Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

Par DevilsFavoriteDemon

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(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... Plus

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]
Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]

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Par DevilsFavoriteDemon

Jean is woken up early the next morning by the ringing of her cell phone. She goes to roll over on her other side so that she can reach over and pick up the phone, but a pair of arms stop her. She cracks an eye open and sees Lucifer staring at her. "Good morning, love," he kisses her briskly on the lips.

"Morning, beloved. Hand me my phone please." She says while nuzzling her head against his chest.

"Ignore it. We have to talk."

Jean groans when she remembers what Lucifer told her last night. "And we will...right after I see what Bobby wants." She tells her ugear while rolling over in his arms then reaching for her phone.

Lucifer frowns at Jean's obvious attempt at avoiding talking about her pregnancy. "How do you know that it's Singer calling?"

"Because he's the only one with Johnny Cash as a ringtone." She tells him before answering the phone. "Hi, Bobby. What's up?"

"That idjit Garth went after a succubus alone," Bobby tells her, sounding very agitated. Jean is fully awake now, "You're the closest female hunter to him so will you go and save his dumb ass?"

Jean runs a hand through her hair, "Yeah. Where is he?"

"Vincent, Tennessee. Do you remember how to kill a succubus?"

"Iron knife dipped in fresh holy water straight through the heart in the victim's dream, right?"

"Right. I don't know how long he has before the succubus drains him, so you might wanna hurry. You got any African Dream Root?"

"I think so."

"Good. Last time I spoke to Garth he said he was stayin' at The Solomon Hotel. And be careful, Jean. A succubus makes everything in the dream real."

"Trust me, Bobby, I will be careful." She tells him before hanging up.

Jean sighs and removes Lucifer's arms from around her. She sits up, "I have to go and save a friend of mine." Lucifer's frown deepens, "Don't worry, we can talk while I get ready."

She stands up and so does Lucifer. She starts to walk towards the bathroom when Lucifer's hand grabs her arm, stopping her in her tracks. She turns back around to look at him only to find him standing in front of her. "I don't want you to hunt anymore."

Jean raises an eyebrow at her ugear, "Oh, is that what we're gonna do today, we're gonna fight?"

"You can't hunt while you're pregnant, Jean."

Jean stiffens and frowns at Lucifer, "There's that p-word again."

"You can't just ignore this, Jean." Lucifer snaps at her, his body tense in anger at his mate's behavior.

"I'm not ignoring it, Luci. It just hasn't fully sunk in yet. I don't know anything about being a mother," Jean's face pales and she sits back down on the bed. She rests her elbows on her knees then covers her face with her hands. "I'm not ready for this."

Lucifer sits down beside her and pulls her into his arms. "You're not going to be going through this alone, Jean. I will be by your side the entire time, my love." He begins to purr again in order to soothe his etam.

Jean buries her face into Lucifer's chest and, for several minutes, listens to his calming broken rumbling. She then pulls away slightly so that she can look him in the eyes, "Why didn't you tell me that you were trying to knock me up?"

Lucifer tilts his head in confusion, "I don't understand what you mean by 'knock you up'."

Jean giggles a little at the expression of confusion on his face; the look is remarkably similar to Castiel's. "What I meant was: why didn't you warn me that I was most likely going to become pregnant when I went into estrus?"

"I thought you would be happy to be pregnant and Gabriel did warn you of what estrus was."

Realization flashes through her eyes,"That's where I've heard that word before. Still, you should have asked if I was ready to have a child," Jean scalds him.

"You sort of already agreed to," Lucifer counters.

"When?! I don't remember ever agreeing to this!" She pulls away from him while casting him a glare.

He raises an eyebrow at her, "You did. It was when I took Nick as my vessel. I told you that there was a way for me to keep this body and not need Sam's. You said, and I quote, 'I'll do whatever it is if it means protecting Sammy.' Sound familiar?"

She closes her eyes, "Yeah. I remember." She sighs again and opens her eyes to look at her ugear, "So the pregnancy is the loophole?"

Lucifer shakes his head, "No. The baby is." It's Jean's turn to be confused and he quickly explains, "In a few months, the baby's angelic powers will start to develop as it's grace becomes stronger. I can siphon off some of that power and use it to heal and stabilize this vessel."

He watches Jean's face carefully, observing her reaction. She's biting her lower lip in worry, "Will it hurt the baby?" While Jean isn't exactly thrilled to be having a baby right now, that doesn't mean that she wants anything bad to happen to it.

All the tension leaves Lucifer's body when Jean expresses her concern for the baby's well-being. He places a chaste kiss on her lips, "No, the baby won't be harmed and neither will you."

"My brothers are gonna kill me," she says with a loud groan while falling backwards on the bed. "Literally, in Dean's case."

Lucifer frowns, "Don't say anything to them just yet."

Jean sits up again, "Why?"

"Because I don't know where the Colt is. Once I have the Colt and know that Dean won't be able to use it on you, then I will personally tell your brothers." Lucifer sees the confusion on his etam's face and tells her, "I don't want you to tell them because they may lash out at you. Once the baby is born it will practically be invincible, but while it's still growing in your womb it's as vulnerable as a normal human baby."

Jean kisses Lucifer on the lips, "Just promise me that you won't tell them in a way that gives them both heart attacks."

He pretends to pout, "Aww, where's the fun in that? Killjoy."

Jean chuckles, standing up from the bed and starting to undress. Lucifer's wings open in a display, the feathers ruffling in arousal. She notices his display, "Cool your jets, big boy. I don't have time for sex right now. My friend's life is in danger."

Lucifer's eyes glow crimson in anger and he gets off of the bed, standing tall and flaring his wings. "You're still going?! Even after I told you that I don't want you to hunt anymore?!"

Jean pauses in her task; her chest completely bare; and turns to look at her archangel mate. She stands up straight to her full height, "Yes, I am. I'm not going to let a friend die because I didn't use birth control."

"No, you're just going to put our child in danger for some stupid hairless ape!" He growls at her.

"Don't you dare growl at me!" Jean shouts at Lucifer, her own eyes flashing crimson in anger. He steps towards her threateningly, his fists clenched in anger and wings fully opened in an attempt to intimidate her. However, Jean doesn't back down, "You seem to be forgetting that I'm one of those stupid hairless apes! And your child is half of one. You're putting us in danger every day with your insistence of bringing on the Apocalypse!" Lucifer looks taken aback and his wings drop. Jean closes her eyes and takes in a few deep breaths. Once she calms down, she opens her eyes to see Lucifer looking chastened and ashamed. Jean sighs and presses herself against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'll be fine on this hunt, Luci. The creature is a succubus and they only go after men. So I'll take some African Dream Root, go into Garth's dream, and gank the bitch. Easy peasy."

"I really don't want you to do this."

"I know."

"Why don't I just kill this succubus for you?"

"I'm honored that you want to be my attack dog," Lucifer narrows his eyes at her, "but I can deal with this myself." She kisses the corner of his mouth, "Besides...don't you have something else you should be doing? Like finding the Colt?"

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Although, what I really should be doing," he cups one of her exposed breasts in one of his large, calloused hands causing her to moan because of how sensitive they still are. "Is ravaging your body during make-up sex." He captures Jean's lips with his in a heated kiss.

Jean pulls away from him, "I would love that, but, unfortunately, I have to finish getting ready. I promise that I'll make it up to you later." Jean then takes off her pants and underwear before slipping into clean clothes.

When she's nearly dressed Lucifer asks her, "Will you at least let me send you into the dream? African Dream Root is psychoactive and there's no telling how it will affect our baby."

Jean buttons her pants while answering him, "Yes, of course. I'll let you know when I get there." She kisses him again and he quickly deepens it.

When they finally break the kiss Lucifer tells her, "I'm going to hold you to that promise, my love." He then disappears, leaving Jean to finish getting dressed in peace.

It takes Jean two hours to drive to Vincent, Tennessee. She manages to locate The Solomon Hotel fairly easily, considering that Vincent is a medium-sized town and it's the only hotel in town. Under the cover of darkness, the redhead quickly picks the lock to Garth's hotel room. She enters the room and silently closes the door behind her. She flips on the lights and immediately sees Garth lying motionless on the bed. His skin is very pale and Jean can't tell if he's breathing or not. "Damn it, Garth. You'd better not be dead," she whispers before making her way over to the bed. She grabs his wrist, checking for a pulse. She sighs in relief when she finds one, even if it is very weak. "Okay, Luci. Let's do this."

The sound of fluttering wings fills the room and a scowling Lucifer appears in front of Jean. "Are you sure you still want to do this? I can easily kill the succubus myself."

"No, I don't want this bitch anywhere near you."

Lucifer exhales through his nose, "Fine. But I will no longer assist you in endangering your own and our child's life." He then puts two fingers to her forehead causing her to fall asleep and sending her into Garth's dream. He catches her body as it starts to fall and lays her down gently on the floor.

When Jean's eyes flutter open, the first thing that she notices is that she's in a room she's never been in before. It's a large room, decorated in navy blue and gold furniture with beautiful portraits of people she doesn't know hanging on the walls. She gets to her feet, 'Okay, now to find Garth,' she thinks to herself before crossing the room to an open doorway.

She walks through the threshold and is now in a large dining room with a huge and elegantly carved oak table in the middle taking up much of the space. Jean spots a closed door on the other side of the room and quickly makes her way towards it. She pulls out her iron knife from its sheath at her waist then slightly cracks open the door enough so that she can see if anyone is in the next room.

To her relief, it's the kitchen and it is completely empty except for some stainless steel pots, pans, and the usual household appliances. Jean enters the kitchen then makes her way over to the double stainless steel sink. She fills one of the sinks with about eight inches of water from the faucet. While the water is running, she hears a loud thud from somewhere on the floor above her and it puts her on edge. She turns off the water, removes a rosary from the pocket of her jeans, mutters the words to the blessing ritual that will turn the water holy, then drops the rosary into the sink. After thirty seconds, Jean plunges the blade of her knife into the holy water. She lifts the knife out of the water then walks over to a second door to the left of the one she used to enter the kitchen. She silently cracks this door open as well and checks to see if there is anybody in the next room, which is actually a hallway.

Jean silently slips through the door and begins walking down the hall. At the end of the hall, there is a staircase that leads to the second floor of the house. She climbs the stairs, being careful not to make any sound, then pauses at the top to listen. She hears a loud groan from a room to her right and she moves towards the door. Very carefully, she turns the doorknob then eases the door open slightly. The door creaks a little and Jean immediately stops, but whoever is in the room is obviously too preoccupied to notice the noise. Jean peers through the crack and sees Garth laying on a bed with a busty blonde riding him, her back to the door. Jean quickly turns her head away, 'Oh geez. I'm never going to get this image out of my head,' she thinks to herself. She slowly opens the door wide enough for her to squeeze through then, crouched down low to the ground, she stalks silently across the bedroom until she's standing behind the succubus.

Jean stands up straight to her full height before raising her iron knife. "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?" Jean asks, causing the blonde succubus to turn around to face her, hissing in anger at being interrupted. Jean drives her iron knife into her chest, penetrating the succubus' heart. Jean watches as life leaves the blonde's violet colored eyes and the body bursts into flames.

"Jean? What are you doing in my dream?" Garth asks her.

"Saving your life...and traumatizing myself for the rest of mine." She tells him, looking anywhere but at him.

"Saving my life? From what? A wet dream?"

"From the succubus that was slowly killing you, moron! Didn't you notice the color of that woman's eyes?! Now would you please wake up! You're like a cousin to me and I really don't want to see you naked anymore!"

A week later, Jean is returning to Bobby's house after a case in Idaho concerning a possible vengeful spirit, but turned out to be just a couple of teenagers making up stories for attention. Of course, Lucifer wasn't happy that Jean is still hunting and the two ended up getting into a huge argument. Lucifer disappeared in a rage and Jean hasn't seen him in days. Not even in her dreams.

Jean pulls into Bobby's driveway at midnight and immediately spots the Impala parked behind a 1995 Jeep Cherokee. Her face lights up at the thought of seeing her brothers again and she quickly parks her Mustang off to the side next to Bobby's old Dodge Charger. She then rushes to the door and enters without knocking. The first thing Jean sees when she enters the house is Ellen, Jo, and Castiel sitting at the kitchen table. Ellen and Castiel are having a drinking contest while Jo is drinking a beer and watching them. Castiel drinks all five of his shots of whiskey one after the other very quickly before saying, "I think I'm starting to feel something." He then turns his head to look at Jean, "Hello, Jean." His wings rise and open in a friendly greeting.

"Hiya, Cass," she greets him back as Ellen and Jo turn to look at her. "Hi, Ellen. Hi, Jo."

Jo jumps to her feet and envelopes the redhead in a tight embrace. "Jean!" Jo releases Jean from the hug only to be replaced by Ellen.

Ellen releases Jean and tells her, "Take a seat and join us. If anyone can drink this angel under the table it's you."

Jean shakes her head, "Sorry, Ellen, but I'm just gonna grab a bottle of water. Where is Bobby?"

"In the living room with your brothers. I think he's setting up his camera for a group photo." Ellen explains as Jean walks over to the fridge, opens it, then takes out a bottle of water. "Are you alright, Jeanie?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She opens the bottle and takes a large gulp.

"It's just...I've never known you to turn down an opportunity to participate in a drinking contest before. Are you pregnant or something?" Ellen jokes and the two Harvelle women start laughing. Jean exchanges looks with Castiel and the two other women stop laughing when they notice that Jean isn't laughing with them. Ellen's eyes widened, "Wait...you mean, you really are pregnant?!"

Jo let's out an excited squeal and starts bouncing on the balls of her feet. "What's going on here?" Dean asks when he walks into the kitchen and sees Jo bouncing around. "Why is Jo so excited?"

Jo opens her mouth to answer him, but Jean stops her. "Hey, Dean. Nothing is going on. Jo is just excited to see me again. It's been a while since we last saw each other."

"Hey, Jean." Dean gives his twin sister a strange look, but gives her a pat on the back as he's walking past the three women to the fridge to get himself another beer.

Ellen and Jo look at Jean questioningly, "I'm not ready for anyone else to know just yet. So, please, keep this between us for now." She whispers to the two other women.

Both the Harvelles nod, "Okay. We won't say anything, Jeanie." Ellen then adds, "If you ever need help or advice you can always call me. Anytime, day or night."

Jean smiles at her, "Thanks, Ellen." Jean walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. She notices Bobby fiddling with an old-fashioned camera and walks over to him. "Whatcha doing, Bobby?"

"Tryin' to get this damn thing to work. There, that should do it. Everybody, get in here!" Bobby yells over his shoulder. "It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner."

"What's this all about anyway? Why is Ellen and Jo here?" Jean asks curiously.

"They're helping Dean and me on a hunt tomorrow," Sam replies while standing in the corner opposite of the camera.

Jean joins him followed by Ellen who says, "Oh, come on Bobby, nobody wants their picture taken."

"Hear, hear." Sam agrees.

"Shut up, you're drinking my beer." Bobby tells them as Castiel joins them. "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by," Bobby says while everybody is getting into position. Castiel stands to the right of Jean, Jean is between Castiel and Sam with an arm around both of them. Sam is in between his older siblings with his own arms around Jean and Dean's shoulders. Dean has an arm slung over Sam's shoulder while his other arm is wrapped around Jo, who is to Dean's left and slightly in front of him. Ellen stands in front of and in between Jean and Sam. Bobby rolls his wheelchair backwards until he's beside Ellen.

"You don't need something to remember me by, Bobby. I'm going to be around for a long, long time. You'll never be rid of me, old man." Jean teases.

"I know. Why do ya think I refer to you as 'the constant pain in my ass'? And that's saying' something since I can't feel my ass anymore." Bobby teases her back.

Jean laughs joyfully and the others all chuckle. The camera goes off and the group begins to separate: Bobby goes over to the camera to see how the Polaroid turned out, Ellen and Jo return to the kitchen along with Castiel to continue their drinking contest, and the Winchester siblings stay where they are so that they can talk.

Sam turns to Jean, "Are you coming with us to Carthage, Missouri?"

Jean shakes her head, "Nah. I just got back from a hunt and, even though it turned out to be nothing, I'm exhausted. I think I'm going to sit this one out, boys." Dean lets out a sigh of relief causing Jean to raise an eyebrow at him. "So, I'm guessing that means you really didn't want me to go, Dean?"

"Hell, I don't even want Sam to go, but he insists on it. And you know how he gets once he makes up his mind about something."

"Yeah. He becomes as stubborn as a moose."

Sam rolls his eyes playfully, "I am not a moose, Jeanie."

"Whatever you say, Bullwinkle." Sam huffs at his older sister and Dean chuckles. Jean yawns loudly, "I'm going to bed, guys. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Jeanie." Her brothers reply at the same time.

Jean leaves the room and walks upstairs to the guest room. She changes into a white tank top and a pair of red fuzzy Harley Quinn sleep pants before flopping down on the bed. She is soon fast asleep and lightly snoring.

She wakes up the next day at noon feeling nauseous. She lays in bed and waits until her stomach settles down before going into the bathroom to take a shower. After a long, hot shower, she gets dressed and goes downstairs. She walks into the study to see that Bobby is awake and staring out a window sullenly. "Morning, Bobby. Are the others gone already?"

"Yeah," he replies without turning around or looking at her.

"Just what are they hunting in Carthage that requires Sam, Dean, Cass, Ellen, and Jo to kill anyway?" Bobby tenses up and finally turns his wheelchair away from the window to look at her. "What's going on, Bobby?"

Bobby sighs, "They got the Colt from a demon called Crowley the other day and now they're off to try and kill the Devil." Bobby tells her, refusing to meet her eyes.

"What the hell?! Why didn't anybody tell me?!"

"Maybe it's because you're married to the Devil now, ya idjit, and we didn't know if you would've tipped him off or not. To be honest, the boys and I are kinda on the fence on whether or not we can fully trust you now."

Jean is hurt by his words, but she also understands...Afterall, she did lose a little bit of trust in Sam when she found out that he was sleeping with the demon Ruby. "I understand. After the whole Ruby situation with Sam, I can understand why everyone is being cautious around me. But you do know that I would never spy on any of you for Lucifer, right?" Bobby only turns his wheelchair back around so that he can stare out of the window again.

Jean frowns, but decides to drop the topic, "Do you want a late breakfast?" Bobby only responds with a grunt, "I'll take that as a 'yes'." She leaves the older hunter to his pouting and walks into the kitchen. She opens the fridge to see what there is to eat, which isn't much since the fridge is usually filled with beer. However, Jean does manage to find some eggs and bacon. She opens the cupboards beside the stove to see if there is anything else, but all she finds is cans of pork and beans. "Damn it, Bobby! You can't live on beans and beer alone!"

"Like hell I can't!" he shouts back at her.

"It's no wonder you're so grumpy all of the time! You're either always drunk or always gassy!" Jean shouts back as she closes the cupboard. She starts to cook the eggs and bacon, but soon the smell of the cooking bacon makes her feel nauseous again and she starts to gag. She opens one of the kitchen windows in an attempt to air out the room of the greasy smell and it helps immensely. After the food is done, Jean divides it into two plates then takes the plates into the study along with a bottle of beer for Bobby and a bottle of water for herself. She places Bobby's plate and beer down on the desk before sitting on the loveseat to enjoy her own breakfast. "After breakfast, I'm going to go grocery shopping for you. And I'm buying you some actual food, so don't even bother asking me to buy you more beer, you old coot."

Bobby wheels over to his desk, opens the beer, and begins to eat. "Thanks," he mumbles.

"No problem, Bobby." Jean picks up a piece of bacon and lifts it to her mouth. Once again the smell makes her stomach queasy and she quickly puts it back on her plate. She stands up then walks over to Bobby. She puts the bacon that's on her plate onto his, causing him to look at her in confusion. "The smell is making me sick."

"Bacon gone bad?" He lifts a piece to his nose to smell it, "Smells all right to me." He then takes a bite, "Tastes fine." He looks at Jean who is sitting on the loveseat again, "Is everything all right, Jeanie?"

"Everything is fine, Bobby." The rest of the meal is passed in silence. After they're both done eating, Jean takes their plates into the kitchen to wash them. Once she's done with the dishes, she grabs her car keys and calls out, "Bobby! I have to pick up a couple of things from a bookstore so I have to go to Madison! I'm going to stop at the grocery store afterwards! I'll be back later!"

Jean returns six hours later; having spent three of those hours trying to decide which books she should buy from the vast selection of pregnancy and parenting books; with a lot of groceries and a bag full of books. It takes her several trips to carry all of the bags inside and two hours to put everything away, after having to rearrange things inside of the cupboard and refrigerator in order to get everything to fit.

She suddenly hears Bobby curse, "Damn it!"

She walks into the study to see Bobby at an old ham radio set. "What's going on?"

"Things are a lot worse than we thought. Jo, Jo is badly injured."

Jean looks worried, "How badly?"

There's a devastated look on Bobby's face, "She's...not gonna make it."

Jean walks over to Bobby and picks up the transceiver, "Dean? Sam?" No one answers her. "Dean?! Sam?! Someone answer me damn it!"

The radio crackles then Ellen's voice says, "They're already gone, Jean." Her voice breaks and it's very clear that she's crying. "Jo and I are going to set off a bomb to buy the boys some time...."

"So Jo's still alive?"

"Yes, but barely." They hear Ellen break down crying before the radio goes silent.

Jean drops the transceiver, "Jean? What are you doing?" Bobby asks as she walks past him into the living room.

"I'm saving Ellen and Jo. LUCIFER!!"

"Jean! What the hell do you think you're doing!" Bobby yells at her.

The lights begin to flicker, the temperature in the house drops enough that Bobby and Jean can now see their breath, and the sound of fluttering wings fills their ears signaling the arrival of Jean's ugear. "Hello, Jean." Lucifer steps into the light of the living room, which is still flickering.

Bobby is frozen in fear as he sets his eyes on the devil for the first time. Jean, however, walks right up to Lucifer, "I want to make a deal."

This snaps Bobby out of his stupor, "Jean, no!"

"Be quiet, Bobby. I know what I'm doing."

Lucifer lifts his hands and cups Jean's face, stroking his thumbs over her cheeks. "What is it that you want, kitten?"

Jean looks into Lucifer's bright blue eyes, "I want you to save Ellen and Jo Harvelle. They're in Carthage. Please save them and send them back here unharmed. I can't lose them...not now. Please." Tears start to fall from Jean's eyes and Lucifer quickly wipes them away. "In exchange...."

"I want you to quit hunting. I don't care if you help other hunters on the telephone or even if you travel with your brothers occasionally. I just don't want you confronting anything supernatural. At least not for a while."

"How long?"

"Ten years."

Jean shakes her head, "One year."

Lucifer frowns, "Five years."

"Nine months."

Lucifer raises an eyebrow in amusement, "Three years. That's my final offer, take it or let Ellen and Jo die."

"That's it? That's all you want? For Jean to quit hunting?" Bobby asks in disbelief.

"That's all I want." Lucifer answers, never taking his eyes off of Jean.

Jean nods, "Okay. It's a deal." Lucifer puts a hand on the small of Jean's back, pressing her up against him, before capturing her lips with his. Then, just as quickly as he appeared, Lucifer is gone.

In a small hardware store in Carthage, Missouri Ellen Harvelle is sitting on the floor beside her dying daughter with her left arm around Jo and holding Jo's right hand in her own. Outside the growls and barks of hellhounds can be heard as they claw at the doors of the hardware store. "I will always love you, baby." Ellen tells her daughter with tears in her eyes.

"Stop. Sit," a male voice suddenly says, causing the hellhounds to suddenly stop attacking the door and fall silent. A man with dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes steps out of the shadows inside of the store, "Today is your lucky day, ladies."

"Who in the hell are you?" Ellen asks as the man quickly approaches her and Jo.

He crouches down then places the index and middle fingers of his right hand on Jo's forehead. A bright light goes through the young blonde's body and Ellen watches in amazement as her wounds begin to heal. Within seconds, Jo is fully healed and she takes a normal, deep breath. "I'm the one you came here to try and kill." His irises turn from icy blue to crimson.

Ellen and Jo's eyes widen, "Lucifer...why? Why would you do this?"

Lucifer tilts his head at them, "For Jean, of course." He tells them before snapping his fingers and sending them back to Bobby Singer's house.

The two Harvelle women appear in Bobby's living room and as soon as she sees Jean, Ellen is on her feet. "Jean Mary Winchester! How could you do something so stupid! How long did he give you?!"

Jean shakes her head, "It's not like that, Ellen. I didn't sell Luci my soul."

Jo gets to her feet, "Luci?"

"Then what did he want?! Cause the Devil sure as hell didn't save me and Jo out of the kindness of his heart!"

Bobby decides to step in, "All he wanted was for Jean to stop hunting for three years."

Ellen and Jo look confused, "That's all he wanted?" Ellen asks and looks over at the redhead who is avoiding looking at any of them.

"Why would he want her to stop hunting? Why would he even care if she hunts or not?" Jo asks.

Bobby shrugs, "Hell if I know. Ask Jean."

The gears in Ellen's head are turning and everything clicks into place. She stares at Jean; who she always considered to be her second daughter; in disbelief, "He's the father, isn't he?"

Bobby is looking from Jean to Ellen and then back again, "What's going on?"

As Jean turns to face Bobby, Ellen leans over to Jo and whispers, "Go and hide Bobby's guns." Jo nods then quickly leaves to move all of the guns in the house out of Bobby's reach.

"Bobby, the reason Lucifer doesn't want me to hunt anymore is because...I'm pregnant."

Bobby's mouth drops open, "Balls!"

Back in Missouri, Lucifer is shoveling dirt into a mass grave containing the bodies of Carthage's women, children, and disabled men when a male voice shouts, "Hey!" Lucifer turns around to see Sam Winchester walking through the crowd of demons surrounding the grave site towards him. Sam cocks the shotgun he's holding, "You wanted to see me?"

Lucifer drops the shovel and dusts off his hands. He points at the shotgun and starts to walk towards Sam, "Well, Sam, you don't need that gun here. You know I'd never hurt you," he smirks at Sam, "after all, we are family now." Sam glares at Lucifer in hatred.

"Oh, yeah?" Another male voice says with the barrel of a Colt Revolver pointing at Lucifer's head. "Well, I'd hurt you." The man says angrily then cocks the gun. Lucifer turns his head to see Dean Winchester standing barely two feet away from him, pointing the Colt between his eyes. "So suck it." Dean pulls the trigger sending a bullet into Lucifer's brain. Lucifer collapses on the ground and the two brothers exchange looks of victory.

On the ground, Lucifer suddenly gasps and rolls over onto his back. "Oww!" He gets to his feet holding his head, which now has a wound in the shape of a reverse pentagram on his forehead, while Sam and Dean stare in horror. Lucifer points at the gun and asks Dean, "Where did you get that?" Fast as a striking snake, he grabs the Colt from Dean's hand with his right hand then backhands him with his left. Dean goes flying into a tree trunk and falls to the ground, unconscious. Lucifer turns his attention back to Sam, the wound on Lucifer's forehead healing itself. "Now, where were we?"

"Dean!" Sam shouts then runs over to his older brother. He kneels on the ground beside Dean then pulls his unconscious brother into a sitting position. He begins to lightly slap Dean's face in an attempt to wake him up. Lucifer snaps his fingers and water is suddenly poured on top of Dean from seemingly nowhere and derenches both brothers. Dean jerks awake, sputtering and looking around in alarm.

"Don't feel too bad. There's only five things in all of creation that this gun can't kill...and I just happen to be one of them." He holds the Colt up and examines it, "And now that I have it, I'm going to put it in a place where only I can get to it."

"If the Colt can't kill you, why bother hiding it?" Sam asks.

"Because while it can't kill me, it can kill Jean." He tucks the weapon into the waistband of his pants before turning back to the grave. "Give me a minute, I'm almost done." He then picks up the shovel and returns to filling in the grave.

"I suppose you're going to try and get me to say yes to you?"

Lucifer continues with his work, "No. I don't need you anymore, Sam."

"What?!" Both brothers exclaim in surprise.

"Jean didn't tell you? There's a loophole where I can keep Nick as my vessel and it involves her."

"Yeah, she told us. But I don't care what it is, you're not going anywhere near Jean again!" Sam yells.

Lucifer stops and looks over at the Winchester brothers. He laughs, "Too late, Sam. The requirements of the loophole have already been met. In a couple of months, I'll be able to heal this vessel and have enough power to defeat Michael."

"So, what's the loophole?" Dean asks.

"The father may harvest the power of the offspring to restore the vessel or gain power."

"What are you talking about? What's that even supposed to mean?" Sam asks, but Dean has a sneaking suspicion about what Lucifer is talking about.

"It means that you're going to be uncles soon," Lucifer smirks at Sam and Dean. "Jean is pregnant with my child." Lucifer's smirk widens when he sees their faces pale. His expression then turns serious and he points a finger at them, "I'm only going to warn you of this once: if either of you harm Jean in any way...I will tear you into so many pieces that not even my Father will be able to put you back together." He starts shoveling dirt again, "I know what you two must think of me. That I'm just using Jean...but I'm not. Your sister is very special to me. She's my etam, my soulmate...and I will protect her and our child from anyone or anything that tries to hurt her. And that includes you two."

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