VII : Fitness

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A/N: IM NOT DUMB I KNOW IT ISNT THE WEEKEND BUT classes are cancelled because of shitty roads and lots of snow, so I have this whole day to advance in my writing so I think I can afford to bless you all with a chapter today. Enjoy!!

    "Don't ask my why, but I have a bad feeling about today." Shirazu told you as he walked into the gym (it's weird that he hadn't told you that during the first class instead, seeing as you had the same one). You gave him an odd look at he settled on your right, seeing as your left was already occupied by Urie.

    "Why do you have a bad feeling?" You asked, completely ignoring half of what he just said.

    "He just told you not to ask him." Urie muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes at your lack of comprehension. Yeah, he can go shove his comprehension up his ass.

    "Well sorry  but he's piqued my curiosity, okay? What's the bad feeling about?" You replied, giving most of your attention to Ginshi, who simply shrugged.

    Before you could ask any more questions, your teacher walked into view, making all the chatter dimmer into practically nothing. Yeah, that was an impressive thing with this class. Teens here behaved. Absolutely amazing.

    "I have a special program for today." The adult started, smiling. Beside you, Shirazu groaned. Maybe this was the bad feeling he was talking about. Who knows, maybe the teacher was going to kill you all with burpees today. Yippee yay for you. "We'll be working in groups of three for the day-- which I  will be arranging by the way-- to complete a series of fighting techniques and exercises."

    It was Urie's turn to groan. You really couldn't understand him. Haise elected him as squad leader just yesterday and he seemed fine with that, but when it comes to actual  team effort, he doesn't want to do shit? This boy had some issues to be dealt with, and fast.

    "You three, you're a team." The teacher pointed at your little squad, leaving out Saiko and Mutsuki. "You two, go with him." He said, pairing up the two other quinxes with a kid in twelfth grade. Let the suffering begin.

    "Shirazu, what the fuck?!" You exclaimed as you scrambled to get the doll he had just (yeeted) thrown through the gym. "We're not supposed to kill the baby, damn it!"

    The teacher had assigned you all on a team exercise that consisted of crossing an imaginary lake full of crocodiles with nothing but a doll (a pretend baby that was supposed to survive the trip), a pan and a jumping rope. Shirazu chose the easy method and chucked the baby on the other side, completely oblivious that no one was on the other side to catch it.

    "What? I put the pan on its head, it won't get a concussion!" The blonde interjected, sure that his method would have worked in the real world.

    "It would have DIED!" You shot back, baby and pan in hand. "God damn it, I wanna win this thing before the others figure it out!"

    "Hand me the thing." Urie monotonously said, extending his hand towards the doll you were holding. "And go stand on the other side of the gym. Pretend to do something, I don't care what."

    You feigned hurt as you clutched the doll to your chest. "First of all, it's a baby, thank you very muc--"

    "Just give it to me and go." He cut off, huffing halfway through his sentence. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he laughed. But you knew better, and there's no way Kuki himself would laugh.

    You obeyed him and gave the doll before jogging on the other side as Shirazu loudly whined about what he was supposed to do. In the end, he just stood there, confused and (falsely) hurt that he had been left out on the action.

    "Sir, I think there's something wrong with our doll." Kuki loudly said, catching the teacher's attention. He walked over with a puzzled expression before taking it in his hands to observe it.

    "What's wrong with it?" He asked, carefully looking it over.

    "I don't know, (Y/N) found the flaw but they went over by the kettlebells for some reason." He answered, pointing on the other side of the gym where you were inspecting the metal weights as if they were the world's most interesting objects.

    The gym teacher nodded before walking over to you, giving you the doll and asking what's wrong with it.

    Your mouth opened and closed for a few seconds, confused on what to answer him. Urie hadn't told you what to do and you sucked at improvising for trivial matters like these. You simply looked it over while stuttering before looking back at your squad leader and Shirazu, desperate for help.

    A smug expression appeared on Urie's face before he spoke. "We're done, sir. The doll crossed the gym." He then crossed his arms and stood there while the teacher stammered for a few seconds, not getting what just happened. You, on the other hand, did and became slightly afraid of how cunning Urie truly is. Better stay on his good side.

    He seemed to accept his defeat after a while though as he regained his composure. "Good job, team Urie." Who the hell said your team was named 'team Urie'? What's wrong with 'team (L/N)' or 'team Shirazu'? "Next up, let's see if you two," He pointed at you and Ginshi. "Can cross the crocodile infested lake. Urie, come stand on this end of the gym."

    And the smug bastard left you three there.

    "I'm not down for 'team Urie'." Shirazu growled all of a sudden.

    "Well I'm not going to live my life knowing I was once in some atrocity called 'team Shirazu'." Kuki snapped back, making you gasp.

    "How about a just middle," you proposed calmly. "Team (L/N)."

    "Fuck no!"


    "I got an idea." Shirazu muttered, quickly glaring at Urie, who was sitting on the other side of the gym with his earphones deep in his ears and ignoring the two of you.

    "What's the idea?" You asked. Shirazu didn't bother answering you and instead focused on trying to get Urie's attention. It didn't work. "Listen, Ginshi, I know you sorta got left out on the last team effort we did but you can't take it out on me because I had no idea-- WOAH!"

    Before you could say anything else, Ginshi had lifted you up and above his head, not even grunting. This boy had some strength in him, damn.

    "Listen, Shirazu, don't drop me." You begged, trying your best to clutch on his arm as if it would save you from falling. "I don't think you'll get Urie's attention this w--"

    "Shirazu what the hell are you doing?!" Demanded Urie on the other side of the gym. You had no idea when, but he had jumped up and ripped his earphones out. "Let them down (you imbecile), the floor's still going to hurt them if you drop them."

    "Well what do you know." You muttered. "Ginshi, listen to him."

    "Catch 'em, alright? That way it'll be another point for team Shirazu!" The shark boy underneath you said, causing you to panic. Is he going to throw you?!

    "It's not called team-- fuck!" You were thrown across the room before you could process it. And you didn't even land remotely near  Urie, you crashed on the ground a few meters away from him instead. It hurt. Like, a lot, but your quinx regeneration capacities ensured that you had no broken bones because of the fall. Just a few bruises.

    The teacher had to break up a fight Ginshi had initiated with Kuki after the events you were dragged in. And it hadn't been easy at all. The two were fighting as if their lives depended on it.

    All because Ginshi Shirazu threw you across the gym.

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