I : Prologue ; Departure

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As soon as the body collapsed to the floor, so did his heart.

Urie never was one for showing emotions too easily, everyone knew that, but there was a limit to things, and this fucking destroyed it.

He leapt forwards, collapsing on his knees and taking his colleague's limp body into his arms. Leaning over, he quickly scanned the face for any signs of life. They were there, but incredibly faint. Too faint for his comfort, that's for sure. Not to mention that they were fading away by the second.

"Hey, hey, you made it." He slowly started, trying to contain the emotions burning and swelling up inside of him. "Don't give up, okay? We've got you covered, Mutsuki's going to call for help, aren't you?"

The green haired male could do nothing but nod, even if he knew the attempt would surely be futile in the end.

"And you're going to get countless rewards, I'm sure. I'll give you the credits for it if needed. You can have the money too, it's all yours! Just don't close your eyes yet, keep breathing and focus on that." The squad leader insisted, shaking the limp body in his grasp in hopes to keep it alive and functioning.

"You hear me? You'll get a raise and you'll be out of this dysfunctional squad. Just stay awake for me, or rather, for the Quinx." He finally got a response, albeit a negative one.

The already shallow breathing of his partner ceased completely.

"Oi." Urie muttered in a warning tone. "I told you to stay awake, so do it! That's an order, damn it! Wake up!"

"U-Urie, that's not gonna work..." Saiko whined between sobs that shook her whole body. She didn't like seeing him handling her deceased friend like that. No one would, if they were in her shoes.

"It will!" He yelled back. "Stay with me, damn it! You fought for your life minutes ago, so why can't you do it now?!" His hands grabbed his associate's shoulders and roughly shook them, as if trying to wake someone up from a very deep sleep. The lack of answer caused him to panic, accidentally making him lower his guard.

Don't hold back.

The dam broke right there. The tears in his eyes became visible and quickly rolled down his cheeks as his breathing became ragged. Urie didn't give a fuck about keeping up an image right now.

"Don't you fucking dare die on me!" He hollered. His grip became tighter as the last of his hopes vanished along with the remaining life force of the body that once belonged to someone dear to him.

Seeing the current state of their squad leader, Tooru and Saiko could do nothing more than cry with him, mourning the loss of their beloved squad member.

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