Hunted Princess

By karivieyra

532 15 3

Siberia is an Askar, a fighter, a shifter, a young girl who is in the lowest class imaginable. She is a subje... More

Long Live the King
Warrior Wolf
Put on a Show
Let's Begin
New Wolf
Cast Announcement! (A/N)
Tournament Tour
The Reveal Ball
The First Match
A Royal Announcement
Mad King
A War on Two Fronts

Ancient Pasts

15 1 0
By karivieyra


She took in the beauty of the sight before her, the fresh mountain air caressing her face. The snow capped mountains surrounded the city and a light dusting of snow covered the castle grounds giving it an ethereal look.

"It's beautiful." She whispered, noticing snowflakes beginning to fall from the clouds.

He pulled his coat off, wrapping it around her shoulders, "Have you ever been here before?"

"No, never. You have a very beautiful home." Her eyes continued to watch the falling flakes, the lights of the city coming to life while the sun set.

"Consider it your home as well, you will being staying here where it's safe." He gently pulled her away, "The snow will continue to fall, Sia. You won't miss it, I promise."

She allowed herself to be pulled back into the warmth of the castle, the weight of the day making her feel exhausted even though she had just gotten out of bed only a few hours before. "Where will you bury Killian and Kane?"

Rhazo took his time answering, leading her down the hall slowly until they reached a set of stairs. "I'm not sure yet. I was hoping to get your opinion on that...we have our traditional warrior temple out in the valley...but if you wanted something else we can make that happen."

She leaned on him heavily as they started down the stairs, her thoughts filling with her memories of the two wolves. "Kane always loved being near the water and Killian was an eagle at heart. He always wanted to be up high in a tree or making me hike with him up the highest hill on August's land...he wanted to be free." She trailed off, her heart ached at the lack of Kane's presence in her soul.

Rhazo lifted her into his arms and carried her down the rest of the stairs, placing her gently down when they reach the last step. "I think I know of a place that would satisfy the both of them. I can take you to it once the blessings are done?"

"Thank you for your kindness Prince's more than I could ask for." She bowed her head towards him, not trusting herself to do a full curtsy.

"Sia..." He tipped her head up with his fingers, "None of that, we are equal in case you forgot. You are the true Queen of Malmore. In any case I should be bowing to you, you're technically a higher status than me."

She shook her head, "I don't believe it. I can't be this lost princess that everyone thinks I am. I would remember something like that, wouldn't you think?"

"Siberia..." Rhazo started, rubbing his hand across his face.

"I can take it from here Rhazo, your father requests an audience with you." August walked up to both of them, clasping a hand on the prince's shoulder.

"Of course, I will see you at dinner. We have...lots to discuss." He said, squeezing Siberia's hand before walking away.

Her heart squeezed as he left, his absence hollowing out her heart even more. August took her arm and slowly walked her to the side where they sat on plush couches that lined the grand hallway. She let out a sigh of relief as she rested her leg on the soft cushions, the pain dulling down to a slight throb.

"I want to start off by...apologizing Siberia...I should have told you sooner, the minute you started presenting your Alpha traits...but I was terrified that if I told would make everything more real. I raised you since you were a young girl, sweetheart, and I love you as if you were my own daughter. I look at you like a daughter, and I just wanted to protect seems that I have failed at even that...I thought I was going to lose you..." Tears sprung to his eyes, the raw emotion coming from August was a new sight to her.

She took his hand and squeezed it, unable to do more because of her leg in between them. "It's okay August, I'm alive...I'm here."

He nodded, "I know but...gods Siberia I lied to you for a majority of your life to keep you safe and...look at where it's gotten you."

"Then start telling me the truth, August. Am I really this lost princess? Was King Marcus really my father? If it's true then why can't I remember any of this?" Her voice trembled as she tried to keep her emotions at bay.

He took a shuddering breath, "Let me start from the beginning...your father, King Marcus, approached me when he had a speculation that your mother was pregnant. You see...during your father's reign, treaties were tense and the Roanoake Clan had just broken their treaty with Malmore. They were not happy with things that your father had done and wanted his head on a pike. He didn't know who he could trust and he...he had a feeling that your uncle, Donovan, was planning a coup behind his back. He couldn't prove it but his instincts told him not to trust the young wolf. So that's where I came in. I was in charge of your mother's pregnancy, keeping her healthy and watching over the two of you. When you were born, I managed to cast a spell on the entire staff and made it appear that you and your mother had died in childbirth. Your father had me hide the two of you deep into the woods, close enough to my grounds so that I could keep an eye on the two of you but far enough that you would remain hidden. He would visit as often as he could, leaving a doppelgänger in his place. But as you grew older...your uncle grew wiser. He began to track your father, following him until he could figure out why he was disappearing so often...I remember that day vividly. Your father had told me about how he thought your uncle was figuring out the secret and we planned on moving the two of you out here to Whitehaven, just until it was safe to reveal the two of you to the world..." August stared out to the falling snow, a single tear rolled down his cheek and dispersed into the stubble of his beard.

She squeezed his hand again, "The day they died?"

His eyes never left the windows, "I felt the alarms from the protection spell go off. I was just returning from an auction with a new load of askars when I felt it, I rode as hard as I could. But by the time I got there the damage had been done...I couldn't find you in the wreckage so I tried tracking you and thank gods you started running towards my training center. You were so shaken...I wiped your memory after that and hid you...for the first few years I didn't know what to do so I just started training you. It wasn't until Domhall and Bishop approached me about restarting the Knights of Malmore that I figured out how we were going to stop Donovan. As far as we knew, Donovan didn't get a good look at you when he found your parents, and I placed a shield over your actual features so that no one would recognize you. You are our hope, our salvation, our secret weapon to end Donovan's cruel reign. But the time just ran started presenting and it was getting harder and harder to push back your alpha gene, and the council wanted to move quickly...and now here we are..."

Siberia swallowed hard, "Unlock my memories."

August shook his head, "No, another day, sweetheart. You've had enough for today."

Siberia steeled herself, "Now, August. I need to see them...I need to know for myself." Her voice was low and even, the order flowing out of her without even trying.

August's eyes flashed purple, "Okay...let me at least get you back into bed. It's a powerful spell and you're not strong enough to handle the effects."

She shook her head, "Now."

He sighed and leaned forward, murmuring an incantation before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

It was as if floodgates opened in her mind, fuzzy memories washed over her in flashes of faces and faint voices. She caught the tail end of one memory and held on to it, getting swept up in the vision.

Siberia was in the heart of the woods, watching as a young girl was crouched low behind the thick leaves of multiple saplings. Hazel eyes noticed the brush next to her twitch slightly and changed her stance. Digging her fingers into the dirt, she coiled and lunged after the movement. She realized with a start that the little girl was actually herself.

"Neala, sweetheart, don't wander too far, it's almost time to come inside, and your father should be home soon." Her mother's voice flowed through her ears, she glanced quickly at the direction the voice came from but diverted her attention back on her younger self.

She collided with the body and sent both of them tumbling through the brush. Quickly gathering her self, she pounced on her target, pinning it down.

"Gotcha!" She giggled, her hands holding the thick fur of the tawny wolf wiggling underneath her.

The wolf huffed and let out a grumble, going limp and giving Neala a look that resembled a glare. No fair, you cheated!

She giggled again and rolled back onto her haunches, letting the wolf up from underneath her. "I didn't cheat Kane, I'm just the better wolf." Her hazel eyes flashed yellow as the wolf rolled onto his belly, still growling under his breath.

Siberia watched the whole interaction with a slight smile, seeing Kane as a young pup brought her a bittersweet feeling. A low rumble came from the branches, red eyes peered at her through the brush as a large black wolf came padding into the clearing. Neala, what are you doing so far out in the woods? I told you to stay close to your mother.

Neala and the pup lowered their heads, the little girl whimpered, "Sorry Papa...I didn't think I was that far away from Mama."

The large wolf huffed and nuzzled them both before flashing his red eyes at her again. Don't be princess, I just worry about you getting lost. Your mother has dinner ready, how about we race and if you beat me, I won't tell your mom how far out here you were.

Siberia swallowed past the knot in her throat, her father was a magnificent wolf. She could see where she got her strength and power from. She could also see the stark contrast between her father and her uncle. Where her father filled out evenly, her uncle just looked beastly, as if he were the subject of a spark that had gone wrong.

She watched as the little girl suddenly shifted into a white wolf pup, a speck of fur compared to her father. Neala gazed up at her father, tongue lolling as she smiled up at him. Ready daddy!

Her father nuzzled her again, pride radiating off of him at how quickly his daughter was able to shift into her wolf form. You're getting better at shifting, princess, I'm so proud of you. He shifted his gaze on the tan wolf pup sitting still, ears at attention and eyes surveying the forest. Kane, you are still so young as a soul bond, but have the makings of a great guardian. Thank you for keeping my daughter safe.

Kane turned and bowed his head low, I tried to keep her close to the house but...she's stubborn and wouldn't stay.

He rumbled a laugh, and turned to his daughter, She's her mother's daughter, as stubborn as she is beautiful. He tried to nip at her when his ear pricked at the sound of paws thundering on the soil. Kane's fur bristled as he positioned himself in front of Neala, ears alert and tensed to bolt when needed.

Siberia's heart began to race as she started to remember August's words about the memory in front of her. She tried to move but realized she would only be able to move when her younger self moved.

Papa? Neala nipped at her father's chest, anxiety rolling off of her at the sudden defensive stance her father and soul bond took.

Her father growled low, silencing his daughter. We need to leave, now. Run. Both of you.

Papa what about you?! She whined, refusing to leave her father's side. Kane growled at the anxious pup, shouldering her away from her father.

I'll be right behind you, now run. Go! Kane, do what you must, and let Mae know to get ready to leave. He growled the order to the pair, turning and running into the thicket of the forest around them.

Kane snapped at Neala, shoving her out of her trance to start running. Kane had felt the apprehension from the Alpha, and could feel the danger lurking in the forest. Her claws dug into the ground as she weaved her way through the trees to get to the house, Kane was right on her tail, ears flicking in each direction, listening for any signs of pursuit. The two pups burst through forest line, pouring on speed to reach the house that was on the other side of the river.

The pair skidded to a stop at the edge of the river, Neala's heart was pounding in her chest as she eyed the water, never having jumped over it in her wolf form, only in her human form.

Kane nudged her, Let's go, come on, we have to jump!

I can't, Kane I can't, it's too wide I can't make the jump. She whined and took a few steps back, ears flicking back in panic.

She didn't have time to react to the roar behind her before she felt herself be lifted up by the scruff of her neck. Jump Kane, I've got you Nea. Her father's voice rumbled in her mind. The wind rushed into her lungs as the pair flew over the river and landed on the edge of the riverbank. Her father put her down onto the ground and pushed her towards the house, shifting back into his human form.

"Go now, run. Get back to your mother and tell her to pack your things and head to August's territory. He will keep you safe." He said quickly, kissing the top of his daughter's head.

She whimpered, ears flat against her head and ran back to her father jumping into his arms. Papa no...

Her father held her tightly against his chest, burying his nose into her fur. "I'll be alright princess, I promise. Now hurry, get to your mother." Releasing her onto the ground, and shifting back into his large wolf form. He growled again, snapping at his daughter and pushing her in the direction of the house.

She ran towards the house, her mother standing on the edge of the porch with her hands on her hips. Her demeanor changed when she scented the fear in the air, "Nea what's wrong? Where's your father?"

Neala shifted, flinging herself into her mother's arms, "Papa said we need to go to August's house. Mama I'm scared."

Her mother rushed inside, holding Neala in one arm as she locked the doors, "Lilah, go. Warn August, we'll be right behind you." The large silver wolf bounded out of the house through the bay window that her mother promptly shut.

Neala nuzzled into her mother's shoulder, "Mama what's happening?"

"We have to go sweetheart, I can't explain just yet." Her mother placed her down and jerked her head up to the door. "Quick get in the cabinet." She put a finger to her lips and motioned for her to stay silent as she shut the door to the cabinet, the crack of the door allowing her to see only a sliver of what was going on.

Siberia tested her limits and opened the door a crack, watching her mother grab a dagger from under the kitchen table as the back door was kicked in. Her mother glanced at the cabinet to make sure it was closed and focused her attention back on the intruders.

"Mae, I thought you were dead." Donovan stepped through the door, clan members flanking either side of him.

"He was were planning a coup all along." Mae whispered, taking a step back from them.

Donovan wiped his blade off on his thigh and sheathed it, holding his hands up in a sign of peace, "It wouldn't have come to this if he had just given me the crown. But instead he had to hide you from the world and guarantee his line would succeed and I would never see my time on the throne."

She shook her head, "What happened to you Donovan, you weren't like this when we were younger. What happened to the gentle pup I looked after?"

Donovan clasped his hands behind his back, "I learned to not trust anyone, especially family. Kill her."

The clan members rushed her, she managed to stab one of them before they grabbed her and forced her down onto her knees. Donovan wrapped his hand into her mother's hair and roughly forced her head back, exposing her neck to him. He stroked it gently, running his claws along her trachea.

"You should've been mine, Mae...instead you chose my brother." He leaned closer to her, "Looks like we both made the wrong choice that day."

A scream was physically ripped out of her mother as Donovan tore out her throat, her body was tossed onto the ground by the clan members. Siberia clasped her hand over her mouth, stifling the scream that threatened to come out of her.

"Leave Marcus here and make it look like an ambush." Donovan ordered, his footsteps moving out of the room.

Neala sniffled, her eyes spilling over with tears as she hugged Kane close to her. She shoved her face into his fur, her shoulders shaking as she silently cried.

Nea, we have to go. Come on, before they find us. Kane crouched and poked his head out of the door, he gestured for her to follow and together they ran out of the cabinet and directly into the legs of a clan member.

"Hey! Donovan! They have a kid!" He whirled around and swiped to grab her but she slipped through his fingers and bolted out the open door, refusing to look back at her mother's body.

The roar coming from the house echoed in her ears as she pulled out of the vision, a tear rolling down her cheek. Her voice was low as she spoke, the dull ache settling back into her throat, "My name was Neala."

August nodded, "Your mother and I fought over names for so long. We finally settled on that one, your father refused to get in between name deciding, he knew better than to test your mother's wrath." He hesitated for a moment, "We can go back to calling you Neala if you'd like?"

Siberia shook her head, moving her leg to stand, "No. I grew up as Siberia, all I have known is Siberia. Neala is nothing but a stranger...a young girl that died with her parents years ago."

August rose to his feet, helping steady her, "Take it slow, little one. You're still healing. Donovan is a powerful alpha and his wounds are going to take a while to heal, especially that one on your leg. Let's get you back to your room."

Siberia grimaced as her thigh throbbed, nodding her head as she leaned onto August.

"Oh good, she's alive. Her highness here is required to attend a council meeting that will be reconvening soon. " Queen Cilona's heels clicked on the floor as she approached them, her overly large crown looking comedic on her head. Diamonds dripped from her ears matching the glittering necklace draped on her neck.

"Cilona with all due respect-" August started, before being promptly shut down by Cilona.

"Queens are to be addressed as such Lord Windtree, as we deserve the respect we are due. You will follow me to that meeting or I will turn you over to Donovan and watch as he rips both of your heads off, now follow me. I know the palace can be quite overwhelming when you aren't accustomed to it."

Siberia was taken aback by the Queen's tone and gave August a questioning look. He rolled his eyes and readjusted his hold on her as they followed the obscene clicking of her heels along the tiled floor. She had only known Rhazo for a short amount of time, but she knew him well enough to realize that he did not share many of his mother's qualities.

His sister is worse, she was groomed by Cilona, Rhazo stayed close to his father and Keagan followed his brother like a pup. August supplied, hearing her inner musings.

The Whitehaven palace was a star contrast from the Malmore palace. Where Malmore was cold and dark, Whitehaven was open and light. Floor length windows allowed the natural light to filter into the palace, the tile and stone along the floor mirrored the snow capped mountains that surrounded the kingdom, the entire interior made to match the wintery exterior. Primrose and hellebore bloomed in the various vases along the hallways, snowdrops draped down from the ceiling, soft spark lights blinking in between the bunches making them even more magical.

Cilona glanced back at the pair, "Beautiful isn't it? I had my sparks work day and night to bloom the perfect flowers for the palace. Before I got here this place was severely lacking a feminine touch, with Dom's mother being dead and all. But now it's just...perfection." She gestured to the palace with her arms, her smile evident without Siberia seeing it.

"It is, you have a wonderful eye for beauty Your Grace." Siberia responded, not knowing how to compliment the queen after she complimented herself.

She sauntered over to a set of doors, the guards bowing low before opening them, revealing a council room. Seats line a large round table with Domhall sitting at the head position and Rhazo at his left and Cilona planting herself in the chair to his right. The King arched a brow, glancing between his wife and the pair that took their seats directly across from him.

Cilona cleared her throat and rapped her knuckles on the wooden table, "Council members, I would like to reopen the discussion of the treaty made to Malmore exactly twenty years ago."

Domhall's eyes flashed, "Woman don't you dare bring that up again, I signed that away, it's no longer valid."

Cilona smirked, "Actually, husband, part of our marriage agreement was that I held power over the pairing of our children until our first born son took over the throne. Therefore your signature is null and void and the treaty still stands. Council members, twenty years ago, King Marcus signed a treaty that offered our protection for his daughter and wife in exchange for her marriage to our son when she came of age. Siberia is now twenty, plenty past the minimum age to marry, and as far as I see it, we are providing her the protection she needs and are at the brink of war because of it. Now it is time for her to hold up her end of the treaty or else this council shall see it as an act of war and her protection will no longer be granted."

As soon as the last word left her lips, the room exploded into an argument all while she sat back and smirked.

August stood, "She will absolutely not be married off like a prized sow! That treaty is outdated and as far as I see it, the Knights of Malmore are providing her protection, certainly not Whitehaven!"

Domhall glared at his wife, "How dare you undermine the authority of a King!"

Rhazo leaned over his father, "Mother now is not the time to be cashing in on old treaties! We have bigger problems at stake like that war that is knocking on our borders!"

Council members argued amongst themselves determining the value of the treaty, whether or not it is to be considered valid since her father was dead. Cilona joined in on the argument, screaming at her husband while ignoring her child completely. August backed up Domhall's argument, his eyes glowing purple while the veins in his neck bulged at the stress.

"I'll do it." Siberia's voice was barely a whisper but the whole room turned their eyes on her.

"What?" August asked while sitting heavily on his chair.

"I'll do it. If this treaty is true and signed by my father, then I will see it through. But I would like to have it amended."

"Child you are in no position to be making amendments to that treaty, you have nothing of value besides your womb," Cilona scoffed.

Siberia stood, her hazel eyes shifting to red, "If Whitehaven agrees to support my claim to the Malmore throne and provide me an army to take down Donovan, then I agree to merge Malmore and Whitehaven under one crown."

"Sia..." August warned, "You don't have to do this, we don't owe them anything."

"My father owes a debt, and I intend to see it paid. I only just learned of my heritage days ago, and only just confirmed it minutes ago, if I am ruler by birth, then it is due time to act like the ruler that I am meant to be. If I am to reclaim my throne, I need allies to make sure that I am successful or everyone that has died will have died in vain. No better place to start than now." She said, fixating her eyes on Domhall as she watched him contemplate the offer.

"Are you sure about this little one? You don't need to put your kingdom on the line, we will support your claim without that offer." Domhall's blue eyes studied her.

"I need an army, and her majesty is right in saying that I don't have much else to offer other than my word and my womb. By helping me reclaim my birthright, I will combine the crowns under one; the Whitehaven crown." Siberia spoke clearly, watching as each council member regarded her with respect.

Domhall nodded once, "Very well, I agree to this amendment and will sign on this treaty. Cilona, do you agree to this?"

The Queen's green eyes sparkled, "I agree. Rhazo and Siberia can begin the courtship immediately; once she is healed she can be moved to his quarters. Very well spoken Siberia, we will also get you started on the lessons every royal needs that you have been neglected from."

August's eyes flared but he stayed quiet, his knuckles turning white from the fist he made. Siberia placed a hand on his shoulder then focused back on the King, "I have an idea if you are willing to hear it now, Your Grace."

Domhall sat back, "The council is yours."

She moved her eyes around the table, speaking to each council member to get her point across, "Donovan has created an army of askars, now they are all novices and haven't been properly trained. I wish to fight fire with fire and create an askar army of my own."

One of the council members with a round belly laughed, "And how exactly do you expect we make that happen?"

"By asking each Trainer to donate Apprentice askars or if they don't wish to donate they can be compensated for their askar. I'm not asking for them to even give up their best askars, just their ones with the most potential." Siberia supplied, hearing a scoff coming from her left.

"You certainly are naïve, your father would not have suggested such a ludicrous idea. Any ruler knows that asking highborns to willingly part with their askars is like asking Donovan to step down without a war. It's not going to happen, you will make use of the soldiers we have and that will be that," The older man uncapped his pen, beginning to write on the contract she assumed was hers.

"Sir, in case you didn't notice or are absolutely clueless. I did not know my father at all, I grew up in hiding as an askar and I didn't know who I was until fifteen minutes ago. Even now I still don't know who I am. I have the memories of a girl that no longer exists but the training and skills of a deadly warrior and yet I am expected to act like a royal who has been trained all her life. I am not naïve, I know how war works and how to people will act in a time of war. I know how askars think and I know that Donovan will be scrambling to find a Trainer than can take his novice shifters and turn them into what I am." Siberia slammed her hands on the table, staring down the highborn that shrank back in fear.

"And what are you Siberia?" Rhazo asked, attempting to fight back a smile.

"A lethal weapon." She kept her fiery gaze on the highborn, relishing in the sweat that began to drip from his brow.

Domhall broke the tension by bellowing out a laugh, "Give her what she wants, Cyro. If any Trainer disagrees, I have no doubt Princess Siberia will be more than willing to pay them a visit."

She straightened slowly flicking her eyes over to the King, giving him a small smile. August squeezed her hand, Good job little one. I'm proud of you.

"And who exactly do you expect to train and lead this little askar army of yours, Princess?" A female fox asked, grinning that she had cornered the wolf.

"Me of course. Who else is better equipped to train askars than someone who has been one her whole life? I imagine August will have no problem in lending a hand for training, and I can tell by the way Rhazo is tapping his foot he is eager to help as well. Get me the askars and I will have an army by the end of the month." Siberia smirked at the fox, her expression falling to one of shock.

Cilona scoffed, "Princess' do not lead armies."

"No, but true queen's do, specifically warrior queen's." Siberia couldn't stop the words from flowing out of her mouth, taking her seat gracefully as the queen turned four shades of red.

Domhall couldn't stop laughing, "Oh gods, you have your father's fire burning in you and your mother's spirit. You will do just fine as Rhazo's mate, may the gods help his soul if he ever angers you. With that I adjourn this meeting for dinner, I am starving."

The council members quickly packed their things and left without casting another glance towards Siberia, fearing her gaze. The one called Cyro stayed behind, scribbling away on the contract, passing it to Domhall and Cilona, each signing their name with a blood pen. The contract was then passed over to August who read it over quickly, nodding his head and handing it to Siberia.

It looks good, it states everything that you wanted in exchange for your marriage and combining the thrones. All you have to do is sign, if this is what you want. August held the blood pen, his grey eyes watching her.

She nodded and took the glowing pen from him, signing her name directly under her father's name. A chill passed through her being as the magic bound her to the contract, her name red from the blood it took from her hand. Cyro collected the document and filed it away in his briefcase, bowing to the royals and scurried out of the room.

Siberia stood, taking August's arm as they made their way out of the council room. She could feel Rhazo approaching them, his heavy footsteps falling at a quick pace. "Yes Rhazo?"

"You don't need to do this Siberia. Marrying me, putting your kingdom on the's just my mother's ploy to make sure she gets something out of helping you." He looked down at his feet in shame, refusing to look at her.

She tilted his chin up, realizing that he did share features of his mother, his emerald eyes, curled lashes, spotted nose, but his heart was certainly not tainted by his mother. "I know what I'm doing Rhazo. Thank you for looking out for me, but I can handle myself, and I can certainly handle your mother. Now if you will excuse us, I am exhausted and my leg is becoming extremely painful."

Rhazo stepped aside, allowing them to continue on their path. August glanced back before smiling, "You have him smitten, my love."

She smiled back at him, "I know." 

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