When Two Worlds Collide (On H...

By CrazyForYou92

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Vanessa Abbott,18, was living the dream. She was the opening act for a nearly sold out tour, she was dating o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

251 3 0
By CrazyForYou92

Harry’s POV

I had slipped out of Vanessa’s room around 6:30 in the morning. I punched in my key card to my room silently and crept inside without making a noise. Having smaller, more dainty, feet in this kind of situation really does help.

The room was dark and the curtains had been closed, stopping any light from escaping inside. I tip toed over to the bed where a giant heap lay underneath the covers. Just where I left him. I sighed and realized I still was in my clothes from last night. I went over to Vanessa’s suitcase and quickly pulled out some jeans and a random T-shirt. I’m no good with women's fashion so this will just have to do. Then I scanned the bag’s contents for the proper undergarments. I spotted a black lace set and couldn’t stop my mind from drifting off into boyish thoughts. I snatched them up quickly and quietly ran to the bathroom. The white door closed behind me with a soft click. I flicked the lights on and slowly slipped out of my clothes. Each time I had to do this I couldn’t help but to feel a bit awkward, like she's suddenly going to pop out and scold me for it or something. I mean sure, I’ve seen it all before believe it or not, under better circumstances I'll admit. Yet I feel like I’m disrespecting her in a way. I sighed. There really isn't any other way to do this though... 

I couldn’t help but to marvel at the slight curve of her body in the mirror. And the faint gleam in her light brown eyes that go so well with her auburn hair. Her hair was one of my favorite features on her body. The way it shines whenever the light hits it just right, its just so...enchanting.... I traced my hand over her lips longingly, then to the arch of her nose. She really is beautiful, but what really makes her is her personality. She’s funny, kind, caring, ambitious, stern when needed, and probably one of my favorite things about her, adventurous. If only she could see these things about herself....

Then I let my eyes trail farther down her body, letting my boy instincts kick in. I shook my head quickly, trying to shake away my thoughts. I turned on the shower and hopped inside waiting for the water to turn to just the way I like it. I looked around her shower for the right shampoo and conditioner and applied it evenly to my hair. Luckily I know what its like having curly hair. You can’t wash it with shampoo everyday. I usually do at least 3 times a week. If you wash it too much with shampoo my hair usually gets less soft. 

After I was done working with my hair I washed up properly. I noticed on my legs that there where some dark hairs growing in. Now, I’ve shaved before but a guy shaving and a girl shaving is a bit different...I thought back to all that Vanessa told me concerning Hygiene at the hospital and stepped out of the shower to find a razor. I applied some soap to my legs and took a deep breath raising the razor towards my leg. Just as I was about to slide it across, there was a banging at the door. I jumped up slightly and cleared my throat.

“Yes?” I said sweetly.

“Nessa? What are you doing in the shower so early?” A groggy voice I recognized as Zayn’s asked. I paused for a second to think of an excuse.

“Well first off its only 8 in the morning, so its not that early. Second...I..um.....” Then it came to me. “I got my period!” I yelled back. There was a pause behind the door then some shuffling.

“Ugh....Sorry I asked...” He mumbled. I giggled slightly and continued to do what I had to do. When I was finished I washed off and admired my legs. I never noticed how smooth a women’s leg is after being shaved. After a good couple of minutes running my hands down my legs, I got up from the tub and wrapped a towel around myself. Once I was done changing I decided to leave my hair out to air dry. I’ll have to ask Vanessa later on how she styles it...

I stepped out of the hot room releasing a wave of steam as I did so. 

“Where you going?” Zayn whispered shielding his eyes from the stream of light coming from the bathroom.

“I’m going to check on Niall...” I whispered back heading towards the door.


“Because he drank a great deal more then you.”

“Ask Harry to do it.” He whined. I waved him off with one hand getting ready to open the door. 

“Be sure to be up and ready by 11. We should be getting into our buses by 12:30 I think I heard Paul say.”

“But my head....” He grumbled. I sighed. I know how Zayn is when he’s tired and upset. He’s like a child.

“Order a banana milkshake and take some Tylenol. It’ll help your hangover.” Without waiting for a response I walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind me. Then I headed over to Niall. Poor guy doesn’t have anyone to take care of him since Dani and Liam are off having their own party I’m sure, same with El and Lou, and Vanessa’s still sleeping. So I so graciously have put it upon myself to handle the task. Not that I mind really, I mean Niall is one of my best friends. I just wish he would lay off the drinking some times. I chuckled to myself for even thinking such a thing. He’s irish, he isn’t going to stop any time soon.

To my surprise, Niall’s room was actually unlocked. I went inside without knocking and closed the door gently behind me. I silently crossed the room, letting in the sunlight by opening the curtains. Then I crept up to his bed taking notice that the room was just as messy as my old room when I shared with Louis. Oh how I miss that....

The bed creaked slightly as I sat next to him and shook his bare shoulder. 

“Niall....” I cooed softly in his ear, using that hypnotizing voice of Vanessa’s. “Niall babe...” I tried again. He didn’t move. I huffed knowing exactly what had to be said. “I’ve got your Nando’s....” I whispered. A groan escaped his lips and his eye’s slowly peeled open.

“No you don’t.” He said groggily. I giggled and pushed him lightly. Now if I where in my own body he already would be on the floor drenched in ice cold water. But since I’m playing the role of sweet little Vanessa, I’ve gotta be convincing at all times. Especially around those she’s closes to. 

“Come on Niall you’re filthy...” I examined him. His hair was disheveled and he reeked of alcohol and vomit. I noticed he had stripped off his clothes until he was just down to his boxers, which I don’t mind really. We’ve all seen each other naked so this is nothing new.

“Feels like someone hit me in the head with a brick.” He groaned clutching his forehead.   

“Well you did drink quite a lot last night.” I chuckled rubbing his shoulder. “Come one why don’t we get you cleaned up. You’ll feel better with a shower and I’ll get you some medicine.” I advised. He nodded and I helped him slowly get up to shower. Once he was all washed I gave him some fresh clothes for him to pick out from. Then I went to order him some breakfast. The food came a few minutes later. Niall walked out from the bathroom lazily and plopped back down on the bed. 

“How long does it take for this medicine to kick in?” He grumbled.

“Soon. But for now, eat.” I shoved the food that had just been dropped off towards him. He sat up slowly and grabbed a fork for himself.

“Thank you Ness....you’re really such a sweet girl.” He smiled. I grinned and took a plate for myself.

“Someone’s gotta be.” We sat in silence for a few minutes. The only sound filling the room being the chewing coming from our mouths. Then Niall cleared his throat. I looked up curious.

“Um...Can I ask you something.” He said hesitantly. I nodded and put on a welcoming smile. “Well...I know this is kinda random and all...but I can’t help but think back to why you where so upset that night before the accident.” I starred back at him unsure of what he was talking about. I thought back to that night. It was the night of the interview with Ellen wasn’t it? That was the day I kissed Vanessa....that one kiss I could never get out of my mind. I’d been waiting for that kiss for years, and it was just as perfect as I remembered. I tried so hard to get her to talk to me that night, but her stubbornness always gets the better of her. Then there was the kiss we shared before the lightning hit, which unfortunately was still a bit fuzzy to me.I sighed. 

“There was just a lot on my mind thats all....” I rubbed a hand over my face. 

“Did it have something to do with Harry?” He whispered. My head snapped up. How could he know? She obviously hadn’t told him since he was bringing this all up. And Vanessa, Louis, and I swore to keep it under the radar. I narrowed my eyes.

“Why would it be?” 

“I don’t know...just the way that you guys kissed....it looked natural you know? Like its been done before.” He shrugged like it was nothing and continued to stuff his face like before, while I starred at him. “I mean I know its none of my business...but its a little weird how you and Harry where found together in each others arm at the accident.” He grinned. I tapped my finger on my plate. Well if he’s already suspicious of something I might as well tell him. Its not like he’ll go running off to Zayn. Also, he is Vanessa’s good friend...but still, if she wanted him to know she would have told him already. Wouldn’t she have? I leaned back against the bed and closed my eyes.

“Look Niall....” I started making sure to draw his attention. “What I’m about to tell you is to not be repeated to anyone. Understand?” I said firmly. He nodded slowly and moved to sit cross legged in front of me. I took a deep breath and began.

“Harry and I....have a bit of history...”


She was beautiful. From her head to her toes there was something about her that I just couldn’t put my finger on. I felt a small surge of jealously at the sight of Louis holding her hand. A part of me wanted to be the one told hold her hand and to make her laugh, not him. I fought the urge to grind my teeth together but flashed a nice smile for her sake instead.

“Harry, this is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Harry.” Louis grinned pulling her around so she was facing me. She blushed and extended a hand. 

“Its nice to meet you!” Her smile almost knocked the wind out of me, but I held it together.

“And you...” I grinned. “Tell me Louis...where did you meet such a pretty girl?” I smirked, my eyes never leaving her gorgeous light brown ones. She looked at the ground shy.

“You never told me you had such charming friends Louis...”She giggled. Confidence flowed through me at the sound of that.

“I didn’t know myself.” He chuckled pulling her towards him protectively. I shot him a challenging smirk.

“Why don’t I show you around the house then Vanessa?” I asked. She nodded and let go of Louis’s hand. Louis sent me a glare, before answering to someone who had called his name from inside the kitchen. I guided her up the stairs.

“So...Louis talks quite a lot about you...” I started off. 

“Oh yeah? And what does he say exactly?” She smirked sweetly with her head cocked to the side. God her American accent is amazing. 

“Oh you know...just how you’re sweet and kind and funny and cool.” I mimicked Louis badly in hopes of making her laugh. She giggled. Success.

“Well I hope I can live up to that...” She grinned. 

“I think you will.” I smiled. We where already at the top of the stairs so I decided to show her the rooms.

“This is Rebecca’s room. And Matt’s here. Then Cher’s. And Aiden’s. Mary’s here....” I pointed out all of the other contestants room’s before getting to ours. “And this is One Directions!” I smiled proudly. She giggled at my smile and walked inside.

“Messy, Messy.” She tutted. I flopped down on the nearest bed, which happened to be Zayn’s. Sure he wont mind. 

“Eh where guys! What do you expect?” 

“You never know what goes on in the mind of the average teenage male.” She sat down beside me. 

“Hey we're not that bad!” 

“Oh really then?” She got up and held up a lace pantie that was hanging on the edge of my bed with her finger. “I suppose this is your mom’s?” She grinned.

“Um...thats Zayn’s bed...” I quickly recovered. Sorry Zayn mate, desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Right.” She giggled leaning on the bed post. I starred up at her, mesmerized by her laugh. “Its so cool how you guys got onto this show...an opportunity many would kill for...” She trailed off seeming to be in thought.

“Yeah...we are all just so thankful for it. Its been amazing so far...” She nodded and sat down next to me again.

“So let me get this all straight. Beside’s Lou, theres you, Harry. Then there’s the boy with the black hair, Zayn. Then the Irish one, Niall and the one with Bieber hair, Liam?” She asked. I couldn’t help but to crack up when she mentioned Liam’s hair. 

“Yes you got it! Although I’m not too sure Liam would be happy if he heard about the Bieber part.” 

“Sometimes the truth hurts.” She giggled with me. 

“I HEARD THAT!” Liam yelled from across the hall. We laughed even harder. 

“Oh god..I think I’m gunna get along quite well with you boys!” She grinned. 

“I think so too.” I starred into her eyes. It was like she put me under some spell in that moment. Then it just slipped out.

“Would you like to go out with me sometime?” I reeled back not expecting that to come out of my own mouth. She blinked a couple times stunned and I could feel my cheeks heating up. “I-I mean it’s not a date or anything but...you know just to get to know one another and we don’t have to go any where fancy just a movie or something. I know we just met and all so I completely understand if you don’t want to and oh god I’m rambling I--”

“Yes.” She smiled, cutting me off. I looked up at her in shock. “I’d love to.” I couldn’t stop the giant grin that was starting to form on my lips. Despite looking like a total fool, the girl of my dreams still agreed to go out with me. Harry Styles, you truly are a lucky guy.


“So...you and Harry...where together!?” I nodded. Niall’s jaw hung wide open revealing some of his half chewed food. I groaned and snapped his jaw shut with one hand.

“Mouth closed.” I grinned.

“Sorry...” He mumbled. “But gosh how did I never see it?!” 

“Well we tried to keep it from Louis so he wouldn’t get mad, which meant keeping it from you all.” 

“So what happened?” I knew I had to get to this part, but I just didn’t know where to start without making myself sound like the bad guy. Although...I sort of was...

“He cheated on me...long story short.” I chuckled. “And I never wanted to speak to him again...” I looked down at my hands.

“So thats why you guys seem to hate on each other all the time.” He concluded. I nodded again. 

“So when we kissed, he tried to talk to me again, but I didn’t want to hear it. I was just in a bad mood from it that is all.” I put on a small smile for him. 

“I understand...” He trailed off seeming to be in thought. There was a long pause between us before I slowly got up.

“Well I better get going then...Have to finish packing.” I smiled wiping some crumbs off me and onto the floor. He scrambled up from the bed quickly and opened his arms out to me for a hug. I stepped into it gratefully. A hug seemed pretty good right about now.

“Thank you for telling me that...Harry’s a good guy, he just doesn’t know what he wants.” I rolled my eyes at that in my head but nodded as Vanessa. I broke from the hug and gave him one last smile before turning to the door.

“Don’t forget to be ready by 11!” I called over my shoulder before slipping out the door. Although, I couldn’t help but think back at what he had just said a few seconds ago. What do I want?

The only thing I want happens to be out of reach. But perhaps its time I take action. After all, she is the girl of my dreams...and I'm not going to make the mistake of letting her slip away so easily again. This time, I'm determined to win her back.

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