VI : Scars are Never Truly Gone

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A/N: Yo I know it's not the weekend and I'm not supposed to post but because of Veterans Day nothing's opened today so here you go I'll count today as the weekend

    You swung your bag higher on your shoulder, walking towards your bus at a fast pace, either to get away from the school as quickly as possible or keep up with Kuki and Ginshi, who were really, really fast walkers.

    "You two are going to kill me, will you fucking slow down?" You complained. To your surprise, the two boys actually obeyed you and slowed their pace, allowing you to catch up to them. It also gave you the time to look around and silently judge the other students who hurried to climb into their respective school bus (a habit you sadly got from none other than Urie himself).

    In the corner of your eye, you noticed a figure that seemed to catch your attention. You stopped in your tracks, making your two friends stop alongside you, giving you odd glances.

    "Something wrong?" Shirazu asked, frowning. "Is your kagune gonna show?" He worriedly asked, backing away from you out of fear.

    "No, that dude over there just looks out of place." You answered, discreetly pointing over at the teachers' parking lot, which wasn't very far away, where a man stood.

    Kuki took a good whiff of the air, making you furrow your eyebrows and give him a questioning look. "What are you doin-"

    "It smells like a ghoul." He monotonously stated. He could smell it? Even you couldn't smell that, and you apparently had the strongest kagune in the group! ... did Kuki train his sense of smell..? What a try hard. "I think we should tell Sasaki that there was a ghoul on school grounds. He might be after us."

    "A ghoul?" You asked yourself, looking back. His image seemed to change in your eyes and for a fraction of seconds, you saw him, covered in blood, leaning over your mother's dead body. An intense hatred bubbled up within you at the sight, making you nearly shake in rage. How dare  he show his face in front of you? "It's him!" You said a bit louder, shamelessly pointing at him.

    "Him?" Ginshi questioned. "(Y/N), you good?"

    "He killed and ate like half of my parents!" You added, trying to contain your anger.

    "Didn't you live like an hour away from here?" The shark boy worriedly asked. "What's he-"

    "That means he found them." Kuki said.

    "Thanks Captain Obvious." You sarcastically muttered before tugging on both of the males' sleeves. "Now let's go before he sees us staring. We'll tell Haise tonight."

    With that, you dragged Kuki and an incredibly confused Ginshi to the bus you were supposed to take back home, pushing the encounter into the back of your mind until you were back at what you liked to call the Chateau.

    Keeping it locked away proved to be quite a difficult task seeing as Ginshi informed Saiko and Mutsuki of the event in full detail, which took a pretty long time. Hell, even Kuki couldn't shut him up from blabbing about theories and what ifs.


    "I see..." Haise said, scratching his head. After you finished explaining what you witnessed, you went back to eating the delicious food the man had prepared for you all (seriously, Haise had some mad skills when it came to cooking). "I'll have to put in a word at the CCG, it might be dangerous for you, (Y/N). From what the Suzuya squad have, that ghoul might be in an organization, so tracking him down might be a bit difficult."

    "I just don't want to see his face again." You muttered.

    "Oh man, they were so mad when they saw him!" Ginshi started, probably on the verge of ranting once again until Haise shot him a stern look. "Right, not appropriate..." He muttered, giving up on his idea.

    "We'll stop him, one way or another. Now, we just need to know why he's trying to track you down like that." Haise wondered out loud.

    That was odd indeed. It's not like your family has a huge impact on ghouls or the CCG. What happened to you was pure bad luck, so why would a ghoul be so determined on killing you? You're nothing special-- Well, you used to be.

    "Maybe he caught wind of the QS project." Mutsuki piped up. "It would make sense that ghouls would want to stop us from finding better ways of fighting against them."

    "Yeah, I suppose so." Haise agreed.

    You simply smirked at Tooru, who was slightly confused as to how you were reacting to his idea. He uttered a small, hesitant 'what..?' before you spoke up. "I told you, you looked  intelligent."

    The male became bright red and averted his attention to his food instead, desperately trying to regain his usual skin tone.

    "I actually don't get anything." Shirazu sighed. "I can't believe this asshole spoke about 'respecting the teachers and fellow students' for the whole period and then gave us this huge ass homework on the animal cell right after! That's fuckin' disrespect to my brain."

    "What brain?" Saiko smugly asked, causing you and Mutsuki to gasp.

    "You smell that? Smells like a burn." You added in a teasing manner.

    "She's not far from the truth though, what the fuck is the mitochondria?!" Ginshi exclaimed before groaning in frustration and throwing his pencil on the ground.

    "We learned that in like, eight grade, dumbass." You muttered. "The powerhouse of the cell."

    "It's the organelle that produces energy for the cell." Tooru explained in more details.

    "Smarty-pants!" Saiko sang out while you simply rolled your eyes. Did she not  hear what you just  said?

    The four of you fell into another silence that was only disturbed by the scribbling sound of your pencils on the papers you were supposed to fill out called homework. On the first day of school. Very great indeed.

    Not too long after, your attention was drawn to Urie, who walked down the stairs with his school bag and settled on the couch behind you. From the sound of it, he was planning on joining the little study session that just started.

    Shirazu let out a sound you assumed was a sarcastic chuckle. "And what do you want from us today, mister manipulator?"

Right, Urie managed to manipulate Shirazu into spreading a whole bottle of Tabasco sauce on a bagel a few days before school started and even got him to eat the whole thing... You said it before and you'll say it again, Kuki Urie is an odd (and cunning) guy.

    "Nothing." Kuki muttered. "I just had nothing to do."

    "You had homework. Why wanting to do that with us?" You asked, turning around to give him an overly skeptical glance.

   Urie simply shrugged and dove back into his homework, leaving the true reason for his guest appearance a mystery for (probably) ever.

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