Michael Clifford Preferences

By Mikey5SOS_IsACutie

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Michael Clifford Preferences
#1: How You Meet
#2 First Date
#3: He Says You're Dating in an Interview
#4: He Comes Over While You're Watching Your Fave Show
#5: He Tells You to Change
#6: Play Fighting.
#7: He Comes Over at Night
#8 He Kills the Mood
#9 He Scares You
#10 You See Him Around a Baby
#11 Cuddling
#12: He Feels Insecure
#13: The Other Boys Catch You in a Moment
#14: First 'I Love You'.
#15: You Meet his Parents
#16: He Comes Over Drunk
#17: He Finds Out You're a Virgin
#18: You Tell Him About Your Dad
#19: He has a Diva Moment
#20: First Time
#21: Morning After
#22: Boyfriend Tag
#23: He Forgets Your Birthday
#24: Seeing Him in a Suit for the First Time
#26: First Arguement
#27: He Gets the Hiccups
#28: The Type of Couple the Fans Think You Are
#29: His Mom Doesn't Think You Two are a Good Match
#30: He Gets a Tattoo Dedicated to You
#31: He Hits You in His Sleep
#32: Another Member Admits he had a Crush on You
#33: He's Needy
#34: Close As Strangers
#35: He Loses his Voice on Tour
#36: He Gets Hit on in Front of you
#37: He has a Naughty Dream About You
#38: He's Annoying You
#39: He Finds Out
#40: You Watch 'The Fault in Our Stars' Together
#41: He Gets Jealous
#42: Buying a Pet
#43: Pregnancy Scare
#44: Waking Up (His POV)
#45: You Visit him in the U.S
#46: Sleeping in the Bunks
#47: He Meets Your Mom
#48: Insects
#49: Soul mates AU
#50: Insecurity
51: Fixing Things (part 1)
#52: His Birthday
#53: Fixing Things (Part 2)
#54: He Calls you Crying

#25: An Interviewer Talks Bad About You

5.9K 129 95
By Mikey5SOS_IsACutie

Michael Clifford Preferences: #25 An Interviewer Talks Bad About You

"So just stay here in the room while we're doing the interview, okay?" You nod your head, dropping a few M&Ms in your mouth. Michael smiles at you and gives you a little kiss on the forehead. "Have fun." You reply as the people who work on the show escort the 4 boys out of the room. The room has a tv that's showing where the boys have come from and watching it makes you smile and you couldn't be more proud of them. "So we have the 4 Aussie boys who are making the whole world swoon. Please welcome Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael!" They walk out on the set and you cheer for them to yourself, earning a few odd looks from the people who are still in the room with you.

As the interview goes on you can't help but notice the interviewer is showing that she thinks that Luke is cute, which you know the fans will find annoying. "Okay, let's talk about your love lives. As far as we know Michael is the only member with a girlfriend. The screen changes to an Instagram picture of you and Michael kissing. "Yeah that's her." He says with a huge smile on his face. "And does she have a name?" "(Y/n)." He replies. "We have a picture of you two at an award show you attended , can we show the picture of Michael first?" The mostly female audience cheers seeing him in a suit and tie, boosting your confidence because you know you're boyfriend is a stud and he's all yours. Michael laughs, his pale face turning bright red. "Yeah, (Y/n) helped me get ready." "Speaking of which let's show the audience a picture of your girlfriend from that night." The audience cheers again, earning a few whistles. "So, your girlfriend is kind of... well bigger as you can see from the picture." You stare at the tv confused at her comment. "The dress cuts off about upper thigh and I mean her thighs are bigger than I expected you to take a liking to. And it seems that black doesn't exactly hide a lot of her... problem areas." She laughs. Hearing her talk about your thighs and "problem areas" really bothers you and you can't help but shed a few tears, only to wipe them away after they appear.

The boys are all looking at the interviewer in shock, but Michael is red for a completly reason. "Excuse me, but I think that my girlfriend is perfect. Her thighs are perfect. I enjoy them. She's differen than other girls because yes she does have a fantastic butt, she has amazing hips, and I don't really care what you or anyone else has to say about her because I love her. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I like that she doesn't have a small frame? That I like her curves?" The tears that were falling down your face stop once Michael speaks up for you. "Um, we'll be right back." The lady says, not waiting for the all clear before getting off her chair and walking off.

A few minutes later the boys walk back in and make sure you're okay. Michael sits next to you and practically wraps his entire long body around yours. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I wasn't when she was saying those things about me. But then you were being adorable and defended me. Which I appreciated." "You have no idea how pissed off I was when she said that you had big thighs. I like your thighs. They're sexy." You laugh in his ear and give his a kiss on his neck. "I've noticed. Thank you for being a sweetheart baby." You say, resting your head against his. "You smell nice." Michael says. "Why thank you Mikey. Not that I don't like this close contact and cuddles, but I can't exactly feel my arm anymore." He quickly gets up and smiles. "Sorry." He says, taking hold of your numbing hand and setting it on his thigh. "Are you trying to hit at something?" You ask him quietly. He turns his head and gives you a grin. "Perhaps. I might take you back home and make you feel beautiful." Your cheeks turn red and you laugh."Oh god." "I'm expecting to hear that a lot tonight." Your eyes go wide and you smack his stomach. "Not in front of the boys!"

*I gave myself feels writing this. haha. QUESTION: What's your favorite 5SOS song ever?*

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