XXVII : Lack of Communication

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    "Sir, please." You whisper-yelled. "I can save lives if you let me go." You were going to get out of this class, no matter the costs.

    "I can't do that, (L/N). Now stay silent or they'll hear us." Your teacher snapped back.

    "If you want to save the class, let me go out there." You insisted. "And legally, it won't be your fault. I signed documents about scenarios like these before becoming a quinx. I don't even have any parents to hold you responsible! My whole family's dead!"

    Mr. Ootori didn't answer you.

    "At the very least, let me join them." You begged, although you had no interests in suicide. You had promised Urie, after all. "If you let me out, you won't have to deal with me anymore."

    "As tempting as it is, I can't." He answered, trying his best to keep his cool. Just a bit more and he'll snap, you know it. Just push him a little further...

    "Mr. Ootori, if you don't let me leave in a pacifist way, I will not hesitate to knock that door down and leave while exposing you all to danger." You threatened.

    "You will do no such thing." He snapped, leaning forwards to keep a good eye contact with you. One that yelled 'I fucking dare you to tell me otherwise.'

    "Don't underestimate someone that is 100 RC cells away from being a full fledged ghoul. I eat one human and the deed's done." You growled, flashing him you kakugan. Yeah, that seemed to do the trick.

    With that said, Ootori gave in. He gave you a short nod and watched as you got up and slid out of the classroom.

    Once out, you closed the door behind you, making sure it was locked before stretching. Your moment of freedom didn't last long, however. At the other end of the hall, a masked ghoul pointed at you while he attempted to gain the attention of his colleagues.

    "There they are! They're the one Eto wants!" The 'leader' yelled. "Get them! She said we can harm them, but don't kill them."

    You calmly watched as the first wave of ghouls rushed towards you. You had sort of invented a new fighting technique that you had wanted to try out, anyways...

    You let them approach you to a certain point and before one of them could latch themselves onto you, you jumped up, using his shoulders as a boost as your kagune sprung out of your back. You leapt from one ghoul to another like a frog, slicing their throats open and bashing their heads in.

    Your feet hit the ground as soon as the last body-- the leader --hit the floor. You looked back at your mess with a satisfied smile before leaving it there for others to see. You might need to see a psychologist after this mess if this is the kind of '(Y/N) was here' signs you like to put around...

    "Their classroom! I recognize it!" Tooru yelled out as they ended up in the science department. "They had physics!"

    Of course! Why hadn't Urie thought about it earlier? You were nowhere to be found in the school because Mr. Ootori had kept you in class! It makes total sense. The teacher didn't want to let you out and risk the lives of the remaining students.

    "Let's go see if they're still in there." Kuki proposed, walking up to the door and loudly knocking on it. A few terrified shrieks reached his ear along with some shushing, most likely coming from the teacher himself. "(Y/N), we're here." He spoke to the door.

    "Yeah! We're gonna go kill the ghouls. Come along." Shirazu added. "Your teacher might be a pain in the ass when it comes to that, but fuck it! There ain't no ghouls around, they're all... dead...?" The blonde glanced at the floor, finally taking notice of the multiple dead bodies on the ground.

    "I don't think (Y/N)'s in class..." Saiko muttered.

    You couldn't have done that. You weren't the one who murdered those ghouls that way. They were a good dozen and you were all alone. Surely you couldn't... Unless your kakuja started manifesting...

    Why was it when Urie found a way to make his mind believe you were safe and sound, you had to ruin it? Even it if was subconsciously. You'll be the death of him, that's for sure. He needs to find you, and quickly.

    "(Y/N) couldn't have won against all those ghouls..." Tooru added, speaking Urie's thoughts. "They're too many."

    "Well, they gotta be alive." Shirazu piped up. "Because I don't see their body in that mess. Thankfully."

     "Let's keep looking." Kuki sternly said, stepping over the motionless corpses laying on the floor to keep heading in the direction they were originally going in. "This is a school for fuck's sake. We're bound to find them one way or another."

    His squad followed after him, Ginshi emitting some disgusted grunts when he stepped in a huge puddle of blood. If things weren't going as badly as they were right now, maybe he would have mocked the ukaku quinx, but his sense of humor was non-existant right now. If only you were there to make that comment for him...

    The search for you was proven to be fruitless. And the lack of CCG investigators made Urie believe that Aogiri had somehow managed to block off all access to the school, which was not  a good thing. The more time passes by, the more possibility you have of being dead, and Urie did not  like the idea.

    At this point, he didn't even bother to hide his despair. He even misses you. The team doesn't feel the same when you're not there. Urie was desperate to find you and bring you back. Without you, the quinx squad feels incomplete. Truly dysfunctional.

    If anything were to happen to you today, Kuki won't ever be able to forgive himself. He doubts he'll even be able to continue participating in the quinx squad if something bad were to happen to you. Everything he does with his team, everything he sees reminds him of you. Why wasn't it like that when you were around?

    He doesn't know, but he doesn't want to have the opportunity to answer that question. He would much rather have you alive and by his side.

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