Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barne...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

453K 14.6K 1.5K

Roswell is Sam and Dean Winchesters adoptive little sister. Saved by John at a young age she was raised with... More

Epi: 2 years later


10.5K 332 36
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

Steve sets the two empty pizza boxes into the trash, Roswell had only had two slices and the rest was him. She'd been highly amused watching him shovel them away. He looks across to where she now sleeps on the couch, she'd struggled to stay awake once he moved onto the second pizza, so he let her fall asleep against his side, he's gently moved her to stand once he finished and she's curled up with her head on the arm of the chair. He smiles a little and then heads back over to her, to crouch in front of her.

"Roswell" he whisper touching her arm, she wakes and looks to him.

"I wasn't asleep" she mumbles yawning. He brushes her hair back and smirks.

"It's okay" he assures her before standing. "Go to bed" he tells her softly, she stretches slightly and then stands. He kisses her cheek. "Thank you for dinner" he tells her warmly.

"It sucked" she corrects, he chuckles and nods.

"Yeah, but you tried" he argues. "It's very much appreciated" he touches her arm. "Maybe next time you'll let me cook for you"

"You can cook?" she asks, he nods. "Why didn't you say before?" she argues weakly, he chuckles and shrugs.

"You kind of bossed me around, honey" he teases, she smirks a little and looks to him.

"Sorry" she whispers, he shakes his head and then kisses her softly before pulling back.

"Goodnight, Roswell" he whispers warmly, she smiles.

"G'night, Steve" she offers back and then heads upstairs, he smiles watching her before he heads out for his own apartment.


Steve lingers slightly in the doorway listening to Bucky and Roswell, he knew Bucky was having issues with his arm and he's kind of proud he went to Roswell for help, at least he went to someone for help rather then stewing like he usually does. Steve glances to the pair in the armoury, out of the way of everyone else. Roswell sits with her fingers inside Bucky's arm and is pulling a face, Bucky's eyes are on her, just watching her.

"You really should let Tony replace it" Roswell comments reattaching the wire to the link inside his arm, Bucky nods a little.

"Just...." Bucky sighs. "He's going to gloat" he mumbles, she chuckles and nods.

"Most likely" she agrees and twists two wires back together and looping them around the next port in his arm. "But it'll be better" she offers softly as she pulls her hands back, she then sets her fingers and lets herself feel the intricate metal in his arm. "Okay" she takes a breath and he nods.

"I trust you" he assures her, she nods and then starts to twist her fingers, the loose screws in his arm tightening, Steve watches amazed, because Bucky told her he trusts her and because he's watching her use her powers and because Bucky is letting her. "Keep going" he tells her, knowing she is going easy on him. She twists her hands again and the screws speed up, tightening faster.

"I don't want to over do it" she admits. "They might snap....I don't really use my powers"

"Practise makes perfect" Bucky comments, she smirks a little and wiggles her fingers.

"Okay, I think....I think that's it, I can't tighten it any more" she pulls her powers back and lowers her hand, Bucky tests his arm and then nods. "Please, go and see Tony about your new arm" she scolds slightly. "It might help" Bucky looks down and then nods. Steve backs away and leaves them alone. Bucky glances over his shoulder and then back to Roswell.

"I hear you and Steve did dinner" he offers, she nods a little.

"I tried to cook" she admits and then smirks. "Pretty sure if we'd eaten it, we would have ended up with food poisoning" Bucky smiles a little.

"Steve was always the cook" he admits. "Wait till he bakes pie" Bucky offers "You've not had real pie till you've tasted Steve's" she chuckles.

"Pie is very much a Winchester staple" she offers. "So...I look forward to it" Bucky brushes her hair back and snorts. "What?" she asks reaching for her cheek.

"Just thinking" Bucky mumbles. "You think we'll meet your brother?" he asks, she pulls back a little.

"I don't think so" she whispers. "He's not really interested in my life"

"But he's your brother" he argues.

"We're not as close as we used to be" she admits. "After Sam...." she shakes her head. "Things haven't been the same"

"Of course not" Bucky agrees. "The dynamics change when you loose someone that close to you" he tells her, she watches him. "You have to adjust, relearn how to live without them, to change the way you work with just one brother now" She lurches forward and hugs him, Bucky is surprised but he hugs her back.


Pietro drops into the bean bag chair in Roswell's living room, Wanda stood at the counter waiting for popcorn, Roswell walks down the stairs and smiles seeing them, their weekly movie night. She actually looks forward to this, something familiar about it. Something she used to do with Sam and Dean.

"What are we watching tonight?" Roswell asks moving to the fridge to grab three sodas.

"Urm..." Pietro looks to the dvd case in his hand. "Batman Forever" he answers setting it down, Roswell and Wanda share a look before Roswell smirks.

"Sounds great" she offers setting a soda next to Wanda and moving to hand another to Pietro who smiles up at her, she takes a seat on the couch and pulls her legs up under her. Wanda takes the bowl of popcorn out and grabs her soda before joining them, Roswell smiles. She's actually happy to have friends her own age, people she's not afraid are about to die because a monster got them, real friends.


Roswell sighs as she lays in bed, her insomnia acting up, so she just stares at the ceiling counting the ridges of plaster. She takes a deep breath. Her cell phone rings and she rolls over to take it from the bedside table, she brings it to her ear as she answers it.

"Hello?" she asks.

"Hey, Pommy" Dean greets softly, Roswell smiles a little.

"Hey, De" she whispers.

"Had a feeling you couldn't sleep" he offers. "Thought I'd call" she smiles more and nods to herself.

"Yeah" she whispers sadly. " of those nights"


Tony sets his hands on Roswell's shoulders and sets her in the middle of his workshop, nodding to himself he rounds her to stand in front of her. He checks the distance and such before nodding happy.

"Okay, stand right there" he then backs towards where his suit is propped up on stands.

"Tony, what am I doing here?" she asks. "You said you needed my help"

"Which I do" he answers.

"You also said there would be cotton candy" she argues, he chuckles.

"After" he tells her as the suit starts to attach to him. "Given your abilities it would make sense that we'd work pretty well together" he tells her.

"Oh I don't fight" she argues. "I don't need to" he nods a little.

"You're living in the Avengers facility, Ariel, bad things might happen" he offers grabbing his helmet from the side. "We can have Widow or Birdie or Terminator or Captain Frisbee work with you, just the basics, if something was to happen, wouldn't you like to say you tried" she looks to him slightly, that was always her argument with her brothers, what if something found her, came for her, and what if she couldn't fight back, what if they could have taught her to fight, but they always waved her off, nothing will get you, nothing will get close, that's what they always said, and other then the incident she had as a child, nothing has ever got her, but....what if? Tony stands in front of her and offers a smile, she's come to know that Tony won't often show this softer, concerned side of him, except to the younger members. Roswell, the twins, and Peter. And he made them all swear to secrecy. "Look, I would prefer it is I knew you could defend yourself" he admits. "What if someone finds some way of nullifying your powers?" he asks her. "You would be helpless, powerless, vulnerable" she looks down. "I'm not saying to be mean, Ariel, okay? I'm saying because I do actually care, just one session, see how it goes" she sighs a little and then nods. "Good girl" he pulls his helmet on and then lifts the face plate. "Alright, now throw me" he tells her, she shoots him a look. "Hey, if you ever get out in the field and my thrusters are throwing me across the field" he teases with a smirk. She laughs a little and nods.

"Okay, just this once" Tony nods and steps back lowering his face plate. She shifts her stance slightly and sets her hands up in front of her, the green power field appears around her hand and she concentrates on the suit, feeling the metal, she closes her eyes and then moves her hands, Tony chuckles as the suit starts moving with her hands.

"Higher! Higher!" Tony cheers, she pushes her hands out and up and Tony flies backwards and up, his legs wiggling away as he laughs like a child. She smirks amused and wiggles her fingers, he starts to spin around. "Okay throw me!" he shouts.

"No" she argues. "There's not enough space"

"Don't worry about it" he tells her, she sighs and then thrusts her hands out, 'throwing' Tony across the room, he hits the wall and falls into the shelving there, landing a lot of the things from the shelves go flying, a lot in Roswell's direction, she catches most with her powers, but something does get through, and hits her in the face.

"Ow" Roswell complains reaching up and touching her cheek, it's bleeding. "Tony" she scolds as he gets to his feet.

"What? What did I do?" he turns to her and notes the blood rolling down her cheek. "Crap, Ariel" he strips out of the suit and moves to her tilting her face to the side. "It doesn't look deep" he comments. "We should clean this" he adds, a small smirk on his lips, this is perfect, this is great, he can get a blood sample, it'll be small, but maybe, just maybe big enough to run a few tests.

"I can do it" she argues pulling away. "I patched up my brothers enough" she comments hissing as she touches the wound.

"Yeah, well, you don't have to do it" Tony argues moving to the draw of his desk with the first aid kit, he also sneakily grabs a slide and a pipette dropper before moving back to her. "Okay, I got band aids" he motions to the stool behind her.

"Really, Tony, it's just a cut"

"Sit your ass down, Ariel" he scolds and she sighs sitting on the stool. He sets the kit down on the table next to her and she takes a breath. The door to the workshop opens and Steve walks in.

"Hey, I was wondering if you looked at the magnetism on my wrist strap..." Steve starts looking at the mess on the other side of workshop. "What happened?" he turns to Tony and then sees Roswell, her cheek bloody. "Oh my God, what happened to your face?" Steve asks rushing towards Roswell, pretty much knocking Tony out of the way, Steve carefully cups Roswell's face to look over the wound. "What did you do?" Steve asks glaring now at Tony.

"Me?" Tony asks. "We were just messing around"

"It's my fault" Roswell tells Steve. "I got carried away with my powers" she admits. "It's just a cut, it'll be fine" Steve helps her stand.

"Let me see to it" he offers and takes her hand and leads her out of the workshop, Tony glares at his empty slide and pipette.

"So close" he complains.


Steve sets a band aid over Roswell's cheek, now clear of blood but starting to swell a little, she cringes slightly as he brushes his thumb under the wound.

"Tony was talking about me being trained" She admits to Steve, he glances to her.

"In what way? Your powers?" she shakes her head.

"To fight" he leans back a little and closes the first aid kit. "I want to learn"

"Roswell, honey" he starts. "You live with people that can do that for you"

"But what if you're all off on some mission and something happens and I am here alone?" she asks.

"Bucky will be here?"

"Okay, what if they stub his toe? And he's a crying whining mess on the floor and I am alone?" she asks trying not to smirk, Steve is fighting his own too.

"It won't happen" he argues and kisses her forehead.

"But what if it does?" she asks. "What if something happens and I know that I could have done something if someone taught me?"

"You have your powers" he argues.

"What if I don't?" he stands and moves to put the kit away.

"That's a lot of what if's, Roswell" he sets the kit under the sink and grabs two bottle of water from the fridge. "Don't let Tony get into your head, te facility is one of the most secure in the world, nothing will happen" Roswell doesn't seem comforted by that, she knows that things can get past cameras and locked doors, and AI's. She looks to her hands. Steve is starting to sound like her brothers. Neither of them thought her capable of anything more then reading and patching them up. Steve's old fashioned, she knows that part of it is his 40's brain, but her brothers....Steve sits next to her watching her expression. "Are you upset with me?" Steve asks, she shakes her head.

"No" she answers shortly, she hadn't wanted it to come out like that, she honestly didn't. But it just...she would think that then men in her life would want her to be well prepared. Steve lifts her chin and she looks to him.

"I don't want to think about you getting hurt" he admits. "So I don't....In my mind you are safe and protected 24/7, I'll think about" he offers. "Okay?" she nods and gives him a small smile. "But something small to start with...." she smirks a little and kisses him, Steve is surprised slightly, but does kiss her back, brushing her hair back. She climbs into his lap, straddling his legs.

"Hey" Bucky greets awkwardly behind them, Roswell blushes and sets her head on Steve's shoulder, Steve shoots Bucky a look. Bucky mouths 'Sorry' to Steve who shakes his head a little. 

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