Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barne...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

468K 14.8K 1.6K

Roswell is Sam and Dean Winchesters adoptive little sister. Saved by John at a young age she was raised with... More

Epi: 2 years later


13.9K 430 97
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

By the time August rolls around Roswell is a fully fledge member of the family. When she's not working she and the twins are pretty much inseparable and when she's not with them she's with Bucky and Steve. And even then she'd get them visiting her at work, Bucky would bring her new crates from the hanger when they arrived, Steve would bring her coffee, the twins would sit with her and they'd have lunch whilst she worked. And Bucky, everyone's seen a difference in him, he's more involved, he doesn't linger at the edge of a room any more, he ventures in, he starts conversations with people other then Steve. He's started brushing his hair and wearing it up, he even shaved....once, he didn't do it again. He's started wanting to participate in things. He's almost a different man. He's still grumpy and broody and snappy some days and at night he still stalks the halls 'patrolling' but he's trying to seem better. They all pretend they don't know why he does it, but they know it's Roswell. She makes them all want to be better, to do better, to be better people. She has that effect, she's so light and bright and happy all the time that it just rubs off on them all. The twins have been happier too, finally having someone their own age around, despite Roswell actually being a year older then them, it's close enough. But the last few days Roswell's been withdrawing from everyone, opting to stay in her room, locking her office as she works. And Bucky wants to know why. So he waits till she is in her office before 'letting himself' into her apartment. He bypasses the first floor and heads straight for her bedroom. She still hasn't decorated. Other then the clothes on the floor and the unmade bed. He pauses in the centre and takes a breath. The whole room smells like Roswell. Her shampoo. Her perfume. She always seems to choose something sweet but not overly. Even her shampoo is sweet. It's something so her. He turns and look around trying to figure out where she'd hide personal things, documents, passport, birth certificate, and journal or diary. He moves to the desk and opens the top draw. He finds a Scottish passport and an American one, tucked against the side of it, he pulls them out and opens the Scottish one first. He smiles a little at the photo and then looks over the information. He then frowns. Her name reads as Faye Mya Constantine-O'Connor. He passes that over for now and scans the rest of it. And he then sees the possible reason for her drop in mood. Her birthday is tomorrow. There must be a reason she's not told them. He sets both the passports back and closes the draw before leaving, his brain already running with ideas. Normal people give gifts for birthdays. He can do that.


Roswell avoids everyone again as she finishes work, she just retreats to her room again, locking the door behind her, she closes her eyes and sighs. She's done this every year since John Winchester died. It's a stupid thing, petty thing really. Everyone forgets her birthday. Everyone but John Winchester. That was the last birthday she celebrated. When she turned 16, John has woken her up and taken her for pancakes, and given her a new journal as a gift. That was her last birthday. 17th. 18th. 19th and 20th all went forgotten by everyone but her. So her tradition is sitting alone, watching the terminator eating a big bag of cotton candy and getting herself drunk. It's how she deals. And it's pathetic really. Roswell sinks down leaning back against the door to cry on the floor. It just makes her miss John.


The next morning Roswell doesn't even bother getting out of bed, she just curls up and turns on the tv across from the bed. Jeopardy is on. She likes Jeopardy. She's good at Jeopardy.


Bucky had got an express delivery put on the gift he found for Roswell. And it had arrived first thing that morning. He takes a breath and sets the gift down outside of Roswell's door before pressing the doorbell and then running away.


Roswell lifts her head from the bed as the doorbell dings. She sniffles a little and then climbs out of bed wiping the tears from her face to hide all trace of her mood.


Opening the door she's a little disappointed that no one is there, she shakes her head and moves to head back inside before her eyes find it. Sitting on the floor is a clear ornate Egyptian style perfume bottle. It's beautiful. She picks it up and touches the decorative neck detail on it. Around it's neck a silver ribbon with a small tag, she turns it over to read the writing on the back. Happy Birthday. She smiles already starting to cry. This is....unbelievable. Someone knew. Someone remembered.


Bucky peers around the corner of the hall. That is not what he expected. She's crying. That's not what he wanted. He wanted her to be happy. She takes the bottle and heads back into the apartment shutting the door behind her, he steps out of cover and frowns.


Roswell sets the perfume bottle on her dressing table, the centre piece, surrounded by her bottle of perfume. She smiles. It really is beautiful. Someone clearly has gone out of their way for this, it doesn't look cheap for starters and she's never seen anything like this before. She touches the silver ribbon, her mind working away trying to figure it out before she smiles. There's a small red star on the gift tag. Tiny, but there.

"Bucky" she whispers, her heart warmed.


Bucky sulks till Steve sends him to their apartment to sort himself out, Bucky had been more snappy then usual, he hates it when his plans fail, and he hates it even more that he made Roswell cry. So he meanders his way back to the apartment. Scuffing his feet. Head down, hair loose from the bobble in his hair. He lifts his eyes approaching the door and notices a hair bobble tied around the handle to his and Steve's apartment, he frowns more seeing a dark green gift tag hanging from it. Taking the bobble he looks down at the tag to read the writing: Bucky. Thank you. He smiles and looks to Roswell's door as it opens.

"You were sad" he states, she shakes her head.

"I was happy" she corrects, he frowns. "No one remembers my birthday" she admits. "No one has since my dad died 5 years ago" she worries her lip to stop herself from crying again. "You....." she has to stop as she becomes emotional again. He moves to her and gives her a small smile before he pulls her into a hug, she sniffles and clutches to the back of his shirt.

"I'll remember" he promises. She nods against his chest. "Did you like it?" he asks, she nods again.

"It's beautiful" she whispers. "Thank you"

"What've you been doing all day?" he asks her pulling back.

"Oh...urm watching the Terminator...eating cotton candy and...drinking whiskey" he gives her a look and she shrugs. "Tradition" he takes her hand and closes her apartment door.

"Not this year" he argues and pulls her along. "Friday, gather everyone in the living room please" he asks.

"Right away, Sergeant"


Roswell sticks close to Bucky as the others all filter into the living room. Then start talking amongst themselves about who and why they were called for this group meeting. Friday has been stingy on the details. Bucky shares a look with Roswell before he turns to the room. Bucky places his fingers between his lips and whistles. Gathering all their attention.

"I called it" he admits.

"Buck?" Steve asks. Bucky looks to Roswell kind of hiding behind him, embarrassed, she doesn't want to be a bother. Bucky takes a breath and looks to the others.

"It's Roswell's birthday" he announces. "And we need to do something because she hasn't had once since she was...." he pauses and looks to Roswell. "Which birthday was it you last celebrated?" he asks her.

"16" she answers.

"And today is?" Natasha asks.

"21st" Roswell answers.

"You haven't had a birthday in 5 years?" Clint asks softly. "Well then hell yeah we have to do something" he agrees with Bucky.

"Festivities?" Thor offers first.

"Nah" Tony answers. "Party would take too long to arrange" Tony grumbles, he actually likes that idea but it is about having the time for caterers and bar staff and guests and musicians.

"Paintballing?" Pietro offers.

"That's what you want" Wanda scolds lightly. "The zoo" she offers.

"21 not 12" Peter argues. "The button factory" all eyes of the Avengers turn to him, Peter shrinks a little. "I like it" he grumbles.

"Glorious battle" Thor offers.

"No" Steve, Bucky, Tony and Natasha argues at the same time, all thinking of Roswell as some untrained civilian and glorious battle might end in a trip to the hospital.

"How about dinner?" Steve offers looking around the other. "We'll get dressed up and go into the city....maybe find somewhere fancy, with music and dancing"

"Doesn't sound terrible" Natasha teases. "But not up to us" she looks to Roswell.

"I don't mind" Roswell offers. "I just..."

"What did you do for your last birthday?" Sam Wilson asks her.

"Urm....pancakes....then" she pauses to think. "Then Dad let me drive the impala to the next town" she answers, they all look at her softly, different shades of pity. "It was a lot back then" she adds defensively. "And a big deal for John to let anyone other then Dean behind the wheel"

"I like that" Tony points to Roswell. "Can we not just do that? You know pancakes....classic cars...coupla' beers"

"Not for a 21st" Clint argues. "It's a big one" Roswell turns around hearing footsteps behind her and then smiles.

"Uncle Phil" Roswell greets as Coulson walks towards them, he waves to the Avengers and gives Roswell a smile. He holds out the black box in his hand, a stamp saying Jeep on the top, she frowns a little.

"Happy Birthday" he tells her.

"You remembered?" she asks.

"I do every year" he answers, she frowns at him. "You didn't know?" he asks.

"Know what?" she asks him back.

"I arrange it so Terminator is on the tv..." he admits. "You think it just so happens to be on every year on your birthday?"

"You did that for me?" Roswell asks softly.

"It's your favourite" he offers in a way of an answer, Bucky nudges Roswell.

"Not so alone after all" he whispers, she smiles and looks down.

"Open it" Tony cheers. "I love gifts" he admits. Clint snorts.

"It's not for you" Clint scolds amused. Roswell opens the box to find a car key inside, she raises an eyebrow at him.

"It's in the me you won't miss it" he teases.

"You got me a car?" she asks.

"Look, I'll be the first to admit that my brother wasn't a very good father" Phil starts. "To you or them boys....he did his best all missed out on so much. You've been through so much...." Phil smiles at her. "Now you're 21...and branching out on your own" he pats the key box and smiles a little more. She bites her lip and looks down.

"Wait, he's actually your uncle?" Tony asks amused. Phil and Roswell shoot him a look.

"" Roswell answers. "He's my kinda foster father's brother" she explains. "It's a very long story" she offers.

"Very long" Phil agrees. "Plans for today?" Phil asks Roswell.

"We're hitting the city" Tony teases. "Dancing" he dances a little. Phil smirks a little and looks to Roswell who shrugs a little with a smile. Dancing and drinking, partying it's not really her thing, but she's just happy someone wants to celebrate her birthday.

"Well be careful and have fun" Phil offers and then walks away.

"Thank you" Roswell shouts after him, he waves over his shoulder with a smile. She looks down to the key and then starts bouncing a little, Steve and Bucky share a look. She then stops and turns to them. "I don't have anything to wear" she admits. Natasha moves to her and takes her arm.

"I got you covered, Sestra" She comments and walks away with Roswell. "Wanda" Natasha shouts.

"Oh" Wanda states surprised and follows the two women. Steve pats Bucky's shoulder and pulls him closer.

"That's was great" Steve tells him. "How'd you even know it was her birthday?"

"I rifled through her draws yesterday" Bucky admits. The room groans.

"That was bad" Steve adds. "But...good" Bucky frowns at him. "I know" Steve tells him before Bucky can say anything. "Confusing. Just don't do it again" Bucky nods a little.


Natasha touches Roswell's scarred arm and then lifts her eyes to her fellow redheads face, Natasha smiles and then grabs some shoes from her wardrobe.

"Try these" Natasha tells her, Roswell takes them and watches as Natasha goes to her dresser. Other then the soft touch the scars are otherwise ignored. Roswell looks down and smiles a little. Wanda bounces into the room and holds up a set of earrings. "Yes, those ones" Natasha tells her picking up a necklace. "And this" Roswell shakes her head.

"No" she argues touching her protection necklace. "I don't take this off" she tells them. "It was a gift" she offers in way of explanation. Natasha sets the one in her hand down and smiles softly.

"But the earrings" she points out, Roswell nods.

"I'll wear them" she takes them from Wanda who touches the sequins on the dress.

"I love this dress" Wanda comments. "It's perfect on you" Roswell sets the earrings into her ears and smiles in thanks at Wanda.

"Do you want a jacket?" Natasha asks, Roswell touches her arm a little and then shakes her head. "Good girl" Natasha tells her proudly. She knows how hard it is to be comfortable about body scars, Natasha's are on the inside of her body but she still has trouble admitting to anyone about them. Roswell takes a breath.

"What happened?" Wanda asks quietly. Roswell looks to her.

"I..." Roswell struggles a little. "It was an animal attack" she answers, it's as close to the truth as she can get without actually telling the truth.

"But you survived" Natasha assures her. "And here you are" Roswell looks to her. Natasha nods encouragingly. Roswell nods back. 

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