
By necr0misis

31.3K 1.3K 1K

[COMPLETED] URIE KUKI X QUINX!READER (SORT OF HIGH SCHOOL AU) New town, new you. It appears the world's quite... More

I : Prologue ; Departure
II : Whisked Away
III : Adopted
IV : Projects
V : First day
VI : Scars are Never Truly Gone
VII : Fitness
VIII : Stalker
IX : Empty Schools are Scary
X : Teamwork
XI : Not so Unreadable Now Are You?
XII : Hanging
XIII : Landing
XIV : Salty
XV : Salty: Reprise
XVI : Watch Out for the Friendly Ones
XVII : Sound the Alarm
XVIII : Are You Dumb?
XIX : Dodgy Mother
XX : Bloodlust
XXI : Debriefing
XXII : Don't Hold Back
XXIII : Relationship
XXIV : Preparations
XXV : Lockdown
XXVII : Lack of Communication
XXVIII : Surrounded
XXIX : Epilogue ; One Wrong Move is All It Takes

XXVI : Reputation

734 38 12
By necr0misis

    "Code red, code red, code red!"

    Urie threw himself out of that classroom before his teacher could even react. He ran out of the hall while his 'superior' yelled at him to come back, but there was no way in hell he'd actually listen to her. He thought he had smelled a ghoul earlier, but now that stench was just too strong for him to smell anything else. It was Aogiri, he was sure of it. This must have been their big plan. They're here to get you. He has to find you before it's too late.

    Surely you had gotten out of class as well, now it was just a question of finding you in this school infested with flesh-eating monsters.

    He searched the entire school, he killed a few ghouls in the process as well, but he didn't find you. He found everyone but  you, actually. Now, he, Saiko, Mutsuki and Shirazu were all  worrying about you. Where had you gone? Had some ghoul already gotten to you?

    They better not.

    Urie was worried. He couldn't lie to himself anymore. He usually was one to hide his emotions, to keep them in check and make sure no weaknesses showed, but he couldn't deny the fact that this was the scariest experience of his life. He had no idea where you were and what happened to you. For all he knew, you could be lying dead in a hallway right now.

    "What do we do?" Saiko worriedly asked. The poor girl was near tears right now. ...It's incredible how huge your impact on the quinx squad was.

    "We could call them." Mutsuki said, taking out his phone while checking his surroundings to either see if you were somehow miraculously there or if there were any ghouls hiding around. Once he deemed it safe, he dialed your number and the four teenagers waited with baited breath for it to start ringing. Thanks to their heightened hearing, they could surely be able to spot you anywhere in this school.

    That is, if you still were in the school.

    What was Urie thinking? Of course you're still in the school! Where could you have gone? The entire school's on lockdown, there's no way you could escape this place now.

    But you could have gotten kidnapped by a ghoul, no? Maybe they had dragged your body out of the school grounds-- Stop that, Kuki. Stop it. You're living and you're going to keep on living for a very, very long time. You promised him that, after all. You'd do anything to live, even if it meant bailing or running away.

    Your ringtone snapped him out of his thoughts. Urie's heart nearly leapt out of his chest when your phone started ringing. You were close. Extremely close, actually. He could actually hear the vibration the device emitted.

    In the corner of his eye, he noticed Shirazu quickly shoving his hand in his pocket and bringing it back out. Soon after, your phone stopped ringing.

    Curious, Kuki turned his head to his colleague only to notice that it was your phone the blonde was holding in his hand. "Why do you have that?" The purple haired teen grimaced

    "It was a joke..." Ginshi apologetically muttered. "I just took their phone for shits and giggles..."

    "And because of that we can't find them!" Urie scolded before ripping your cellular device out of Ginshi's hands. "(Give me that.)"

    Tooru let out a defeated sigh. "When's the CCG going to show up?"

    "Surely someone already contacted them..." Saiko optimistically answered. "(Y/N) just needs to hold on until they come. They'll be alright. I mean, they survived and kept up with the Dodgy Mother, surely they can deal with a few ghouls..."

    "This is Aogiri we're talking about." Ginshi countered before shivering at the three glares he received. "I'm not saying they're gonna die! I'm just saying leaving it up to them is a bad idea! We should keep looking! If they run into someone like Tatara or even the Owl, they're royally screwed."

    "Then let's look!" Saiko exclaimed, hurrying out of the calm hallway. The rest of the squad quickly followed after her, ready to kill any ghoul separating them from you.

    Urie took the offense, his motivation to find you safe and sound adding more fire and power to his attacks.

    He knew you could probably survive against the majority of the ghouls from Aogiri (seeing as they're all wearing the hood baring the mark, it was painfully obvious that this was what they were up to), but if they were going to gang up on you, he wasn't sure whether you'd be able to handle them or not. Sure, you had a kakuja kagune, but you never showed signs of ultimate strength or regeneration as you should, considering you were the only quinx with a kakuja. The only advantage you had was the invisibility of your kagune, which might not do a lot of damage against a ghoul with a strong regeneration capacity.

    As he brutally killed as many ghouls as possible, the control he had over his thoughts was deteriorating at an alarming speed. If this were to continue, he'll soon have no control over them, and that will most likely be his downfall. He can't let his negative mind take down the hopes he was trying so hard to believe in. As soon as he thinks it's over, all the strength he has right now will disappear. He can't let himself think you're already gone, there's nothing that proves it.

    Because the absence of proof is not proof of the absence.

    As soon as he finds you, though, he promises one thing. You're out of the CCG as quickly as possible. Urie can't deal with this as well as he first believed he could. Once he finds you safe and sound, he'll convince you into quitting the Quinx project. He'll make sure you'll still be protected by the CCG, of course, but he wants you alive. Not in a box buried six feet under. If you leave the CCG, you won't be able to break the promise you made and he'll be able to keep it with ease. It's a win-win deal.

    He's going to protect you with everything his very being has to give.

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