V : First day

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    "I already regret taking biology I." Ginshi sighed as he read his schedule. You peered over his shoulder and smiled.

    "Hey, cheer up! You got almost all the same classes as me, it'll be fun!" You exclaimed while pointing at the piece of paper in his hand. "The only difference is that I have physics I and you don't."

    "Do we have any classes together?" Tooru asked, sitting down next to you to see your schedule. You nodded once you inspected his piece of paper.

    "Oh! Me? I don't wanna be a loner!" Saiko whined, exchanging her schedule with Shirazu's, Mutsuki's and your own.

    You had biology I with Tooru and Ginshi, language studies with Ginshi and Saiko and fitness with all four of the quinxes in the morning. In the afternoon, you had math with Ginshi and Kuki, physics I all alone and world history with Ginshi and Tooru. It looks like life really had good stuff in store for you up until now.

    "Crap, I can't believe I have math with him." Ginshi nodded next to him where Urie sat in silence, occupied with reading something on his phone. "And it lasts the whole year, too."

    "Now, now." Saiko started in a falsely strict tone. "No bullying at school, Shiragin! You don't want detention on your first day now, do you?"

    "I'm sure it'll be fun. Kuki looks smart." You commented, surprise to see that even if you mentioned his name, Urie didn't look up from his phone. He must be super concentrated with what ever he was doing.

    "I'm sad that I didn't get math with you two..." Tooru whined. "I suck so bad at it!"

     "Tooru," You sighed. "You literally look  intelligent. I'm sure, for you, failing a class is like, an average of 85% and under." You joked. The green haired male blushed, refusing to deny your statement. It was most likely true.

    Before anyone could add anything else, the bell rang, signaling for you all to head to your first class.

    "Here we go, six classes where they'll repeat the same class rules over and over again." Shirazu sighed. "Kill me, I'm begging you."

    "Can't do that, I'll get fired." You answered. "Although I would if I could, trust me."

    Ginshi recoiled, apparently not getting the fact that you were joking. "E-er..."

     "It's called a joke." You sassed, smirking once the male turned bright red out of embarrassment.

    The first two periods went by way too slowly for your liking. Sure, you had the quinxes in your classes, but the teachers had already assigned desks to everyone and yours was no where near theirs. It's like they knew in advance. You'll blame Haise for that one.

     Other than that, the things you talked about in those classes were the same, as well. It was all about 'no this in my class' and 'in my class, we respect each other and the material' and such. You had that speech every year for the past twelve years. If you didn't know that cellphones were not permitted in class by now, there was a big problem somewhere.

    The only class that was somewhat different was fitness. One, because it was basically a gym class, so assigned seats aren't a thing and two, because they had you do tests already. On the first day. Without gym clothes. Well, the five of you were smart enough to bring your gym clothes that day, knowing for a fact that you had fitness this semester (and in the next one as well). The other students? No such luck.

    Luckily, it wasn't too demanding. It was just a question of knowledge, a few sprints and a few strength tests. You were surprised by how well you had performed during the tests, but you were also surprised by the agility the other four quinxes had as well.

    The freak show the five of you put on didn't stop there. Tooru had trouble with his kakugan for the whole class (later on, you had to give him a makeshift eyepatch because his eye would absolutely refuse to go back to normal) resulting in him looking like a ghoul for the whole time and halfway through the tests, Ginshi accidentally triggered his kagune for the first time and shot it at a rack full of kettlebells. Well, good for him, in a way. Now he knows how his kagune looks like.

    It wasn't until the end of class that the teacher finally mentioned the fact that the other students shouldn't be afraid of you or shouldn't feel inferior to you five because you were quinxes (which, by now, was already painfully obvious). Yeah, this class was going to be a fucking riot for sure. Not to mention that Urie was a total try hard.

    The lunch break was tolerable, considering you really enjoyed the quinxes' company. The five of you hadn't been together for more than a week and you were already inseparable. Like a little family, really. But that would make sense, considering your pasts resembled each other's (at this point, the QS Squad was more of a therapy group). You also all got along surprisingly well, even with Kuki's antisocial antics.

    Oh, how could you forget such a crucial detail? Kuki Urie. The moment he stepped into the damn school, all eyes were on him. It was something you noticed as soon as you all sat down in the cafeteria. People already have eyes on him and he hasn't even spoken a word to anyone yet. Yes, the guy's rather easy on the eyes, but he surely doesn't enjoy the attention, unless it can help him climb the ranks of the CCG, which you don't think it can. You noticed that Urie's more of an introvert than anything. He probably likes staying in a small gang of five, even if he won't admit it. The attention people were giving him purely because of his looks really bothered him during the day.

    At some point, two girls in senior year invited him over to their (overpopulated) table, claiming that the rest of you were 'dull' and that he'd have more fun with them. You were expecting him to politely decline their offer or something, but he didn't even bother answering them. Instead, he glared. The guy glared at two girls who probably wanted nothing more than to either be seen around him or get in his pants (you thought that was the goal all high school boys made, but Kuki Urie proves you to be extremely wrong). They both got scared and went away after that.

Kuki Urie is odd, that much you were right about. Hell, even Ginshi asked him what was wrong in his mind for him to refuse an offer like that, but the guy's the polar opposite of Kuki (it must be draining or even exhausting for him to hang out around such an extroverted, hyper person like Shirazu). Technically, he can't understand Urie's point of view because of that.

    All in all, your first day in a public space like this with them was a great way to get to know them. It was also a great way to get closer to them, Urie included (whether he denies it or not, he'll grow attached to this group and you know  it).

    Your first day would definitely be considered a success.

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