The Geek and The Bad Boy

By J3unkie_

2.4M 56.9K 9.2K

" Come on Mir give us a chance I want you to be mine hold you in my arms forever to make you happy and just l... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Tutor (Edited kind of)
Chapter 2 : Partners (edited)
Chapter 3: Opening Up (edited)
Chapter4: Improvement Well Almost (edited)
Chapter 5: Detention (edited)
Chapter 6: Good Evening (Edited)
Chapter 7: Knowing More (Edit)
Chapter 8: Hanging out
Chapter 10: Missing and Found
Chapter 11: Recovery
Chapter 12: Surprise
Chapter : 13 The date
Chapter 14: Cemetery (Edited)
Chapter 15: Couples?
Chapter16: Girls night out
Chapter 17: Fun day
Chapter 18: Bad
Chapter 19: Start
Chapter 20: Talking things out
Chapter 21: Meet and Do
Chpater 22: Hanging out with Esly
Chapter 23: Small Date
Chapter 24: What?
Chapter 25: Waiting
Chapter 26: Time Passing
Chapter 27: Warped Tour
Chapter 28: What's next?
End :3
Last message

Chapter 9: Hiding

75.2K 2K 191
By J3unkie_

(Miriam's POV)

I woke up the next morning with Alex's arms wrapped around me pulling me into his chest. I tried to loosen up his hold on me and pulled a bit back and looked up to see his face.

He looked peaceful cute even. I wonder where my mother is and as if right on cue my mother came out and sang loudly " Good Morning". I immediately I jumped out of Alex hold onto the floor which resulting made Alex land on top of me.

Alex looked surprised and looked down on me. "Sorry" he said giving me an apolegetic smile and got up pulling me with him. " I guess both of you guys had a good sleep" my mother stated with a smile. I felt myself blush obviously thinking about me and Alex.

" Sorry Lissa I must've fell asleep I was going to leave once you came but I didn't here the time you got back" Alex explained. First my mother had a serious face at his explanation but then she smiled a bright smile. "Its fine dear as long as you guys didn't do anything...... much" she smirked at the last part.

" No mom we just stayed here an watches movies and then we both ended falling asleep in the couch" I reassures her. " Well alright I'm goin to go and make breakfast " and with that she left. Alex turned around and faced me giving me a pained look. " I'm sorry Angel but I can't stay for breakfast you know my dad I didn't even tell him and right now he is probably freaking out" he said. For some reason I felt like he was hiding something from me and then we he spoke about his dad he cringed a bit.

I really wanted him to stay maybe even hang out since nobody will be hanging out with me today but I had to let him go. His dad was proabably worried about him. " It's fine Alex " I nodded. " Let me just say bye to your mom" he gave me a small smile and then we headed towards the kitchen.

" Lisa I'm really sorry but I can't stay for breakfast even though I know it's going to taste amazing but my dad I proabably worries espeacially since I didn't mention him I was staying over here" he stated. " It's alright dear maybe some other time" my mom reassured him. She went up to him gave him a hug and then wnt back to her cooking.

" Bye Alex" she waved.

" Bye Lisa sorry" Alex said.

We walked back to the door but before Alex turned around ad faced me " Sorry for sleeping in". " Alex its fine and I'm thankful because if you didn't stay I would've been crying near the door waiting for my mom to get home" I said giving him a shy smile.

He smiled back and then pulled me into a hug and kissing my forehead. " Bye Angel see you in school" he said. with that he left. I made my way back inside feeling a bit empty inside. Honestly I miss Alex he makes me feel wonderful an just this feeling thats indescribable. I think I might have a crush on him . It's a bit hard but I don't think that I will be able to act upon what I'm feeling.

For now I will just leave this alone and hopefully they will go away. I don't want to get my heart broken again.


(Alex's POV)

I really didn't want to leave Mir alone but I had to go and hopefully my father was still past out or drunk so he wouldn't do anything to me. I walked as fast because it was freezing outside.

I made inside my house quietly listening to any noise. I started to make my way upstairs when all of a sudden a hand grabbed my ankle dragging me back down.

" Where te hell have you been!" my father shouted. I stayed quiet and then he started kicking me in the stomach. I crouched down into a little ball trying to protect myself.

" You little bastard answer me!!" he shouted again. When I didn't answer he started punching my face. I felt a liquid flowing down my face and a bruise forming in my eye.

" I-I'm s-sorry I-I s-stayed a-at t-the p-park" I stuttered. He kept hitting me and I tried to dodge his hits as much as I could. After about 30 min of him beating the shit out of me he left the house leaving me there all alone.

My clothes were a bit ripped. My shirt now had hole and blood and so did my pants. I had cuts on my body and several bruises. I stayed there for a while trying to get use to the extruciating pain so I could move and clean my self up.

I made my way upstairs and managed to clean myself up. The bruises in my body were bad and the one in my eye was just horrible and I knew I wouldn't be able to go to school for a few days. That means u wouldn't be able to se Mir which broke my heart.But I rather see her while I'm in good condition than bad.

For the rest of the weekend I would be in my room in hiding and not eating as well. I was too pained to do anything besides taking a shower or going to the restroom.

My only problem is Josh he doesn't really know where I live but he does have my number. I'll just say I'm sick and hopefully he will believe it so he won't think my father did something to me. Maybe my bruises what get better before school started.


The next day I woke up with my body aching from yesterdays pain. I went to the bathroom and checked the damaged in my mirror. The cuts were deep on my stomach, arms, and legs. Bruises were on my stomach, back, and face.

I looked like a zombie pale,deformed, and damaged utterly damaged. I knew this bruises won't get any better soon. I walked back to bed ignoring my hungry stomach. Around the evening I was really hungry but I didn't want to go down there and face another beating from my father.

I waited until everything was quiet. It was already 1 in the morning and I made my way downstairs as fast as my body could. I looked around and found my dad passed out on the floor.

I walked up to him and the smell of alcohol hit me it smelled so much. I moved him a bit to see of he woul wake up but he didn't. I picked his upper body up and placed him on the couch. My father may hit me all the time but I always hope that deep down he loves me like a son. I always blame it on the alcohol.

After I settle him on the couch I make my way to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. The sandwich was good I wanted another one but I was too tired to make another one. I made my way back to bed and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up around the after noon and it was just quiet I guess my father wasn't home. I took the opportunity to Go downstairs and get some food. I grabbed a box of pop tarts , some leftover chicken and some chips.

I went to te restroom to check on my body and it was still swollen. For the rest of the day I just sat in my room listening to music, watching movies, and eating my food. Later night came and fell asleep not bothering to check on my drunken father who was yelling downstairs calling out my mother.

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