The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

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~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
Evan ran away again...
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1

Something sweet

94 3 3
By DeathNice12

Evan's P.O.V:

Soon after falling asleep I'm rolling around my bed creating a huge mess out of my bedding.

I was at home in the house of my childhood with my dad, my mom was alive and I was a kid again. We were all in the living room I was on the floor with crayons sprawled out everywhere and a few pieces of paper surrounding me. My mother had a needle in her hand and she was sewing me a new doll since my old one got ruined. While my dad watched us with a smile on his face.

"Mommy look" I said holding up my stick figure drawing of all of us. Me, her and my father.

"It's beautiful princess you're very talented." My mother said encouraging me.

"Daddy look!" I said holding it up so he could see.

"Very good Evan"

I was beaming. I was so happy that they like it. Suddenly the door opened and an angry red eyed man burst through the door and immediately jumped at me. My father jumped to protect me causing him to get a large gash down his back. He fell to the floor. My mother told me to run. And I did. I heard screams my mothers screams.

"Mommy!" I yelled as I watched the man stick a dagger in her chest. "Mommy!" I screamed. I watched as my mother lifted her hand up suddenly a knife when flying into the mans heart. I didn't understand at the time but she had used magic.

I shot up out of bed screaming. Sweat was dripping down my body. The door burst open, my head shot towards it and in came Ian, Micheal, and lastly Bellanie.

"What happened?" Ian asked coming towards me.

"Are you okay?" Micheal asked.

"Evan! Are you okay?" King asked jumping on my bed.

I looked at Bell and she had a sad expression. She knew I told her everything that had happened. I told her when I had woken up just like this at a sleep over. Ian and Micheal were still looking around the room for any sign of danger. Bellanie started rubbing my back and that's when I burst into tears. I didn't care that Micheal and Ian where in the room. I just wanted to cry.

"It's okay. It's all over. You don't have to worry anymore" Bellanie whispered rocking me back and forth.

"Evan" Ian said sounding heartbroken. If only he knew "What happened?"

"Ian, Micheal go back to sleep I'll handle Evan" Bellanie said still cuddling with me while I cried into her shoulder.

"But wha-" Micheal started.

"If Evan wants to tell you she will. But it's late" Bellanie tried to reason.

"Evan can I help?" Ian asked. taking cautious steps towards me.

"Bellanie you need to sleep" I said between sniffles trying not to cry anymore.

"Evan.." Bell started.

"No I'll be fine. Everyone go back to sleep I'm sorry for disturbing you" I said trying to sound like I was okay even going so far as to add a smile.

No one seemed convinced but they all nodded and left. Ian was the last one out the door and he looked back at me as if waiting for me to call out for him to stop. After a moment he left closing the door leaving me in darkness.

"Do you want to talk about it?" King asked curling up in my lap.

I thought about it for a moment and decided to show him. Mumbling some words I used a spell to show King my dream.

"Oh Evan..." King said. "I'm so sorry"

With that I started crying again. Pulling King closer to both comfort me and muffle my cries. It didn't work though soon the door opened and in walked a shirtless Ian. He picked me up and set me in his lap holding me and King close. He started rubbing my back soothingly and just let me cry. He didn't say anything just let me cry until I tired myself out. King staying with me the entire time. Oddly enough I fell asleep again and this time it was a dreamless sleep.

Ian's P.O.V:

I comforted Evan until she fell asleep. I don't know what happened. From what I know it was a bad dream but it must have been a really bad dream to put Evan in this state. I laid Evan down. I went to pull up the covers only to discover that all her bedding was on the floor. I pulled the blanket over Evan and moved the cat onto the floor. I was about to leave when.

"Ian" Evan's soft, tired, little voice called. "please don't leave me" I turned around and saw that Evan was awake. With the moonlight fading in from the window I could see her tear stained cheeks and her teary eyes. "please... I don't want to have that dream again" Evan said looking down.

She's probably going to kill me in the morning if I stay but then again she did ask me to stay. I walked back over to her and knelled down in front of her.

"You really want me to stay?" I asked. She nodded. "You have to say the words"

"Ian I really want you to stay with me at least for tonight" Evan said with pleading eyes.

Dang whatever she dreamed about really freaked her out or something. I nodded and crawled into bed with her pulling her closer so her head rested on my chest. I held her close. I felt her breathing even out as she fell back asleep. I looked down at my beautiful mate but all I could think about was what her demons are and why they haunted her so badly.

Bellanie's P.O.V:

I woke up to light streaming through the windows. I picked up my phone off the nightstand 8:30AM. Dang I slept in but then again I usually sleep in later than that when Evie has a nightmare but I also usually stay up later when Evie has a nightmare. Last night me and Micheal fell asleep on the couch but then Micheal woke up to Evan screaming which in turn woke me up. I rolled out of bed and proceeded to walk to the bathroom. After showering I pulled my hair up into a big, wet, messy bun. I threw on a pair of black joggers and a light gray t-shirt. I don't have class today and I don't have to pay rent anymore so I don't need to worry to much about finding a job for now at least.

I open my door to see Micheal standing outside it with his arm up mid knock.

"Um hello" I said.

"Oh Bell I was just about to knock" Micheal said.

"I see that" I giggled.

"Is there anything particular you want for breakfast?"

"Um..Oh! I could really go for pancakes"

"Pancakes it is. Do you want to help me make them?"


Micheal lead me downstairs to the kitchen and we started to make pancakes. Getting into a heated flour battle halfway through.

Evan's P.O.V:

I woke up in complete warmth. My head was resting on something warm and hard I pulled one eye open to see a chest. I looked down to see that one of my legs was hooked around another persons leg. My arms where wrapped around this persons waist. I'm guessing this person is Ian considering the tingles I feel and that fact that Ian would be in here killing the dude if it was someone else. I looked up to see beautiful purple eyes staring down at me with adoration in them. I saw a small smile form on Ian's lips as I stared at him.

"Morning" Ian said his voice still husky from sleep. And I cannot believe I am saying this but it's very sexy.

"Morning" I mumbled not fully awake yet. I closed my eyes snuggling a little bit closer to him.

Ian chuckled cause his chest to vibrate. "Are you going to keep laying on top of me all day? Not that I mind but.."

I slowly opened my eyes again and looked at him. Taking a deep breath I rolled over away from him curling back up in my blanket. I was pulled back so that my back was to his chest.

"I meant that you should get up" Ian said snuggling his head into my neck.

"what day and time is it?" I mumbled.

"Friday. 10:30" Ian answered pulling me closer.

"Okay" I mumbled starting to fall asleep again. Realization it me and I jumped up out of bed.

"What's wrong?" Ian asked now on full alert.

"I have class today at 11!" I said running to my closet. I grabbed a pair of dark gray leggings, clean underwear, and a powder blue sweatshirt. I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I don't have time to wash my hair so after I got out I pulled it up into a messy bun. I ran back into my room and checked my phone 10:45AM. Crap! I got 15 minutes!

"Evan calm down" Ian said.

"No I gotta get to class!" I said running out the door but before I could actually make it downstairs Ian pulled me into his room. "Ian I have to go" I said struggling in vain to get away from him.

"Here" he said throwing me a white T-shirt.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"I'm not letting you go to school around a bunch of desperate, crazy, college kids without my scent on you" Ian said. "So wear that"

"Ian I don't have time"

"Wear it" Ian said eyes narrowing meaning there is no room for discussion.

"Turn around" I said. And he complied. I pulled off my sweatshirt and put on Ian's T-shirt. "Happy?" I said after I had finished.

"Yes now I can drop you off" Ian said dragging me out the door.

"Evan do you want breakfast? We made pancakes" Bellanie said.

"Sorry I'm running late for class gotta go" I said rushing into Ians car.

Ian broke a lot of speed limits to get me there almost on time. "Thanks Ian" I said running out of the car. I didn't even wait for him to stop.

"Excuse me" Ian said grabbing my arm. "where is my thank you kiss?"

I went to give him a quick kiss on the cheek but he turned his head the last second making me kiss his lips. I tried to pull away after a couple seconds but this only made him deepen the kiss. He wouldn't let me go! So I did the only thing I could. I concentrated and without mumbling the words I pushed him with a wind spell.

"Hey" Ian said once I forcibly broke the kiss.

"Sorry not sorry hun gotta go" I said as I ran to class. Lucky for me the teacher was also late.

After an hour and 15 minute long class. I was free well for about 20 minutes then it was onto another class. I only take my classes twice a week which is nice but then I get twice as long of a lecture. I might switch to online classes though I hate actually going out in public looking like trash.

After three more classes I was done. I called Bellanie to come pick me up. And waited just outside the main building for her. I didn't want to bother Ian he's probably working and he did stay up late helping me and he even stayed with me all night.

"Evan!" An angry sounding voice said. I looked up and saw Ian marching towards me angrily. My eyes widened. Why is he mad? Did I do something wrong? He stopped in front of me "Why didn't you call me to come pick you up? Why did you call Bellanie!?" Ian growled. Oh he's mad about that.

"Well for one thing you dropped me off so I figured Bell could pick me up, two I thought you'd be working and I didn't want to bother you" I said standing up and grabbing his hand with my two rubbing small circles in his palm.

He took a deep breath closing his eyes. "Evan I don't care if I'm in the most important meeting in the world if you needed me I would drop it for you. You never bother me" Ian said smiling.

I nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Evan you don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. Now lets go home" Ian said pulling me to the car.

"How was school?" Ian asked once we were in the car.

"Long and boring" I said.

"What are you taking?"

"I'm just doing generals right now just trying to get them out of the way" I said.

"What are you going to major in? Art?"

"You'd think that but no I want to be an herbalist" I answered.

"Herbalist? What's that?" Ian asked.

"And alternative medicine specialist."I said. He stared at me with a confused looks meaning he didn't understand. Which I thought he looked cute when he was confused. "The book definition of a herbalist is someone who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs."

 His face lit up a bit as understanding hit him."Oh nice. Why that?"

"I want to help save lives" I said.

"So why not a doctor?" Ian asked.

I paused I had practiced my response when someone asks me this many times. So why is it hard to actually say it? I took a deep breathe. "You can call me a coward if you want but I don't trust myself enough to let people put their lives in my hands. I trust myself to give them herbs that won't kill them or hurt them much. And I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to blood and broken bones" I said.

Ian nodded "That makes sense"

"yeah" I said Yawning as I enter the door making my way to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass of milk. After finishing it I yawned again. Obviously I didn't sleep well.

"Hey can I have some?" King asked jumping on the counter in front of me.

"Yeah sure" I said groggily grabbing a shallow bowl and pouring some milk in it.

"Thank you" King said smiling.

I nod rubbing my eyes. I got some homework to do then I'm taking a nap.

"Evan maybe you should go to bed. You've been yawning since I picked you up from school. And you didn't sleep well." Ian said placing his hand on my shoulder forcing me to look at him. He looked worried.

"I will after I finish my homework. I did most of it during class I just have a couple more problems." I said making my way to the living room then placing my bag on the coffee table to get started.

"Here" Bell said placing a mug next to my papers.

I picked up the mug and took a sip instantly I smiled it was a french vanilla cappuccino. My favorite. "Thanks Bell"

"Why are you giving her coffee? She needs to go to sleep" Ian said sounding mad.

"This is how Evan is. She's not going to be able to sleep until her work is done. Might as well at least make sure she's comfortable. Besides it's Evan she's smart it won't take long" Bell said.

I heard Ian huff and plop down next to me but I ignored him. I was almost done with the second problem when I felt Ian wrap his arms around my waist sliding closer to me resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Ian what are you doing?"

"I am waiting for you to finish your homework" He replied.

I rolled my eyes and continued. It only took me about half an hour since I didn't have that much left to begin with.

"Done already?" Ian asked sounding a bit surprised. He had been holding onto my waist and doing stuff on his phone the entire time.

"Yep all done" I said stretching my arms and packing everything up.

Suddenly I was picked up bridal style I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going but I was carried to a room. Not my room. But a room.

I looked around. The room was the same size as mine. The wall were painted a plain off white color. The Floors where covered with thick cream colored carpet. A king sized bed with a plain raven black bedding sat in front of a large window that covered most of the wall. It was a pretty boring room.

I was set down on a bouncy and comfortable egg white couch. Which sat in front of a large flat screen TV.

"Ian where am I?" I grumbled as he sat down next to me.

"In my room." Ian said pulling me into his side.

"Why?" I asked.

"So we can watch a movie and cuddle?" He questioned.

"We all ready are cuddling but whatever" I said.

Ian grabbed a blanket a wrapped it around us turning on what he claimed was one of his favorites but I wasn't paying attention I was way too tired.

Not even halfway through the movie I somehow ended up on Ian's lap. My head resting on his chest as he cradles me. I felt him kiss the top of my head at the same time I started to close my eyes no longer being able to keep them open.

"Good night my beautiful angel" I faintly heard Ian mumble and then lights out.

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