Roswell yawns and stretches her arms over her head before standing, Steve looks to her from where he's clearing up the kitchen, Bucky dozes on the couch but does pry his eyes open to look at her.

"I should go back to my apartment" she tells them.

"You could stay" Steve offers, she glances to him. "You could...stay" he repeats, he and Roswell share a look.

"On the couch?" she asks, Steve shakes his head.

"No" he answers. "In my bed" he adds. "With me"

"Oh" Roswell breaths a little, it's not like they haven't shared a bed before, he's often slept in hers, but that's always in the moment things, when he's checked on her, or taken her to bed after she's fallen asleep on her couch, or his, this is new, he's asking her to stay, the night, with him. "Urm...." she bites her lip a little and then nods. "Yeah, okay" Steve smiles and nods.


Steve watches as Roswell climbs into his bed, shifting closer to him, he smiles and wraps an arm around her and pulls her into his side, he kisses her head, she snuggles into his chest. She looks up at him and watches him slightly.

"Steve?" she asks, he raises an eyebrow. "Do you maybe want to try another date?" she asks him, he nods and smiles.

"I would love too" he answers. "I am really sorry the last time didn't work out"

"I know" she rests her head back on his chest. "It wasn't your fault and me and Bucky ended up having fun"

"Do you know how amazing it is that you two get along?" Steve asks stroking her arm. "Since Bucky moved into the facility I've dated 5 women, and they were all terrified of him, and he just couldn't like them, for one reason or another....." he sighs softly. "But you" he adds incredibly warmly. "He's seems to be coming out of his shell more....more like the Bucky I used to know" she smiles. "It's nice to have my best friend back"

"Good" she tells him. "Hey, just so you know" she turns to look at him again. "I like Bucky too" Steve smiles and nods brushing her hair back.

"I know" he nods and pulls her closer to kiss her, his fingers dancing along her jaw to her neck, he deepens the kiss. His hand moves down her side to her waist and then her thigh, he pulls her leg up and around him, manoeuvring her over him, she raises her hands to his face, his hands roaming over her bare thighs, and it's creating this heat between them. And she is very aware that this could go somewhere. And whilst she does fancy Steve, she's not sure she wants to go there just yet, she's always rushed sex before and she's never had a serious relationship. There may be a link there. So for now, she's not going to go there.

"Steve" she pulls back from him. "We should stop" she breaths against his lips, he stares up at her, reading her, he nods.

"We can wait" he offers her sincerely. "It's okay" he strokes her cheek and smiles. She snuggles into his chest and he wraps his arms around her, fingers stroking her back, he closes his eyes willing away the issue he now has between his legs.


Tony and Bruce leave their lab as they head off to tell Roswell the news they found out from her blood and Bruce convinced Tony to just tell her, to get it out, even if telling may end in Roswell using her powers to destroy his suits.

"Calm down" Bruce scolds Tony.

"But I am so excited!" Tony bounces. "I mean what are the chances?" he asks looking to Bruce. "Seriously? She was born in Scotland and then twins in Sokovia, what are the actual chances?"

"I don't know, Tony" Bruce offers as they head towards the communal room.


Roswell sits with Wanda and Natasha, the three of them doing each others nails. Tony and Bruce pauses behind them and share a look. Tony looks to Roswell.

"Ariel" Tony states, Roswell looks to him. "Can we talk?" Roswell touches her chest.

"Are you breaking up with me?" she asks dramatically, Wanda and Natasha chuckle. Roswell notes how nervous Tony and Bruce look. "What's going on?" Bruce shoves Tony forward.

"Tony did something" Bruce fingers Tony who shoots him a look.

"What did you do?" Natasha asks.

"Where's Pietro?" Tony asks.

"Here" Pietro walks in with an empty glass. "What's going on?" Tony looks between them and then nods a little.

"Okay,'s the thing, you know we took those blood samples" he asks of the twins who nod "Right Roswell's blood"

"No, you didn't" Roswell argues.

"Urm...when Nat punched you in the face yesterday...and you spat blood on the matt" Tony explains. "I stole it" Natasha, Roswell and Wanda shoot him a look. "Look, just trust that I'm going somewhere with this" he argues. "I run some tests....and well...found a familial match, here in the facility"

"Are you saying someone here is blood related to Roz?" Natasha asks, Tony nods.

"Paternal, so....share daddies" Tony explains. "And being a mutant...." he shoots a look to Wanda who starts to get watery eyed and she smiles.

"It's us" She states. "It's me and Pietro" Pietro and Roswell look to her. "We're the only other mutants here and we know we got our powers from our father" Wanda and Pietro look to Roswell who glances between them.

"Excuse me" Roswell hurries out of the room. Wanda and Pietro share a look.

"Go after her" Natasha scolds. "She's probably just overwhelmed" Wanda stands and hurries after Roswell. Pietro follows her.


Natasha finds Bucky and Steve sparing, she whistles a little and they stop to look at her.

"Roswell might need some comforting" she tells them.

"What happened?" Steve asks moving to her.

"She got some pretty big news" Natasha offers, both supers raise an eyebrow at her. "Urm...the twins...they're brother and in Roswell is their sister"

"Wow" Bucky breaths. "That is big news"

"Are you sure?" Steve asks.

"Tony did a blood test" Natasha offers. "She seemed pretty upset so" Steve nods and leaves, Natasha looks to Bucky. "You not going too?" she asks, Bucky shoots her a look.

"Not my girlfriend" he mumbles. Natasha raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Sure" she offers, Bucky glances to her and then sighs.

"When did you figure it out?" he asks.

"Hello, spy" she teases. "Plus you got too excited when their date was cut short" Bucky grumbles. "Don't worry, I don't think anyone else has figured it out" she then smirks. "Yet"


"Roswell, honey?" Steve asks pushing into her bedroom, Roswell sits on her bed and wipes at her face to remove tears. "Hey" he coos slightly.

"Hey" she greets. "Everything okay?" she asks, he raises an eyebrow.

"I came to ask you that" he answers. "Nat told me what happened...." she nods a little and looks down, Steve sits on the bed with her.

"I thought I only had Constantine left" she admits, Steve frowns at her. "My biological mother's brother, he keeps in touch....but I don't really see him very much" she sighs. "I thought that was it" she admits. "I never met my father, my mother barely talked about him" she looks to Steve. "But now I have....them" he shifts closer to her brushing her hair back.

"I thought you would be happy" he offers, she nods. He cups her cheek softly.

"I am" she agrees. "I just don't like crying in front of people" she admits as he brushes tears from her cheek with her thumb. "Even happy tears" he chuckles a little. "I was raised by three men" she offers with a smirk. "Feelings and emotional displays were not well received" he brushes his thumb over her cheek. "Speaking of I should call Dean" she admits. "I should tell him about this" she leans over to grab her cell phone, Steve grabs her wrist.

"Just let yourself get used to this first" he offers. "Otherwise you'll end up crying again" he teases, she shoots him a look and then smiles.

"Thank you" she tells him warmly. "For checking on me"


Bucky watches the spoon in Roswell's coffee stir itself, he smirks and glances to said woman reading a magazine, a slight green glow are her fingers. She smirks a little behind the magazine. She seems better now, he'd poked his head in on her and Steve the night before and Steve had explained that she was just feeling a little overwhelmed about it all.

"Hey, Pommy" Roswell snaps her head up and smiles jumping out of her seat and moving to Dean who stands in the doorway next to Phil who smiles at her.

"Dean" Roswell greets wrapping her arms around her brother's neck, he lifts her up holding her tightly to him. "What are you doing here?" she asks.

"After everything and with the whole new sibling thing I thought...." he shrugs a little as she pulls back. "That you might need a hug or something" Bucky clears his throat and Roswell looks to him.

"Right, sorry" she offers warmly. "Bucky this is...Dean" she introduces. "" she adds quietly, not convincingly.

"You sure about that, Kitten?" Bucky teases slightly, she shrugs and gives him a small smile. Dean looks to Roswell and mouths 'Kitten?' at her, she shrugs back at him. Dean and Bucky shakes hands.

"You're Sergeant Barnes right?" Dean asks. "The Howling Commando?" Bucky looks surprised a moment before nodding.

"Yes, yes, I am"

"Oh man, the stories we've heard" Dean teases. "Between our Dad and Uncle Phil. Feel like I already know you" Roswell smiles softly at Bucky who is blushing like a teenage boy. Steve walks into the room, and instantly lightens seeing Roswell smiling.

"Roswell" he greets, she turns and smiles wider at him.

"Steve" she breaths softly, Steve reaches her and leans down to kiss her softly.

"Urm...what did I miss?" Dean asks with a glare at Steve as the latter pulls away from Dean's sister.

"Steve, this is my brother Dean" Roswell introduces, Steve holds out his hand to Dean. "Dean, this is Steve Rogers, you know...Captain America....we're..." Dean takes Steve's hand.

"Dating" Steve finishes for her. "We're dating"

"Dating?" Dean asks letting go of Steve's hand.

"Awkward" Bucky mumbles and looks around. "Oh and look at that" he nods to himself. "I can leave" so he does.

"Dean" Roswell warns. "I'm 21" she argues. "And you walked away" he shoots her a look. "I can make my own choices" she takes Steve's hand, threading her fingers with his, Steve looks to her softly as Dean wrinkles his nose. "I've never said anything about the people you or Sam've dated....or slept with in the past. You don't get to say anything about the people I date" she warns, Dean looks at her surprised, his sister is usually so...placid, and calm and non confronting. This is new. 

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