XXV : Lockdown

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    "I don't think I wrote enough stuff on my will." Shirazu spat out once you were all settled down at a table. "I think I should ask Sassan to give it back, I don't recall writing anything about Haru-"

    "Of course you wrote about Haru, you told me yourself. All the money you made goes to her and the treatment. You legit wrote five paragraphs about her on it, but you're not going to die anyway, Shirazu." You assured, placing a hand on the young investigator's shoulder. "Calm down. We've got a week before the raid and we'll train for it. We'll be ready when the time comes, rest assured."

    "I-I don't know. This is Aogiri we're talking about here..." Tooru muttered. Had the nerves taken over everyone's logic?

    "I side with (Y/N) on this!" Saiko piped up. Good to know someone was on your side. "We'll definitely pull through. We're the best squad the CCG has!"

    "I wouldn't say the best, considering Squad 0 is pretty goo-" You were cut off by the small bluette.

    "We're the best squad the CCG has." ...Alright, if she insists.

    "The point is," Urie continued. "We'll make it through and the two of you are worrying over nothing."

    "But I did notice how the tension's rising back at the main office." You nonchalantly added. "Everyone's pretty scared."

    "(Y/N)!" Yonebayashi scolded. "You're not helping!"

    "I'm just saying they have a valuable reason to be afraid since it seems to be contagious." You defended before realizing how hypocritical you sounded just then. "....but I'll shut up."

    "I'd give you points for trying..." Tooru reassured you, giving you a small smile. "I guess if our squad's more confident, we have more chances on our side..."

    "We have all the chances!" Saiko exclaimed. What a mad woman...


    You swear you could literally fall asleep right now. Physics I has never  been so boring before. Maybe it's because the teacher has been explaining theory for the whole class without giving you examples to try out, maybe it's just because you're tired. You don't know which it was... Maybe it's a bit of both!

    The point being, you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It would have been a bit better if perhaps you had one of the other quinxes in your class, but alas. Hell, the higher beings hated you so much that they placed Urie in a whole other class when he could be suffering with you right now.

    It doesn't help that Shirazu stole your phone during fitness class, either. You can't escape, there's no way out of this hellish class... 

    Giving up on life itself, you folded your arms on your desk and let your head fall on them, deciding sleeping it off might be better, although you sort of felt like shit for missing explanations that might be critical later in the semester. But did you even need this class to be a CCG investigator? You doubt it. Because if it really mattered, Haise would've forced everyone to take the class. Yeah, you can sleep it off this time...

    You jolted wide awake, however, when you heard a shrill scream downstairs. From what your ears were capturing, it was close to the school's main entrance. Before you could stand up and bolt out of the class to go see what was going on, the intercom rang out.

    "Code red, code red, code red!" Mrs. Suoh quickly announced throughout the whole school. There was a sharp gasp and the phone she most likely used to announce her short message was slammed down.

    All the students shot up and assumed their places for the lock down. You watched them as they pushed the desks close to the door, closed the blinds and lights and sat near a specific wall.

    "(L/N)! What are you doing?" Your physics teacher whisper-yelled when you remained unmoving near the mass of terrified students. Your nose picked up a threatening scent, making you inhale it a bit deeper to analyze it.

    "They're ghouls." You muttered before turning to the only adult in class. "Mr. Ootori, I need to go out. I'm a quinx, I can eliminate the threat if you-"

    "I can't." He answered before you could finish your sentence. "You're my student and if anything happens to you during this lockdown, I'm directly responsible. Now sit down and remain quiet." Seeing as you remained standing, he decided to take a different approach. "As a CCG investigator in training, (L/N), would you risk the lives of 21 innocent humans because of this?"

    You looked down at him, frowning. He used the 'for the sake on the team' excuse against you. Well played, Ootori...

    Without answering him, you found an unoccupied space between two students and sat down, pouting.

    You remained on your guard the whole time. Outside, students who were out of class during the announcement were going from door to door, begging for someone to open up, but no one did. There were ghouls lurking around the school, no teacher could take the risk to save one student and risk 20 more lives while doing it. And from the smell of it, they were a lot. The scent of RC cells was strong, incredibly strong, like if it was Aogiri themselves who raided the school...

    Well, almost everyone refused to open up. Thank goodness, the others couldn't hear or smell exactly what you could, but you heard the scene loud and clear downstairs in a classroom close to yours.

    "Please, open up!" A young girl, possibly a ninth or tenth grader, whined as she pounded on the door. "I don't want to die!" She exclaimed. You closed your eyes, hoping the teacher wouldn't give in.

    "Please, they're getting closer!" She yelled. There was the sound of a door rattling-- you really hope it was the girl and not the teacher-- and a sigh. Whoever was downstairs was going to get fired  if they survive the raid.

    The girl didn't even have time to thank the teacher for letting her in. Blood curdling screams echoed in your ears as what you had guessed would happen actually happened.

    Those ghouls were like wolves. Lurking around the school, hiding and waiting for the perfect opportunity to cause as much damage as possible. And downstairs, they had achieved it. For the next few minutes, all you could do was cringe and shiver while the ghoul who was stalking the young student killed everyone in that classroom, leaving zero survivors.

    What would happen when they get to you?

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