A Soul Surrender (My Bestfrie...

By xxTheDreamerxx

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In this new sequel, Aly is back! But this time she is back to where she started...Being Lord Voldemort's pris... More

A Soul Surrender (My Bestfriend Is Lord Voldemort's Daughter Series)
A Soul Surrender Chapter 2
A Soul Surrender Chapter 3
A Soul Surrender Chapter 4
A Soul Surrender Chapter 5
A Soul Surrender Chapter 6
A Soul Surrender Chapter 7
A Soul Surrender Chapter 8
A Soul Surrender Chapter 9
A Soul Surrender Chapter 10
A Soul Surrender Chapter 11
A Soul Surrender Chapter 12
A Soul Surrender Chapter 13
A Soul Surrender Chapter 14
A Soul Surrender Chapter 15
A Soul Surrender Chapter 16
A Soul Surrender Chapter 17
A Soul Surrender Chapter 18
A Soul Surrender Chapter 19
A Soul Surrender Chapter 20
A Soul Surrender Chapter 21
A Soul Surrender Chapter 22
A Soul Surrender Chapter 23 Part 1
A Soul Surrender Chapter 23 Part 2

A Soul Surrender Chapter 24

123 2 4
By xxTheDreamerxx

Chapter 24: Redeemed

Sam's P.O.V.

I ran towards the hard headed bloody idiot and the exploding white light.

What did you get yourself into now you bloody idiot...

Did you turn back to that monster...Who are you now Aly?

Who are you now?

I felt Max following in suit close behind me with Fred and George Weasly on his back, the humming of electricity a comforting lullaby to me now, and I silently made a wish in my head that it would always be like this.

That no matter where I ran off to, or flew off to he would always be running off towards me.

Always running towards me and with me for as long as time would let us.

I want him behind me forever, with us always running towards eachother.

I watched Max as he ran past me, his golden hair fluttering in the wake of the air behind him, sparks of electricity slithering up and down his arms, illuminating him in a blue light like the after glow of dying fireworks. His gold eyes narrowed towards the white light, thinking probably the same thing I was thinking now...

What did that bloody idiot Aly do now...

But as I watched the furrorwing of Max's blonde eyebrows, concentrating on awakening his power, I wasn't just thinking about Aly and her hard headed craziness or how we were suppose to get her out of it, but of just Max himself

He looked bloody hot.

Dear Merlin, this falling in love thing could get weird really fast.


Where is some meat when a girl needs it??


I blinked, my vision a little fuzzy to see brown concerned eyes staring into mine.

"Aly.." I whispered.

She smirked at me,"Welcome back, thinking about anyone special Sammy?" She teased, yet her eyes looked more tired and drained.

I looked at her shoulder, an arm slugged across it, a body unusually still and limp was on her back, blonde hair covering her face like a veil.


I opened my mouth to ask what the bloody hell was going on, what in all Merlin's court was that white light, and why in the sake of bloody hell is the hag that tried to steal Aly's husband unconsious on her back when the first thing I knew that hard-headed git would do is drop her on the floor before she would even think about carrying her?

"What is Miss Drama Queen doing on your back Vampy?" Max asked one of my hundred questions for me, scarily reading my mind.

Is this how it was for George and her?

This weird knowing?

Aly's eyes sunk a little deeper in exhuastion,"It's a long story Max..." She silently glared at the git on her shoulder, but then her expression slowly softened in...worry?

Oh bloody hell!

Something was so disturbingly wrong.

"Vampy...this lovey-dovey crap is creeping me out here, and making me want a smoke." Max said slowly, as if the whole situation in front of him was indeed, creeping him out as much as it was creeping me out.

Aly just shook her head,"I don't have enough time to explain everything to you guys right now," Her eyes turned wise and old in only a matter of seconds,

"But we have to get out of here. The house is going to freaking burn down like hell. Andromeda and Tonks are waiting outside ready to apparate us out of here with. Now come on!" She ran towards the stairs, Max right behind her, yet he looked quickly over his shoulder at me, and grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.

"No time to be staring Sammy, you can gawk at my muscles all day later." He smirked at me over his shoulder as he ran.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, not just from the fire around us, but from the fire in me...

But I snorted instead,"I see no muscles, Maxy."

I kind of hoped he didn't know I was lying, but as he looked over his shoulder at me with a playful wink, I also kind of hoped he did.

We all ran out of the burning house, Andromeda, Tonks, and Remus standing a few feet away from us, waving at us to hurry, wands at their ready.

Aly looked back at George, her eyes always occsionally searching for his, and always moving back to the hag on her shoulder.

What the bloody hell is going on??


Aly P.O.V.

God, I don't know what in the world am I freaking doing! What if George and Lily were really meant to be together?? What if I was the bad luck that came in their way? What if I was the person I didn't want to become?

The girl that steals true love away.

God, I'm so flipping screwed.

We all ran out of Andromeda's now burning house, towards the top of the hill where Tonks and Andromeda were waving hysterically at us to hurry our butts up.

I closed my eyes, remembering.

I was running down the hall in blurs, to stay out of fire's hand, but not even my element could stop these hungry flames until they consumed everything and everyone. As if my life wasn't already so damn complicated, like Life just had to add to the list of my miseries,"Oh and you burn your aunt's house down after she saved your butt from your hag of a mother. No biggie."

For the love of...Gosh, life really sucks.

I looked over at the unconscious bitch of bitches on my shoulder and shuddered,

Definitely no pun intended.

I ran down the hall and finally reached Andromeda's room, where she and Tonks were caring for Remus.

Guilt literally must have slapped me in the face, when I looked at the man, too pale on the bed.

What had I done...


I looked up.

Tonks was glaring at me from across the room,

"Don't you dare start blaming yourself Alesana..."She said sternly, her eyes and hair already turning to the color of coal.

"It was not your fault...You weren't...yourself."Her eyes turned to an agonizing blue as she looked away from me.

"It was someone else...You wouldn't.." She muttered under her breath as she turned away, resting another towel on Remus' forehead.

I would have almost belived her, if her hair hadn't stayed on that sad color. Even if it wasn't me mentally who did this, but it was defintily apart of me, that monster that lives inside me; that beast. It's still me , no matter what Tonks, Sam, or Max believed. The cold truth is that monster, that vampire is a piece of who I am..

That monster is still me.

The bitch unconcious behind me, is living proof of that unadvoidble , damn sad fact.

I stared at Remus," Who's next..." I whispered.


I snapped out of my thoughts, Andromeda was now standing infront of me, eyes concerned.

"We need to speak..."Her eyes wandered to Lily, who was still on my back,

"Privately..If you mind." She gestured towards the bitch knocked out.

I just sighed and surprisingly, gently laid the queen of hell on the floor.

I bet all the change in my batman bag that she would just dropped me face first on the floor, that dramatic, evil, husband-stealing little bit-


I looked up, Andromeda was standing in the glow of the doorway, paitently waiting.

I stood up and followed.

We walked down the hall and made a right until we stopped at Andromeda's room. She opened the door, and gestured with the wave of her hand, for me to go in. I just shrugged and walked in and saw that her room was exactly the way I pictured it. Simple.Ordinary. Cozy.

A master bed laid in the middle of the bed, covered with common white blankets and pillows, an antique dresser sat at the corner of the room, a fan spun abover our heads slowly, thickening the air, but only one thing seemed to be out of place...

The rocking baby crib that sat under the window, dipped in the spill of moonlight that poured  through the glass like an angel's blessing.

I turned around Andromeda was standing behind the door, her arms crossed against her chest.

I raised an eyebrow," Is this some  kind of intervention?"

Andromeda stared at me,"I know what you are thinking child, Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't give him up." My eyes widen at that. Is this woman pyshic or what??

"I don't know what you're talking about.."I muttered under my breath, walking towards the baby crib that sat under the gaze of the moon, smoke traveling around it like a Death Eater's shadows.. 

I looked down, and see Tonks' name was carved into one of the wooden bars, I traced it absently with my finger,

"You have done everything to keep that Weasly boy with you; You have come back to him for a reason, you two were meant for a destiny greater than the one of Harry Potter's..." She whispered,

"I've only seen a love like yours once in my life time, the kind that lives in only muggle fairytales and legends.."

I snorted, rocking the crib, "My life has been far from a fairytale Andromeda."

"Every fairytale has it's villains..." She whispered,

Her steps drew closer,"And it's heroes..."

I closed my eyes," Yes...but they all don't have happy endings."  I felt her arm curl around my shoulders,

I lifted my gaze from the carved memory, and met my aunt's warm brown eyes,

"True...But they always have heroes Alesana, and you must be the heroine of your own fairytale. Destroy your dragons, break your curses because child..." Her wrinkled hand reached and cupped my cheek and smiled with the eyes of a mother, "you must make your own happy ending."

Lines from the prophecy haunted my mind like an eerie echoe,

A soul surrenderer she will become...

Her humanity shattered

The Light gone..

"What if I don't have one..?" I whispered,

Andromeda leaned back and shook her head,"Then it's not the end."

Then a wooden bean fell from the ceiling, covered in red flames, was about to crash the old crib...

"NO!" I yelled, reaching out for the board, already calling up my element, a windy breeze brushing against my soul..

"Alesana." An arm grabbed gripped mine and pulled me back.

I spun around, "But-!"

Andromeda just smiled gently, "Watch."

I slowly turned around, afraid to see the damage done; afraid to see such innocence gone; such memories lost forever..

But then..

"I've always had an enchantment casted on that crib, ever since Tonks was born. Just so protection was always there, even when I was not." She stared fondly at the old crib, a magical barrier formed around it, like a bubble.

The fire lit bean was hovering above it, and with a flick of my wrist, it crashed through the window, glass raining on the wooden floor.

"Now..." Andromeda looked back at me, her eyes now in the present, dismissing the past.

"We do not have much time. Find the lily girl along with Samantha and the others. I will transport Nymphadora and Remus to the top  of hill. I want you all to meet us there. Is that understood Alesana?" She looked sternly at me as I gave her a small smile.

"Yes ma'am."

I turned around, already walking to the door.

"Alesana," Her hand grabbed mine again,

I looked over my shoulder at her, her eyes filled with concern and warmth,

"Do you understand child? Do you understand everything now?" Her eyes staring into mine,

It is not the end.

"Yes," I whispered.

I turned around and ran out the old room's door, feeling Andromeda's worried eyes behind me as I went.

"WHAT TOOK YOU ALL SO LONG!" Tonks was frantic, her hair color changing from black to blue to gray as Sam, Max, and I ran up the hill towards them, with Fred, George, and the bitch of all bitches on our backs.

"Well I am carrying 100 pounds of crazy bitch on my back." I finally put the queen of hell down.

"And I am carrying possibly two hundred pounds of bloody idiots on my back with a desperate need of a smoke, excuse me if I am a little slow." Max narrowed his gold eyes at Tonks as he dropped George and Fred like a sack of potatoes on the ground.

Sam elbowed Max in the stomach for that one, but before she could, he grabbed her elbow first, tracing his fingers down her arm, to her wrist until his fingers were slowly intertwined with hers, I raised an eyebrow at the two, completely grinning like an idiot at Sam, who blushed so freaking hard that she could give Marley a run for her money.

Guess we know who's the latest couple around here.

I watched their hands tighten around the others, and I could only hope their fairytale has a happy ending, compared to mine.

"Everyone hold on to each other!" Andromeda ignored them, as we all held on to each other's hands, including Lily, Fred, and George.

"Do NOT let go!" Andromeda  ordered.

Then I closed my eyes and was swallowed by darkness.




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