clé de ma vie II

By faecamellashes

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Luttant avec ma vie af donc c'est pourquoi j'ai tout changé More

d-201- out with Najeeha, sleeps at 7
d-202 - my moods went wrong, 1st vc with Nurin
d-203 - Science, felt sorry, studies start
d-204 - sleepy, ig, WiFi
d-205 - Desc, vending, series
d-206 - mice, moviee, chat on twtr
d-207 - unstable emotions, kyochon, bm, rain
d-208 - alone :'), Sports Day
d-209 - stressed, weight down
d-210 - mangoes, broken asf
d-211 - Haji, tired
d-212 - WEL-August, Fever, mcd
d-213 - fever, aw-ed, sis-bro hanged out
d-214 - merdeka, Love Love, mental, nasi dewan, drawing again, finally
d-215 - Morning Bengkel, Atok's House
d-216 - 눈물
d-217 - Clinic
d-218 - Photos For Schl Magazine
d-219 - 200+ cal burnt, Lgbt thoughts
🔺d-220 - 636cals
◽d-221 - Segak, 150 finally, 700cals
◽d-222- Traveling Alone - Kl
d-223- Lil unproductive
d-224 - Vc, Lgbt, hotday
d-225 - Maths, tired, exams, holidays
d-226 - 2a.m, Volley, Maths, histeria, pau, The Mimic
d-227 - asleep, smilo, 365th, universities things again
d-228 - Flu, cook for Dina, haze started showing
d-229 - Sick, Unproductive, Nurin - Live, popia Chocolate
d-230 - Flu, open books finally, 17 hours in room
d-231 - Thompson Hospital
🔺◽d-232 - Puasa Araffah, 15 hours in room
d-234 - Mamak, flowers, notes
d-235 - Out with Dina, Eattt, Snapchat streak
d-236 - Pasta, sleep, strong wind
d-7 - The Mysterious Chapter
d-237 - tiktok, nasi kerabu
d-238 - beef wrap, The Faith, gp vc
d-239 - lazy to talk, gastric, eco-notes
d-240 - sc, roti pita is bae
d-241 - call-natalia, aa him, last PE
d-242 - Ambang Merdeka, motivation from Administrators
d-243 - Melaka Trip went wrong
d-244 - WEL-Sept, Melaka d-2
d-245 - Mahkota Parade, Sushi
d-246 - Another Day in Melaka
d-247 - Tomorrow is trial
d-248 - sleepy, 1st Exam - it was difficult
d-249 - the new toilet since I've no title for this one
🔺d-250 - Sej p3, walk to home, he walked in front me
d-251 - cold, periodpain, still being positive even it's the worst day :')
d-252 - Mamak, roti tisu, maths, laughter
d-253 - idk why, Kelana Jaya
d-254 - Curve-Ipc-OU ; we ate a lot + tired, Lamborghini Aventedor
d-255 - Bahasa Melayu was hard.
d-256 - sick, cold, 10 days more
◽d-257 - Maths, rain, spm result
d-258 - Sej, Aqid, beef tortillas
d-259 - 42kg, Malaysia Day, Vsco addict
◽d-260 - Mcd - Dina - Talks
d-261 - Sej, Stomach Ache
d-262 - canteen, eat, tired
d-263 - 20th Sept, rest, Puasa Asyura
d-264 - ash, Amir, eng, belacan
d-265 - out, Starbucks-yt
◽d-266 - yt-Starbucks again, her Grandma💚, roti milo
d-267 - talked about future Lol, Eco p1
d-268 -Adik's, Fun Talk With Naim, Amir, Weird dreams Back again
◽d-269 - last test, Asmira, delivery girl, rain
◽d-270 - Maths, cinnamon roll, new jobs
◽d-271 - the Solat Hajat
d-272 - Maths, painting
d-273 - sardin masak lemak, pasta, teh O
◽d-274 - WEL-October, sc, eco, tired af
◽d-275 - nanie, Wani's future, Sunway Lagoon
◽d-276- Moody to Good News, maths- We Had Fun. The Class Went Crazy, spm Sche
d-277 - Maths
◽d-278 - Miss Cheong, Angela
◽d-279 - Maths, Hadid
d-280 - stressed, Mcd Mcd Mcd
◽d-281 - Maths, sat with Hadid, novels frm sab, talking - Future w Fam
d-282 - no Internet, Maths, waxing, Ml
d-283 - today was okay, Adik being weird
◽d-284 - fitting day, laughed bcs of Ash, Sej, mummy's home for 5days already
◽d-285 - rain, maths, boys being annoying, adik left
d-286 - mccafe, Sej, alone
◽d-287 - I'm Feeling Good - Cg Jul's Again
◽d-288 - Alone, He responded, I'm fine
◽d-289 - Dina Syaz's, frustration, no Syad
d-290 - Cg Rozita's words describes me well
d-291 - Cg Suraya, moved on
d-292 - I just don't want to talk.
d-293 - 2a.m, slept with adik, coffee Coffeee
◽d-294 - cook cook, cleaned room
d-295 - Puasa, eco test, tired
◽d-296 - nasi lemak, kantin 1st time, he looked at me
d-297 - flowers, Amir, roti telur nestum
◽d-298 - full graduation rehearsal
◽d-299 - Egg Soya, Cg Rozita, Amir's, Fire Drill
◽🔺d-300 - Graduation Day
d-301 - nasi kandar, Digital Mall
◽d-302 - first time terlajak 🤦🏻‍♂️, eat-sleep
d-303 - Sej talk, story time
d-304 - Maths talks, sending textbooks away, wani, Khalidah
d-305 - WEL-Nov, sukses, van oh van, maths, Haridz
d-306 - pics, back home with Hadid, Taylors, Cg Rozita, Hidayah
d-307 - Bm, roti canai, slept
d-308 - Rojak-roti John-cakes, Bed
d-309 - Gordon Ramsay
◽d-310 - Nia's, Natalia-Haqqim, Early Birthday Celebration, Deepavali
d-311 - no appetite
◽d-312 - susun meja, Nasi Ayam
◽d-313 - November promise broke; Majlis Restu Ilmu was filled with tears
d-314 - tired
◽d-315 - Pasar Tani, food, deleting
d-316 - cleaning, starting to feeling it
◽d-317 - 1st d-spm, cake
d-318 - birthday?
d-319 - Maths - she was gelabah
d-320 - Lemonbars, 200 sej quests
d-321 - Sej 77-80 questions, meringue, Korean chicken
d-322 - Plato, chilling
d-323 - Ira Saidi's, Sej-tweet, Haqqim, dms
d-324 - crashed sleeps, Yusuf, hungry
d-325 - gastric, Mummy picked us
d-327 - a day with mummy, ikan salai, steamboat
d-328 - panas, mi, Sc, Eco
◽d-329 - Pasar Tani, sunat, alot alot of ppl
d-330 - Jee's, hot, moved on
d-331 - sc, late, fever, plato (i won), checked my old wp acc ')
d-332 - early, paprik, dialect
d-333 - sc, I went out early, cooked tgthr
◽d-334 - We called hakim, Ash's house-mom, Eco extraC, baring
d-335 - WEL-Dec, still sick, bedbugs????
d-336 - I punched Adik?, KAYU
d-337 - Natalia's, still sick, geo 💤
🔺◽d-338 - Mamak, Family Mart, Mcd, balik w Amir
d-339 - I'm relaxed
d-340 - Malaysia, Eco, Mcd, Finished
d-341 - whole day on the Pc - Dina & Natalia's video
d-342 - Mcd, Pizza, In Bed
d-343 - Cleaned my room
d-344 - Egg day
d-345 - exhausted
d-346 - Aff Suzuki, Kfc dinner
d-347 - Amira's muffin, Naqib-oreo, puasa
d-348 - A day with Adik
d-349 - sunat day
d-350 - spaghetti carbonara, Detroit
d-351 - Ice Cream Oreo
◽d-352 - Tealive, Najh, Nabil, Dms
d-353 - daging masak lemak
d-354 - Chill
d-355 - The Greatest Showman
◽d-356 - 8hours Of Sunway Pyramid
d-357 - Hunger, Not in a mood
◽d-358 - first day of work
d-359 - Bro, Alif, tercampak shaker, pulut, Boro
d-360 - free agaaain, Zahari (?), Another customer
d-361- they mengada Me with Alif
d-362 - opening alone
◽d-363 - Jajaaa, Balik Lewat
d-364 - A day with Hadid (finally)
◽🔺d-365 - it's a goodbye

◽d-326 - hmmh day, bye Acik, Sab gave chocolates, she said she's here

5 1 9
By faecamellashes


Last night

- okay tbh idk why i lupa apa jadi lepas I update semalam. Entah la lately ni selalu lupa aiyo so I've to read it again jap.

Okay ingat dah

- after type I tengok yt kot ke twtr then maghrib. I haih I lupa la ouhya I baca agama then isyak.

- I tidur at 2200 kot.. Actually nak tidur awal but macam tkleh bcs tengah hari dah tidur (jarang jarang type tengah hari dah tidur)

So sebab I malas nak buka lampu, I guna torchlight je suluh ahah.


chatted with Dina

- then I tidur



- I pusing thhen 420 brushed teeth and baca kertas 1 nota tundingan

- did milo.. Idk why i menguap. Minum milo makan roti

- 540 I ironed baju and mandi

- did scrambled egg bfr keluar bcs I takut gastric. Devoured gaviscon and turun

- Dina tunggu I separuh jalan bcs she toleh and saw me.

- notes I basah bcs baju basah 😭

- baca.. Then acik came.

- mummy called tanya pukul berapa habis. Time tu lak acik tanya pukul berapa habis pastu gelabah bcs I tengah cakap dnrgan phone pastu dina lak tanya I balik pukul berapa apa semua


- told her yang I rasa ada benda.. Cam idk la pasal agama ni. Macam dah baca tapi ada smtg yang mcam tk baca idk what

- Dina duduk kat tempat dia selalu duudk and I straight.. Time tu I nampak Hadid dah dengan jaja lepas masuk gate belakang.

So bila dina masuk anjung.. Hadid stop bcs she tengok tkde baris 😂 I cam dah tahu dh perempuan ni mesti toleh punya ahha so I pergi kat dia, "asal tk beratur hhaha"

Pastu we dua cma ragu ragu mana nak start duduk 😂 pastu hah duduk je la kat situ pastu bila dah ada class lain datang baru ke depan sikit.

- madam came and sell the buns 😂 haritu curry puff ahahah ni buns lak. She said we manja bcs tknk kedepan ambil. I ada bun but tchr said dah order for candidates so I rasa tk seronok lak so I ambil

Bfr I ambil tu, tasha called me suruh ambilkan for her. I passed to nurin suruh pass belakang. Memula dia dah save dia punya buns, tetibe dia pergi pass ke belakang weh. I cam "...." diam je pastu dia sendiri gelabah kemana roti 😂

- baca sepantas mungkin then naik


- we cecepat buat kotak for answers.

- then jawab. I tulis dulu isi yang ingat then only buat complete answers.

We were provided by 2 papers je so I minta 3 ke 4 extra papers lagi.


- I wasn't in mood

- tengah baca and Najeeha asked me if I cukup tidur ke tidak bcs I looked diff. Pastu I angguk je. Ya actually tk cukup sangat pun lately.

- Dina ajak to toilet. And I told her what was wrong with me. She said some positive things

- ah pagi tadi kat gmie I told her about someone. I attracted to him ahha

Okay like this. Pagi tadi I buka tele then ada voice kat gp sej pastu I dengar. Weh ada guy dia nyanyi pastu I cair ahaha. Then I cari lagi voice dia and srsly sedap suara dia.

And kat gmie I bagithu dina. I suruh dina dengar and she pun cair hahaha

- read kertas 2 sepantasnya

- naik dengan dina. bila naik baru I lupa air kat bawah.

Semalam paper 3 sej en hahaa lama au we tunggu luar tu bfr nak jawab exam. Then alia bengang, "apa lama lama si* kat dalam ni" then ash & I gelak ahaha.

- Dina said goodluck.


- dah nak habis tu I saw 4 students went out

- kat anjung and I menghadap tangga bilik guru and zul nampak I. He smiled and I smiled then he dari jauh buat sign paper tadi okay ke tidak and I smileeee


- keluar dengan ash and she said ada grandma dia.

- natalia waited for her dad and I & dina pergi call mummy & acik cause mummy tetibe call I tadi.

Ada airee, Amir, Afiq, naim lagi I tk pasti. They were at their motorcycle and bincang pasal jawapan agama.

I called mummy then Amir, "tin, call siapa tin?"

Me, "mak"

Amir, "jalan kaki ah"

Me, "taknak ah panas" and he gelak. Pastu I cakap dengan mummy then I suruh dina called acik.

- tengah dina call tu I dengar dorang bincang then I gelak ah bcs Amir just tulis "amalan" I think soalan nak amalan sunat kot la.. Pastu dia tulis amalan je

Then airee & him kinda gaduh so I laughed and he perasan.

Amir, "gelak apa tin"

Then naim cam nak bawa motor tu kot idk why dorang tetibe gelabah.. I think Amir kena hantar naim pergi mana tah.

Pastu Amir, "ah kejap ah bagi aku hantar fatin dulu"

Me, "haram"

Amir, "apa dia?"

Me, "haram"

Amir, "ahh duduk jauh jauh." then he kinda of berdiri kat pedal tu..(?) does that even make sense hahaha idk how la nak explain ahahaha

Dia cam... Tahu tk kan ada kayuh basikal en ada sesetengah yang tk letak punggung kat seat en? Ha he did like that

Pastu I,"ah kau" and we gelak weh 😂 blur lahai hahaha

Then I tanya nak ml ke pastu naim joined. Dia suruh ajak dia sekali. Pastu I cakap ah naim suka maki I 😂

- we tunggu acik.

- okay today last naik van. Bye acik 👋👋


- Dina suruh I jangan baca sc😂

- mummy's home. I tukar baju makan ikan sambal and solat.

- baring and makan chocolate sab gave me while watching yt and main ml.

- solat asar and typed. Husna said she datang mont kiara and plannya nak ke mari but this what she said.

She said grab rm23 one way so I cam tkpe laaa haha sussha je

- Haqqim dm me ajak ml.

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

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