

377K 17.9K 1.2K


I Regret Nothing- Edited
Mommy's Boy- Edited
Mate- Edited
A Talk With Mommy- Edited
Date Night- Edited
Imma Man- Edited
Sharing and Mating- Edited
I Can't Be- Edited
Silence- Edited
Ultrasound- Edited
Cheese- Edited
A Boy or Girl- Edited
A Pregnant Kellin- Edited
Gone On Business- Edited
I Promise-Edited
Zaria's Worst Nightmare-Edited
A Helping Hand-Edited
Mommy's Story-Edited
He's Mine, All Mine-Edited
You Lose Mommy-Edited
I Won't Let Them
A Crying Baby
Squealing Aunts
Alpha Slut
Father Figures
Zaen's Mate
After Math
A Suprise For Austen
Is It The End
Update About Second Book

You're Safe Now

7.8K 434 16

Kellin's P.O.V

The fighters are in a semicircle around a lake in the woods. The fae and I in the front, wearing our fae armour. My armour is made of blood, covering my chest, legs, and arms. We wanted to keep the fight away from the mansion and safe bunker where all of the non fighters are and Zairian with Kay Kay.

I look behind me to Austen, to blow him a kiss. He catches it, putting it in his pocket.

"I'll save it for later." he winks at me, causing me to chuckle. I turn back around. After a few minutes of waiting, rustling can be heard. I turn to the rustling sound. Wolves and fae begin to come out. A man in the middle, with black hair and green eyes. I have his nose and face structure. He's buff with warrior armour on. Maurice.

His eyes are transfixed on me. I don't like his eyes on me, it makes me nervous.

"So you're my son." he smirks. "I thought you'll be taller." I don't answer, but glare at him.

"Let's get this over with!" a man growls before changing into his wolf charging at me. As he does so, I run at him. At the last second, I jump into his chest, ignoring the pain, I wrap my arms around him, flinging him into a tree. I conquer up my blood bow and arrows. It's made entirely of hard blood, with the smell and color of blood. Getting onto one knee, I shoot a few into his chest and head, killing him instantly. I stand, look at Maurice's shocked face, before walking back to my place in line.

"I under estimated you." he states, causing me to shrug my shoulders. I don't care what he has to say. "You don't talk much."

"We aren't here to talk." I glare wanting to get this over with, I want to go back to my little boy. "Charge!"

Everyone runs at each other. Put arrows into the closest fae and wolves killing them instantly. I don't believe in painful deaths.

Screams can be heard. I see a blurry figure run pass me. Looking I see Uncle Zaen tearing a fae's head off. He sees me looking at him, so he winks at me. Laughing, I start shooting wolves and fae again.

A fae throws a water dagger at me, I flip back as it flies towards me, barely missing me. I flip back upright before sending an arrow between his eyes. The fae falls to the ground dead.

I look around to see the packs fighting rogues and fae alike. I see Austen fighting 3 wolves at the same time in wolf for, with a 4th sneaking up behind him. I conquer up 3 blood daggers, before throwing them at the 3 rogues fighting Austen, I send the last to the 4th, throwing it at his head causing the rogue to fall on top of Austen. He flips the rogue, about to rip out his throat before seeing he was already dead. He looks over to me, smiling a thankful smile, before trotting away in wolf form.

I didn't see the wolf as he jumps me clawing at my face, causing me to fall to the ground. Crying out in pain, I buck him off me. While he's in the air, I shoot an arrow through his heart, as the rogue falls, I move out the way, the rogue's dead body barely missing me.

Getting up I wipe the blood off my cheek. I heal my claw marks, but I know it will still scar. forgetting about it I continue to fight.

The sounds of screams, and the ripping of limbs can be heard, the smell of blood thick in the air. Blood splatters the ground and trees, dead bodies laying in their pools of blood.

I shoot my arrows at anyone who needs help. Finally after hours of fighting, Austen kills the last fae, as I kill the last wolf, by stabbing an arrow through his chest. I leave the arrow in the wolf's chest. He drops to the ground dead. Looking around, I see only a few of ours dead. Looking at their faces, I don't see Maurice. Damn it!

I turn around checking the faces again, before I hear snap of a branch. Stopping, I slowly turn around. He's leaning against a tree, smirking. Why would he be smirking, he loses. This guy is crazy!

"Wondering why I'm smirking dear son?" he ask in a baby voice. "Boys bring her out."

2 big buff guys comes out of the trees with dragging my bloody mommy by the arms. Her feet drags leaving a trail behind her. I look at her face, to see bruises on her face, growling comes from the packs, they came to love my mommy, so it hurts them like it does me to see her like this.

"Let's make a trade." he smirks evilly. "You or your mother?" He won't have my mommy!

"Me." I state simply before walking forward. A hand grabs me. Sparks erupt, indicating it's my gorgeous mate touching me.

"You can't have him!" he growls shaking the earth for how loud his growling is. I turn, facing him.

"I have to." I plea. "She's my mother." I kiss him before pulling away slowly and walking over to Maurice. I fall to my knees. He smirks again, before pushing my mommy to the ground. She grunts in pain. Austen runs over picking her up, and hands her to Alpha Richard. He runs with her to what I'm guessing is to the infirmary.

I look up to a chuckling Maurice. He thinks he won. I'm just getting started, no one hurts my mommy and packs. I smirk up at him, before quickly making a long blade. I slice it through the air cutting him on the chest, slicing his armour and shirt. Blood spills from the deep cut. A look of shock comes upon his face. I get up off my knees quickly before slicing him again on his lower stomach. His guts spills from the cut. Putting the long blade again.

"Your death will be painful." I state with no emotion on my face or in my voice.

"Bu.. But. I'm your.. father." he gasps out.

"Your not my father." I say before I command the blood in his body to speed up. Making his blood go faster with make his heart and brain explode, causing a very painful death. I watch as the white in his eyes begin to turn red, when blood flows from his nose and mouth. Finally his heart and brain explodes inside him. I watch as he dies. Throughout every minute I felt nothing. He was never my father.

I turn from his dead body before running to Austen. Jumping into his waiting arms, I wrap my legs and arms around him, then I kiss him with everything in me. Gosh I love this man.

"How is she doctor?" I ask biting my lip fearing for the worst. If anything is to happen to her. I'll. I will... I don't know.

"She'll make it Luna, she's just in a medically induced coma to heal." the doctor smiles at me. I let out the breath I'm holding out. I'm able to breathe again. After the battle, I ran to the infirmary, needing to know how my mommy was.

I walk over to mommy. grabbing her hand, I kiss it and her forehead. "Everything's okay. You're safe now, so is uncle Zaen, Kean, Saven, and aunt Nova and Nelli. Zaen and Saven came out without a scratch. Kean has a broken leg from being thrown against a tree. Nova has a broken arm from a wolf slamming her against the ground. Nelli is perfectly fine. I knew you would want to know what happen to them, now you know."

I leave not being able to see her like that. When I open the door, Austen is there holding my little boy. Running to them, I grab Zairian kissing him all over. Gosh I missed him.

"Dada missed you!" I kiss his chubby cheek. My chin is lifted, to meet Austen's eyes.

"I love you. Both of you. With everything in me." He leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you. More than you ever know."

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