Beyblade Burst {Boyfriend x R...

By Avanni_Cinders

286K 7.1K 9.1K

A collection of Beyblade Burst boyfriend scenarios Oneshots Imagines Scenarios Requests are closed, check out... More

Before we begin
Cheating (Silas)
Colours (Daigo)
My Hero (Shu)
My Hero~ Extra
Lollipop (Rentaro)
In The Ring (Xander)
Understanding Pt.1 (Clio)
Understanding Pt.2 (Clio)
Phoenix (Cuza)
Pregnant (Ken Imagine)
Frustration (Ukyo)
Dating a candy cane
Full Story Poll Prompts
Blue Porcupine
Sun Don't Let Me Down
Thank You
Deer Diary (Free)
Wedding Bells (Silas)
Boa Constrictor
First Encounters (Lui)
Primadonna (Akira)
Full Story Update
Results Are In
I Remember You (Norman)
Home (Wakyia)
Pregnant (Wakiya)
Lifeless (Xander)
Salty Blueberry Shark (Lui)
Ninja (Ukyo)
Ren Wu Sun
Fanboy (Rentaro)
Dance With Me (Rantaro)
Keep You Safe (Ben)
Pregnant (Trad)
Diablo Vasquez
Midori Twins
Kazuma Murasaki
Shun Kurenai
Closet Sweetheart (Silas)
Small Sun
Caelum Kaneguro
Expectations (Wakiya)
Tiny Warrior (Xander)
Tiny Warrior (Extra)
Valt (Pregnancy)
Pregnant (Lui)
Next Generation
Yuki Shirosagi
Raiden Aoi
Pregnancy Red Eye
Deerest Child of Mine
Shika Da La Hoya
Cheater (Daigo)
Cheater Pt.2 (Daigo)
That Cat Stole My Purse (Daigo)
Dating Wakiya
Moonlight (Zac)
Pregnancy (Rantaro)
Takashi Kiyama
Pregnancy (Daigo)
Bring Me Back To Life (Shu)
Pregnancy (Naoki)
Sora Minamo
Mine (Lui~Z)
Marriage (Zac)
Marriage (Akira)
Skater Girl (Quon)
Here Comes The Bride (Lui)
Pregnancy (Cuza)
Fynn Ackermann
Snake Smol (Boa)
Blood Red Eyes
Revolution (Wakiya)
War (Xander)
Pregnancy (Norman)
Watch me Rise (Zac)
Watch me Rise (Zac) Pt.2
A Dream (Rantaro)
For Hire (Shu)
Dating Norman
For Hire~ Extra (Shu)
Dating Spots (Norman)
When It Rains (Lui)
Celebrate ~ (Shu)
An Unwelcome Visitor (Rantaro)
Book Two

Pregnant (Shu)

5.3K 131 160
By Avanni_Cinders

Requested by: mightyfriend12

Btw I have an exam tomorrow and more exams all through next week, so I don't know how I'm going to go updates wise. I have a few that are currently unedited, so I might fix those up over the weekend and publish them over the week so you guys have something to read.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

--Avanni Cinders

❤You guys were trying for ages to have a baby but with no luck (about six months)

❤But then one day, when Shu's at work, you realise your period is late by about three weeks

❤Almost as soon as you get over the shock you run down to the local convienience store to buy a pregnancy test

❤The moment you get back home your in the bathroom, the box already half way open

❤It felt like the longest three minutes of your life as you waited for those test results to come back

❤When the moment of truth arrives you're almost afraid to look

❤It took ages for you to actually get up the courage to look down at that tiny little screen

❤There have been so many disappointments before... what if this is just another one?

❤You don't think you can handle another failure

❤But finally you look

❤And when you do, you could swear that those two pink lines were one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen

❤You want to wait until Shu's birthday which is coming up in a week to tell him

❤But you're just too damn excited

❤Literally the second he gets home you attack on him

❤Shu Kurenai to this day would say that having his wife leap onto his back from seemingly out of nowhere, the second he closed the front door behind him, was one of the biggest surprises he'd ever received


"Yes Y/N?"


"You want to tell me something?"


❤At first he freezes

❤No joke he is completely and utterly still

❤If you didn't know any better you'd think he was a very, very hot statue

❤Then you start to get a little worried

❤He wants a kid, but this wasn't exactly the reaction you were expecting

❤You reach your hand around his head and wave it front of his face

❤He finally 'comes to' after you snap your fingers a few times

❤His grip on you slackens, before he's gently letting you down off of his back

❤Then he turns around to look at you and THERE ARE TEARS IN HIS EYES

He blinked rapidly through the haze of tears welling in his crimson eyes, and when he spoke, his voice was little more than a disbelieving whisper.

"You're pregnant?"

You're so excited that you can barely form a coherent response, so you settle for a nod, biting your lip to stop yourself from screaming and ruining the ethreal moment.

Shu gave a shakey, drawn out exhale and got to his knees in front of you, so that he was eye level with your still flat stomach. He gently cupped your waist with his hands, and slowly raised the fabric of the shirt you were wearing, exposing the skin of your stomach to his still watery gaze. There were no words spoken, as he leant forwards and placed a sweet, singular kiss to where what would soon be his baby lay grew. You said nothing, remaining silent as your husband rested his forehead against your stomach, threading your fingers through his feathery white hair when you felt the tracks of a set of warm tears begin to make their way down your skin.

❤From then on he is protective as all hell and watches you like a hawk

❤Not to mention you guys choose to move back home to raise your baby, because you want your child to grow up where you did


❤You are not allowed to lift a single box

❤Not even the light stuff

❤He get's Valt and everyone to help out

❤Only Wakiya is on your side
(He learnt a thing or two from when his wife was pregnant with Kazuma)

"She pregnant you idiots, not crippled."

--Wakiya after Valt tried to take a lamp off of your hands

❤In the end you get to help move bags of clothing and small pieces of furniture

❤This is the house you guys buy when you move home, it's about ten minutes out of the city

❤Admittedly the first room you want to decorate is the nursery

❤But nooooo

❤You guys get to know the gender beforehand, so Shu wants to have a little gender reveal party for you

'You gave me a surprise, now it's my turn.'

❤At the appointment he gets the nurse to write down the gender for him

❤You get really fricking curious when he grabs onto the table for support

❤His voice is really choked up and emotional

❤You don't want to have to wait for too long, so Shu gets things ready pretty quickly

❤Four or five days later everyone is gathered in your back yard for the announcment

❤Shu brings put this huge white balloon with sparkly red spots

❤You give him a pointed look

❤He gives you a pointed stick

❤You roll your eyes and POP the balloon

...but do I really want to tell y'all the gender just yet?😏

Of course I do


❤*lot's of cheering*

❤*and crying on your behalf*

❤Shu get's that tackle hug again

❤But he sweeps you into his arms before you can slam into him
'Careful of the baby.'

❤You're too busy kissing him to tell him you knew he'd lift you up

❤The next morning you wake him up early so you can get a start on the nursery

❤After three seperate paint wars and a minor debate about putting the crib together, you're finally done!

❤The end result looks a little something like this:

❤Can I just say how well Shu adjusts to your pregnancy?

❤Like, so well

❤Craving something at 2AM?

❤Wake him up, he'll pull on a shirt and go to the shops

❤Crying because nothing fits anymore and you feel fat?

❤Hugs you until you stop crying and will take you shopping for new clothes

❤I'm talking foot rubs, shoulder rubs, literally knows every single thing to say to make you feel better because damn this man thinks you're perfect

❤Did I mention how he spoons you from behind every single night? Or how you once woke up and heard him singing lullabies to your baby girl?

❤He. Is. A. Perfect. Husband.

❤The pregnancy is pretty easy all things considered

❤You didn't really have any morning sickness

❤And aside from the occassional moodswings nothing is too bad

❤It actually worries you guys a bit, that everything is going so smoothly

❤It took you so long to concieve, what if there's something wrong and you can't carry to term?

❤When Shu found out he made you an appointment with your obstetrician for the next day

❤But everything's fine

❤In fact, you even get to hear the babies heart beat!

❤You were both crying, the nurse actually stepped out to give you guys a moment

❤Don't get me started on the first kicks

❤He was... stunned, completely in awe

❤Everything felt so real

❤You're finally going to become parents

❤And here's your photo:

❤Fast forward a few months and it's the big day

❤And it happened in the most unexpected of ways

❤Everyone was at Wakiya's for a BBQ

❤Surprisingly, you and the blond had gotten alot closer over the duration of your pregnancy

❤When Shu was being too unreasonable, or if you were being a little too dramatic, Wakiya would tell you guys to pull your head in

❤Him and his wife even let you have Kazuma for the night to practice


❤You were all at Wakiya's place, when Valt made a comment about how huge you were getting

❤Now, we all know Valt, that boy has a very thin filter

❤He realised his mistake the second that Wakiya helped you to stand up from the lounge you were on, a muderous look on your face

❤You never call a pregnant woman big, unless it's going to turn out to be a surprisingly sweet sentiment

❤Shu told him as much when Valt turned to him pleadingly for help

'You're on your own,' Shu shrugged helplessly. 'You're meant to say "radiant," or "glowing."'

❤Your eyes filled with tears

'You think I'm radiant?'

❤Happy tears of course

❤You're about to go and hug Shu when you freeze

'I think my water's just broke,' you said, looking down at the rapidly wetting fabric of your maternity dress in a mixture of fear and excitement.

❤Reactions are instantaneous

❤Shu grabs you by the hand and urgently (but gently) guides you to the door

❤Contractions start as your getting into the car (but you've been having back pains all morning)

'Why didn't you say anything?' Shu demanded as he clicked your seatbelt for you.

'I didn't think I was going into bloody labour.'

❤Now, this isn't a movie, you weren't speeding to get to the hospital because 'Oh my god she's going to have the baby in the car if we don't hurry.'

❤But Wakiya's house is pretty far from the hospital

❤The traffic was awful

❤And then of course your contractions started coming closer together

❤So technically there was a reason for said speeding and getting pulled over

❤As soon as Shu opened the window and the police man saw you were in labour, you guys got a free pass

❤After what felt like an eternity you finally got to the hospital

❤You didn't have to wait very long, because this girl wanted out, and she wanted out now

❤The contractions were very painful and very close together at this point

❤You were only in labour for a few hours

❤Shu was brilliant

❤He sat behind you and held you while you pushed

❤He'd press these sweet kisses to your sweaty brow all while whispering in your ear about how great you were doing

❤And oh my God, when she's born...

❤She's beautiful

❤She looks just like Shu

❤And she's so tiny

❤Normally you can't see past the film, but you could tell her eyes would be red straight off the bat

❤You choose the name Shun, meaning fast and talented

❤She's... perfect

❤Already she's going to be a daddy's girl

❤Valt is the godfather, but you decide you want Wakiya to be one too, because of all the help he gave you

❤Finally, you're little family is complete

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