Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)

נכתב על ידי FloweredQueen

1.6K 44 6

18+ | Liana Williams - party going, ginger sweetheart was rejected by her mate on the first day of her senior... עוד

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


66 3 0
נכתב על ידי FloweredQueen

As the night goes on, I keep a conversation going with Jamie and my guards, telling them all about the new plans that I was considering doing to make sure our protection was better than how my father had it. They nod at some points, giving me their feedback when I asked, and help me solidify a plan. When I finally head out to talk to the rest of the pack, thanking them, I stop in my steps when I spot Dominic. There, hanging off of his arm talking his head off with a flirty smile on her face, was no one other than Jillian.

I stifle a growl, knowing we were supposed to pretend that there was nothing going on between us, yet the image of her had managed to piss me off. Rolling my eyes, I turn my back on them, feeling Dominic's gaze, and ask my members their personal ideas and opinions on the new protection plan that I was putting in place. After getting a basic idea, I flow through the group and keep small conversations going, thanking them for coming out, before making my way to get something to drink.

I pass by Dominic, clenching my jaw, and grab a water off of the table. I felt him next to me, refusing to meet his eyes. "Lia." I turn on my heel, ready to leave, yet he grabs my arm. "Liana."

I change my expression to come across as bored, looking up at him. "Dominic."

He gives me a small smirk. "Are you really jealous?"

I shrug. "You're welcome to flirt with whoever you want. We aren't together, are we?"

His eyes darken in annoyance, a challenge that he wasn't sure if he wanted to take or not, and pulls me to him. "Let's dance."

I let him lead me to the floor, quiet even when his hands fall to my waist and mine wrap around his neck. On the outside, we appeared how we normally did. Two best friends who always spent time together. And yet, inside of my chest, I wasn't sure if I was in the mood to cry or be pissed.

"Liana," he whispers, voice low so only I could hear. "Will you please talk to me?"

I wipe my eyes, refusing to look at him. "It really isn't that important."

He pulls me by my chin to face him, his touch gentle. It brings a whole new wave of tears that I try my best to blink away. "My girlfriend is in my arms, crying, and will not tell me why. It's pretty damn important to me."

"I knew we'd have to keep this a secret," I start, sniffling, "and yet I was so used to everyone dodging you that seeing a girl that wasn't me on your arm brought back a whole new wave of emotions. I'm not sure if I should be angry, sad, or indifferent. I started to compare her to Elizabeth and then I was worried about how you might leave and go after someone you can actually be with and show off."

He twirls me, giving me a smile, and pulls me back to his chest. "You crazy girl," he whispers in my ear. "I'm all yours. My heart was yours from the beginning."

I smile a little, resting my head on his heart. It was beating fast, a promise that his words were true, and I sigh. "I'm being a big baby, aren't I?

"No. Every time I visit you or your house, it smells like those humans. All I think about is how they see you more than I can."

"You do live about an hour and a half away from me, Dominic. I can't help that."

He sighs, twirling us fast so he can press a kiss to my neck. "You silly girl. You don't understand, do you?"

"I've never had an actual boyfriend before. What I had with Cameron was something else."

He growls in my ear. "Stepping on dangerous territory there, princess."

"Is that so?" Gaining a new sense of courage, I smirk up at him when we slow down again. "He was my technical first kiss, my first time, he was-"

He growls in my ear, fingers gripping my sides. "Do you really want to continue that?"

"He was the first person that-"

Dominic, possessive, presses his hand over my mouth. His eyes were dark, unable to hide his emotions from me, and he stares me down. "I will kill him if you continue. Would you like that?"

A few of my pack members who hear that small part of our conversation worriedly looks at us, seeing the way his hand was pressed over my mouth. I smile cheekily up at him when he removes it, running his hand down his face.

"You're going to be the death of me."

Snickering, I hold my hand up at the guards who are walking in our direction, letting them know it was just miscommunication. They warily stare at us, making sure I was completely safe before they walked off. Even then they stood only a few feet away from us. I catch Jillian's eye, her face red as she looks away. It was obvious that she was waiting for me to finish dancing with Dominic.

Pulling myself out of his arms, he frowns at me. "Looks like someone is waiting for you. I'm going to head back to my office and finish up the paperwork before I head home."

His frown deepens but he nods, kissing my forehead. I send a link to the guards, letting them know to keep an eye on everything and to send everyone back inside in a few hours, before closing the link unless absolutely necessary. The house is silent aside from the few members who are retreating to bed, all wishing me a good night.

I'm silent until I step into the office, thanking the guard for standing here and close it with a soft click behind me. Sitting in my chair, I bury my face in my hands, trying to calm the sick feeling in my stomach and the pain in my heart. Images of Jillian flirting with Dominic and smiling up at him brings a whole new wave of anger. I tug at my hair and smack my head on the table, hoping that, if I did it enough times in the next few years, I could send myself into an early retirement.


I barely acknowledge Dominic the next few days after the party. Each time he was over, Jillian sought him out, attempting to start a conversation with him. Even when his personality completely switched into the cold and pissed off state he normally stayed in with other people, it only pushed her away for a little bit. After all, Jillian was convinced that he was just having a bad day.

Now, working out in the gym that was connected to the pack house, I send one last punch to the punching bag before wiping my forehead with a towel. All of the pent-up frustration I had over the last few days had emptied out the more I trained, finally feeling satisfied for getting a release. My phone chimes once, then twice, before it starts to ring Link's ringtone.

Taking a large gulp of water, I answer on the third ring. "Hello, love of my life."

"Hey, you. What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing. As usual."

I can hear him laugh on the other end. "Cool. Want to go to a party with me and Eric?"

Images of Dominic with Jillian flash through my mind. "Definitely. Do I need to wear anything special?"

"Just look cute as always, beautiful."

After hanging up, I go upstairs for a shower in the Alpha quarters, thankful I had clothes here. I pull my hair into a bun and apply little makeup to hide the bags underneath my eyes. While I think about what I could wear, I work on the eye shadow, giving myself a dark brown that caused the green in my eyes to pop out.

I grab the first dress I see, pulling it on with a strapless bra underneath it. Feeling ready, I text Link to let him know where I was and pull on my converse, taking the steps two at a time. In the kitchen, I hear Jillian talking to someone, and I relax with knowing there were some guards with her. Deciding to talk to them first, I round the corner, faltering in my steps. Dominic is there, eyes hard as he stares down at Jillian who was trailing her fingers up his chest.

He catches my eye, knowing I was pissed and starts to walk over to me. "I'm just letting you guys know I'll be out for a bit. Have Jamie call me if anything happens."

Dominic, uncomfortable with the situation, excuses himself when I step outside to wait for Link. All of the frustration that I had gotten rid of was back and the moment I close the door behind me do I smack my fist on the siding of the house. Link messages me, letting me know he's almost there, and I take deep breaths to keep myself calm so I wouldn't start crying.


Bitter words rise in my throat, yet I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him. His fingers rest on my shoulders, turning me around to face him, and I stare into his eyes. Very rarely does he ever look worried around me, and yet here he was, hands shaking as he stares me down.

"Please don't be mad. I keep trying to get out of her line of sight when I come to see you, I swear. But when she corners me like that, I can't do anything because she isn't in my pack. I don't want them to think I'm here to start issues with you."

Looking away, I grip the railing on the porch, refusing to cry. "I can't do this."

He was frozen, his grip loosening before turning my head to face him. "What do you mean."

It wasn't a question, and yet the two of us stare each other down. "If I have to hide this relationship then I can't do it. I can't sit there and watch some girl I let into my pack touch my boyfriend and not say anything because he doesn't want me to get hurt."

"I know, Lia."

"So make up your decision, Dominic. Either you want this to work or you don't."

I hear Link heading up the driveway, his music not too loud, and I turn around to walk down the steps. Dominic grabs my arm, pulling me to his chest, and kisses me hard enough that he steals all the words I wanted to say to him.

"Tomorrow, Lia. I'll make the announcement tomorrow. If I do that, you need to keep a guard with you at all times."

I nod, feeling myself smile, and pull him down to me. His lips melt against my own, tongue brushing my lip to ask for entrance. When I give it to him, there's a growl that comes out of the back of his throat, already hard when he holds me to him.

"I have to go," I laugh, catching my breath.

"I wish I could ask you to change, but I see your ride is here. Be safe." Smiling up at him, he presses one last kiss to my lips. "However, if you come home and you're still in that, prepare for me to pull it off with my teeth. No one is allowed to see you in something like that but me."

Blushing furiously, I laugh and push him away, sliding into the front seat of Link's car. "So where's this party at?"

Smirking at me, Link pulls away from the pack house, picking up speed once he reaches the highway. "Not too far from here. I know a guy who knows a guy."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Is it one of those parties where everyone ends up drunk twenty minutes in?" He laughs, not denying it, and I look at Eric who was typing away at something on his phone. "How are you doing?"

He smiles at me, eyes twinkling. "Great. I plan to get shitfaced."

"I'll be the DD?" I offer.

Eric, wanting to protest, is silenced by Link. "This girl has an insane tolerance. She'll drink as much as you no problem and will only be buzzed."

I blush, knowing it was only because of the wolf in me, and stare out of the window as we drive. I pipe in their conversation every now and then, trying to get rid of the sick feeling in my stomach and step out of the car once we park. I stare at the house before me, something that wasn't much bigger than my own, and take Link's arm when he offers it. There are curious looks that are shot our way, some gazes lingering on my body for too long.

Out of the corner of my eye, Eric shoots them a dark look which thankfully diverts their attention. The music grows loud once we're in the house, me holding onto Link's arm tightly as we make our way into the kitchen. I use my enhanced vision to see in the dark house, moving quickly enough so I would not get hit by a girl dancing haphazardly, and stumble into the kitchen.

"I should have stayed home," I mutter. Not hearing Link or Eric reply, I look around almost in a panic, wondering just how I managed to lose them. They were nowhere to be seen, making me curse underneath my breath, and I snag a water bottle out of the fridge.

I consider either looking around or waiting in the kitchen, and feeling more annoyed tonight than normal, I decide to take out my frustration by looking for the two boys who I managed to lose. The music pounds loud in the house, the bass causing glass items and photos to vibrate. With the constant mix of arousal and different scents between body odor and perfume, it was hard to directly pinpoint the boys. Deciding to lean against the wall, I cross my arms over my chest and sip on my water every now and then, eyes focused. A few men pass me, their breath smelling like hard liquor, and I dismiss them by turning my head away.

Minutes pass until I've been here an hour leaning on the wall. Still unable to find Eric or Link, I curse underneath my breath, feeling extremely pissed off at this point. I open my link with Dominic, ready to ask him to come and get me when a man leans on the wall next to me. He smelt strongly of alcohol, arousal, and human, causing my nose to wrinkle up in disgust.

"Hey, beautiful." I keep my eyes directly in front of me, arms over my chest to show my disinterest. "I'm talking to you."

"And I'm ignoring you."

He laughs at my comment, leaning close to me, and stares into my eyes."What's your name?"

"Please excuse me."

I push myself off the wall and walk through the house to find a bathroom. There was nothing downstairs, just rooms that were locked with couples inside of it. I hiss underneath my breath as I walk upstairs, something I didn't want to do, yet I needed peace and quiet to get my thoughts together. I pass couples making out on the stairway, apologizing as I step around them, and open the first door on my left.

Greeted with an empty bathroom, I close the door behind me and flip the lock, sitting on the lip of the tub. I get in contact with Dominic first, unsure of what time it was because my phone was in Link's car, and bury my face in my hands.

Hello, sweetheart. Is everything okay?

I can't find Link or Eric. Can you come and pick me up?

What's your location?

While I give it to him, I look around the bathroom and grab a rag, wetting it so I could scrub the makeup off. It took me a few minutes, and after staining the rag and coloring the sink brown, I stare at my natural features in the mirror. I leave the rag in the sink and make my way back downstairs, ready to search one last time before giving up, and head into the kitchen to see if they were getting a refill or something else to drink.

No one lingers in the kitchen, making me frown, and I turn around to stare at the living room where people were making out and dancing wildly enough that I risked getting out with at least a couple bruises. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that I could easily hurt someone if needed, and yet the idea of doing that to a human makes me sick. I apologize as I push my way through, trying to focus on Eric or Link's scent, and curse underneath my breath when bodies start pressing against me.

Hands latch onto my waist, my first instinct to turn around, and I glare at the guy who grins from ear to ear at me. "Drop your hands or I'll snap them," I growl.

He ignores me, pulling me hard enough to his chest that I wince at the pain. "I don't appreciate the way you talk to me."

Deciding it was best to get this over with, I push hard on his chest, making him stumble. He takes a few people down in his attempt to not fall, making me smirk, and I settle on going outside to wait for Dominic. The cool air hits me instantly, bringing chills along my arms, and I lean on the house while I wait patiently. People pass me, thankfully uninterested in a girl sitting outside, and I chew on my lip while I tap my foot.

I'm almost there, kitten.

I'm outside waiting.

The seconds tick and make me uneasy, impatiently waiting so I could go home. When I stand, thinking I see Dominic's car down the road, the first man that confronted me slams his arm against the wall. He grins down at me, eyes dark and wicked, and corners me.

"So we meet again."

I clear my throat. "Please leave me alone."

He clicks his tongue, lowering his head. "No can do."

Right as I go to shove him, he grabs my hand, using his other one to grip my throat. I struggle, considering stomping hard on his foot to drop me until he presses his body against my own. I gasp for air, sinking my nails into his arm, and stare at his wicked grin.

"I need to tell you something and you better heed to my warning. Otherwise, your pretty little life will be in danger."

Freezing, he smirks down at me, finally getting me where he wants. His hand slides down the front of my dress, tugging it down with my bra included. I feel the air on my breasts, my face hot, and turn away from him.

His lips press on my neck, tears springing to my eyes, and he chuckles. "I think it's best you stay away from Dominic before you're hurt, my little princess. You wouldn't want to piss off the wrong people, now would you?"

I tense at Dominic's name, growling between my teeth when he nips at my skin. Just as he goes to lower himself, he's suddenly shoved off of me, Dominic's eyes blazing with rage. I fix my dress, stepping behind him, and wipe the tears out of my eyes.

"So, you think you can touch her?" he growls.

The man smirks. "Oh, I was going to do a lot more than touch her. She was going to be begging and yelling my name by the end of the night."

Immediately pissing him off, Dominic grips him by his throat, eyes fully black. His muscles tense the harder he grips, deadly growls escaping every now and then. Just as the kid was about to stop breathing, I grab Dominic's hand.

"Please, let's just go," I whisper.

He stares him down, only somewhat satisfied at how his face was swollen and red, and drops him to the ground so he could struggle to breathe. "Threaten her again, and I will kill you. If someone comes after her, I will be sure you're the first one I kill whether you had anything to do with it or not."

I'm unable to listen to his reply when Dominic pulls me by my hand, dragging me to his car. Quietly, I sit in the passenger seat and pull my knees to my chest, forcing myself to not cry. Dominic was tense, silent for the entire drive, and steps out of the car to open my door for me. Thanking him, he follows me inside, refusing to let go of my hand, and I head upstairs to change. I ignore him being in the room when I drop my dress, throwing myself on my bed after putting on my pajamas. The bed dips when he lowers himself into it, arms wrapping around my waist protectively.

"Lia," he whispers, face buried into my back.

"Yes?"I murmur, eyes heavy.

"I want you."

I snicker. "You always have me."

He turns me to face him, holding my head in his hands. "No, Lia. I want you as mine. My mate, my life. I want you."

My eyes stare into his before I blush, hiding my face in his chest. "So what are you saying?" I mumble.

Amused by my embarrassment, he rolls so I'm straddling him, pulling me down by my shirt. "I want to mark you here," he whispers, thumb brushing my neck. "I want to claim you as mine and then make love to you all night after it happens."

Surprised that my face manages to get even redder, I bury myself in his chest, groaning. "You're such a tease."

"Lia, I want to mark you, I really do. You're about to turn nineteen, so I want to wait half a year or a year after your birthday."

I frown. "Why not now?"

His arms are warm around me as he holds me to him, fingers trailing through my hair. "A mate's bond is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. I want you to be absolutely positive that you want to be with me."

I stare at his chest, holding the fabric in a tight grip, and slowly nod my head. "You'll still make the announcement tomorrow, right?"

"Of course, sweetheart."

 I cling to his words, curling into his arms as we lay quietly on the bed. He hums low to me, something he told me my mother did when he was feeling upset, and I fall asleep to the steady beating of his heart.

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